A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,659 Who is your teacher?

Chapter 1658 Two Girls

Martial arts classes have begun.

Shen An returned to his one-third-acre land and lived his small life happily.

Hundreds of elites from the army were transferred to martial arts, but it had no impact.

In the north, minor conflicts broke out from time to time between the Song and Liao Dynasties. The word "Dacaogu" frequently appeared in the memorials sent back to Bianliang from the north.

"In May, the Liao people crossed the border eleven times and were repulsed by our army."

"In May, our army crossed the border nineteen times... Anbei!"

Su Shi didn't know where he copied it from, and it reminded Shen An of street stall literature in later generations of stations.

"Nineteen times!" Su Shi was as excited as if he had done it nineteen times last night. "How could the Song Dynasty dare to cross the border before. Now there are more people than the Liao people. I am really happy... where is the wine?"

He turned his head and looked at Zhuang Laoshi outside, "Where is the wine?"

Is this guy here to report the news, or is he here to eat and drink?

As soon as the wine came, Su Shi got high.

"On one of these occasions, dozens of our army's scouts faced off against more than a hundred Liao army's cavalry. The two sides chased and fought. In the end, the Liao army's body was thirty, and our army only killed more than ten people. Anbei, you can Do you know what this means?"

Su Shi took a sip of wine and suddenly roared.

Huahua appeared at the door, tilted her head and looked at Su Shi, then snorted and ran away.

“Very noisy!”

Guoguo was pacing bitterly, thinking about the homework she had not finished today. When she heard the scream, she sighed: "Brother Zizhan must have drunk too much again, but he can't imitate him, otherwise sister-in-law Will be unhappy."

"Who said that?"

Yang Zhuoxue appeared holding Maodou.


Maodou was smiling at Guoguo.

"Edamame, come here."

Guoguo squatted down and stretched out his hand. As soon as Yang Zhuoxue let go, Maodou ran over.

"Auntie, play!"

Taro grabbed Guoguo's hair and yelled.

"let go!"

Guoguo tickled him, and then the aunt and nephew laughed together.

Later it was said that Wang Ding'er was here.

Guo Guo hurried to greet her friend, and Yang Zhuoxue muttered: "Why have you been so sneaky these past few days? There must be something going on."

Zhao Wuwu smiled and said: "The young lady and the young lady Wang don't know what they are discussing."

Guo Guo and Wang Ding'er went to their rooms and told no one to come near them, as if they were discussing important national affairs.

"Guoguo, those people are still there!"

Wang Ding'er took out a piece of paper, and there was a sketch on it, "Look, just behind Yulin Lane, three men and two women live together, how shameless!"

Guoguo saw that her face was slightly red and asked, "You said she looks like a foreigner?"

"Well, his face is a little dark. I've seen people from the northwest before, and they look a bit like him."

Guo Guo rested her chin on her hands: "How many people can you bring out?"

Wang Ding'er thought for a while, "I have two people who are very good at fighting."

"Well..." Guoguo said regretfully: "I can only go out to smell the souchong."

The two girls looked at each other and said, "Let's do it ourselves!"

The two little hands clapped together.

"Let's go!"

Guo Guo hurried to the backyard, "Sister-in-law, I want to go shopping with Ding'er."

"go Go."

As her sister-in-law grew older, Yang Zhuoxue gradually relaxed her frequency of going out.

Shi Ban drove the carriage slowly. After leaving Yulin Alley, Guo Guo whispered: "Wen Xiaozhong..."

Wen Xiaozhong, who was outside, leaned over and said, "The villain is here."

Guoguo touched the nunchucks in her sleeves and asked, "Can you keep it a secret?"

Wen Xiaozhong said without hesitation: "Yes."

"Where's the slate?"

Shi Ban had a headache, but he could only agree under Wen Xiaozhong's intense gaze.

"Let's go to the back."

Guoguo and Wang Ding'er got off the car and went around to a small alley behind Yulin Lane.

There are not many people in the alley, and beyond is the inner city wall.

Those houses looked like they had gone through a lot of time, and there were sometimes big trees. The canopy of the big tree is like a canopy, covering the roofs of houses. The roof was covered with green moss, and a few clumps of weeds were growing vigorously among the rubble.

The doors of these houses looked quite old, and the entire wall of one house was leaning outward. Wen Xiaozhong reminded: "Be careful, little lady."

Guoguo saw it, wrinkled her nose, and then walked underneath playfully. After walking past, she turned back and said, "It won't fall."

"Yes." Wen Xiaozhong spoke while observing the situation nearby.

After passing three houses further, Wang Ding'er whispered: "The house on the right is this one."

Guoguo glanced nervously, "Can you see clearly?"

"You see clearly, the puppy you gave me the day before yesterday ran all the way here. I just saw it. Those people looked very wary and frequently stared at your house."

Guo Guo looked to the left and saw the Shen family in front of her.

"Hmph! Those thieves must be unwilling to be defeated by my brother, and they are here to assassinate me!"

Wang Ding'er nodded, "That's definitely the case!"

Wen Xiaozhong frowned and asked, "Miss Wang, is it true?"

Wang Ding'er turned around and said, "I heard that their words were very stiff."

This is indeed suspicious.

Wang Ding'er thought for a while, "I don't think they are good people."

Women's intuition is often more effective than men's experience. Wen Xiaozhong didn't understand this truth, but he also increased his vigilance.

Guo Guo suddenly said: "How about... let's do it now."


Wang Ding'er hesitated a little. She turned around and glanced at the two male servants she brought with her, and said, "You didn't ask Shi Ban to come."

"I heard that Xiaozhong is here!" Guoguo said excitedly: "Brother always says that I am a child, so today we will catch the thief. If I catch it, I will shame brother."

