Zhao Shu didn't have dinner.

After hearing the news, Gao Taotao came to check, but he couldn't be persuaded.

"It hides filth and evil!" Zhao Shu called for wine, thinking that he would get drunk before resting.

"I'll have a few drinks with you, my concubine." Gao Taotao felt that this scene was very warm, and the couple drinking together was even more heartwarming.

But when the couple usually drinks together, Zhao Shu tastes wine.

It’s leisurely tasting wine, and it’s fun to watch my wife drinking, but that’s it.

But today he wanted to drink heavily, so he toasted frequently.

"I drink mine."

Zhao Shu knew that he had a good drinking capacity, but Gao Taotao felt that as a wife, she should fulfill her responsibility to appease her husband, so he raised a glass...

A waiter on the side felt that it would be dangerous to talk too much like this, so he coughed dryly and said: "Sage, this wine is very powerful!"

Gao Taotao's hand didn't move to raise the glass, and Feiyan's eyes flashed with a fierce look. She walked over, put her hand on the waiter's shoulder, and said, "Go out and talk."

When she came back, she looked satisfied.

Zhaojun asked in a low voice: "What did you do to him?"

Feiyan said calmly: "He wanted to sumo wrestling with me... Now he is stripped naked and left crying outside, just like a woman."


Gao Taotao fell.

There was more tenderness in Zhao Shu's eyes, "Help her back and prepare a sobering soup for her to drink."


Feiyan and Zhaojun easily helped Gao Taotao out, and saw a disheveled chamberlain standing there wiping tears.

"You are committing an evil act." Zhaojun said, "Look at his resentment, I don't think he will rely on you in the future."

"It's none of my business!" Feiyan said proudly, "Next time I come back, I'll pounce on him."

When the chamberlain saw Feiyan coming out, she trembled and actually avoided it.

Feiyan had a look of disappointment in her eyes and said, "Did you get drunk on purpose?"

Zhaojun nodded, "No one in the official family can be trusted."

When Gao Taotao was drunk, Zhao Shu was bound to be moved and felt that she was risking her life to accompany her husband.

The waiter advised her to drink less. Isn't this eye medicine?

But later in the evening, Gao Tao was vomiting in a mess, and the sin was severe.

Zhao Shu drank until early in the morning, but he was still not drunk. He had no choice but to take a nap and then go to court.

The prime ministers and assistants looked not in good spirits, with heavy expressions.

"Your Majesty, the Wuyou Cave was cleared last night, and more than 300 criminals and more than 800 civilians were captured."

"I know." Zhao Shu looked at the ministers and asked suddenly: "Wouyou Cave has been hiding dirt and evil for many years, why can't it be cleaned up?"

The prime ministers and assistants looked at each other, but could not answer.


Wuyou Cave has long been a problem in Bianliang. Everyone has thought about getting rid of those desperadoes, but who did it?

Bao Zheng took action, but to no avail.

It is said that the Imperial City Department also took action, but to no avail.

Han Qi felt embarrassed, so he went out and said: "Your Majesty, Kaifeng Mansion has also arrested those desperadoes in the past, but they couldn't find those desperadoes..."

"Then why can the Mangshan Army do it?" Zhao Shu didn't sleep all night, and drank a lot of wine, so he had a bad temper.


Han Qi wanted to lie, but felt that this was not him, "The Mangshan Army is different. Your Majesty, the Mangshan Army is different from other armies. It is best at this kind of fighting and hunting."

"Excuse!" Zhao Shu seemed not to be prepared to give face to the prime ministers today, "The Imperial City Division is also good at this kind of probing and fighting, so why is it useless?"

Facing such an inquisitive official, Han Qi wanted to die, "Guan, that's the Imperial City Department, I don't dare to say anything."

The Imperial City Secretary is the emperor's domestic slave, and we, the prime minister and assistant, can't interfere!

Zhao Shu nodded, "My name is Zhang for eight years."

Zhang also stayed up all night for eight years. After arriving, he was shouted at and questioned.

