A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1554 The overall situation is to fight

reverse travel, inn, inn, inn...

There are many names of hotels, but the most famous one is guest house.

The morning rain and dust in Weicheng are light, and the guesthouses are green and willow-colored. I advise you to drink a glass of wine and leave Yangguan in the west without any old friends.

"Wang Wei's poems are really good."

"Yes, but what do the Song people mean by leaving us hanging here?"

"I don't know."

The envoy was wearing plain clothes, with a deep melancholy between his brows, "Daxia is not peaceful inside, and the Liao people want to use us to compete with the Song people, but the Liao people are like tigers and wolves, but the Song people are better..."

There were only two people in the room, apart from the envoy, the other one was probably the deputy envoy.

The deputy slowly walked to the door and suddenly opened it.

There was no one outside the door. The deputy went out and looked around, then turned around and said, "No one is there."

The messenger pointed to the wall, implying that the partition had ears.

At this time, there was a sudden sound outside the window.

The deputy walked to the window, turned around and smiled proudly.

The messenger nodded, laughing and trembling.

The secret agent of the Song Dynasty must be outside the window at the moment. How embarrassing it would be to be caught on the spot!

The deputy pushed open the window and said angrily: "What do you want to do? Shameless! Someone..."

A head suddenly appeared outside the window. The face showed joy at first, and then revealed murderous intent!

The deputy envoy was laughing. He felt that this secret agent of the Song Dynasty would fall down in shame.

But this man grabbed the window lattice with his left hand and waved his right hand.

There was a flash of blood, and the deputy stumbled back, clutching his throat.

The messenger was feeling proud, but he unexpectedly turned into an elbow and armpit. He suddenly stood up and shouted: "Help!"

The man outside the window jumped up and entered the room.

The messenger felt despair, picked up the stool and stepped back.

Judging from the man's skill just now, the messenger felt that he was no match at all.


Just when he was despairing, the door was suddenly kicked open from outside.

The assassin narrowed his eyes and rushed towards the messenger regardless.

He had just rushed halfway when an arrow flew and hit him in the thigh.

The assassin knelt down and threw out the short knife in his hand.

The messenger raised the stool, and when he heard a clang, he knew that the dagger was blocked by the stool. The messenger felt relieved and shouted: "There is an assassin!"

"shut up!"

A man came in from outside. He held a longbow in one hand and caught the assassin with his hands. The assassin screamed and punched, and the man hit his head hard.


The assassin's eyes gradually dimmed, his arms and legs dropped weakly, and he was knocked unconscious by the head.

The man threw the assassin to the ground and said, "Tie him up!"

The messenger leaned against the wall and looked at the man carefully. He looked more and more familiar.

"Are you...are you Li Baojiu?"

Li Baojiu turned around and frowned, "Han Chong?"

The messenger said excitedly: "It's so-and-so!"

The envoy was so excited to meet an old friend in a foreign land that he rushed over. He was just about to hold hands and look at each other, but he took a few steps back as if avoiding a snake. His face changed drastically and he said: "They said you surrendered the Song Dynasty people and did Shen An's job." Servant, but really?”

Li Baojiu nodded.

Han Chong said angrily: "You are the general of Daxia, why do you want to be a slave to Shen An?"

Li Baojiu said lightly: "How can you know about Lang Jun's cleverness? Being able to be by Lang Jun's side is a great blessing. If you say this, I won't let you come or go!"

Han Chong smiled bitterly and said: "At first, the Xingqing Mansion thought that you had died for the country, and the empress led people to offer sacrifices, saying that they would reward your family. But later, when the news came that you had surrendered to the Song Dynasty, the empress was angry. You The whole family is locked up..."

"Aren't you afraid that something will happen to your family?"

"Lang Jun said nothing happened." Li Baojiu hadn't spoken Xixia dialect for a long time, and she was a little unfamiliar.

"It doesn't matter what he says!" Han Chong thought it was funny, "Can he still influence Xingqing Mansion in Bianliang?"

"Then who has the final say?" Shen An came in outside the door.

"I've met Mr. Lang!" Li Baojiu saluted.

Han Chong looked at Shen An carefully, but could not see the demeanor of a famous general.

"go back!"

Shen An turned around and left. Han Chong was stunned: "Shen Longtu, isn't the Song Dynasty ready to negotiate peace with the Xia Dynasty?"

Shen An turned around and said impatiently: "What can we talk about? Xingqing Mansion must be in turmoil at the moment, right? Liang asked you to come just to take advantage of the opportunity to fight against those opponents. You are hypocritical, so what else can we talk about? Liang asked you to come here just to use the opportunity to fight against those opponents. You are hypocritical, so what else can we talk about? Liang asked you to come here. I definitely asked you to say that you intend to surrender, right?"

Han Chong was stunned, Shen An shook his head, and finally said: "Ms. Liang is a smart person. She knows that if she touches Li Baojiu's family, she has such a kind temper and will definitely treat her kindly in the future, so Li Baojiu will naturally be fine if he beats his family."

Seeing Han Chong's sluggishness, a secret agent asked, "Is Shen Long Tuquan right?"

The news reached the palace, and Zhao Shu was furious.

"Your Majesty, this is a good thing."

Han Qi analyzed: "The Liao people seem to be anxious, which also shows that there are disputes among the Western bandits, and the Liang family can't sit still. I feel that this person is here to seek peace."

"Yes." Zhao Shu was still angry, "This matter cannot be agreed to."

As an emperor, his goal was to unify the Han and Tang Dynasties. Jiaozhi was the first goal, and Xixia was the second.

"But the Western thief acted with a guilty conscience. It's a good thing. Let's talk to him and make a show of it. It will also make the Liao people angry and scare the Goryeo and other vassals."

