A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1818 Beimang Newspaper

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There is nothing more beautiful than eating mutton hot pot in autumn.

Zhao Shu had a meal in the morning. He felt it was difficult to digest at noon, so he made porridge.

While drinking porridge, I listened to Zhang Baba beside me talking about recent events.

"When they heard that they could trade with Goryeo, the merchants in Bianliang went crazy. The goods were quickly collected, causing the price to rise..."

Those merchants wanted to stock up goods and sell them in Goryeo, but they indirectly caused the price increase in Bianliang.

Damn it!

Zhao Shu frowned and said, "What happened next?"

From ancient times to the present, commodity prices have been the most concerned thing for rulers. High prices mean that people's lives will be difficult.

"Shen An said that anyone who dares to take care of the interests of the Song Dynasty will have his trade qualification revoked later, so it's better."

Zhao Shu felt better and asked casually: "Did Shen An get that powerful pill?"

"No, the Shen family's Dali Pill workshop has been stopped."

Xixia has returned and Daliwan can no longer be sold. The eyes of the Liao Kingdom are red now, and they are only thinking about making money. If anyone dares to sell Dali Pills, Yelu Hongji's response is to confiscate their homes. They ransacked homes to get money, food, and a whole family of slaves.

Later, Yelu Hongji actually thought this was good, so he deliberately relaxed the blockade on the smuggling of Dali Pills.

But later on, even the stupidest person discovered that he was fishing for law enforcement, so Daliwan disappeared in the Liao Kingdom.

As for Gao Li, he used Daliwan to deal with them, but Zhao Shu felt that the appearance was too ugly.

Unknowingly, he had regarded Dali Pill as a powerful weapon and could not use it unless it was critical.

"In the official family, someone impeached Prime Minister Han and others, saying that they formed a clique for personal gain."


Zhao Shu felt that being the emperor was very enjoyable, but he also had a lot of headaches.

"Is this another excuse?" The excuse used by those people last time was that the political hall was full of people who supported the New Deal, and the old party had no representatives, so they could only be allowed to harm the country and the people.

"No, this matter was mentioned again later." Chen Zhongheng felt that those people were really persistent.

Thinking of perseverance, he couldn't help but think of the few ginseng roots given by Shen An. Those ginseng roots are said to be hundreds of years old. According to Shen An, you will get a nosebleed if you soak the ginseng roots in water and drink them.

But last night he ate a few large ginseng roots raw, and nothing happened.

That liar!

Thinking of this, Chen Zhongheng couldn't help but shake his head, and then looked down at the news.

"Some people are impeaching Shen An, saying that he took in beauties during his trip to Korea."

"Nonsense!" Zhao Shu felt that these people were lunatics.



Zhao Shu heard the sound of water drops and looked up...

Chen Zhongheng stared blankly at the nosebleeds dripping on the paper, the more they dripped, the faster they dripped...

Chen Zhongheng ate too much ginseng, and the blood spurted out so much that even the imperial doctor was scared, and he was given three days off.

The trend of impeachment became more and more intense. Officials of the old party angrily talked about their grievances that they had no place to speak out. They also said that the political hall was monopolized by the New Deal faction, and there was no place to complain if they had grievances.

Zhao Shu was angry and scolded him, but it was of no use. The so-called law does not punish the public, and impeachment remained the same.

Zhao Xu hurried to Shen's house, but Shen An was not there.

"Lang Jun went to the bookstore."

So Zhao Xu turned around and went to the bookstore.

In the bookstore, Shen An was talking to a few people about plate making.

"Don't make it too small. Make the board bigger so it can be held with both hands."

"We need to prepare several sets of movable type. If they break, they should be replaced immediately. They must all be checked every day. In one word, they will be stunned!"

Shen An's words made the craftsmen's blood boil with excitement. When they turned around and saw Zhao Xu, they smiled and said, "Why, Chaozhong can't stand it any longer?"

"Han Qi almost took action today." Zhao Xu was very depressed.

Shen An comforted: "How could he do it? He was just scaring people."

"I was waiting to see him take action, but he refused to move." Zhao Xu looked depressed.

Shen An really wanted to slap him and beat this sinister boy to death.

"What's this?"

There were many copper plates piled on the ground, each with different sizes. Zhao Xu picked up one and said, "Why do you make it so big?"

"Make something good that can shut those people's mouths up."

Shen An stood up and said, "The copper is gone again. I have to go to the Third Division to get a batch."

As he stood up to go out, Zhao Xu asked, "What are you doing?"


"What newspaper?"

There was a Di newspaper in the Song Dynasty, but it was run by the government and was mainly used to deliver news to the bureaucrats and scholar-bureaucrats. These messages have limitations, such as official decrees, official activities, official appointments and removals, memorials, military situations, etc.

"Just find a place where you can troll people."

Shen An ran away in a flash, and Zhao Xu said depressedly: "A place to troll people?"

Han Jiang's life has been pretty good recently. When he saw Shen An, he smiled and said, "I learned earlier that you loaned two million yuan to Korea. I have sharpened my knives and am waiting for you to take action."

Shen An glanced at the paper knife on the table and felt a chill running down his spine.

Isn’t it enough that the Third Secretary these days doesn’t know how to kill people?

"Later I learned that you were evil-hearted and deceived the Korean people. I prepared a jar of good wine and was waiting to treat you to a drink."

There was a wine jar in the corner. Han Jiang opened it herself and asked someone to get two bowls.


Han Jiang raised her head and did it.

Shen An squatted over the bowl, "No, Prime Minister Han..."


Han Jiang couldn't help but did it again.