"After last night, do you think the spies of the Imperial City Division may be comparable to the rural soldiers of the Mangshan Army?"

This question made Zhang Baibian feel ashamed. He said tangledly: "I'm afraid it's not possible for officials."


Zhao Shu opened his mouth and spit out the smell of alcohol, wishing he had a hidden weapon in his hand and threw it down.

He groped around on his body, and Chen Zhongheng quickly coughed dryly.

What Zhao Shu touched was a jade pendant, of the highest quality.

Last time he threw a jade pendant down, but the shameless Shen An picked it up. He was extremely angry afterwards.

Zhao Shu let go of the jade pendant, but his anger grew stronger. He said sharply: "The Imperial City Division spends countless money and food every year, but the expenses of the Mangshan Army are ordinary. Why can't they compare?"

Zhang Baibian knelt down and said, "I am incompetent."

What could he say?

The Mangshan Army is a rural army establishment. The rural army is the lowest and naturally has little money and food. But the Imperial City Division was directly funded by Zhao Shu, so it was very fat.

One is short and poor, and the other is tall, rich and handsome, but now the tall, rich and handsome man has been slapped several times by short and poor, and his nose is bruised and his face is swollen, and he cannot lose his temper.

The aggrieved Zhang Baba lowered his head.

"I am incompetent and can only say that I am incompetent. What can I do?" Zhao Shu asked: "Is there any way to learn the drills of the Mangshan Army?"

Zhang Baibian's face had always been slightly dark, but now it was red.


The Mangshan Army's drills were very secretive. He didn't bother to learn the drills that could be seen by outsiders, but he couldn't learn the core content.


Zhao Shu muttered: "Let Shen An come."

Shen An came later and saw Zhang Baibian standing there with a disgraced face, feeling curious.

Did this guy make a mistake?

So he raised his eyebrows as an encouragement.

But Zhang Baibian was scolded because of him. When he saw him raising his eyebrows, he felt even more angry.

"How does the Mangshan Army train?"

The emperor is shameless, no one in the world can match him.

Shen An was startled and said calmly: "It's just the details."

"Is that just this?"

Zhao Shu didn't believe it, and neither did Zhang Baibian.

Shen An smiled and said: "Starting from actual combat, adding details, and hard training, this is what the Mangshan Army looks like today. If you don't believe it, please go and take a look outside the city."

Do you know that three from one and one from one?

The secret spies of the Imperial City Division are good, but how can their training methods be compared with those of later generations?

Shen An just used some tricks to make those rural soldiers stand out from the drill, making Zhang Baan embarrassed today and making Zhao Shu tempted.

The group of people went outside the city, where the village soldiers were practicing.

There are various equipment on the school field, as well as various simulated obstacles.

The country soldiers were fully clothed and running wildly between obstacles. They climbed onto the wooden shelf, jumped off, and waded into the water again...

A burst of energy makes people feel refreshed.

Zhao Shu asked: "Is this kind of training useful?"

"Of course it works." Shen An said calmly: "It was used in Wuyou Cave last night. There are many ravines there, and there is water in some areas, just like here."

Zhao Shu looked at Zhang Bianba.

Zhang had been down to Wuyou Cave in the past eight years. When he saw the Mangshan Army's training ground, he couldn't help but take a deep breath and said, "Your Majesty, it is indeed like this. Shen An is so smart that I am inferior to him."

He couldn't imagine how a person could be so smart and create these actual combat environments. The effect of such training would naturally be twice the result with half the effort.

Zhao Shu nodded approvingly and asked, "Why doesn't the Imperial City Division have one?"

"I'm... stupid." Zhang Ba Ba felt that he was stupid.

Shen An stood in the wind and watched his clothes fluttering.

Zeng Gongliang couldn't help but praise: "You really have the demeanor of a famous general."

Shen An waved, and Huang Chun ran over and saluted.

"Let the brothers conduct a practice of lurking and searching, and show it to the officials and gentlemen."