"Three men and two women...can we win?"

Wang Ding'er glanced at Wen Xiaozhong, hoping he would give a positive answer.

But in Wen Xiaozhong's eyes, she was a dispensable figure, and no one would care about her.

So Wang Ding'er glanced at Guoguo.

Guoguo asked: "Wen Xiaozhong, can we win?"

Hearing Xiaozhong speak concisely and concisely: "Yes."

So Guo Guo raised her head and said, "Then let's go catch the thief!"

"How to catch it?"

Wang Ding'er called his two male servants and became excited.

Guo Guo rubbed her chin with her right hand, frowned slightly, and said in a sophisticated manner: "Go and call the door first... No, you can't let men call the door, they will be scared. Otherwise... I'll go."

Wen Xiaozhong glanced at Wang Ding'er, and Wang Ding'er quickly said: "I'm older than you, so I'll go too."

Wang Ding'er took a deep breath, then walked to the door and knocked hard.


Someone asked questions inside, and Wang Ding'er said: "My parrot has flown into your house. Please open the door and let me look for it."

Guoguo glanced at Wen Xiaozhong.

Wen Xiaozhong turned away and opened his mouth...

"Little lady, I'm here...Aou!"

Guoguo stretched out her thumb and admired Yifan Wen Xiaozhong's imitation ability.

She and Wen Xiaozhong stood on one side, opposite Wang Ding'er's two followers.

The door opened, and a dark-faced man came out. He glanced at Wang Ding'er, and then walked out slowly.


Wang Ding'er had a chivalrous spirit, so he took action without hesitation.

No, it's a kick.

She kicked the man on the thigh. The man staggered and rushed out.

Two of Wang Ding'er's followers rushed out, one of them hugged the man's side and beat him hard.


The man roared wildly, exerting force with his arms, and the two followers were ejected.

His eyes were red, and he looked at Guoguo and Wen Xiaozhong on the right.


As soon as Guoguo's hand moved, the nunchucks were whipped out.

The man was hit on the forehead, but it looked like nothing happened.

He yelled and prepared to take action.


Wang Ding'er punched and kicked him from behind, but it was of no use.

Wen Xiaozhong still didn't move, as if he was watching Guoguo play.

Guoguo let go and dropped the nunchucks.

Then there was another small porcelain bottle in her hand.

The small porcelain bottle was swayed, and the liquid inside was sprinkled on the man's face.

The man closed his eyes and felt an extremely spicy and stimulating smell coming over him.

"Cough cough cough..."

He coughed violently. Guoguo took the opportunity to pick up the nunchucks and was about to take action. Someone in the yard shouted: "We are the envoy from the northwest."

Guo Guo was startled and pulled Wang Ding'er to run further outside.

Two men hurriedly came out, and when they saw the situation outside, they bowed their hands and saluted.

"We are coming from the northwest."

"Who is in the northwest?" Wen Xiaozhong stood in front of Guoguo.

The man said respectfully: "We are a tribe from the northwest and want to submit to the Song Dynasty."


Is that so?

Hearing that Xiao Zhong did not dare to neglect, he ordered Wang Ding'er's entourage to go to the Shen family to report.

Guo Guo and Wang Ding'er were muttering, and the two girls were extremely excited.

"We can consider this a meritorious service."

"It will definitely count."

"Just don't break other people's legs."

"Leave it to my brother."

Shen An came later, glared at Guo Guo, and then asked the man, "Why don't you go find the official?"

The man smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know."

"You can go even if you don't know me."

Shen An said coldly: "Tell me the origin and purpose of your visit, otherwise..."

He raised his hand, and the soldiers behind him raised their crossbows.

"Is this a fight?" Wang Ding'er held Guoguo's hand, and the two of them looked forward very excitedly.

The man knelt down and said, "I have seen Shen Longtu."

"Do you know someone?"

"The villain has been nearby in the past few days and has seen Shen Longtu coming in and out."

"Say it." Shen An didn't think the messenger needed to remain anonymous, let alone stay outside the Shen family.

If something went wrong, he would have to kill someone.

"Guoguo goes back first."

He didn't want his sister to see the murder scene, but Guoguo shook her head, "Brother, I want to see him confess."

When Shen An was a child, Shen An told her many stories, the most common of which was about catching spies and then how to torture them. The stories were very cartoony and fun.

Now Guoguo just wants to see it.

Shen An had a headache, but the man felt the murderous intention, "I don't dare to hide it... I don't dare to go... That Wang Shao killed people in the northwest and scared us all. I'm afraid that Bianliang will be like this too, so I don't dare to go there." .”

Shen An was stunned.

He thought of Wang Shao's recent letter. In the letter, Wang Shao said that the situation in the northwest was gradually becoming clearer. The Qiang people were gathering recently and the decisive battle was just around the corner.

But before the decisive battle, the Qiang people unexpectedly came to surrender. UUReading www.uukanshhu. What does net mean?

He asked the man carefully and was disappointed.

It turned out that Wang Shao had won many victories in the northwest and was decisive in his killings. He even imitated Shen An and built a Jingguan. This tribe was frightened and wanted to surrender, but they were worried that Wang Shao would not agree, so they sent them to Bianliang.

It’s just a Jingguan!

He was so scared that he looked like this.

Shen An turned around and said with a smile, "Guo Guo and Miss Wang have made a meritorious service this time. What do you want?"

Guoguo shook his head, "Brother, I don't want a reward."

Wang Ding'er also shook his head, "It is the right thing to contribute to the country."

Later, the news reached the palace, and Zhao Shu was furious and said, "Call Zhang Bianba."

Zhang had been here for eight years, and Zhao Shu scolded him, saying that he was raising countless spies from the Imperial City Division, but he didn't have two little ladies to help him.

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