A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1566 It’s a Mushroom

After demolishing the surrounding buildings, the palace looked like a naked woman, surrounded by lights.

The lights are densely moving.

No, it's moving very fast.

Countless rebels were shouting with torches and launching attacks frantically.

Several generals stood a little behind and yelled: "That bitch, was she prepared in advance?"

"Our women are all in the palace, do you want to ask?"

A general was probably a little soft-hearted, but the people around him sneered.

"Are you and I short of women? If we die, we will die."

When the ladies came out, they ran straight ahead. No one dared to stay where they were, and no one dared to stop in front of the army. Then they went home.

Ahead, countless rebels were staggering among the rubble. The archers were at the front, and people kept falling after being hit by arrows.

"They only have more than 4,000 people. If two of us fight one, can't we still win?"

The general who spoke had a scar on his face, from his ear to his cheek. The scar was opened on both sides, looking as ferocious as an evil ghost.

"We are fighting desperately in the city. Those people are the confidants of that bitch and will not surrender easily, so our losses will definitely be considerable. What about outside the city?"

Everyone was silent for a moment, and someone said with a ferocious smile: "Those guys outside the city want to take advantage, but they want to take advantage without bleeding. Do they think they are gods? Someone wants to say... close the city gate tightly and don't allow them to come in!"

"That's how it should be!"

"If those people come in, who will Daxia listen to in the future?"

There was another moment of silence, and something called ambition was spreading.

Powerful minister!

People like power. Now that power is right in front of them, who is willing to give it up?

Scarface said coldly: "Don't worry about the people outside the city, let's rush in. That bitch Liang belongs to someone, and someone wants to get her!"

Someone laughed and said, "You've wanted to ride that bitch for a long time, right?"

"Yes." Scarface's eyes were a little red under the firelight, "I met her the year before last. She smelled so good that I wanted to play with her."

"Then let's fight."

"Send the order, the first person to rush into the palace will be rewarded heavily and be the first to succeed!"

The order was issued and morale suddenly increased.

Ahead, the general stepping on the rubble shouted: "They only have 4,000 people, we have 8,000 people, kill them!"

This is just like fighting in a group. Before setting off, the leader told everyone that we have twice the number of people as the other party, and that everyone has similar equipment, body strength, and even experience in group fighting.

How about this?

I'm sure the boys will be screaming and wishing they could finish the fight right away and go have fun!

The same principle applies to ancient and modern times. At this moment, these soldiers were excited.

Arrows were flying in the air, and the sergeants rushed out of the obstacle area under the cover of the archers.

Ahead is the palace. There are many torches in front of the palace, and the soldiers loyal to the Liang family are waiting in formation.


Countless shouts shook the dark night. Everyone in Xingqing Mansion hurriedly closed their doors and bolted them. The whole family hid together and shivered.

Whenever such rebellions occur, the people are like pigs and dogs, and their death is in vain.

So some people are cursing the rebellion, and some are praying for this rebellion to end quickly.


The two sides started fighting in front of the palace. Because this place was not big, the rebels could only adopt the tactic of adding fuel to the fire and wait until the previous losses were almost done before they could make up for it.

But their numerical advantage was too great, so the generals were full of confidence, and some were even asking people to get wine.

It's a long night, before rushing into the palace, this must be something to cheer up, right?

Thinking of the beauty and money in the palace, everyone laughed and drank from their wine bowls.


A woman was screaming. When everyone turned around, they saw a noble lady staggering over.

"She's your wife!" Everyone looked at Scarface and laughed, "You still want to go in and ride that bitch? This is coming to your doorstep."

Scarface cursed bitterly: "Why did you come out?"

The woman looked at him and couldn't help but shed tears, "My lord, I will almost never see you again."


I screamed for murder all day long and cried at the same time. The gap was too big.

When the woman saw her husband's indifference, she said, "The empress wants to take action. Her reliance..."

"Who can she rely on?" Scarface said coldly: "Liang Yimi's methods are ruthless, but not clever. If he leads the army, someone will stay in the palace tonight."

The woman stamped her feet, looked around, and whispered, "It's Shen An!"

Scarface hummed, and just as he was about to turn around, his body froze.

"Who are you talking about?"

"It's Shen An!" The woman leaned forward and waved her hands vigorously, but she didn't dare to shout loudly, as if it would attract the devil, "He's coming! He's coming!"

This woman looked like she was crazy, but what she said was shocking.

"Shen An? How far is he from Xingqing Mansion?"

Scarface's expression was solemn, and he cursed: "Someone must have leaked the news. Shen An was able to lead his army all the way from Lingzhou to cover up the killing. Now those people outside the city can block the Song army?"

The generals all looked grim. Facing Shen An, a famous general of the Song Dynasty, even those who liked to brag had to think carefully.

"No! He is in the palace!"

The woman's words shocked everyone. Scarface slapped his woman's face until her face was covered with blood, and then cursed: "Drink too much?"

"He is in the palace!" The woman knocked Scarface staggering with one punch, "We all saw it, he is in the palace."

