A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1858 The king has a martial spirit

The Song army pursued them all the way, and when they finally gathered together, they actually harvested thousands of horses.

Song troops were everywhere cleaning the battlefield, and from time to time someone found something good and cheered.

Zhao Xu stood there thoughtfully.

"How do you feel?" Shen Anti came over with a long knife. The guards beside Zhao Xu praised: "The Duke is even holding a knife at this time, which shows his vigilance. We admire him."

Zhao Xu looked up and asked, "Why did you start collecting again?"

Shen An said: "This knife has a provenance at first glance. Look at this pattern. Do you think it is a sign of family inheritance? Look at this gem, it has become dim. It can be seen that it has gone through years of hard work. If this knife is kept for hundreds of years, it is guaranteed to be a treasure."

Shen An's collecting habit broke out, and Zhao Xu said with a headache: "You praise paintings!"

"Yes!" Shen An said casually: "Just tell me what plan you want."

His relaxed look made Zhao Xu relax.

"How do you feel about this battle?"

"Although it's a bit raw, it's pretty good for a junior brother."

Shen An thought it was really good.

"Without you around, I'm afraid I would panic." Zhao Xu smiled bitterly: "I was so nervous before that I didn't have any ideas. But thinking about you around, I became bolder."

This is why Shen An came.

"You'll grow out of it."

After experiencing the battle, Zhao Xu will become more mature. When he returns...

Go back...

Shen An thought of something and laughed.


After watching the government for so long, it’s time to establish a prince, right?

"When the enemy cavalry charged before, if they were bombarded by artillery, they would collapse faster, right?" Zhao Xu was very greedy and wished he could annihilate all his opponents.

"Yes. You also said before that you should reserve artillery to deceive the enemy's main force."

Shen An said: "As the commander-in-chief who leads the army to fight, remember not to rush for quick success. Every plan must focus on the overall situation. Remember, the commander-in-chief thinks about the overall situation!"

Zhao Xu nodded, and then looked for a place to retreat.

The rest was easy, Shen An took over the command.

"Go to pick up the cavalry. There are things in the town ahead. Move them all."

So the infantry set off again, along with the Mangshan Army.

"My lord, what should I do if there are enemy troops around?" Zhao Xu brought many marriage officers with him on this trip. These marriage officers used to be the best in the army, and now they were able to return to the battlefield, and they were all very happy.

Shen An said calmly: "I am here, there is no need to worry about this."

This statement made people panic, but no one questioned it.

Later someone came back to report, "My lord, we found a lot of food and grass."

Shen An couldn't help but smile and said: "Last time you harvested the baggage there, it's the same when we come here this time. Is this big cannibal a logistics guy?"

"What is logistics?" Chang Jianren has never heard of this word.

"Logistics is about delivering things." Shen An recalled the express delivery in his previous life with some melancholy.

Food and grass were carried onto the ship, and everything that could be used was carried over.

There were fires everywhere on the dock, and Song Jun started cooking.

Shen An had a bowl of fragrant broth and flatbread. Shen An ate until her stomach was full, and then she ate some local specialty dates to supplement her vitamins.

Zhao Xu was eating deliciously beside him. Shen An put down the bowl and asked, "How does it taste?"

When he first went to sea, Zhao Xu was obviously not used to the food at sea. The people accompanying him wanted to cook a small stove for him, but Shen An stopped him.

When you join the military, you have to adapt to everything in the military. Otherwise, it's not about training, but about traveling.

Zhao Xu took a sip of the broth and praised: "It smells good."

"Remember, don't be special in the military. It will make you feel superior and undermine morale at the same time."

The Chinese tradition is that the commander-in-chief and the soldiers share the joys and sorrows.

Zhao Xu nodded, "I understand."

The two then took a walk by the pier to eat.

"In this battle, I feel that the timing of the attack is not good, it is a bit slow."

"It's a bit slow." Shen An analyzed: "The enemy's first encounter with the swordsman made them feel at a loss and demoralized them. At this time, they should concentrate all means to attack them and launch an attack immediately. Delay.”

Zhao Xu nodded, "At that time, I was worried that the big eater would come forward."

"The big cannibal... you have to learn to analyze. Seljuk feels that he is at the top of his game, so what will they think?"

Zhao Xu thought for a while, "Destroy Dashi?"

"Of course." Shen An said firmly: "We have cut off the trade route and the food is getting poorer. Such food is delicacy. Why don't the Seljuks take action?"

Zhao Xu was suddenly startled, looked at Shen An and said: "Back then, you tried your best to cut off the way the cannibals came to trade with the Song Dynasty... At that time, many people thought you were seeking wealth for the country, but you just looked ugly, but now … Could it be that at that time you were thinking about weakening the Great Eater step by step and triggering these changes?”

"It's not that exaggerated." Shen An said with a smile: "I was just thinking, since the cannibals can do it, why can't we do it? As for the attack... I said that the Song Dynasty had to walk on two legs and land. One way, one way by sea. But how to take the sea way?"

He thought of the so-called sailing pioneers in the future, "The three key points of the sea route are: one is to make money for the Song Dynasty, that is, trade; the second is to discover land, whether it is an island or something; and the last is to discover opponents and eliminate threats. "

"In terms of trade, we must make the Great Eaters bow their heads." Zhao Xu praised: "No wonder you said that this war is just a battle of shock, to let the Great Eaters and the Seljuks know that the Song Dynasty is invincible, and then negotiate... …This is all about preserving trade routes.

