A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1506 The Vision of Birth

The sun is like fire.

The midsummer sun makes people uncomfortable, and many people refuse to go out.

It’s still hot even if you don’t go out, and you’ll be suffocating the heat. People who had ice started to enjoy it, enjoying all kinds of iced delicacies in turn.

"Little lady...the ice cream is ready."

In the kitchen, Zeng Ermei's voice echoed over the Shen family like an arrow piercing the clouds, and the Shen family immediately became excited.

"Er plum!"

There was joy in Guoguo's voice.

"Two plums, two plums!"

This is the voice of taro.

"It's so hot, so hot! Chen Luo, you damn ghost!"

Zeng Ermei stood at the door of the kitchen, looking at the flying green hair with black streaks on her head. She really wanted to catch it, and then use the so-called flower chicken method taught by Lang Jun to make a flower parrot dish.

Lu Mao landed on the kitchen roof and shouted: "Damn you, go fill the chamber pot for me!"

Zeng Ermei's face became darker and darker. Just as Taro ran over, she smiled and said, "Da Langjun, do you want some ice cream?"

"I want to eat." Taro's face turned red, "It's so hot, and my aunt didn't allow me to rest. She said I had to finish memorizing that section of the text. It's so long."

"Dalangjun is getting smarter." Zeng Ermei went in with a smile, and came out holding a small bowl of ice cream and a spoon.

Guoguo also came, and Huahua trotted behind him. When he saw the green fur on the roof, he roared.

"There is no future for licking dogs."

There is no doubt that these are Shen An's words. They were used to persuade the infatuated Wang Yu, but they were copied by the cheap bird.

Guoguo got a bowl of ice cream and sat outside with the taro, digging hard into it with a spoon.

"Brother has made it before, specially for me to eat."

Guoguo suddenly remembered a scene: it was several years ago. At that time, brother Zundao and the others came, and his brother made ice cream and let him eat it on the side.

At that time, she sat obediently on the edge and dug hard by herself.

"When will brother come back?"

Guoguo suddenly felt that ice cream was no longer delicious.

Taro also raised his head in a daze, "Auntie, when daddy just left, I was so happy and thought I could play, but now I miss daddy again."

Guoguo took Taro back to the backyard, and heard Yang Zhuoxue muttering outside. The two made faces and ran away.

"Modou, you are going to be one year old soon, but your father is far away in Jiaozhi. I don't know when he will come back!"


Edamame can now call her mother, which is a happy event.

"Madam, the county prince's palace has sent good fruits, saying they came from the palace."

Zhao Wuwu came happily, carrying a basket.

Indoors, Maodou stood on Yang Zhuoxue's legs, curiously looking at Zhao Wuwu who came in, and pointed at her with his left hand.

Yang Zhuoxue sat on the stool and watched Zhao Wuwu walk in.

The sunlight was briefly blocked by Zhao Wuwu, and the room was dim for a moment, then brightened immediately.

Yang Zhuoxue narrowed her eyes slightly and asked, "Is there any happy event in the county prince's palace?"

Zhao Wuwu smiled and said: "Madam, Mr. Lang went to the Bao family and the Prince's Mansion before he left."

Yang Zhuoxue snorted, with a bright look in his eyes, "Yes, officials are always worried about their families, so they want Bao Gong and the prince to look at the Shen family. In this way... there is a long-term way of coming and going, Ermei I just made some stewed vegetables and will send some good ones over."


Zhao Wuwu handed over the basket. Yang Zhuoxue looked at it and smiled: "Send half of it to Guoguo."

After Zhao Wuwu passed by, Yang Zhuoxue hugged Maodou and said longingly: "Maodou, when your father comes back, remember to call him daddy!"

"Ahhhhh..." Uncle Maodou shouted while dancing.

Zhao Wuwu went to Guoguo's place.


Lu Mao stood on the shelf under the eaves, his body swaying slightly with the shelf, "It's too big, so tired."

This bitch flies around the house every day. He often hears secret words and then talks about them.

Zhao Wuwu was so angry that he picked up a piece of fruit and threatened: "If you continue to talk nonsense, I will crush you to death!"

"Oh!" Jianniao shut up.

Zhao Wuwu went in.

The afternoon sun was almost incandescent. Next to the glass window, the girl was sitting quietly, holding a pen in her hand and frowning slightly. Her eyelashes were very long and dense. She moved slightly and smiled again.


After Guoguo drew a few strokes, a bird appeared on the paper. When Zhao Wuwu came closer, he saw that the bird with green feathers was the one he drew.

"Who gave this?"

Guoguo turned around and saw the fruit, and couldn't help but feel happy.

"It's the county prince's palace."

"The Prince's Mansion..."

Guoguo put down her paintbrush and said casually: "Our family has no shortage of fruits. The prince wants to tell outsiders that he is watching over the Shen family and that others should not cause trouble."

Zhao Wuwu looked at Guoguo with admiration in his heart.

This girl seems to be innocent and doted on by her brother, but that's just one side. After Shen An left, her occasional words and deeds made people know that this girl was not useless and incompetent.

Guoguo ate a piece of fruit, washed her hands, then stood outside the door and said, "Sister-in-law must have returned the gift, right?"


Zhuang Laoshi personally went to the Prince's Mansion with the return gift. The housekeeper of the Prince's Mansion smelled the fragrance and couldn't help opening the food box and took a look, "It's braised vegetables! It's so fragrant. The Prince likes this the most. Let's have some good wine. His old man is happy every day."

Zhuang Laoshi said proudly: "When it comes to braised vegetables, who in Bianliang can be better than mine? Please just enjoy it, and if you don't have enough, just talk about it."

