A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,630: Deceiving Zhao Yunrang

"You are like a spider, squatting in Bianliang City and making webs everywhere, making trouble!"

"I don't like spiders, I'm so scared when I look at them!"

"But what you do is a spider."

"It's not over?"

A couch was placed under the big tree in the yard, and Shen An lay on it. Edamame lay on his belly and fell asleep.

Shen An put one hand behind his head and placed the other hand gently on Maodou's back.

Wang Yu was sitting on the other side, eating the sour plum soup Ermei Cai gave him, feeling very happy.

Shen An lay comfortably, feeling a little sleepy.

"My father said this was a great achievement. Han Qi and others came to celebrate at home last night. They got very drunk and asked someone to come out and write poetry..."

Wang Yu was stunned.

Shen An was also in a daze.

"They...you didn't shame them, did you?" Shen An was worried that this guy would make all the prime ministers stand down on the spot.

"No, I just composed a poem. Han Qi said it was too old-fashioned, so he got up to compose the poem. As a result, he couldn't stand still and sat down on the table. The table collapsed under him..."

Old Han is really...

Shen An's eyelids slowly closed, feeling like he had become an immortal.

"Later, they praised my dad, but they kept looking at X, and they probably knew that those ideas came from X."

"Later, Wen Yanbo and Sima Guang also came to express their congratulations. Being able to have the new party and the old party sit down and drink and laugh together shows that these people are wary of the emperor and are afraid that the Song Dynasty will have an emperor like Yang Guang."

"Finally, Wen Yanbo sent a certain picture of calligraphy, smiling like an old fox."


Shen An fell asleep.

When he woke up, he found that he was covered with a quilt.


Maodou was lying on his chest and was awake at this moment.

"Where's Yuan Ze?"

Shen An felt a little dry.

Zhao Wuwu on the side said: "I left a long time ago. I said..."

"What did he say?"

Shen An yawned and let Maodou stand on his belly.

"I've never seen anyone as lazy as you."

"What do you do all day long?"

Shen An doesn't like being busy all day long. He feels that it is a waste of life.

"Mr. Lang, that Du Lin wants to see you."

"Let him come, I will come over later."

Take a nap at noon and feel as happy as a god!

Shen An washed his face, drank a cup of tea, and then went to the front yard.

Du Lin waited for a while, but did not dare to complain at all.

"I've seen Shen Longtu."

"What's the matter?"

After taking a nap, Shen An felt that his mind was completely blank, he was extremely disgusted with human affairs, and just wanted to sit quietly in a daze.

Seeing that his attitude was not very good, Du Lin smiled apologetically and said, "We are going to the south, but sea trade requires ships and goods..."

He glanced at Shen An and said, "I am a poor official."

What does Haimao do?

The game is about courage and money.

You dare not go to sea without courage, and you cannot afford sea trade without money.

Du Lin and others were just ordinary officials before, so they had no capital.

So this reminds me of Shen An, a rich man.

He was worried that Shen An would ignore him, just like someone said when he came.

——This matter has been settled, why does Shen An still look at us differently?

The so-called newlyweds marry into the house and the matchmaker throws it over the wall. This is common sense in most cases.

Shen An narrowed his eyes, "Somewhere..."


Du Lin felt anxious and said: "Shen Longtu, I'm here..."

Shen An glanced at him and said, "It's not that I don't have money here, it's just that when I go to trade overseas, what I need is not just capital, but also my connections. I have connections, but I can't compare to some people."

"Who? Who else has more connections than you?"

"Noble man."

Shen An stood up and said, "Honestly, let Ermei prepare some good things and go to the county prince's mansion."

The corner of Du Lin's mouth trembled, "Shen Longtu, you...the noble person you are talking about is the county king?"

"Other than the prince, who else can be a noble person here?"

Shen An's tone was indifferent, but considering his strong capital and connections, Du Lin took it for granted.

"Thank you Shen Longtu."

Du Lin's face was red, but he was extremely excited.

He couldn't help but be excited.

If Old Zhao was persuaded by Shen An to join their caravan, what would they have to fear?

The biological father of the official family is ours, who dares to make things difficult?

This is the greatest capital.

"Lang Jun, there is only hot sauce left at home."

Zhuang Laoshi came back with a worried look.

Shen An frowned and said, "What season is it now? It's early summer, it's a good time to eat hot pot, just hot sauce. But let Ermei buy more things later."

He suffers from food shortage panic disorder and likes to have countless delicacies piled up at home that he can never finish.

Since Li Baojiu's family reunited, Shen An obviously felt that his face had become more tender.

It can be seen that this man still needs to be concerned.

All the way out of Yulin Lane, someone shouted: "Shen Longtu, the best Liao woman is still a virgin! As long as you say a word, the villain will be sent to the Shen family."

What the hell!

Shen An ignored him with a straight face.

As the Song Dynasty became increasingly powerful, the situation along the border between Song and Liao was also constantly changing.

Back then, people from the Liao Dynasty frequently crossed the border to harvest grass and valleys. Now they also come here, but they are often beaten back.

However, the soldiers on the Song Dynasty became more and more angry and actually crossed the border to plunder.

Looting... of course, murder and arson, plus looting.

If men want to kill, just kill them. Women, especially beautiful women, are resources and will be brought back.

There are caravans wandering around the border specifically collecting these bloody goods.

These goods were taken all the way to Bianliang and other places for sale, and the inspection departments along the way turned a blind eye and allowed these traffickers to flourish.

