Guoguo was very excited last night and kept muttering about those scoundrels being beaten, so she woke up a little late in the morning.

"elder brother……"

She rubbed her eyes and shouted, Shen An came in from outside, steaming from his head.

"Little lazy pig, get up."

Shen An had been running outside for a long time, and Guoguo said dissatisfied: "Brother, ignore me."

Shen An helped her get dressed in a few moments, then watched her wash up, and finally tidy up.

"Flower come out."

Guoguo stood outside the door and waved inside.

Huahua stood upright, worked hard to hold the threshold, and then turned it out bit by bit.

Guoguo wanted to help but was stopped by Shen An. When Huahua fell from the threshold, Guoguo looked up at Shen An and said with tears in her eyes: "Brother, bad."

Shen An smiled and said, "Are you kissing Huahua or your brother?"

Guoguo was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head and said, "Brother."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Shen An laughed and took her out, and then the brother and sister started morning exercises.

The man and woman opposite just woke up, and the man came out and said, "There will be less noise in the morning from now on."

Shen An was a little stunned. He had been doing morning exercises on the street outside before, but when he and Guoguo were running in the yard, the man and woman were already awake.

"What do you mean?"

Neighbors should be harmonious, and Shen An also wants to be harmonious.

But the couple disliked being neighbors with the Shen An brothers and sisters from the first day they moved in.

Forget it that he usually has a weird look and words, but now an unfounded accusation suddenly comes up, and Shen An feels that he can't condone it.

The man frowned and said, "Usually keep your voice down and don't make a fuss."

"What are you..."

Shen An found it a bit funny: "You don't want to live in the world, right? Don't make any noise while you're alive. If you think I'm making too much noise, then rent another place."

Guoguo has to run for a while in the morning, but the movement can really be ignored. Then it’s time to have breakfast, and study after breakfast…

Do you still feel noisy on days like this?

Shen An thinks these two couples are really weird.

But he won't give face to such people.

The man's face was slightly cold and he said: "This place is not where a hawker lives..."

Hawkers cannot afford to rent houses in the inner city, which is the most common phenomenon in Bianliang City.

"My pleasure!"

Shen An had nothing to do early in the morning. Guo Guo felt that her brother was too powerful and was only worried that this neighbor would be unlucky, so she continued her morning exercise with Hua Hua.

The man watched Guoguo running in circles in the yard and couldn't hide his disdain and said, "Where do you come from? A place in the countryside, right?"

Girls in the city won't run away like crazy, otherwise they won't be able to find their husband's family in the future.

Shen An said with a smile: "Are you a teacher?"

The man chuckled, "What? You want to learn too? But I don't have the time to teach you."

"you teach me?"

Shen An smiled kindly, "Let me ask a question. If you can answer it, you can even teach the prince."

Azhu in the room raised his voice and said, "Officials, please ignore him."

The man said proudly: "Tell me about it."

Shen An asked: "Do you know why the sun shines and heats up?"


The man was immediately stuck.

Shen An continued to ask: "Do you know why people have to put their left foot first when walking?"

The man subconsciously stepped out with his left foot, and then said: "My right foot."

Shen An said in disbelief: "You try again..."

The man takes a step forward...

"Look, isn't this my left foot?"

Shen An clicked his tongue and said in amazement: "This person doesn't even know whether he moves his left leg or his right leg first when walking. What else do you think you know?"

He put his hands behind his back and left. The man stood there blankly, and then tried to take action again.


Azhu came out, and as soon as he made a sound, it disrupted the man's deliberate plan to use his right foot, and then...

" are doing evil!"

The man continued to use his left foot, and even almost fell because he deliberately tried to use his right foot.

Shen An turned around and said, "You are left-footed. Most people are left-footed. You are crazy. Change it back quickly."

The man looked frightened and said: "You know evil magic! Ah Zhu, he knows evil magic!"

As he spoke, he took another step. He wanted to move his right leg, but Ah Zhu shouted: "Report to the official!"

have to!

Shen An couldn't bear to close his eyes.

The man raised his right foot, and finally it came out halfway first. The two forces in his body were interacting...


Guoguo stopped running and stared blankly at the fallen man with Huahua.

Ah Zhu and the maid also stared blankly, and then they both looked at Shen An, as if they were seeing a ghost.

"This is evil!"

"Inform the officer and arrest him!"

The woman screamed hysterically, and the maid stumbled out.

When she ran to the door, two men happened to come in outside.

"Shen An..."


The maid was knocked aside by the person in front of her and was about to get angry when the person in front of her raised her hands towards Shen An and said, "Shen An, everything has been arranged over there."

Shen An cupped his hands and said, "Thank you all very much."

The visitor smiled and said: "It's better to be peaceful from now on!"

The man got up with some bruises on his face, but luckily he didn't have a nosebleed.

He pointed his halberd at Shen An and cursed: "You monster, just wait, Azhu, call someone to report to the official!"

The two people were stunned for a while, and one of them asked: "Why do you want to report to the official?"

The man pointed at Shen An and said, "This man is a demon. UU Reading knows evil magic?"

The two men were startled, and the man continued: "He cast a spell just now, and I can't even walk anymore..."

The two men looked at each other, then smiled bitterly.

"Shen An, it's better not to use such methods, otherwise we will be in trouble too!"

Shen An said innocently: "I just asked him whether to walk with his left foot first or his right foot first. He said right foot, and then moved his left foot. He fell down. It's my fault!"

"That's it, let's go."

The two men shook their heads helplessly.

The man scolded: "Hurry up and report it to the official!"

The maid hurriedly responded, but one of the two men frowned and said, "What official should I report to?"

The pain on the man's face was unbearable, and he shouted: "What does it have to do with you?!"

Both men laughed: "Because we are officials!"

After the man verified their identities, he said angrily: "Bao Longtu is in charge of Kaifeng Mansion, don't you think you can cover up the sky with one hand!"

These two men were officials of Kaifeng Mansion, so they couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

"This Kaifeng Mansion... we are indeed the gods, you go and sue."

Shen An couldn't help laughing when he heard this, then he carried Huahua on his back, hugged Guoguo, and locked the door.

When the man saw Shen An was about to go out, he hissed: "You devil, the royal family hates witchcraft the most, be careful..."

"shut up!"

Shen An responded suddenly and said coldly: "Your husband and wife are so rude to my brother and sister. I don't care. You dare to talk about witchcraft. You are seeking death!"

Although as time goes on, it is somewhat funny to talk about the witchcraft that turned into a tiger in the previous dynasty, but if someone really cares about it, it is probably another major case.

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