The steward of the Prince's Mansion smiled and responded, then invited Zhuang Laoshi to come in for tea.

This kind of treatment is not available to ordinary people, that is, only to those who have good friendships, so Zhuang Laoshi is very proud.

"Where is the prince?"

Zhuang Laoshi looked around and said with some confusion: "It's a little quiet."

He had been to the Prince's Mansion many times and could often hear Lao Zhao cursing, but today it was strangely quiet.

The housekeeper said awkwardly: "The prince went to Zongzheng Temple. Recently, someone in the clan said that the officials were too mean. The prince was unhappy after hearing this and went to clean things up."

Zhuang honestly said: "No wonder."

"...When Thirteenth Lang was born, there was a red light in the room and a strange fragrance. When I looked up from outside, there was a dragon coiled there. It was such a big dragon..."

Zhao Yunrang sat at the top, frothing at the mouth as he boasted, "The dragon nodded to me and went into the delivery room. Then I heard Thirteenth Lang's cry. Hey! That cry was really loud. ah!"

All the clan members in the room were listening to his bragging, but they didn't dare to refute, they just felt extremely aggrieved.

A while ago, a member of the clan said after drinking that today's officials are too mean, mean to the clan, mean to all officials, and mean to the gentry. Sure enough, it is not a direct line...

The so-called direct lineage is relatively vague, but in fact it implies that Zhao Shu is not the biological son of the late emperor, and he is crowned as a monkey.

Zhao Yunrang became angry after hearing the news. He originally wanted to take people to deal with it himself, but Zhao Shu had already prepared and asked Chen Zhongheng to intercept it.

If the clan members gossip, just tell them and leave it alone. The more you take care of them, the more annoying they become. They are all a group of relatives. How can Zhao Shu deal with the gossip? That will only cause the clan members to turn against each other.

Chen Zhongheng tried his best to stop the angry Lao Zhao, but after calming down, he still summoned a group of people from the clan to discuss the matter.

Everyone knew what was being discussed today, but they didn't expect Lao Zhao to be so shameless and boast so much.

"I felt that these strange signs were too scary back then, and since the late emperor was stable, I suppressed the matter." Zhao Yunrang sighed: "Who knew... Hey! After the Thirteenth Lang inherited the throne, the Song Dynasty flourished. , that... tell me, among the officials of the Song Dynasty in the past, which one has made more achievements than the officials of today?"

He wanted to unify the public opinion in the clan.

Everyone was silent.

"Emperor Taizu!"

Some people were not afraid after all and said: "Emperor Taizu ended the war and founded the Song Dynasty."

This is the founding emperor! Although he is not our direct ancestor, you, Zhao, dare to give it a try?

The genealogy of the emperors of the Song Dynasty took a turn from Zhao Laoer. On weekdays, people don't mention Emperor Taizu much, because it is a bit embarrassing after all.

The throne originally belonged to Emperor Taizu, but later it was transferred to their ancestors, and brothers succeeded each other. This matter is somewhat exceptional anyway, almost unbelievable, so it is better not to mention it.

But someone still brought it up today.

Zhao Yunrang raised his hands in the direction of Emperor Taizu's mausoleum and said solemnly: "Without Emperor Taizu, the world would still be in war. Emperor Taizu did a great job in ending the troubled times. But back then, the Liao people were arrogant, who could resist them?"

The Song Dynasty had been facing the threat from the Liao people in the north since the founding of the country. Neither Emperor Taizu nor Emperor Taizong could do anything about it. Emperor Taizong even tried to conduct the Northern Expedition himself, but he failed.

"Now that the officials are in power, the Liao people are retreating steadily, Xixia has lost half of it, and Jiaozhi is now at a loss. Who else is there?"

Zhao Yunrang deliberately came to support his son today. He spoke with all his aura and stared at the clan members with sharp eyes.

Someone said: "But Emperor Taizu destroyed the country, Emperor Taizong destroyed the country... Today's officials... Who did they destroy?"

Zhao Yunrang stared at the man, "Xixia has been crippled, and the country's destruction is just around the corner."

Xixia was indeed crippled, but the country was destroyed...

Except for the emperor, the old Zhao family is very capable of producing children. Up to now, there are many clan members. These people spend their days doing nothing and messing around, but they are naturally keen on political affairs.

"The trapped beasts of Xixia are still fighting. I'm afraid they won't be easy to exterminate."

Everyone burst into laughter, a bit of ridicule.

We are all members of the clan, why should we complain? Do you still care about this as an official?

If officials are concerned, the name of a tyrant is indispensable.

So if you should brag, brag, what are you afraid of?

Zhao Yunrang felt depressed and said calmly: "What if it is destroyed?"

The last time Zhao Shu went to the county prince's palace to see him, Xixia was mentioned in the chat. Zhao Shu said that Xixia would be wiped out within five years.

My thirteenth son!

Zhao Yunrang felt that his chest was filled with pride. UU read www.uukanshu.net

"If Xixia is destroyed, I will invite the king of the county to a banquet at any place in Bianliang City. We will eat for a month."

Drinking wine is nothing, but drinking it for a month is a bit interesting.

If you eat the most luxurious banquet in Bianliang for a month, a person of average wealth will vomit blood.

Zhao Yunrang smiled, "Okay."

An entourage walked in, and someone shouted: "Discourteous!"

This is Zongzheng Temple. Even if Chen Zhongheng comes, he still has to wait for instructions.

The servant turned a deaf ear and walked to Zhao Yunrang with a happy face and said happily: "Prince, Jiaozhi has destroyed the country!"

Fourth update, there are more.

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