A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,558 Brother Liang, long time no see

In the early morning, Shen An slowly opened his eyes and looked at the wall blankly.

Is it too quiet?

Unknowingly, he had become accustomed to being woken up by the sound of Toutuo announcing the dawn every morning, followed immediately by the sound of vendors hawking, and the sound of edamame wailing...

This person is a bitch. After staying in a noisy environment for a long time, he is not used to a place that is too quiet.

He couldn't help but think of the teahouse in White Horse Temple.

Zhiyu Teahouse!

So he sat up, crossed his legs, and took a deep breath...

Some people say that people's wisdom mostly appears when they are extremely quiet, so there are many stories of retreat cultivation and retreat inquiry handed down from ancient times to the present.

As Shen An was thinking about these things, she gradually felt that her soul was clear, and a faint joy arose...

When he woke up again, it was already bright. Shen An touched the corner of his mouth. Fortunately, there was no saliva.

He got up energetically and felt that he had a good sleep after returning to the cage. He planned to do such a retreat every morning. He thought that after a few decades, he would be able to ascend to the immortal world and live as long as heaven...

"Mr. Lang, someone wants to see you."

Huang Chun's voice came from outside, and it sounded like something...


Shen An put on her clothes, rubbed her eyes and opened the door.

"For breakfast, I told them not to put the oil in the soup cakes. The fishy smell is too strong. Didn't they know to put ginger in the oil? That...that..."

Shen An was rubbing his eyes... with a sudden force, tears came out immediately.

There was a man standing outside the door, with fair and delicate skin, a pair of distinctive phoenix eyes slightly squinted, lips slightly parted, and he sneered: "I heard you dance to the sound of a chicken when I was in Qingjian City, but now it has not been long, and you are so lazy. , it can be seen that you are happy in Bianliang and don’t miss Shu..."

Shen An looked at her and smiled: "Do you know why someone could tell you were a woman at a glance last time?"

The man shook his head and said, "I heard that you are very proud of yourself in Bianliang. Many women are willing to offer themselves pillow seats. It's not a problem to come and play every night. Naturally, you have extraordinary eyesight."

The words were sarcastic and somewhat condescending.

"Because you don't have an Adam's apple!" Shen An pointed at her throat.

The man reached out and touched his throat, then looked at Shen An's throat, and couldn't help but sigh, "Someone said before that he should wear clothes with a higher collar, but I was blamed for it. Now it seems that I was wrong."

"But you won't admit it." Huang Chun handed over a hot towel, and Shen An took it to wash his face.

"Of course I will not admit my mistake. No one in this world can make me bow my head."

"Really?" Shen An was rinsing his mouth, brushing his teeth, raising his head for a while, then spitting out the mouthwash, wiping his mouth with a towel, and the washing was completed.

He turned back to look at the man and stretched out his hand, "Brother Liang, it's been a long time."

The man was stunned and subconsciously reached out his hand, but Shen An immediately held it and shook it a few times before letting go.

The man's face turned red and he shouted softly: "Discourteous!"

"Have you eaten?" Shen An didn't think he had done anything wrong and walked down alone.

The man followed behind and said coldly: "I had breakfast an hour ago, and I am very full now."

"That means your digestion is not good." There were several strange men downstairs. When they saw Shen An coming down, they stared at him. When they saw the men following him, they had ghostly expressions on their faces.

"The food in Xingqing Mansion is not very good." Shen An had a headache about this, "I can only eat barely."

"What do you think is better?" The man sat opposite him.

"Bianliang." Shen An raised his head and smiled sincerely, "In the morning in Bianliang, starting from the dawn of Zutuo, everything is prepared for you, countless delicacies, countless home-like services, that is the center of the world."

"Really?" The man smiled, "But it is said that the people in the imperial city are not very good-tempered, so I don't dare to go."

"That's a lie." Shen An assured without hesitation: "If you go, I guarantee your safety and dignity."

"You..." The man suddenly smiled brightly, "Then are you willing to enter the palace?"

"Which palace?" Shen An put down his chopsticks.

The man pointed in the direction of the palace, and Shen An laughed and said, "But before entering, I have to make a cut, but I don't want to."

The man stood up and said, "That's fine, I'm leaving."


Shen An got up and sent her outside the door.

The man turned around, but because he was shorter than Shen An, he had to raise his head, "Aren't you afraid that I will catch you and use you to negotiate terms with Nanbian?"

Shen An stared at her and said seriously: "Here is the best condition."

"You are so thick-skinned!"

Shen An touched his cheek and said, "I heard that someone is competing with you for the family property?"

The man nodded and said confidently: "I can control everything."

"What you can't control is people's hearts." Shen An said seriously: "The Liao people are watching with eager eyes. You know, the Liao people hope you fail..."

"Why?" the man asked calmly.

Shen An reached out and patted the man's shoulder gently, causing his body to tremble and an angry look in his eyes.

"Because you have read books, you have read many books from the Central Plains."

The man took a deep breath, frowned and said, "I hope you can return to Bianliang alive."

"Of course." Shen An smiled confidently, "You will come to see me soon."

"You think too much." The man said coldly, and then he was surrounded and walked away.

Shen An turned around, his smile unchanged.

"Mr. Lang..."

Huang Chun, Yan Baoyu and others were looking at him.

"Nothing surprising."

