A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1614: Loyal Minister

Zeng Ermei was eventually brought back by Chen Luo, along with Han Jiang.

"I left the house before dawn and came to save you, Shen An, under the stars and the moon. Now I am very hungry, so I quickly got something delicious to eat."

Han Jiang sat down and didn't want to get up. Shen An smiled and said, "It's easy, Prime Minister Han will just wait."

"What's the matter with Prime Minister Han? The money bag is gone, I will have no shame to be called Prime Minister Han from now on."

Sansi's money bag was taken away by Shen An and Zhao Xu, so it's normal for the old man to complain.

Zeng Ermei was still calming down, so Shen An personally took action and made flatbread, eggs, and a large basin of tofu.

"With the addition of hot sauce, Han Xiang, it is the most delicious dish in Bianliang!"

Shen An personally demonstrated, putting the steaming tofu brain in a bowl, then adding seasonings, and finally adding hot sauce and stirring.

"This is best eaten with pancakes and steamed buns."

Shen An took a bite of the flatbread and scooped out a spoonful of tofu.


Fried cakes with tofu curd, this is heaven!

Han Jiang saw that he tasted delicious, so she made a bowl for herself. As soon as she tasted it, she narrowed her eyes and nodded, "Sure enough, he is the most famous chef in the Song Dynasty. It seems that I have to stay at your house for ten and a half days."

"Welcome!" How could Shen An be afraid of such a threat? "There is a guest room in the front yard. I will ask someone to change the quilt later. Prime Minister Han is welcome to move in."

Taro was eating his breakfast beside him. He glanced at Han Jiang from time to time, seeming hesitant to speak.

Old people like children, so Han Jiang asked kindly: "Taro, do you have something to say?"

"Yes!" Taro nodded, "Dad said... those who lie are not good children."

Han Jiang praised: "Good tutor. That's right. If you have something to say, you should tell the truth."

Taro pointed at his eyes and said: "There is a big lump there... such a big lump!"

Han Jiang wiped a large amount of eye droppings from the corners of his eyes with one smooth swipe.


Han Jiang didn't wash her face?

Shen An wanted to endure it, but his body was trembling.

Han Jiang said with a straight face: "Just laugh if you want."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Enough laughing, we have to find a way to solve this matter.

Shen An wanted to stay away for a few more days, but Han Jiang said seriously: "You suggested that redundant officials should be dealt with seriously, but if these officials are not dealt with properly, what will happen next? Everyone will make trouble! How can we solve the problem of redundant officials? Hmm. !”

This incident may not seem like a big deal, but it hides a deep-seated crisis.

Once these officials make a fuss, those who oppose the New Deal will start making noises. Many people will also throw themselves into their arms, and from then on they will be at odds with the New Deal.

This is the overall situation!

All the way into the palace, Zhao Shu obviously got the news and asked: "I heard that someone was making trouble and was beaten away by your female cook? Several people were also hacked to death."

Who is spreading rumors?

Shen An smiled bitterly and said, "Your Majesty, someone made some rude remarks and was chased out of Yulin Lane by my cook. There were no casualties."

"Oh, that's just spreading rumors." Zhao Shu suddenly changed the subject, "There has been a memorial before, saying that these officials had served the Song Dynasty for many years, but were driven out and left helpless. Some people said they were worried that the officials in the world would be disheartened. Some people say this is looking for trouble..."

"It's my fault that this matter has been delayed until now." Han Jiang took the initiative to take responsibility.

"No wonder you." Zhao Shu sneered: "I don't want to go to the northwest if I give you money, but isn't going to the northwest just doing something? I'm afraid of this, I'm afraid of that, what use do I need from such people?"

The sequelae appeared, and these officials would not have a good life in the future.

"Are there people like this in the political hall?" Zhao Shu sneered.

The Zhengshitang is the center of the Song Dynasty. If the officials in the center are unstable, big problems will arise.

Han Qi said confidently: "Your Majesty, don't worry, anyone who dares to cause trouble will be captured."

Zeng Gongliang said calmly: "In extraordinary times, extraordinary means must be used!"

Zhao Shu nodded and said with satisfaction: "Those memorials seem to be full of intentions, but inside they are full of threats. Whenever there are some problems in the center, they will immediately attack in groups. Nowadays, the stability of the political hall is the top priority. Secondly...how to deal with those people from the Third Division?"

This is about to take action!

Han Qi shook his head, "Your Majesty, you can't do anything about this. Once you do, the consequences will be unmanageable."

"Your Majesty, we can only be gentle on this matter!" Zeng Gongliang said surreptitiously: "Is there an instigator behind their troubles? I think there must be someone. Now I will be gentle and wait for the matter to calm down before settling the accounts. New accounts. Let’s settle old accounts together!”

The temperature in the hall immediately dropped a bit, and even Chen Zhongheng was looking at Zeng Gongliang.

Everyone felt a little surprised.

Lao Zeng is so cruel? Isn't this because you drank too much?

Zeng Gongliang has always given people the impression of being stable, and rarely has a sharp attitude. Some people say that given time, this will be another Wen Yanbo.

But this man had a different face today, and he was so cruel and scary.

Zeng Gongliang probably also noticed something was wrong. He laughed and pretended to be a Bodhisattva again.

"Shen An..."

Zhao Shu looked over and saw Shen An leaning against the pillar with bright eyes.

Yes, young people are the spirit.

"You are the one who started this matter. Please tell me."