"somebody is coming."

Several women were riding in and were brought over.

They looked nervous, but they all breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the woman from before.

"The Liang family colluded with the Song people, and Shen An is in the palace!"

At this point, no one has any doubts!

Scarface turned around and stared straight ahead.

The two sides were strangulating there, revealing the figures, and occasionally the shadows in front of the palace could be seen.

"Shen An is in the palace!"

Scarface was trembling, "There are only four thousand soldiers there, how about killing him?"

"Kill Shen An, and someone will become the Prime Minister of the country!"

A general said with bright eyes: "With Shen An's head in hand, your reputation will be unparalleled. You will be the emperor, and we will be the high officials!"

"Yes, get rid of that little emperor and let's change the dynasty!"

"What are you waiting for?"

Scarface was breathing rapidly and looked like a dying patient.


He raised his head and said: "I swear, let's be rich together!"

Many times, people will feel that every word they say is an oath, but these oaths will turn into waste paper over the long years.


The rebels' shouts of killing reached the palace, and the chamberlains and maids were trembling.

Mr. Liang sat there, drinking one cup after another.

The hot pot is steaming and the aroma is overflowing.

"Mother, those rebels are attacking, and the situation here doesn't seem to be good."

The battle situation was constantly reported back.

"They went crazy and our people suffered heavy losses."

Mr. Liang raised his glass, narrowed his eyes and said, "No matter!"

"Empress!" Her confidant came forward and said: "Once it is breached, the palace will not be protected!"

When he saw that Mrs. Liang was not moved, he sighed: "Then Shen An is from the Song Dynasty after all, how could he risk his life for you!"

"Haha!" Mrs. Liang chuckled: "But he is there. If we are defeated, he will die first. He can die, why can't I?"

"More than half the casualties!"

In front of the palace, Shen An squinted and looked ahead. Liang Yimi could no longer stand still.

The rebels on the left attacked particularly fiercely. They often used arrows to cover and even shot their own people to death. Such covering attacks caused heavy casualties to the troops loyal to Liang.

More than half of the casualties were a watershed moment.

If they can hold on, they will be a super team.

And often with less than 30% casualties, most of the army will collapse.

"Someone knows."

The rebels from the front came up one after another, and the two sides were fighting to the death, and the corpses gradually piled up.

This is the battlefield.

Later generations of film and television dramas often fail to show this kind of tragedy. One of the factors is that it is too difficult.

"Breaked through!"

The rebels on the left broke through a little, and Shen An said: "Press down!"

The reserve team rushed forward and drove the rebels out in a burst of fighting.

"I can't hold it anymore!"

The rebels on the right suddenly increased the intensity of their assault, and the defense line was immediately crumbling.

Shen An is observing.

The rebels continued to exert pressure, and the defense lines on both sides continued to shrink.

The arrows have already fallen in front. If you step back further, this place will be covered by the rebels' arrows!

"you liar!"

Liang Yimi pointed at Shen An and said desperately: "Where is the famous general? What are your methods? The traitors are coming soon, you have to stop them! You have to stop them!"

He turned around and stumbled back.

"Follow me to protect your empress!"

In his final moments, he only remembered his sister.

It was his sister who had been taking care of him, allowing him to become the Prime Minister of Daxia at a young age.

He is a grateful person, so he vowed to fight to the death to send his sister out of the city tonight.

A group of elites ran behind him.

Shen An didn't pay attention to him.

"Seventy percent of the enemy troops are coming."

Shen An's eyes were bright and he shouted: "Send the signal, we will withdraw!"

A rural soldier took out a small earthen jar, lit it and then went out.


Amid the explosion, Shen An and the village soldiers turned around and ran away.

They rushed into the palace, and the country soldiers also started to take action.

They touched the roof, untied the cloth bags, and scattered the finely ground wheat flour in the wind...

There is only a breeze tonight, and countless wheat flour is scattered all over the streets.

The whole street looked full of white dust.


The village soldiers jumped off the roof and ran madly in the opposite direction. Two sharp archers held long bows, lit the rockets, and then unfurled their bows and nocked arrows...


On the street, Scarface sneezed, turned around and looked at the dense dust behind him, and asked, "What is this?"

Everyone shook their heads, "It seems like flying dust?"

Two rockets flew over staggeringly.

Scarface smiled and said: "White means death, which shows that the Li family is about to be destroyed, so God sent white as a sign. This is a good thing."

As soon as he finished speaking, the rocket flew into the dust.


A huge explosion enveloped the entire city.

Scarface felt himself flying. UU reading www. uukanshu.net

In the air, he saw a huge ball of fire sweeping through everything and falling directly on him.

The entire long street exploded, and countless people were blown away by the air waves, and their bodies were burning.

The soldiers on the defense line stared blankly ahead, forgetting to fight.

The air wave swept over, and the rebels fell to the ground. Some were on fire, and some survived.

The surviving rebels all kept the same posture, looking back.

They all saw a strange sight.

A huge ball of fire is rising.

Someone shouted: "It's a mushroom!"

The third update, there are two more.

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