A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,604 The Pride of a Young Man

Many people come to Mangshan Academy to apply for the exam every year, but the academy adheres to the principle of openness and fairness. You can get in if you want, but you must take the exam.

After passing various tests, the students who can get in will probably be good.

"Officials, if there are no rules in a country's finances, money and food will be used for this matter today, money and food will be used for this matter tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow..."

The student glanced at Zhao Shu and said boldly: "The day after tomorrow, the palace said that a certain concubine wanted a reward, or a palace was going to be built, or someone was going to be rewarded... These various unexpected expenses are not within the rules, why? manage?"

This is a big problem.

But Han Qi smiled and said: "It's very courageous. Officials, I think it's good."

Zhao Shu nodded, "The prince acted as an internal agent in the palace and wanted me to move the money from the internal treasury to the bank for storage. This is because I will have to be supervised by the world when I use money in the future. No. I think this is the knowledge inherited from the academy."

The student continued: "Also. There are no rules and circles. At the beginning of the year, we must make plans for the year. Which places in the Song Dynasty need money and food this year, and how much each place needs, must be checked one by one. It is inappropriate. Eliminate them all and scold them.

Just as a reserve team must be kept for battle on the battlefield, a country's finances must also leave room. Once an emergency arises, it must use various means and tools to make money and food for the country. This is how to manage finances for the country. reason. "

Such knowledge made Zhao Shu satisfied and nodded frequently.

"Students believe that the Song Dynasty now has many unnecessary expenses, for example..."

"Shut up!" A professor next to him suddenly scolded him. Zhao Shu frowned and said, "What are you afraid of when the child speaks? Do I scold him? Do I blame him?" He said to the student in a pleasant tone: "Just say it, I'm wrong. I don’t blame you either.”

The student glanced at the professor and continued excitedly: "For example, in the Song Dynasty, a lot of money was spent on various sacrifices every year. The student believed that to respect the heaven, earth, ghosts and gods, one should focus on one's heart, rather than building high platforms and using all kinds of extravagances. things to decorate the festival.”

Zhao Shu was still laughing.

"The other thing is rewards. Every year, the palace will reward ministers and dignitaries with a lot of money and things. These...students think that ministers and dignitaries should be given the salary they deserve. If the salary is not enough, they will be given more, so as to make it a common practice. Rewards have set an example, which makes people feel sad. It's a matter of luck. If there is one thing, then think about the other. If there is a reward this year, will there be one next year? If there is no reward next year, those people will feel resentful. This is a thankless effort, why bother?"

After giving money and still being complained about, this Song Dynasty official family has become the biggest victim!

Tsk tsk!

Han Qi shook his head slightly and whispered: "This Shen An, and Wang Yu, what exactly did they teach in the academy."

Zeng Gongliang was also very surprised, "What this student said hit the nail on the head. The key is... they are extremely bold. These words offended countless officials and dignitaries, but if you look at those students, they all look like they are used to it. It can be seen that they usually These topics are being discussed here... What are they planning to do?"

Zeng Gongliang was really surprised.

There has never been a place where students are taught so comprehensively and understand everything.

The key is that they have their own understanding of this world and do not follow it blindly. It can be seen from this that the student just mentioned the ghosts and gods without much awe.

Zhao Shu's face was a little helpless, but he still kept a smile, "Then what do you think?"

This is a cliche, and after saying this, the meeting should end.

The student said: "The student thinks that we should set a rule that everyone agrees with. After the rule is set, everyone from the emperor to the people must abide by it and not violate it. In this way, the financial system of the Song Dynasty will be complete."

Zhao Shu was silent, then smiled and said: "Just wait for it to happen."

He asked a big question, and the students in the academy responded with a big answer.


But if you don’t follow the rules of a scholar-official, you won’t be a king.

This is reality.

But what if everyone could really abide by these rules?

"Great governance! Prosperity!"

Zhao Shu whispered to himself.

After leaving the academy, Han Qi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Guan Jia, I was stared at by those students inside just now, and I just felt my whole body tightening."

Bao Zheng asked: "What is Prime Minister Han afraid of?"

"I'm afraid they'll ask questions." Han Qi smiled bitterly and said, "The student's words just now were particularly sharp. After hearing this, I just felt that I was getting old and should make way for them."

"Students like this...I think they are more knowledgeable than most officials."

Fu Bi's words silenced everyone.

A student can talk eloquently about the financial methods of the Song Dynasty. Regardless of whether it is reasonable or not, it depends on his intention.

"Rules!" Zhao Shu said, "I want to go back and think about this rule carefully."

Today's conversation reached Han Jiang.

"Are there rules?" Han Jiang said: "What I know best in the Third Division is that there are no rules. If rules can be set and everyone follows them, then the Song Dynasty will be afraid of lack of money and food? Young people are terrible. No wonder Shen An and the king are planning this. The finance department has been separated from the three departments. The officials would be happy to see this happen..."

"Yang Zhuochao, what your brother-in-law said is a rule, but it's an official family! Can't an official family spend money freely?"

In the school, it was break time. Several students who had returned from the latrines found Yang Zhuochao.

"What's the meaning?"

Yang Zhuochao is sixteen years old and looks thin when he stands up.

"Xu Yi, tell me."

Xu Yi was in front. Hearing this, he turned around and said, "The students of your brother-in-law's professor said something today and summarized the entire world into so-called rules. The same goes for emperors. What do you think?"

