A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1520: Shen always kills

"In the officialdom, someone is impeaching Shen An, saying that he harbored the murderer."

Zhao Shu was having lunch. Hearing this, he said very melancholy: "Shen An did this on purpose, right? His merits are at least worth a bachelor's degree, but if he becomes a bachelor, wouldn't he become a minister?"

Chen Zhongheng lowered his head and drooled looking at the tofu in sour soup.

Tofu in sour soup should be eaten with spicy sauce. It tastes sour and spicy, yum!

Just thinking about the blood in the toilet last night, Chen Zhongheng felt that he should hold back.

He composed himself, "Officials, other ministers and ministers don't know, but Shen Anchen feels that he is not the kind of person who bends the law for personal gain."

There is a foreshadowing in these words: I don’t know what is going on with other ministers!

Being a chamberlain in politics is always a dangerous thing. He doesn't want to die, so he has a sense of propriety.

Zhao Shu was satisfied with his sense of proportion. He put down his chopsticks, frowned and said, "Go to the Imperial City Department and ask."

Later, Zhang Baibian came in person.

"Guan family, that Shi Ban was originally a beggar. He was spotted by Shen An and said he would work as a coachman for Shen Guoguo. On the way to Shen's house, Shi Ban's family met several beggars. The two sides had an argument and Shi Ban beat one to death."

"Being a coachman for Guoguo?" Zhao Shu said dissatisfied: "Can't he find anyone?"

Zhang Baibian shook his head, "I don't know. But I think it's probably the stone slab that has some benefits."

Zhao Shu nodded, "It is not advisable to bend the law for personal gain. Go ask Shen An."

A chamberlain has left. I'll be back later.

"Guan family, Shen An said those people deserved their death."

"Unbridled!" Zhao Shu said angrily: "If you die innocently, you can only deal with it according to the law. If everyone can kill people in private, where does the law stand?"

"Shen An said...it takes at most two days for the officials to see the results."

Zhao Shu sneered and said: "What are Dalang and him discussing in private? What kind of talents can't be given to Bao'an? If not, why should Bao'an be given to talents? Should Bao'an be left in a daze in front of a stupid man all day long?"

Chen Zhongheng knew that this was Shen An's fault.

Princess Baoan's recruitment of a consort went wrong once, and this time Gao Taotao vowed to find a great man for her. This not only mobilized many people to search for her, but even Zhao Xu received a mission to investigate possible candidates.

But Zhao Xu later murmured with Gao Taotao, saying that he would leave the talented scholar alone and be chased by Gao Taotao carrying something to scratch his itch.

Zhao Shu's new and old grudges broke out together, and he probably wanted to deal with Zhao Xu and Shen An.

Just wish yourself well.

Chen Zhongheng could only pray for Shen An secretly.

"In this case, I will wait for him for two days. If there is no result in two days, let him also go to Baoan to inquire about the news."

Chen Zhongheng couldn't help but burst out laughing, and Zhao Shu snorted coldly, "Why are you laughing?"

If you don't answer appropriately, I'm afraid you won't be able to get through today.

Chen Zhongheng said confidently: "As an official, Shen An doesn't like to do such trivial things. I'm afraid he will have a sad face if he gets the news."

Zhao Shu couldn't help but feel happy when he thought about Shen An going from house to house to inquire about information.

"Eat, eat."

In the Shen family, Shen An didn't take that matter to heart at all.

Today, Wang Yu and other friends came to the house to congratulate each other. Everyone gathered together and talked about the conquest of Jiaozhi. It didn't take long before they became drunk.

"What are you going to do about the slate?"

Shen An said calmly: "I heard that there is a Wuyou Cave in Bianliang, and I wanted to see it some time ago."

Wang Yu was shocked, "Do you want to touch Guifan Tower?"

Fanlou is a high-end restaurant in Bianliang, and Guifanlou is another name for Wuyou Cave.

Bianliang has well-developed underground drainage channels, which extend in all directions and can be used by pedestrians. Later, some people lived there, and gradually, it turned into an underground kingdom.

"When Mr. Bao was informed about the Kaifeng Mansion, he wanted to touch the Wuyou Cave, but it was connected in all directions. Several government officials never came out after entering, so they had no choice but to leave it alone."