Shen An went up to the second floor and moved the stool to the window. He sat there and let the winter sun shine on his body, which was very comfortable.

"She is Liang." Shen An yawned, "She was testing and vouching for someone, but these were just false feelings. There must have been people around her just now. If she could, she would take down someone without hesitation. "

Yan Baoyu went out to ask, and when he came back he said, "What Mr. Lang said is true. The inn was surrounded just now."

Huang Chun smiled and said: "But she is here, we can control her."

Shen An smiled and said, "This is a crazy woman. If you think you can do whatever you want by controlling her, then you don't know how you will die in the future."

Huang Chun felt cold, "Lang Jun, are you saying that this woman is not afraid of death?"

"Yes." Shen An closed the window and said confidently: "But she will come back."

In the palace, Ms. Liang, who had changed back into women's clothing, stood with her hands behind her hands and said coldly: "Shen An is cunning!"

Liang Yimi, who had previously led the team to control the surrounding area, was not in a happy mood at the moment, "Mother, hold Shen An, and we can negotiate terms with the Song people."

"Stupid!" Mrs. Liang said calmly: "Last time in Qingjian City, Shen An dared to come to meet me alone. For such a person, do you think he would be afraid of such a threat?"

Liang Yimi lowered his head, "He is indeed a famous general."

Liang's cheeks trembled, "I originally thought this man was greedy for life and afraid of death, but now I think he is a man."

"What happened to those people?" Ms. Liang sat down.

"They have gatherings every day. My people followed them several times and were killed." Liang Yimi was a little annoyed.

"It's so intense!" Mrs. Liang reached out to pick up the teacup and took a sip slowly, her eyes becoming more serious, "Shen An hinted that the Liao people might have entered Xingqing Mansion, go and check."

Liang Yimi hurried away.

There was a charcoal fire burning in the hall, and it was as warm as spring.

Mrs. Liang was lying on the couch covered with gauze, her skin looming.

Two maids were massaging her body.

Xixia has occupied the Silk Road for many years, not only harvesting tax revenue, but also harvesting many exotic treasures.

The light yellow oil was poured into the hands, the two white and tender hands rubbed each other, and then covered the delicate skin. The maid's hands were gently pressing and pushing...

The skin gradually turned red, and Mrs. Liang heard footsteps.

"Empress, the Prime Minister is back."

"Yeah!" Ms. Liang lay on the couch and didn't move.

"Mother." Liang Yi came in, "My people just raided a residence and suffered heavy casualties. There were Liao people inside."

Goosebumps instantly appeared on the delicate skin. Liang raised his head and asked, "Have you caught the person yet?"

Liang Yi shook his head, "Six people died and no one survived."

Mrs. Liang sat up suddenly, the gauze slipped off, revealing her white and tender skin.

Liang Yi lowered his head and continued: "The remaining two people unexpectedly rushed out and were later surrounded. They were laughing and showing contempt, saying..."

"What did you say?" Mrs. Liang sneered and gathered the gauze around her body to cover her body.

"It is said that Daxia is fighting with a barbaric force. It is a barbarian. The barbarians cannot last long. Now they cannot even defeat the Song people. Daliao has worked hard to train its troops for a long time. If Daxia dares to bow to the Song people, it will be asking for death... …”

"Is the army invading?" Liang sneered: "Daxia is not afraid of any opponent!"

Liang Yi nodded, "We are not afraid of any of us."

The hall fell silent.

"But the internal enemies are helpless." Liang said quietly: "Shen An hinted that those people would take action... How long has he been in Xingqing Mansion?"

"Only a few days."

"You can tell the situation in a few days. He is really a famous general."

"Mother, I'm afraid those people are going to take action." Liang Yimi gritted his teeth and said: "I asked the people around there, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net The Liao people just entered Xingqing Mansion the day before yesterday, what were they doing here? ? I thought I came into the city to negotiate with those people and negotiate terms. If the negotiation is completed, those people will launch an attack in Xingqing Mansion, and there will also be people outside besieging us. We...are besieged on all sides!"

"Sister!" He took a step forward and said bitterly: "There are more troops over there than we have!"

"I know." Mrs. Liang sat cross-legged with a calm expression, "Shen An said I would go back and beg him, so we'll see. You go and tell those people on my behalf that I will let go of the court..."

Liang Yimi raised his head, "Let go of the court... This is inviting the wolf into the house! Once those people enter the court, they will definitely hug each other. How can we be our opponents then?"

"As long as they come, I will naturally have a way." Ms. Liang leaned forward slightly and said confidently: "How can they know those methods if they don't study?"

Liang Yi was buried.

The second day...

The third day...

"Empress, they said they were afraid that you would do something dirty, so they wouldn't come."

Liang Yimi seems to have been eliminated frequently and is quite embarrassed.

Liang sighed, "He is right, the Liao people do want me to fail."

Liang Yimi said in confusion: "Why? We can also agree to those conditions!"

Liang sneered: "Because those people are stupid! It's best to control stupid people. And I..."

She thought of the confident Shen An, "But I have read books."

Liang Yimi hissed: "Then our road is probably dead!"

Liang looked at him and said calmly: "The outcome will be unknown until the last moment."

Thanks to the leader of ‘Purple Flame Blue Sky’ for the reward.

The fifth update is here, good night everyone.

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