"That Prime Minister Han..."

After finishing the jar of wine, Shen An's eyes went straight.

Han Jiang said proudly: "I know you must be here to look for something. Sansi is poor, so wait until next year!"

"Copper, Prime Minister Han!" Shen An, who was lying on the table, suddenly raised his head, "I want copper!"

"So determined?" Han Jiang's drinking capacity is not small. He is getting stronger with age and is known as the sea of ​​wine.

But he didn't get Shen An drunk?

He said with a straight face: "No."

"Where is So-and-so going?" Shen An felt dizzy, "If I don't give it, So-and-so can go and intercept it!"

"There won't be any copper ingots coming to Bianliang this month, just cut them off!" Han Jiang thought to herself, are you the only one who still wants to compete with me? Save yourself the trouble.

"you said?"

Shen An was really dizzy and angry.

"I said so!"

Han Jiang only wants to save money now and doesn't care about anything else.

Shen An burped from wine and was about to speak when he heard someone outside shouting: "A lot of copper ingots!"

Damn it!

Shen An became excited instantly.

There was a shortage of copper in the Song Dynasty, and it was naturally difficult for the people to obtain copper ingots in large quantities, so he could only come to Sansi.

"Xiang Han, you are not authentic!"

Shen An rushed out, and Han Jiang asked in confusion: "Where did the copper ingot come from?"

"It's from Cochin!"

An official came in from outside and said excitedly: "Sir, a large copper mine has been discovered in Jiaozhi, and the first batch of copper ingots has arrived!"

Han Jiang was startled, then ecstatically said, "The money is here! The money is here!"

He excitedly lifted up his robe and ran away. His image did not look like that of an old man.

Don't blame him for being excited, Da Song's financial situation was originally pretty good, but after Shen An built a cement road, the situation went wrong.

Pay to build cement kilns, pay to build roads...

Everyone knows that the work of building bridges and paving roads is a bottomless pit. As long as you want to do it, it will never stop.


Han Jiang was heartbroken about this. When he learned that a large copper mine had been discovered, he felt as happy as the nectar after a long drought, and the night of candlelight in the wedding room.

As he ran, he thought that he seemed to owe Shen An for this.

There is a copper mine in Jiaozhi. It was discovered by the students of the academy. Shen An took the credit. Now Shen An wants to get some copper but refuses to give it. Isn't it a bit mean?

Han Jiang was a little sad. When she saw a long line of cars outside Sansi, all the sadness was gone, only joy remained.

"Open the box!"

The car was filled with wooden boxes. After opening them one by one, someone said happily: "They are all copper ingots!"

Han Jiang went over and stroked the cold copper ingot, his eyes so affectionate that it made people's skin crawl.

"Prime Minister Han, which one is better is copper ingots or beauties."

"Of course it's copper ingots." Han Jiang is already fifty-seven, so he doesn't have enough energy to play with women.

"Pull back!"

Shen An appeared behind him, and with a wave of his hand, he tried to pull away the copper ingots like a bandit.

Han Jiang remembered her previous promise and couldn't help but complain secretly.

"There is something easy to say, there is something easy to say!"

After a lot of trouble, Shen An said angrily: "Then I just want a car, and I'll give you the money. There's just one condition."

Shen An contributed a lot to this matter, so Han Jiang said readily: "Just say it, I will agree."


Shen An said with a smile: "I am going to make a tabloid, Prime Minister Han... then I will ask for instructions..."

"It's easy to say, I agree."

Han Jiang thought they were just tabloids. Some tabloids appeared from time to time among the people in the Song Dynasty, but they were of no avail. They either died without a cure or were swept away by the authorities. No one could survive more than half a year. Han Jiang didn't think Shen An could last long.

So Shen An went back with a carriage of copper ingots.

His memorial entered the palace the next day. UU Reading www.uukansu. net


Zhao Shu frowned and said, "Is he feeling restless?"

But after he slowly read on, he couldn't help but nod his head frequently.

Han Qi was waiting for the news below. When he saw that he was silent for a long time, he asked: "Your Majesty, what good thing is this?"

Zhao Shu raised his head and said, "Shen An is going to start a tabloid and publish some poems and articles. The important thing is to clear up the doubts of the people. What are the meanings of the New Deal and what are the meanings of certain decisions of the government? How do these people know? If we get a The tabloids are not bad."

Han Qi thought for a while, "That's fine if that's the case. It's just something Shen An made. Your Majesty, be careful!"

That kid often plays cartwheel. He plays, let’s flip cart. This can’t continue.

Zhao Shu also thought of this, "If he talks nonsense, it will be troublesome."

"Your Majesty!" Han Jiang came out, "I thought Shen An had integrity in matters like this. Well, no, he was measured."

Shen An also used the word integrity the most, and even Han Jiang was affected.

"I think... why don't you take a look first?" Fu Bi thought of other things, "This is advocating for the New Deal, which is a good thing!"

Bao Zheng also came out to stand up, "Besides, if Shen An is responsible for this tabloid, it will definitely make those people disgraced."

Thinking of the recent impeachment, Zhao Shu couldn't help but nod, "Let him try."

He looked at it again, "He asked me to write an inscription, but I thought about it and decided not to use it..."

"I am willing!" Han Qi stepped forward immediately.

Han is fearless.

Zhao Shu looked at him with a strange expression, "That's fine."

"Your Majesty, what is that tabloid called?"

"Beimang Newspaper."

Han Qi's face turned green instantly.

Beimang Mountain is full of graves. Is this tabloid for the dead?

I'd rather get double the monthly pass, please.

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