A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 185 New Year’s Day Party

Tomorrow is New Year's Day, and there are far fewer pedestrians on the street.

Starting from tomorrow, people will enter a carnival holiday.

Every household is preparing various New Year things, such as ingredients, peach charms, Tusu wine, and Zhongkui statues... There is no time to go shopping.

Tomorrow is the big court meeting. This grand meeting was large in scale and attended by many people. There were not only officials from the Song Dynasty, but also envoys from various countries.

Zhao Zhen and the ministers discussed for a long time, firstly, the summary of last year, and secondly, the style of tomorrow's imperial meeting, that is, looking forward to the future.

"...Envoys from various countries to celebrate New Year's Day have arrived, but the Liao envoy is still the most domineering."

This news was collected from the ceremonial room, and now that it was spoken from Song Xiang, all the prime ministers and ministers looked solemn.

Fu Bi said angrily: "If the Xixia people were making trouble, and the Song Dynasty was fanning the flames on the side, it would be best to reap the benefits of the fishermen, but I don't know what Pang was thinking, and he stopped all activities."

Han Qi said angrily: "That's a sycophant, no, a powerful minister, who will rebel sooner or later!"

The Liao people have become domineering again recently, putting a lot of pressure on the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty. But the Song Dynasty was unable to counterattack and could only use the Xixia people to comfort them.

But Li Liangzuo couldn't make the decision yet, but the person who made the decision, Fu Zangying Pang, was cramped, and even the entire mission was wiped out without any movement.

After a period of silence, Zhao Zhen waved his hand and signaled the ministers to disperse.

The atmosphere during this big holiday is gloomy, and everyone feels uncomfortable!

Song Xiang returned to the Privy Council and casually asked about Shen An's situation.

Seeing his gloomy expression, Du Ziling said, "He is here today, but he has nothing to do."

This person is just here to mess around. Song Xiang and Du Ziling know this very well and don't want to care about it.

But today Song Xiang was a little angry. He frowned and said, "How did you do it? The New Year's Day meeting is coming soon. The Liao envoy drank too much in the embassy and kept yelling. His words were disrespectful to the Song Dynasty and the officials. did you know?"

There is an accusation in these words. If you, Du Ziling, don't know it, it is dereliction of duty.

Du Ziling smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Sir, I've been busy here in Xiaguan these days, and there's no one to help me!"

I, the chief steward of the Privy Council, am very busy, so why did diplomatic matters come to me?

Song Xiang said coldly: "Tomorrow is the meeting of the imperial court. If the envoy of Liao is domineering, you will be guilty."

This is a great way to relieve stress. If you foresee that something is going to happen, throw the blame on other people's heads first.

Du Ziling naturally did not dare to resist, so he had to go back with the responsibility, and then asked his confidant Wang Qian to ask Shen An.

The reply came later.

"We all agree. Then Shen An said that what comes and goes, we have cheated the Liao people, and the Liao people's complaints will not matter."

Du Ziling said with a straight face: "When did the Song Dynasty cheat the Liao people?"

Wang Qian said with a troubled expression: "Shen An said you should know."

Du Ziling stood up suddenly and went directly to find Song Xiang.

"Tricked the Liao people?"

Song Xiang thought for a while and said: "It's okay for you to hear this... Last time when Shen An was in Xiongzhou, he asked people from the Imperial City Department to send a message to the Liao Kingdom, saying that the Liao Emperor used spies to eliminate dissidents and wanted to provoke There is still no news about the internal fighting in Liao Kingdom, but so far."

Du Ziling smiled slightly and said in a low voice: "Ms. sir, I remembered Shen An's background as a Jinshi..."

He glanced at Song Xiang with an angry look in his eyes: "I'm afraid...it seems like he's taking credit for his merits."

Diplomacy with foreign countries is a serious matter, taking credit is a trivial matter, but if this leads to deviations in the external judgment of the superiors, it is really a death by a thousand cuts.

And Shen An's Jinshi background was a reward from the official family. According to the calculation that merit was used to offset Jinshi's background at that time, it was this that provoked internal strife in the Liao Kingdom.

Song Xiang picked up the document and began to read it seriously.

In many cases, as a Shangguan, he does not need to express his position.

As a subordinate, at this time you have to understand your superior's unfulfilled intentions and then deal with them appropriately.

When Du Ziling returned to the duty room, he called the chief of the fourth room of the Privy Council and scolded him.

This was the first time that he had gone beyond Shen An to scold the housekeepers in the fourth house, and everything in his words was hinting at something.

——Shen An is seeking fame and reputation!

But rumors quickly spread outside that Shen An lied about his achievements.

As soon as Tang Ren came out, he went to find Shen An and complained: "Du Chengzhi means this, but I am jealous of your merits, right?"

This guy is so courageous that he dares to mock Du Ziling.

Shen An said calmly: "I know what he is referring to, let's take a look."

Tang Ren saw that he was still there like the old god, and said anxiously: "If the edict is passed on, we will not be able to pass the New Year's Day. When the censor hears the news, you... this will be a disaster."

When the time comes to really find out about cheating, Shen An... not to mention his background as a Jinshi, everything will be gone.

It's useless for the officials to admire you anymore. Under the turbulent public opinion, he had no choice but to compromise.

Just like Fan Zhongyan back then.

Shen An stood up and said, "Don't worry about this. The good news should be coming soon."

He was counting the time and felt that the emperor's uncle should also take some action, otherwise it would not be stupidity, but dementia.