Speaking of this, Han Qi was obviously a little embarrassed, "The Korean people used to think that they could be just a wall between the Song Dynasty and the Liao people, and that is still the case today. Your Majesty, I feel that the Korean people are unreliable, so we should cut off contact with them."

"The words of Prime Minister Han are wrong." Ever since Fu Bi entered the political affairs hall, Han Qi's life has been a little sad, but now he stood up again, "The Song Dynasty's kindness to Goryeo is an example, let those people look at the Song Dynasty With a broad mind, once the Liao Kingdom weakens...then we will do whatever we want."

Han Qi sneered and said: "The Song Dynasty is so powerful now, how can it be afraid of those vassals? Who dares to turn against them? It just so happens that the naval forces are fine, so let them go on inspection."

"We are facing a powerful enemy and want to appease the vassals. You are ignoring the overall situation!"

"What is the overall situation?" Han Qi said disdainfully: "The overall situation is fighting! If you are afraid of fighting, you will have the overall situation. If others are afraid of being beaten, they will naturally follow Song Yan's advice."

"But it won't last long!" Fu Bi seemed to be at odds with Han Qi, "It won't last long. Don't you, Han Qi, know this?"

"Then softness can last?" Han Qi sneered: "The Han and Tang Dynasties also treated their vassals kindly, but what happened next? Later, those kind-hearted vassals suddenly turned into hungry wolves."

He cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, this world is not about truth, but swords and guns. Whoever is powerful with swords and guns is the truth. Those who like to argue with each other are just rotten scholars."

"Okay." Seeing that Fu Bi was about to speak, Zhao Shu interrupted, "Let's discuss this later."

Han Qi and Fu Bi sneered at each other, which made Zhao Shu have a headache.

According to his vision, Fu Bi would be a troublemaker when he entered the political hall and could form new checks and balances.

But now there are more than just checks and balances on this huge scale, and there may be a fight.

When two prime ministers fight, what will be written in the history books?

"Your Majesty, Shen An is here."

Zhao Shu nodded and someone brought Shen An in.

Han Qi and Fu Bi also miraculously stopped their confrontation. Zhao Shu felt that this was also a kind of check and balance.

Once the emperor is immersed in a certain emotion, it will be difficult to extricate himself. When Shen An came in, Zhao Shu smiled very strangely.

Why are you so kind?

Shen An was puzzled, and after saluting, he said: "Your Majesty, I think that the Liang family sent people here to show off, but in fact they wanted to use the Song Dynasty to contain the opponents in the country..."

"Then I sent an envoy." Zhao Shu felt that it was just a formality.

Zeng Gongliang suddenly left the class and said: "Your Majesty, this is also an opportunity."

"Opportunity?" Zhao Shu shook his head, "As an emperor, I naturally know what is going on. Li Bingchang is young, and the Liang family is hanging behind the curtain. How can she be willing to give up the power that is almost an emperor?"

"But what if the situation is pressing?" Zeng Gongliang seemed to have done some research. "The Western bandits have lost the most prosperous area and are just lingering. The thoughts of the powerful people inside must have dispersed. Just like at the end of the Tang Dynasty, the imperial court With the decline of the country, the vassal town will naturally become domineering. The Liang family is lucky and wants to use the Song Dynasty to help her. But if the Song Dynasty manages it properly and forces her into a desperate situation, Your Majesty, if she can regain the northwest without using the army, why Are you happy?"

Zhao Shu thought about it carefully, "If this is the case, it will be a great achievement, but who can go?"

"This person must be eloquent, know the internal affairs of the Western Bandits, and be able to adapt to changes."

Zeng Gongliang blinked and suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why does it seem like I dug a hole?


Shen An is an eloquent speaker and can almost bring the dead back to life with her mouth. As for knowing the affairs of the Western Thieves, Shen An is known as the number one person in the Song Dynasty's foreign affairs... In the end, he just adapts to the situation. He is a famous general in the Song Dynasty.

Han Qi slowly looked at Shen An. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

Zeng Gongliang and others slowly looked at Shen An...

Zhao Shu couldn't help but look at Shen An.

Dear, you seem to be the right one!

Chen Zhongheng felt that Shen An would tremble.

"Your Majesty, I would like to go to the northwest."

Shen An went out to take over the matter without hesitation, "The Western thieves are at the end of their game at the moment. If the Song Dynasty attacks by force, they can certainly defeat them, but the Liao people will take the opportunity to launch an attack in the north. The Song Dynasty will be attacked on both sides. If something goes wrong, they will be defeated." The consequences are unimaginable. So if we can convince the Liang family and let the Western thieves surrender, the world... will change."

"Yes! If the Western thieves surrender, there will no longer be any restraint between the Song Dynasty and the Liao people, and the world...it will be time to decide the winner." Zhao Shu said with excitement, "Then the Song Dynasty will be able to make the Northern Expedition. "

The king and his ministers were very excited, but Bao Zheng was worried.

"Your Majesty, sir... It is said that Li Liangzuo was angry to death."

What Bao Zheng said was cryptic, but everyone understood it.

"It is said that at that time, he learned about some words between Shen An and Liang, and immediately became angry, and then..."

"If Shen An goes to the Western Bandits, I'm afraid it will be in danger."

Zhao Shu held back his laughter and said, "But Mr. Liang lowered his curtain because of this. I think this is a good thing."

This saying has been popular for a while in later generations.

As for Liang, once her husband leaves, she becomes the empress dowager, and she sticks to her word. This is not a good thing, but it is a good thing.

As for your feelings...

The West Thief has feelings for Mao Yao.

Back then, Li Yuanhao was able to rob even his son's wife, which clearly shows the poor folk customs of Western thieves.

It’s still the fifth update, please give me a few monthly votes to save morale.

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