The trade between Goryeo and the Song Dynasty was somewhat unbalanced. Because of Goryeo's vigilance, the navy came to beat them last time. Chang Jianren even directly asked which side the Goryeo people were on.

Such a situation in the Song Dynasty made Wang Hui even more alert. For this reason, merchants in the Song Dynasty could not enter and exit freely, and they did all business in secret.

Now Shen An is demanding that the market be liberalized and allow merchants of the Song Dynasty to trade freely...

How about this?

Wang Hui glanced at the ministers, hoping that someone would come out and analyze it.

A civil servant stood up, saluted and said, "May I ask Mr. Shen, what is the so-called trade?"

This is a good question.

Wang Hui nodded secretly.

According to his idea, trade can be open, but the goods must be particular.

If you get some weapons for sale, will Korea be accurate or not?

Wang Hui felt on pins and needles when he thought that those rebels had obtained weapons from the Song Dynasty.

"It's just the things that people use every day." Shen An thought about you guys, if Song Dynasty is really going to do something, can you still prevent it?

Seeing the happy faces of the Goryeo kings and ministers, Shen An couldn't help but think of Daliwan.

Dali Pills, Dali Pills, you won’t suffer any loss if you take them, and you won’t be fooled if you take them.

But he really didn't bother to use any pyramid schemes. With the size of Goryeo's economy, he only needed to play dumping.

Think about it, when the cloth from the Song Dynasty swarmed in, what did the Korean cloth merchants do?

Thinking of this, he felt that he would never be able to come to Korea again next time, otherwise Wang Hui would definitely kill him at all costs.

"It's easy to talk about trade, but... how much can the Song Dynasty borrow?" Wang Hui raised his glass to invite him to drink.

Shen An glanced at the wine glass and said, "How about one million?"

Wang Hui was obviously surprised.

"One million sticks!"

Civil and military officials were also shocked.

One million yuan can be borrowed at any time. Da Song Dynasty is really rich!

It's really sad to say that Goryeo's annual income was mostly given to officials' salaries, plus supporting the army, so life was tight in this small life. Now seeing Shen An casually talking about a million words, the kings and ministers of Goryeo couldn't help but feel a mixture of sadness and joy.

The good news is that Song Dynasty is so generous, but the sad thing is that Song Dynasty is so rich.

Goryeo is not afraid of being neighbors with the Liao people. The worst case scenario is to fight them.

But once they became neighbors with the Song Dynasty, everyone couldn't help but feel sad when they thought of the Song Dynasty's generosity.

It's like a poor man has a rich neighbor. Every day he watches this neighbor rinse his mouth with a fish pond and wipe his butt with gold foil... The feeling of envy, jealousy and hatred is really uncontrollable!

Some people had greed in their eyes, some lowered their heads, but held their hands tightly.

Is this exciting?

Wang Hui saw this and although he appreciated this idea, Shen An is here right now. Can't you pretend to be peace envoys?

He coughed dryly, and everyone laughed.

But Shen An was very happy.

Come on, take action, take action.

He just hoped that the Koreans would take action, and he was ready for the right time.

In the next Song-Liao war, once the Liao people are defeated, the Koreans will attack Tokyo Road...

That's the best ending.

Tokyo Road, that is the territory of the Song Dynasty!

Whoever dares to move is the enemy of Song Dynasty.

kill you!

So he was nurturing Goryeo's ambition bit by bit, and then watched with a smile.

Jin Chengjun suddenly asked: "Mr. Shen, I wonder if two million dollars is feasible?"


Wang Hui frowned and looked at him, shaking his head slightly and feeling a little dissatisfied.

One million sticks is enough.

This money is just used to purchase the weapons of the Song Dynasty. If it is two million yuan, it is too greedy, and Shen An will not be unhappy.

Thinking of this, Wang Hui couldn't help but feel that Jin Chengjun was a bit ignorant.

Ministers who don't know what to do will naturally be left in the cold.

"Two million guan is not impossible."


Wang Hui heard the sound of vomiting blood. He slowly looked at Shen An, feeling that the Duke of Yan might have had a brain twitch.

Two million guan. It is said that the Song Dynasty does not have that much balance every year. How dare you borrow it?

But what if it really happened?

Two million guan, use more than 1 million guan to sell weapons, and use the rest to buy some things that are in short supply... What a pleasure!

He stared at Shen An, "What Duke Shen said..."

Shen An smiled and said: "The wine glass is a little smaller."

"Bring me the big bowl!"

Wang Hui only felt his blood rushing. The habits he had developed through years of being a king were thrown aside. Now he just wanted to have a drink.

A king should be calm and not get excited.

But today is different.

Two million strings!

For Goryeo, this is a huge amount of money that can turn things around.

With this money, he even wanted to beat the Liao people.

With this money, the Goryeo army will become elite. At that time, they can attack whenever they want and defend whenever they want. How easy will it be?

A palace maid brought a bowl and then poured wine.

The maid on Shen An's side looked quite petite and pretty, but when she opened her mouth, a wave of bad breath came over her.

"My lord, please use it."

The palace maid smiled shyly and then covered her mouth.

Shen An also smiled. The palace lady didn't expect to get a response, and her face turned red with excitement.

"You... have a heavy stomach, eat more light foods."

Shen An just looked at it and found that this girl's teeth were okay, that is, she didn't have any oral problems, so she was probably suffering from stomachache.

The girl's face turned red, and then she became ecstatic again.

What a blessing it is to have Shen An, a famous doctor from the Song Dynasty, diagnose and treat you!

Wang Hui was also moved.

Not only him, but also the officials of Goryeo were a little envious of the palace maid.