More than ten Liao women were standing in the open space, surrounded by men and women. The men were surprised, and the women were also surprised, but none of them took action.

When the owner saw Shen An coming, he couldn't help but drag a hot woman over, "Shen Long Picture, give it away for free. I won't take your money from anyone else. You can just take it back and kill him as you like."

The Liao girl looked at Shen An in horror, her plump body trembling.

There were sergeants from the military patrol shop nearby. According to the law, selling people on the street was against the law, but they were watching the fun with a smile. Shen An frowned and said, "If you don't like this, go and do your own business."

"Yes Yes Yes."

The owner of the goods took Liao Nu back and said, "Look! Look! This is the painting of Shen Long. He doesn't want the beauty he gave away for free. It shows that he is as pure as water!"

Shen An, who was as innocent as water, entered the county prince's mansion with gifts, and everyone he met along the way smiled and said hello.

"What's going on here?"

The steward who led the way smiled and said: "The prince is very happy today. Everyone in the government will be rewarded with a hundred coins."

The regulations of the county prince's palace are not small, especially those of Lao Zhao. If it weren't for Old Zhao's dissatisfaction, Zhao Shu could turn this place into half a palace so that his father could enjoy his old age in peace.

But even so, the population in the county prince's palace is very large, each person has one hundred coins, so Lao Zhao is very prosperous!

"What are you waiting for?"

An ordinary servant earns a hundred pennies, but his management is naturally different.

"Always." The steward looked at Yun Danfengqing, and it was obvious that his daily life was also very nourishing.

Rich people!

When Shen An saw Zhao Yunrang, the old guy was still lying on the couch with his breasts exposed. Asu was still massaging him, and the old servant was still standing next to him and taking a nap.

"I've met the prince."

Zhao Yunrang snorted coldly, "How long has it been since you last came?"


Shen An said awkwardly: "It's been more than half a year."

"It seems that you have become too strong-willed and treat me like a passing smoke. Hey! Friendship is indeed worthless!"

The old guy looked a little resentful, so Shen An quickly calmed him down for a while.

Many old people are like children, needing you to coax him or her. Shen An feels that this is the emotion of being needed, so he came at the right time.

"The prince wonders if so-and-so is busy recently."

"What are you busy with?" Zhao Yunrang coughed, and the old servant miraculously came over carrying a spittoon.

Shen An looked at the old servant and was slightly shocked.

This old servant has good skills!


There are countless talents in the palace, and if the old servants had not been somewhat capable, they would have been replaced long ago.

"The second batch of merchant ships that went to sea have returned. This time they encountered wind and waves and lost more than ten ships. Some people are afraid of the difficulties and are not going forward. So they are looking for some people to go south to build momentum."

"Sea trade?" Zhao Yunrang sat up, "I heard you make a lot of money?"

"Yes! The most profitable thing is sea trade." Shen An said calmly: "It's just that it's not easy to go to this place, otherwise those people may have no way of living."

"Why?" Zhao Yunrang stretched out his hand, and Asu handed him some tea.

"A certain person is rich and has many good things. Once A certain person goes to sea, the scene will definitely be big. Those people are afraid of A certain person's involvement and worry that they won't be able to make money."

The current sea trade is only on a small scale. Once predators like Shen An enter the water, those businessmen will feel uneasy and fear that they will be marginalized.

"That's the truth." Old Zhao nodded, "In this case, you can let people go into the sea, as long as it doesn't use your name."

"The prince is wise!"

Shen An didn't expect that Old Zhao would be so aggressive, "It's just that I make too much money. You know, if I go overseas to trade again, I'm afraid I'll really be rich as the enemy."

It is not a good thing to be as rich as the country. As time goes by, either you will die or I will die.

"You are sensible, this is your advantage." Zhao Yunrang naturally knew this truth, and just wanted to test Shen An. Seeing his alertness, he said with satisfaction: "A person's life is very long, and success and failure are only temporary victories. I have seen many When you are proud, you don’t know how to restrain yourself, and it disappears in the end. But you know how to measure it, which is rare. I will talk to the officials later..."

Lao Zhao thought Shen An was here to talk nonsense, so he started talking nonsense...

"Prince, when you came in just now, you heard that money was distributed in the palace?"

"Well, I'm happy."

Lao Zhao looked a little proud.

Shen An said happily: "This is the official's favor!"

Zhao Shu often brought back some small benefits, which made Lao Zhao's life quite nourishing.

"Yes! Thirteenth Lang is a kind and righteous man."

"But the official family has been having a hard time lately."

"Huh?" Zhao Yunrang is thinking about his son the most now. UU Reading www.uukansu.net Hearing this, he asked: "Why?"

"Money!" Shen An sighed, "The expenses in the palace are not small! This has forced the officials to give their internal treasury to the bank. They say that the bank can save expenses. The prince, the government... it is difficult. !”

Not many people know the inside story of the banker taking over the purchasing power in the palace. Old Zhao is enjoying the blessing now, so Zhao Shu will not tell him such things to avoid making him upset.

"Is this so?" Zhao Yunrang felt a little melancholy, "My life is good enough, so next time, let Thirteenth Lang stop sending money and food."

Lao Zhao took the bait!

Shen An said with a sigh of relief: "What did the prince say? Your money is tight, and the officials are uneasy. But there is a way here... a way to make money. I wonder if you are interested?"

"Just tell me." Zhao Yunrang smiled and said, "I believe in your ability to make money, so just tell me."

"Trade overseas!"

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