A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 169 I can’t stand him

Wang Anshi stood outside the door, and the light in the room passed by his side and shone on Shen An's face.

Is he Wang Anshi?

An ordinary middle-aged man, there are even some stains on the skirt and hem of his clothes, which shows that he is used to informality.

The eyes narrowed slightly, and then they raised their hands to Han Qi and said hello.

Han Qi cupped his hands indiscriminately and said, "Jiefu, I came here to find you, but Shen An is spitting blood. Just wait..."

"Who is spewing blood?"

Now is the time for the lower office. Shen An won't worry about anything. At worst, he will make a big fuss and make it in front of the emperor.

He pointed at the man being rescued and said: "As soon as Shen came here, this man shouted to step aside... and then he yelled to get out..."

Anyone who is told to get out has to get angry, right? Unless it's a clay figure.

In the marketplace, this word "roll" could trigger a fight.

Shen An looked at Han Qi with a smile and asked, "May I ask Prime Minister Han, is this the property of Mr. Han's family?"

Give birth to a fart!

Han Qi was furious and shouted: "Why don't you stand by me when you see me?"

Han Qi is the Prime Minister, and Shen An is the deputy minister of the Privy Council. If you, Shen An, don't stand aside... Where are the rules?

The concept of respect and inferiority has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Bao Zheng is called Bao Qingtian by the people, but people still have to salute when they see him, and there must be proper rules.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, Wang Anshi was about to speak, but Shen An stared at Han Qi and asked, "Why?"

The corners of Han Qi's eyes were twitching. They were twitching like this when he used to burn the oil in front of Di Qing.


"Can Xianggong Han's servant also ask Shen to get out? Why?"

This matter... is Shen Anzhanli!

There were diners watching the excitement nearby, and when they heard this, they felt the same hatred and anger, but they just didn't dare to offend Han Qi.

Even when you, Han Qi, go to a restaurant, you have to ask your slave to clear the way. It’s so prestigious!

Shen An's drunkenness rose and he cursed angrily: "People say that the gatekeepers of the prime minister's house are all third-rank officials. What's the matter? Can Prime Minister Han's domestic slaves also humiliate Shen?"

Everyone would feel aggrieved by this matter. Others would probably endure it, but they just secretly hated Han Qi in their hearts.

But Shen An came from a later generation and couldn't bear the humiliation, so he asked Zhe Kexing to kill the slave, which was equivalent to a slap in the face of Han Qi.

But it's not over yet!

Shen An only felt that the anger was getting hotter and hotter.

He pointed at the man who was still fainting and said: "This man is domineering and arrogant. Today a slave told me to get out, but who will I ask to get out tomorrow..."

Wang Anshi originally wanted to dissuade Shen An, an aggressive young man, but when he heard this, his expression changed.

And Han Qi's violent temper also stopped at this moment.

Your domestic slave dares to tell Shen An to get lost. As the master, who do you want to get lost?

This is so vicious!

The official family had no children, so Han Qi often made remonstrances, and even asked Zhao Zhen with fierce words to take the clan's son into the palace and raise him in case of emergency.

If Shen An said this to others today, it would naturally be considered slander.

But Han Qi, as the vanguard of forcing the officials, just happened to be tricked.

His face turned red, he clenched his fists, and shouted: "I'll go with you to the official's house to see Zhenzhang!"

This is an attempt to suppress others with power.

Shen An smiled and said: "Please, Shen goes first and waits for Prime Minister Han at the door."

After drinking, Shen An was fearless!

He walked straight over, and Zhe Kexing stared at Han Qi with sharp eyes. As long as Han Qi dared to take action, he vowed to kill him.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, which refers to young people like Zhe Kexing.

But until Shen An reached the stairs, Han Qi still didn't take action.

Shen An suddenly stopped beside the man being rescued, then burped and said, "Shen is celebrating for his subordinates today, so he's leaving!"

He left without a beginning or end. Han Qi was so angry that he trembled all over, turned around and prepared to leave.

Shen An settled the Xixia envoy today. After the news reached the palace, Zhao Zhen was extremely happy. He even said that young people in the Song Dynasty should be like this. He even became very popular in poetry and wrote several poems.

So today he led his subordinates to celebrate this achievement, and no one could blame him.

But what about you, Han Qi?

You are here to build relationships and win comrades...

Wang Anshi's cheeks moved, and he became curious about Shen An, a boy who had been famous for a long time.

Stir-fried vegetables, fragrant dew, new tying methods for carriages and horses...

Moreover, the first time they met, he tricked Han Qi. It was hard to imagine whether he would leave a deep impression on him!

"Zhigui stay!"

Ouyang Xiu came out from behind Wang Anshi. He waved and said, "The young man is so angry that he will naturally regret his apology when he sobers up tomorrow. Come on, Jiefu has just arrived in Bianliang today. I'll wait for him to wash away his dust."

Ouyang Xiu had a bad look in his eyes. After hearing that Shen An had tricked Han Qi, it was already too late when he tried to dissuade him.

Ouyang Xiu and Han Qi have been old friends for many years, and Wang Anshi was once a junior official under Han Qi. He also said: "Restaurants are a place of right and wrong. Why should Prime Minister Han care about it?"

Ouyang Xiu blinked his eyes and sighed suddenly.