Huang Chun stopped the drill and took the village soldiers back to prepare.

"lurking and searching, is this about hiding?"

Zhao Shu felt that this was a brand new field and was very interested in observing it.

"Yes." Shen An was ready to show these bumpkins a lesson.

Later he took the emperor and his subjects to the woods on the edge.

"They're already lurking."

Shen An turned around and said, "If the officials and gentlemen are interested, you can go and search first to see if you can find the person."

Zhao Shu nodded, and Han Qi said confidently: "In the past, when the child was naughty, I could find him out every time. It's just a trivial matter."

Shen An smiled and then led them inside.

"Just try it."

In the woods in autumn, the grass is withered and yellow, and many leaves have fallen.

The monarchs and ministers strolled among them, feeling that this was an autumn outing.

Han Qi chanted while searching.

"...Those who abandon me will not be able to stay in yesterday's day; those who mess up my heart will be troubled today. The wind will send autumn geese thousands of miles away, and I can enjoy this high-rise building..."

Lao Han was very lively, and Zeng Gongliang was not bad either. While looking for someone, he told Bao Zheng how good this grass was, and poor families relied on it in winter.

This sounds like a layman's words, but it is enough that Lao Zeng has this heart.

Shen An took a nap against a tree.

He was a little sleepy after not sleeping all night, and when he was about to catch up on some sleep, he was taken into the palace.

Zhang couldn't get in for eight years, so he just watched from the outside.

At first glance, it is full of trees, weeds, and some miscellaneous trees.

No one!

The wind blew and the weeds bent, but they were still not found.

Where are people?

Ouyang Xiu turned around and asked, "Where are the people? Could it be that you are trying to trick them?"

Zhao Shu couldn't find it either. He slowly turned around and found nothing.

"No one is here!"

He firmly believed that Shen An was causing trouble.

"wake him up!"

Zhengxiang, who was sleeping peacefully, was a little dissatisfied after being woken up by Zhang Baba. He touched the corner of his mouth, but luckily, he didn't drool.

"Where are the people? Is there anyone here?"

Zeng Gongliang turned around, shook his head and smiled.

Shen An resisted the urge to yawn and said, "Brothers, come out."

"Where?" Han Qi spread his hands. At this moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared on his left side.

"Ah!" When encountering something like this suddenly, the first reaction is to avoid it, and Han Qi is no exception. UU read books www.uukanshu.net

He screamed and stepped back, but bumped into Zeng Gongliang. Zeng Gongliang flew out with a pop as if he was hit by a high-speed carriage.

He remembered that there was a big tree behind him, and his old arms and legs hit him. Wasn't that like an egg hitting a rock?

I’m done!

Then he was picked up and given a hug.

Zeng Gongliang slowly opened his eyes and saw a face painted with various colors.

He struggled down and said with a smile: "It's really amazing."

He thought there was just one, but when he slowly looked at it, he was dumbfounded.

In this forest, more than twenty people emerged.

"Where were they hiding just now?"

Zeng Gongliang remembered that he had just walked by the tree stump and looked carefully. He really didn't find anyone!

But now there is a country soldier standing there.

The soldier was wearing khaki clothes, his face covered with paint. Zeng Gongliang lowered his eyes and asked, "Can you hide again?"

Shen An nodded imperceptibly.

The soldier lay down on the spot and closed his eyes.

Zeng Gongliang looked carefully and said with a smile: "I can see it."

"You take a few steps back."

He backed away as instructed, then shook his head and said, "It's blurry."

"If he came in without knowing it, could he find it?" Shen An wanted to go home and sleep, but when he thought about his two sons, one old and one young, he couldn't help but have a headache.

Zeng Gongliang shook his head and said solemnly: "Officers, Shen An's ability... no one in the Song Dynasty can match it!"

The fourth update is here, and there is an additional update from the leader.

Recommended book: Return to the Ming Dynasty and become a faint king. It’s on the shelves.

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