Just need to wait, waiting for the news from the Imperial City Division.

Tang Ren smiled bitterly, thinking that we couldn't control it even if we wanted to!

In the afternoon, there was indeed a memorial written by the imperial censor, and the content was that Shen An had taken advantage of the situation.

They didn't know what the credit was, but they heard that it was the censor's instinctive talent to do things.

Shen An cheated on his merits, and his Jinshi background was obtained by cheating on his merits.

For a time, public opinion in the capital was in an uproar.

On the eve of this festive holiday, this news was like a huge firecracker, waking up some people at once.

It’s New Year’s Day, and things are being finished everywhere. All walks of life, except for businessmen, most people have started finishing their work.

But the post station has no time to spare. It must always ensure the feeding of war horses and the reserves of various supplies.

At a post station in Huazhou, because it was the end of the year, everyone was a little lazy.

Those soldiers who served as soldiers were lazily hiding in their rooms and sleeping. After the New Year's Day, they would be able to take a holiday.

There was a rapid sound of horse hooves, and the soldiers quickly got up.

It's cold and it takes a lot of perseverance to get out of bed.

"It's almost New Year's Day, and I haven't heard of any disasters. I'm going to attend a funeral!"

The so-called gangsters in car and boat shops should be killed even if they are not guilty. This refers to the cunning and cunning of some people and their tendency to follow others' influence.

When they arrived at the front yard, they saw two plainclothes men leading horses from the stables.

"What are you doing? Stop!"

The soldiers rushed out in panic, preparing to beat up the two thieves who dared to steal the horse.

There was a sound of horses neighing outside, and the two men turned around. There was almost no white on their faces, they were frighteningly red, and there were blood marks everywhere on them.

This is the messenger coming all the way from the north!

One of them stared at the soldiers and said, "Dry food and water."

Youpu Bing asked, "Where did you two come from?"

Another person rubbed his face, but it broke the scar, and the blood flowed down without realizing it.

He said coldly: "Imperial City Secretary, are you sure you want to know where these two people are from?"

An urgent report from the Imperial City Secretary is definitely a big deal.

The soldiers didn't dare to ask, but after verifying their identities, they quickly filled them with water and dry food.

From here to Bianliang, if we change horses alternately, we can arrive tomorrow morning.

The two men changed their horses and galloped away. A strong wind behind them blew up countless snowflakes.

It was still dark, but Shen An was woken up by Zhuang Laoshi.

"Mr. Lang, hurry up, this is a New Year's Day party!"

Zhuang Laoshi said with envy: "You can brag to your children and grandchildren once you go there."

But Shen An didn't want to go. After Zhuang Laoshi went out, he fell down and fell asleep instantly.

This is the ability of young people, and the elderly will probably envy and hate it.

"Mr. Lang!"

I don't know how long it took, but Zhuang Laoshi's panicked voice came. Shen An jumped up and quickly dressed.

After washing casually, Shen An rode towards the palace.

Outside the palace, the sky was dark, and the ministers and envoys gathered together.

A large court meeting is naturally more solemn, so coming early is an attitude.

So when Shen An arrived last, he was the center of attention.

He dismounted sarcastically, and Bao Zheng came to meet him, shouting: "Why are you late?"

This is for him to quickly find a decent excuse to avoid being impeached.

But Shen An has been impeached!

Those officials were shaking their heads, thinking that most of the memorials that rushed into the palace yesterday were to impeach Shen An for taking credit.

Today is New Year's Day, but the enthusiasm of the censors will not fade away. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Shen An has become their prey.

Shen An looked at the closed palace door and thought I was not late, then he said nonsense: "This horse on the road refused to leave when it saw the cart."

Shen An's horse likes to pull carts. Everyone knew about this after the last bet, and it became a joke.

There was a burst of snickering around, and even the messengers were snickering.

Shen An secretly resented it and thought about killing the horse and making it into braised meat.

Bao Zheng came over and whispered: "Yesterday there were rumors that you were taking credit for taking credit, and the crowd at Yushitai was very excited. I suppressed it, but today is a good opportunity. I can't guarantee that they will take the overall situation into consideration..."

The envoys from foreign vassals are here, so don't say anything. After the meeting is over, it's okay to complain or take revenge.

But according to Lao Bao, the mad dog at Yushitai is about to bite. As for the overall situation, compared with reputation, the overall situation is nothing!

Shen An was about to cry but said without tears: "Mr. Bao, this is really unjust! How can I take credit for it?"

Bao Zheng said helplessly: "How about...why don't you report the illness first? I'm willing to risk everything. Anyone who dares to come out will be killed!"

Bao Zheng's face was ferocious, obviously he wasn't joking.

Shen An was really worried that the old man would go crazy, so he hurriedly advised: "There is absolutely no such thing as taking credit. Besides, it's just me, so it's not embarrassing. At most, there are more mad dogs in Yushitai, and the Liao people know about it. I will just follow suit.”

The Liao State adopted the system of one country, two systems of official positions. The southern officials managed the Han'er, which imitated the official positions of the Song Dynasty. There was also a Yushitai, but the Han'er could not control the military formation.

But those Han officials were quite interesting, and they acted like loyal ministers when they admonished the Liao Emperor.

If those Han officials also followed the mad dog behavior of the Yushi of the Song Dynasty, Yelu Hongji would probably kill people with a knife.

The fourth update is here, good night everyone.

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