Secondly, there are islands. On this voyage, every time you find a piece of land, you ask people to bury stone tablets. What does this mean? "

During this voyage, once he saw land without power, Shen An ordered a monument to be buried. The monument read: The territory of the Song Dynasty, and the date of inscription turned out to be the second year of Jiayou.

At that time, a group of people were really confused, thinking that it has been thirteen years since Jiayou's second year. Aren't you a fraud?

But Shen An kept his composure and ordered the stone tablet to be buried, saying that if there was any dispute in the future, he would just dig up the stone tablet and slap him in the face.

"Your... Jiayou's second year, is there anything worth remembering?" Zhao Xu felt that Shen An was good at digging holes, and it took him thirteen years to dig a big hole.

"Nothing." Shen An smiled, but remembered the end of Jiayou's second year.

At that time, Shen Bian disappeared, and he set out from Xiongzhou with Guoguo on his back. A young man actually carried his sister on his back to move a long distance. That was taking a risk, but it also showed how desperate the original person was at that time!

And not long after, Shen An came to this world.

The second year of Jiayou!

He felt this time should be remembered.

"Our ship is back."

On the sea, the fleet began to boil.

"Did you find the big water army?"

"What the hell! If we don't fight, I will go crazy!"

The long voyage made everyone a little restless, and a hearty fight was the best way to vent their anger.

The clipper pulled over and a general came quickly.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the cannibal navy is retreating."

Damn it!

Shen An covered his forehead, "I wanted to make the big cannibal vomit blood in one fell swoop, but who knew they would avoid fighting."

"Is this..." Zhao Xu thought for a while, "Does the cannibal want to preserve his strength?"

Shen An nodded, "Yes, they don't want to sacrifice their lives for the Seljuks, so this temporary alliance will not last long, and they will become strange bedfellows."

"What about our warships? Are they here in vain?" Zhao Xu felt a little regretful.

"Who said it was in vain?" Shen An said: "Avoiding war now does not mean avoiding war in the future. I don't know when the enemy's reinforcements will arrive. At that time, the Seljuks will become the masters. Whether the navy will go to war will not matter. It depends on the decision of the Lord of Dashi, do you understand?"

Zhao Xu nodded, and then ordered: "Continue to scout and keep an eye on the big water army."

This is a satisfactory decision, and Shen An is very satisfied.

After a break, Chang Jianren came to find Shen An.

"My lord, your king has conducted this battle well. The brothers are all talking privately, saying that your king has a martial spirit, and they are very happy."

"Martial people have been suppressed for too long." Shen An said: "This is the reason for supporting the king's expedition."

Chang Jianren said with admiration: "After this time, the warriors will feel that the royal family is considerate."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Shen An couldn't help but laugh.

This is his purpose!

In the afternoon, Zhao Xu convened people for discussion.

"The scouts discovered that the enemy's remnants were lingering twenty miles away and did not go far."

This is the latest discovery.

"This shows that the enemy's reinforcements are not far away." Chang Jianren analyzed: "Your Majesty, if this is the case, the enemy will definitely attack again. It is only a good thing to prevent our army from staying here for a long time."

The naval expedition looks beautiful, but food and grass are a big problem.

"We must lure them to attack." Shen An said thoughtfully: "Let them come, and we will wait for the work."

Zhao Xu frowned and said, "I'm just afraid that the enemy army won't move."

"They will move." Shen An smiled, "The Seljuqs probably still feel that they have lost for no reason, so why won't they move? Just go and find out with the scouts, and I'm sure they will be furious."

Zhao Xu looked at him, "Are you sure?"

Shen An nodded, "OK."

Zhao Xu took a deep breath and said, "In this case, the scouts go to inquire about the information and provoke the enemy when they find it."

He chose to trust Shen An.

The 50,000-strong army was what the Seljuqs relied on to raid the food.

Halko was the general leading the army, and in the center, the Seljuq king was staring at him. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

So he didn't dare to slack off.

"I want to find out the news! I just want the news!"

Halko's voice echoed, like a whip hitting the generals' faces, urging them to whip their subordinates and drive them to sentry posts.

"The giant cannibal is no match for us, let Halko calm down."

The king's voice was very steady. Years of conquests have made his eyes as sharp as an eagle's, and his mood is stable without any fluctuations.


The guard rode over, "The king said, the big cannibal is no match for us, please calm down."

Halko nodded and said: "Please rest assured, Lord, the big cannibal can't escape!"

"There's news!"

More than ten riders came in front, looking a little embarrassed.

"It's the troops who went on a raid."

Halko's heart tightened, "Call them."

These more than ten riders were brought over, "Song people are coming, Song people are coming!"

"Why are you panicking?" Halko felt a jump on his lower back, and he was twitching with excitement.

The Great Song Dynasty is here!

"They defeated us. The cannibals refused to save them, and our army suffered heavy casualties."

"The Great Eater is still there?" Halko said coldly: "Did the raid fail?"

"It was not a failure. It was just that during the raid, the Song people came suddenly, so we had no choice but to join forces."

"Understood." Halko nodded, and then went to the back to report.

"The Song army is here, and it is said to be very large."

"How big is it?" the king asked calmly.

"They say the sails obscure the sea."

"That is no match for the Seljuk warriors. Attack, attack decisively!"

"As you command!"

"Army attack!"

The war horses neighed and rushed out, splashing smoke and dust covering the sky...

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