Shen Anzhen has been famous for Wuyou Cave for a long time and wants to visit it.

Later he summoned Huang Chunlai.

"Let the word go out, and all good citizens who are in Wuyou Cave will come out immediately. The officials have said that they will all be resettled."

Then these words spread to the underground in Bianliang.

"Cave Master!"

In the candlelight, more than ten big men were sitting in the dug-out earthen house drinking wine. A big man came in from the outside and reported, "Then Shen An has spoken, saying that the good people in Wuyou Cave should hurry out and be settled by the officials."


The man in the middle has a tattoo on his face, but it is a venomous snake.

The snake's tail was under the man's ears, but its head was under his eyes.

The snake's mouth opened ferociously, ready to bite his eyes.

He raised his head and said coldly: "This is a certain place, what can he do to Shen An?"

Everyone laughed and said, "My brother is the cave master. I'm afraid Shen An won't be as free as my brother on the ground."

The man's name was Lin Qi. He looked tall and tall, with a ferocious look on his face as he opened and closed his eyes.

"Didn't Shen An make the Shen Long Picture? Nowadays, it is considered a job for young high-ranking officials, and he is very proud of it..."

"Cave Master!" At this time, a beggar came outside. As soon as he came in, he cried and cried: "Cave Master, Chen Wu has been killed."

Lin Qi said calmly: "If you die, you will die. It will be nice to have one less person to eat in the world."

The beggar knew his coldness and said, "But the man who killed him was rescued by Shen An."

"Yeah!" The relationship between the beggar leaders and Lin Qi was very complicated, so when he heard this, he said angrily: "Then Shen An is so brave, don't the officials care?"

"The officials don't care."

Lin Qi took a deep breath, "So... tell our people to find an opportunity to kill Shen An."

There is everything in this underground world, and it is happier than on the ground. Chen Wu and the others are just pawns in Lin Qi's hands. He can be cold-hearted, but he must avenge Chen Wu. Otherwise, people's hearts will be scattered and it will be difficult to lead the team.

"Kill him!"

Lin Qi's face swayed in the candlelight.

Someone said: "That Shen An is a famous general, there is no way he will attack us."

Lin Qi sneered: "There are cave entrances everywhere in Wuyou Cave, and it extends in all directions. How can he attack?"

At this moment, Shen An was already standing outside the city.

Behind him was the Mangshan Army, with hundreds of rural soldiers arrayed in order, and passers-by stayed away when they saw him.

Zhang has been here for eight years, along with Chen Zhongheng.

This is for supervision.

Shen An said that the matter would be resolved in two days, but Zhao Shu didn't believe it, so he sent his second general Heng Ha.

"Are you going to destroy the Worry-free Cave?"

There was a strange color in Zhang Baibian's sunken eyes, "Wouyou Cave hides filth and evil, and the Imperial City Division has long wanted to clean them up, but the cave is complicated. The most troublesome thing is that there are holes everywhere, and some The entrance to the cave is in a hidden place and cannot be discovered at all. Back then, a certain person led more than a hundred people down..."

There was a cold look in his eyes, "It's really connected in all directions. More than a hundred people went down, and when they came back, there were only about 80 people left."

The Imperial City Division has fallen below, what do you want to do with these few country soldiers?

"Tonight you will see wolves and wolves running in the Wuyou Cave!"

Shen An smiled, and Zhang Baibian felt a little ferocious.

"But this matter requires manpower."

Shen An waved, and someone came over with a map of Bianliang.

"You want to die!"

Chen Zhongheng saw the map of Bianliang and couldn't help but said angrily: "What do you want to do with this? Attack the imperial city?"

Shen An looked at him with the look of a pitiful person, "Old Chen, don't you know that Bianliang hawkers sell Bianliang maps on the street?"

What should you do if you are a foreigner who has just arrived in Bianliang and is not familiar with the place?

One is to hire idle men to lead the way, but that is expensive. The second is to buy a map. The merchants in Bianliang have very considerately prepared detailed maps. You can buy one and take it with you, and you can go wherever you want.