Shen An didn't make many moves in Bianliang, but he was able to turn danger into danger every time, and he was well-deserved to be called a famous doctor.

Wang Hui also had some health problems. He asked tentatively: "Shen Guogong is a great doctor. Can you give me a diagnosis and treatment?"

Shen An smiled and said, "Of course the foreign minister is willing..."

Wang Hui couldn't help but feel happy. He knew that Shen An didn't need medicine to treat his illness, so he didn't have to worry about him harming others.

"It's just that a certain person took a lesson before setting off from Bianliang."

Shen An took out three copper coins and said, "The letters of the three coins are all facing up. This trip can only depend on fate. I saw the kind-hearted lady in the palace earlier, and my heart moved. I knew this was an opportunity, so I gave some advice..."

As for you, Wang Hui, it depends on whether you are destined or not.

You are bragging!

No, you are prevaricating!

Wang Hui was dissatisfied and felt that he was being played by Shen An.

Shen An smiled slightly and gently threw three copper coins on the table.

The copper coins were rolling, and due to the distance, everyone could not see clearly.

After the scrolling ended, a palace maid came closer to take a look and said in surprise: "Your Majesty, the three copper coins are all facing up."

The so-called face up refers to the Tongbao side.

It is almost impossible to count all three copper coins like this.

But everyone saw Shen An throw it casually, so they couldn't help but sigh at the magic of fate.

"Is that so?" Wang Hui couldn't help but feel relieved, and then his heart moved again.

With such miraculous divination ability, if I let him divine for me...

But in an instant he smiled bitterly.

He is the King of Goryeo, how can he let Shen An do divination? It would be fine if the divination goes well, but if some problems arise, for example, if Shen An says that your Majesty will be able to hide in Yuan Yu in the future, then he feels that Yelu Hongji and Zhao Shu can tear him alive.

But the ministers looked interested, but no one dared to ask Shen An for divination, which made Wang Hui couldn't help but sneer.

This is because I am worried that the result of the divination will be bad and people will know it in public.

Jin Chengjun stood up suddenly, "Please ask the Duke to teach me a lesson."

Shen An glanced at him and said, "Now that we've started, that's fine."

He took out the copper coins again and said, "You are a civil servant. It is said that eating the emperor's salary and being loyal to the emperor are the things. In this way, the civil servants will not see the words and think they are loyal."

The missing words are on the back of the copper coin.

Shen An threw it casually, then stretched out his hand to press it!


The copper coins were suppressed. Shen An looked at Jin Chengjun and smiled: "Is Mr. Jin loyal?"

This is teasing and threatening.

Everyone couldn't help but feel that Jin Chengjun was so courageous.

But it also illustrates Kim Sung-jun's loyalty from another aspect.

"Of course!" Jin Chengjun nodded seriously.

"Just take a look."

Shen An let go of his hand, and a palace maid came over to check.

"Your Majesty, they are all on their backs."


If it is said that at the beginning, the kings and ministers of Goryeo were somewhat interested in watching a drama, they thought it was a trick.

But at this time, seeing such almost miraculous results, even Wang Hui had to pay attention.


He just said a nice word, but it was the greatest compliment to Jin Chengjun.

Those ministers looked at Jin Chengjun with envy. Someone stood up and said, "Please give me a lesson, Mr. Shen Guo."

"On this trip to Korea, we can only take two classes at most, and they are already full."

Shen An collected the copper coins, but one slipped off. Su Shi leaned over to pick it up, and then took a casual look...

Damn it!

Damn it!

What did XX see?

Su Shi wanted to poke his eyes out.

Someone actually...

This copper coin has no words on both sides!

You can do whatever you want with such a copper coin, but the end result will of course be wordless.

Anbei, you turned out to be a cheat!

He thought again about the three copper coins with the letters facing up in front of him, and couldn't help but marvel at them.

Shen An must have prepared several sets of copper coins like this. If he wanted the letters to face up, he would take out the set of coins with words on both sides.

This Anbei is really speechless!

Su Shi then thought about it and UUReading remembered the last time Shen An got drunk and said he wanted to write an article to commemorate the party. Shen An got a copper coin and said it was him with the letter facing up. , no words are Su Shi and others.

He used a bowl to play this game. Once the copper coin was thrown, he would cover it with the bowl and wait until there was no sound before uncovering it.

As a result, there were no words three times, so Su Shi and others naturally wrote the article.

Now I think that at that time, this guy had such copper coins for cheating.

Su Shi wished he could vent his frustration by beating his chest, but at this moment he could only hand over the copper coins with a smile.

Then he gave Shen An a small look: Just wait!

Shen An chuckled, feeling that he was also unlucky.

This fake money was his sharp weapon, which he used to deceive people without any harm, but this time he was accidentally discovered by Su Shi.


In the future, I can only use a different group of people to cheat.

For example, uncle Guo, I will use this method next time to defraud his collection of weapons.

Thinking of this, Shen An felt happy, and then stared at Su Shi again.

He felt that it was not good to keep cheating his uncle, so he coaxed Su Shi to write a few more words and give them to his uncle. A hundred years later, these words would be worth far more than those weapons, so it was not a debt.

No messenger has ever been so big-hearted, thinking of deceiving people at this moment.

"Shen Guogong, I want to borrow two million yuan, how much interest will be paid? When can it be cashed in?"

Wang Hui was thinking about this matter and wished he could sign the document with Shen An right away.

"This matter is quite simple."

Shen An collected the copper coins and said, "Two years, interest rate is three cents."

This is not high!

It's even considered charity.

There are also loan sharks in Korea, so everyone knows the quality of the interest rates.

The Song Dynasty was indeed benevolent and righteous!

Shen An then asked a question, "What if it's overdue?"

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