A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1649: Go and slap them.

The Korean mission is ready to go back.

The food in the post house has not been satisfactory these days, but compared with the food in Korea, it is still delicious, so the Koreans wolfed down the food while saying that the Song Dynasty was poor.

Li He squatted outside the door with a big basin and ate.


The people eating indoors were civil servants, and Li He was a military general. Some people, probably envious of Li He's good appetite, made fun of him.

Li He didn't care about this.

As a warrior, having a good appetite is a must. In the army, the more capable the general is, the more confident his subordinates will be.

The more you eat, the greater your strength!

This is the simplest truth.

"I will go and resign later. Everyone is ready in the post house. Once the Song people agree, we will go back."

Han Jin finished eating, burped secretly, and then explained the recent precautions in a righteous manner, "Neither humble nor arrogant, remember, this is how we deal with the Song people."

"Li He!"

Li He stood up and Han Jin said: "Song people are domineering and may embarrass us. Then it will be up to you."

"Yes." Li He nodded, but felt panicked in his heart.

I can't!

Since coming to Bianliang, he has been living in seclusion, fearing that someone from the Song Dynasty navy would recognize him, and then all the lies he had boasted about would be exposed.

Han Jin said with admiration: "You have been very calm since arriving in Bianliang, which is rare."

Can this also be praised?

Li He didn't expect that his guilty behavior would be regarded as calm, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

This is unintentional planting of willows and willows to create shade!

As night fell, Li He returned to his room to read.

The candle flame was very steady, reminding Li He of Goryeo's candles.

The Liao people were accumulating strength, and so were the Song people. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that a war between Song and Liao was inevitable.

What should Korea do at this time?

Domestically speaking, it is still neutral. This is the most suitable path for Goryeo.

It's just that the people of Song Dynasty now seem unwilling to let Goryeo survive alone.


Li He swore that he did not sigh.

Who is that?

Li He felt a chill down his spine.

He turned back slowly.

A dark figure stood in the corner, and next to it was an open box.

That box was in the room and was specially used to store clothes for the guests staying there. The people from the mission also said that the Song Dynasty people wanted to find it.

Just when he was about to explode, the dark shadow said calmly: "My husband has invited you."

In Goryeo, those who can speak the Song Dynasty dialect are the upper-class people, and Li He is no exception.

Li He took a few breaths and asked, "Who is your husband?"

"Shen An!"

Li He was delighted, "Why did Shen Longtu meet someone?"

"I don't know."

"Then..." Li He hesitated, and the shadow said: "If you don't go, your reputation will be ruined tomorrow!"

Li He felt cold in his heart, feeling as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

"What did you say?"

A quarter of an hour later, Li He appeared on the second floor of a brothel.

Chen Luo, the gatekeeper, glanced at Wen Xiaozhong, then turned around and said softly: "Lang Jun, Li He is here."

"Let him in."

Shen An's voice sounded very relaxed. As the door opened, the light inside tilted out and was very warm, but Li He felt that it was a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

He walked in slowly.

There was only Shen An inside, and there were wine and food on the table.

"Li He?" Shen An pointed to the opposite side, and Li He went over and sat down, "Yes."

"I heard that you are known as a fierce general in Korea?" Shen An raised his glass, and Li He couldn't help but follow.

After drinking a glass of wine, Li He asked, "May I ask Shen Longtu, what happened to you?"

He was still thinking of luck, and Shen An smiled: "The navy landed at that time. You were very brave. You dared to lead the army to attack. You were defeated and captured..."


The chopsticks landed on the silver plate, and Li He trembled: "What do you want to do? What do you want me to do?"


Shen An clapped his hands and Chen Luo came in from outside.

"Prepare paper and pen for this fierce general brother."

Chen Luo went out and later brought a pen and paper and put them on the desk.

Shen An raised his head and said with a smile: "The King of Korea heard that there are many women? And meat and vegetables are not taboo... For example, it is said that you and the King of Korea have some... admiration for each other?"

"No! This is made up!"

Li He stood up suddenly. Shen An's eyes were cold, but he subconsciously touched the steel plate on his chest and abdomen.

Li Baojiu appeared at the door.

"This is someone's servant. You can try to see which one is faster, you or his sword!"

Shen An said and threw a silver plate out.


Amidst the sound of drawing the sword, the light of the sword flashed immediately.

The silver plate had already broken into two halves when it hit the ground.

Li Baojiu sheathed his sword and stared at Li He.

Li He gritted his teeth and said, "Do you want someone to be ruined?"

"You can choose not to write it." Shen An smiled like a devil, "Go to Bianliang to inquire about Shen's reputation, convince people with virtue, and never force people. If you don't want to... just leave. "

He stood up slowly as he spoke. Li He looked up at him and said sadly: "Shen Long Tu, I have sworn to be the internal correspondent of the Song Dynasty, but I cannot write this kind of thing! Otherwise, I will be killed by the whole family!"

As long as Shen An walks out of this door, he and Li He will be finished.

"Someone said, you can choose."

Just like the Song Dynasty let the Koreans choose, Shen An also let Li He choose at this moment.

Shen An's steps were steady. When he walked a little outside the door, Li He cried sadly: "Okay! From now on, someone will be Shen Longtu's person."