Chen Zhongheng shook his head, and Shen An patted him on the shoulder, "You take Yan Yue around, it seems to be true..."

The old house was on fire very quickly. Chen Zhongheng only had Yan Yue in his eyes and could not even appreciate the charm of Bianliang.

Such people can be called idiots, but Yan Yue has been doing business in the northwest for a long time, and she doesn't know when they will settle down.

"That's it!" Chen Zhongheng blushed, "Tell me what you are going to do!"

"Someone wants manpower!" Shen An said with bright eyes: "Someone wants 10,000 people!"

"You're crazy!" Chen Zhongheng gritted his teeth and wanted to take action. "There are ten thousand people in the city. Do you want to make it difficult for the prime ministers and ministers to sleep and eat well?"

This matter has nothing to do with the prime ministers and ministers, it's just that the officials will have trouble sleeping and eating.

Shen An just looked at him with bright eyes.

Chen Zhongheng sighed, "Why?"

"There are at least a thousand people in Wuyou Cave. To be able to drive them out, there must be someone guarding them, right? Otherwise, where will these people be found if they disperse into the city? When the storm calms down, they will sneak into Wuyou Cave again. If we make the same mistake again, then why are we having such a big battle tonight? Why not go home and sleep with a woman!"

Chen Zhongheng and Zhang Ba8en's faces changed color together.

Go home and sleep with women.

If you can sleep peacefully, why should we sleep when we have nothing to do?

What a lack of great virtue!

Chen Zhongheng thought about it carefully, "Just wait."

He walked into the palace to ask for instructions. Zhao Shu pondered for a while and said, "Let Dalang go."

This is a compromise solution.

There has never been such a large-scale arrest operation in Bianliang City, just for fear of panic. With Zhao Xu here, people's hearts will naturally be at peace.

Later, there were many soldiers in full armor in the city, carrying swords, guns, bows and arrows, listening to Shen An's words.

"Come here with the leader!"

The generals came over, everyone squatted together, and there was a large map on the ground.

"This is the diagram of the drainage ditch below. You can allocate your manpower according to this diagram. In a word, anyone who comes out of it, regardless of gender, will be captured and awaiting screening!"

This was a huge operation, and Wang Anshi also came.

He pointed to the direction of the ditch and asked: "I am also interested in Wuyou Cave, but it is just a lesson learned from the past. It is said that there are connections everywhere, and there will be endless arrests."

When the officers and soldiers go down, they will hide and seek with you. You are not familiar with the terrain as they are, so naturally they cannot catch you.

This is similar to a maze. Wang Anshi doesn't think Shen An can succeed with just those rural soldiers.

Shen An smiled and said: "Just before, the village soldiers raided a brothel in the city and captured more than ten people, two of whom were familiar with the terrain below."

Wang Anshi couldn't help but praise: "Be prepared for a rainy day and command with determination. He is indeed a famous general."

Shen An waved, and someone escorted two big men over.

Shen An smiled and asked, "You two heroes, would you like to show Shen the way?"

There were no wounds on the surface of the two men, but their eyes were full of fear.

"Yes, yes."

Shen An stood up and said, "Let's get started."

Groups of sergeants set out according to the assigned places.

The bustling Bianliang was a little chaotic, but it soon settled down.

Because Zhao Xu appeared.

He stood in front of a house, and Shen An waved.


The door of the house was knocked open, and the soldiers rushed in. Screams soon came from inside.

"Mr. Lang, someone is..."

A country soldier came out, carrying a man with a naked fruit in his hand.

Shen An glanced at the man's lower body, his eyes turned cold, "Say!"

"He was abusing a woman."

There were people watching outside. Shen An took one look and said, "Behead!"

An official said: "It should be handed over to Kaifeng Mansion!"

Wang Anshi said nothing.

Shen An glanced at this man and said, "A certain person led his army out. This is war time. In war time, military discipline is followed. Kill!"

The man was paralyzed with fear and was shouting for mercy incoherently. The soldiers dragged him over, excreting and urinating behind him.

With a wave of the long knife, the head fell to the ground!

Shen An said calmly: "When dealing with beasts, Shen always kills them!"

With these words, the country soldiers who found the entrance to the cave set off.

Second update.

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