Can you, Wang Jiefu, speak?

What is right and wrong?

You mean you don’t like coming to this kind of place, but don’t say it!

As soon as these words were spoken, both Ouyang Xiu and Han Qi became right and wrong.

Moreover, Wang Anshi's words also meant to calm the matter, which meant that he also felt that Han Qi's servant was too domineering.

have to! I'm afraid there won't be a good atmosphere at today's reception banquet.

Ouyang Xiu could only smile bitterly and was speechless.

At this time, Wang Anshi cupped his hands and said, "I haven't seen Mr. Han for many years. Please come in and have a drink."

Han Qi's expression was gloomy and uncertain. Ouyang Xiu was his old friend, so he went over to give him a hand and said, "Didn't you have frivolous moments when you were young?"

Han Qi raised his head and burst into laughter. Several thoughts were running through his mind, ready to choose one to break this dilemma.

At this time, the servant next to him was rescued, but he opened his mouth and screamed. His voice was so sharp that people couldn't help but want to cover their ears.

"shut up!"

Han Qi just thought of a way to solve the dilemma, but was disrupted by the scream.

He looked at the servant who had caused trouble, and his heart was filled with murderous intent.

Who told you to tell people to get lost?

If this matter reaches the ears of the officials, I, Han Qi, will be embarrassed!

Officials will definitely say: Han Qing! Things at home...see more.

If you don't sweep one house, why sweep the world?

You, Zaifu, are not doing well!

Another slave squatting next to him raised his head and said, "My lord, look at his hands."

He picked up the screaming servant's hand, and Han Qi couldn't help but be stunned.

The hand had been stepped on so badly that it was bleeding...

Everyone was stunned for a moment when they thought that Shen An had just been standing nearby.

But this cannot be determined yet.


Because Shen An had already gone downstairs at this moment, the servant's screams could be heard, and Shen An could do anything wrong.

——Could I still be able to apparate up and crush his hand?

This Shen An actually did something dirty before leaving. It really makes people don't know what to say!

Wang Anshi was once again refreshed with certain concepts. He looked at Han Qi, only to see that the man's anger had dissipated.

Sure enough, there are few so-called upright people who can be prime ministers.

Shen An downstairs heard the scream, he couldn't help laughing, and then got on his horse.

Zhe Kexing pulled the reins of his horse and said in confusion: "Brother An Bei, aren't you waiting for Han Qi?"

Shen An shook his head and said, "He won't come down."

Han Qi's temper was bad, and even Fu Bi complained about it.

But he is not stupid. He knows that he was in the wrong today, so his previous words were just to cover up his shame.

It's like a fight between two gangsters. One of them loses, but the loser doesn't lose, so he shouts: "You wait for me. If you have the ability, just wait until I call someone to kill you!"

Zhe Kexing didn't understand, but he believed in Shen An, so he got on his horse and the two of them left slowly.

After going out for a while, Zhe Kexing couldn't help but ask: "Brother Anbei, last time you had a conflict with Han Qi because of my younger brother, but today... Han Qi will take revenge."

What Shen An said last time seemed to be okay, but it made Han Qi faint outside the gate of the Privy Council.

Although Shen An was in charge today, he had other ways to resolve the matter without such a fierce conflict.

The snow has stopped, and people all around opened their doors and began to clear away the snow.

Children are also helping out, but more often than not they are causing trouble.

Several children were having a snowball fight when a snowball was accidentally thrown over. Shen An was not prepared and was hit on the forehead.

The half-grown child who threw the snowball was frightened and stood there blankly.

The Song Dynasty was short of horses, so those who could ride horses these days were the nobles.

If you offend the nobles, it will bring trouble to the family.

Shen An touched his forehead, and when he was next to the child, he leaned down on the horse and touched the top of his head, and said with a smile: "Be careful if you catch a cold."

The child raised his head happily, and Shen An smiled and scolded: "Little bastard, go and help your parents."

The young man ran away in a flash, but he was smart enough to run further away. After running for a while, he looked back timidly. Seeing Shen An not chasing after him, he cheered.

But if Shen An really wanted to pursue it, he would know where his home was just by asking.

Zhe Kexing looked at Shen An's behavior and was very curious. He felt that it was completely opposite to his attitude towards Han Qi and was a bit weird.

After walking out of here, he asked: "Brother An Bei, why are you so tolerant of this child?"

"I'm a good person."

Shen An sighed, satisfied his vanity, and then said calmly: "Ever since Di Wuxiang was killed by them, the status of warriors has gone from bad to worse. There are no ghosts or ghosts, so who is the instigator?"

"It's Han Qi."

Zhe Kexing hated him so much when he mentioned this, but he knew that his arms couldn't twist his thighs, and he could only hold back any dissatisfaction he had, otherwise you would have the shoes to wear.

The Zhe family had been wearing small shoes before. If Shen An hadn't planned Zhe Jizu's visit to the capital and then made a big statement, the Zhe family would still have to squat in Fuzhou City in embarrassment.

"No, it has nothing to do with him."

Shen An sighed: "I can't tell who started this, but it was shameless for Han Qi to use Di Wuxiang as a target in order to establish his authority. Later, he chased Di Wuxiang all the way and slandered Di Wuxiang for being rebellious. Such a person...I can't stand him!"

I can't stand him... Is this also the reason?

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