"No, from now on, you will be from the Song Dynasty."

Shen An turned around, waved his hand and said, "Give that book to Li He."

Chen Luo came in and gave Li He a book. When he opened it, he found that it was all about the King of Goryeo...

The most disgusting thing is that it also contains content about Li He and the King of Korea.

"Copy it."

Shen An was very tired, so he went home first.

Ever since he decided to develop Li He into a rapist, he has been writing this novel, which is really tiring.

After copying, just when Chen Luo wanted to take the novel back, Zhang Baian appeared.

"To someone."

The official said he wanted to read it, so Zhang Baizhi personally came out to intercept the novel.

Chen Luo smiled bitterly.

Zhang Baibian came to the palace and presented this novel. Zhao Shu took it and read it carefully.

"This guy..."

The content was so exciting that Zhao Shu wanted to throw away the novel.

But the content behind it is very beautiful.

From meeting each other to falling in love...

It was so beautiful that Zhao Shu could not help but be immersed in it.

When he reached the end, the writing style suddenly changed and became rough and vulgar. Zhao Shu threw the book away and cursed: "Little thief! Little thief!"

Chen Zhongheng went over to pick it up and happened to turn the page to the end. The content made him want to vomit blood.

The next day, the Korean delegation was notified and could leave.

After packing their things, the delegation members left the room, only to find more than ten people standing outside.

"Important things were lost in the post house last night. Please wait for your convenience and let us search." The officials of the post house were very polite, but what they said made people angry.

This is a shame!

Han Jin blushed and said, "Impossible!"

If they were searched, whether they were found or not, the news that the Koreans were thieves would spread throughout Bianliang.

"Then don't blame us for being rude!"

More than a dozen people smiled ferociously, and the hand behind them was exposed, holding a stick in Huoran's hand.

"What are you going to do?" Han Jin said sadly and angrily: "Is this the kindness of the Song Dynasty to its vassals?"

"Korea is a vassal of the Liao people!" the post official sneered: "Don't be so shameless, put your things down and let us search. We can leave naturally without you."

The Koreans are currently vassals of the Liao Kingdom, at least in name only.

"No!" Han Jin shouted helplessly.

At this moment, someone from behind roared: "What do you want to do?"

Everyone looked back and saw that it was Li He who just said he needed to use the toilet, so he stayed behind.

He came quickly, blocked in front of everyone, and shouted: "This is the messenger, if you dare to take action, I will make you wait for blood to be splashed on the spot today!"

Song Ren actually hesitated.

"Still not retreating!"

Li He raised his head and shouted loudly, his beard and hair taut, showing extraordinary power.

On a second floor in the distance, Shen An put down his telescope and said with satisfaction: "Li He's acting skills are good."

Tang Ren on the side praised: "In this way, Li He will definitely be praised by everyone after he returns. The faster he is promoted in the future, the more benefits he will have to the Song Dynasty."

Shen An sighed: "Li He is known as a fierce general in Korea. This is a reputation built on lies. If you look around, you can see how many people are like this..."

He looked at Tang Ren, "Many people outside say that you are a good financial manager..."

Tang Ren immediately said in panic: "Everything about a student is taught by the teacher. I dare not call him a good expert."

"Why are you panicking?" Shen An frowned and said, "Is this someone jealous of others?"

"Don't dare." Shen An always looked very kind, even casual, but Tang Ren knew that on the other side of this kind and casual attitude were those who watched and killed.

"Your reputation is too good." Shen An looked at Tang Ren sadly, "Officials in this department don't need a good reputation. Do you know why?"

Tang Ren shook his head, "Students don't know."

In private, he could call himself a student, but today, except for the students in the academy, there were only a few people who could call themselves students in front of Shen An.

If Shen An said that he wanted to accept students, it is guaranteed that Yulin Lane would be blocked.

It's one thing to learn skills, but more to take shortcuts through Shen An.

This is the human heart.

"Because we have too many opponents." Shen An was very melancholy, but Tang Ren felt that he was proud.

"A gentleman... you remember, being a gentleman is very tiring, because you need to pretend to be a gentleman all the time." Shen An thought of countless 'gentlemen' in the Song Dynasty, "We have too many opponents , so there will be countless people staring at us. If you pretend to be a gentleman... I know you are not a gentleman."

Tang Ren couldn't help but laugh.

"So I heard that you have a good reputation, so I am very worried." Shen An raised his telescope and took a look. The envoy over there had already raised his head and was getting ready to come out.

At this time, they were so arrogant and high-spirited that it was time to clean up.

"I have thought of a good way for you to ruin your reputation."

Shen An looked at Tang Ren and showed an innocent smile.

Tang Ren felt something was wrong.

The so-called reputation is too good, but Shen An's reputation is not bad either!

So this is just an excuse, the purpose is to make him look embarrassed.


He couldn't figure it out.

"Go and slap the Korean envoy."

Tang Ren was dumbfounded, "Why? Didn't you ask Li He to perform meritorious service?"

Shen An said calmly: "I want him to perform meritorious service, but a certain person doesn't like the Korean people to be proud of themselves in Bianliang. So, let them be proud first, and then slap them and tell them that if possible, the Song Dynasty can slap them hard at any time." .”

Fifth update, please vote for me!

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