When they have reached this stage of study, they have already started writing policy papers and have gained a lot of understanding of current affairs.

"Without rules, there is no rule." Yang Zhuochao sat down again.

Xu Yi smiled and said: "Then why does your brother-in-law spend money unruly?"

This is sophistry, and it is also using Zi's spear to attack Zi's shield.

Yang Zhuochao raised his head and said impatiently: "The emperor and the country are one, so naturally there are rules when it comes to spending money. My brother-in-law earns his own money. As long as it doesn't harm nature, it's his business how he spends it. Why should he follow any rules?"

"Then why should we abide by the rules when spending money in court?" Xu Yi found it interesting to introduce Yang Zhuochao into his circle of sophistry step by step, and it would be even more interesting to end him with a question in the end.

"Hey! You are really boring." Yang Zhuochao said: "The money of the official family and the money of the court are all tax income. They are the blood and sweat of the people in the world. Of course, they must be spent according to the rules. But my brother-in-law's money is his own. , why should we be supervised?"


This explanation is too sharp and points directly to people's hearts. It can be called the ultimate answer to this question.

Xu Yi was speechless and the students were thoughtful.

"The money of the people of the world should be monitored by the people of the world as to how it is spent. This is a great virtue!"

Mr. Lu Hui is here.

As soon as he came in, he praised Yang Zhuochao, "After hearing this, I suddenly realized. It shows Yang Zhuochao's qualifications. You must learn from him."

Everyone responded, and someone said: "Sir, Mangshan Academy's enrollment is coming soon."


Everyone looked at the student who was speaking and felt that this guy was really looking for death.

If you want to send all the students to Mangshan Academy, won't that sir lose his job?

Lu Hui said with a smile: "There is endless learning in the world. I have to study hard myself, otherwise I am afraid that I will be embarrassed by you. Besides, Mangshan Academy requires examinations to recruit students, and those who are poor will not be able to get in. Just wait. Just go, if you can get in a few, my school will naturally become famous, and those who come to sign up will probably crush the threshold."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Someone asked Yang Zhuochao, "Your brother-in-law founded Mangshan Academy, why don't you go?"

Yang Zhuochao said calmly: "I have to rely on myself."

The pride of a young man!

Lu Hui nodded slightly, "Go and give it a try. At least you can help me."

He really hoped that some of his students could pass the exam, so that his school would become famous.

Yang Zhuochao hesitated, "The student has to go home and ask his parents."

After school, he went home all the way and bought a cake and ate it on the way.

"My son, are you hungry?"

Mrs. Li couldn't help but feel distressed when she saw that her son was enjoying the food.

Ah Qing next to him smiled and said: "Madam, when this young man of fifteen or sixteen is old enough to eat, the families in the alley are like this. No matter how much food is cooked at home, they will be swept away." Empty, the child’s stomach seems to never be full.”

"That's right." Mrs. Li smiled and ordered: "Then make more dinner. Also, prepare more dry food at home in the future for him to eat when he comes back from school."

Later Yang Jinian came back and asked his wife to prepare wine.

"What's going on? Is there something good?" Li asked as she stood up.

"The words of the students in the academy today shocked the emperor and his ministers. My son-in-law has a promising future and I am happy for my husband."

During dinner, he happily drank a small drink. Seeing his son devouring the food, he felt even more happy. "How is Dalang's studies going recently?"

"First." Yang Zhuochao said concisely and concisely.

This son seems a little proud of UU Reading www.uukanshu.net!

Yang Jinian knew it well and was ready to look for an opportunity to strike.

"Dad, sir, Mangshan Academy has admitted students and asked us to take the exam."

"Go to the academy?" Mrs. Li was the first to react, "Didn't your brother-in-law say last time that he would just go if he wanted to?"

After Yang Zhuochao got older, Shen An expressed his position and said that if he wanted to go to the academy, just say so.

But Yang Jinian didn't agree, and Yang Zhuochao didn't agree either.

Why are you thinking about taking the exam now?

Yang Zhuochao raised his head slightly, "Mom, I have to rely on my own ability to take the imperial examination. If I go to the academy, others will say that I am relying on my brother-in-law."

"Niu Xin is weird, what's wrong with relying on your brother-in-law? Isn't this man successful only by relying on this and that? Besides, in the end, you will become someone else's support." Mrs. Li felt a stomachache when she saw her son like this.

"Are you sure about this?" Yang Jinian didn't know what he was thinking, but he looked very relaxed.

"Little things!"

Yang Zhuochao put down his chopsticks and said, "My child is going to study."

After he left, Mrs. Li smiled and said: "Da Lang is so confident, he is afraid that he will not pass the exam. Why don't you... tell your son-in-law?"

It's annoying to go through the back door, but most people take it for granted for the sake of their children.

Yang Jinian shook his head, "My son-in-law said that Da Lang is very smart, but his temperament needs to be tempered more and he needs to see more people. That's why my husband kept him in that school. That kind of place has few rules and many fights, so it is the most suitable place." he."

Mrs. Li smiled and said: "My son-in-law is very good at judging people. Since he said it, I don't care."

Two days later, all the promising students in the school went to Mangshan Academy.

Lu Hui led them to find the person who signed up.

"These are some of my students."

He turned around and pointed at Yang Zhuochao and others behind him.

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