Shen An glanced at Zhao Xu, who was pretending to be a Bodhisattva, and said: "Your Majesty, I also thought that I should be gentle in this matter, but if it comes to settling the accounts, I think it would be best to do it on the spot. Postponing it later will not weaken the prestige of the court."

He spoke with full confidence, which made Zhao Shu's heart move, "Are you sure?"

Shen An smiled and said, "At this time, even if you are not sure, I have to step forward, otherwise how can I live up to His Majesty's kindness, salary and honor."

Loyal minister!

Zhao Shu felt that the only people who could stand up at this time were loyal ministers. He said with satisfaction: "I know that you are flexible and eclectic in your work. So... what do you think?"

Han Qi said: "Shen An, let's do the work... I think it's safe."

Zeng Gongliang nodded, "I second the proposal."

Naturally, these old foxes would not take over at this time and let young Shen An take the lead. If Shen An couldn't resist, they would come out to take over. By then, they would have watched the battle for a long time and would naturally be confident.

This is where politicians are so sophisticated.

Bao Zheng naturally knew this, but he would not stop it.

After leaving the hall, Shen An supported him as he walked slowly. Bao Zheng said, "You have made too many meritorious deeds, and they will eventually fade away. Even if you can't handle this matter well, it will be fine. It's a lesson."

"Yes." Shen An was very calm.

"You have to know that these people... they have done nothing wrong, so many people sympathize with them. As for them who have no ability but no one pays attention to them, and those who are messing around, I cleaned up a group of them when I was in the Third Division. It has only been a few years, but it has come out again. It shows that officials must be strict in their governance and cannot relax for a moment.

This matter is not easy to handle. It is not appropriate to be cruel, nor is it appropriate to respond gently. There are people behind those people, and they will continue to bewitch these people, and they will not bow their heads unless they are given benefits..."

"But they have something to do!" Shen An thought this kind of thinking was strange. "There are a large number of officials sent to the northwest. They can go there. If they think they are capable and can get money to make a living on their own, why sympathize with them? "

"There are many things that you don't understand. No, it's not that you don't understand, but...do you want to go to the northwest?"

Shen An thought for a moment, "I probably don't want to go."

"Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you." Bao Zheng said angrily, "The officials probably think the same way you do, but they can't say it."

Once these words are spoken publicly, the world will be shaken immediately, and the emperor and his ministers will be uneasy.

Bao Zheng didn't seem to know what he said. He sighed: "You are too eager. If you want to stab them, be careful that they come after you. You..."

He looked sideways at Shen An, "Remember to get the steel plate when you go out."

Shen An couldn't help but touch his waist and felt a chill coming over him.

Stab in the waist!

But he immediately smiled and said, "It's just unreasonable."

In fact, the redundant officials in the Song Dynasty were not serious, it was just that those redundant officials refused to go downstairs.

There is a shortage of officials below, this is the consensus.

In many states and counties, sometimes the county magistrate is the highest official, acting as the county magistrate.

Why is this? A young man from the Song Dynasty? Quite a few, just because those states and counties are so bad that no one wants to go there.

Standing outside the imperial city, Shen An squinted at the sun and said, "Find those people and let them go to the bank."

The group of people were eating in a restaurant at the moment.

The wine shop was booked, and the leading man stood in the middle, shouting loudly: "We have worked diligently in the Third Division for many years, and now we are dismissed. Why is this?!"

"Why?" More people stood up, looking sad and angry.

"Because there are thieves in the middle to stir things up!" The leading man is called Xia Zheng. He was originally an official of Sansidu Zhigouyuan. He is the highest-ranking official among this group of people, so he naturally became the leader.

Xia Zheng said angrily: "They said they would go to the northwest, but the northwest is bitterly cold, there are still remnants of the Western bandits and the Qiang people, and there are even Fan people who attack from time to time. Where can they go? What kind of buyout can they get with money? How many years will they be an official? Just give us as much as you want... But how do we know how to do business? Isn't this forcing us?

We are now desperate, what should we do? Should he follow their orders and go to the northwest, or should he fight them to the end?

Naturally, I will fight to the end, for no reason, just because... these people... are all national traitors! The thieves of a certain country are at odds with each other! "

"National traitor!"

Everyone's face turned red and they raised their arms and shouted.

The shopkeeper of the wine shop started to see so many people coming to eat, and he happily pulled his ladies out to help. But after hearing these radical words, he couldn't help but said: "Officials, I don't understand anything! But for To survive, I have to try step by step. If I lose, I will help others to make money. When I have some experience, I will continue and try again... It took me more than ten years to open this wine shop..."

Xia Zheng looked at him sideways, "When I speak, there is no room for you to interrupt? If this wasn't the Third Division, I would definitely have your mouth swollen!"

The shopkeeper still wanted to talk, UUReading www.uukanshu.net His wife dragged him behind and cursed: "Haven't you suffered enough over the years? Don't worry about anything, don't worry about anything, my father warned me back then. Do you still remember what you said?"

The shopkeeper blushed and said, "But...but Shen Longtu said..."

His wife sneered: "What Shen Longtu said is useless. If he has the ability to make our lives better, then I will believe whatever he says. Before that, go to work! Earn money to feed your children." serious."

The shopkeeper lowered his head and sighed: "My husband knows."

"A visitor is coming."

A customer came outside, and the shopkeeper hurried out.

The person who came was Wen Xiaozhong. He looked at Xia Zheng who was talking coldly and said, "My husband wants you to go to the bank immediately!"

The fifth update is still here, please vote for me!

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