A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1862 Sweeping the World

"Shen An, Duke of Yan State?"

The king frowned and said, "Who is this?"

The Lord of Dashi's face has changed. His face is red. He seems to be afraid, but more importantly, he is angry and resentful.

"It's him! It's him!"

"Who is he?" The king stared at one of the three Song soldiers. The man looked like a general, but his expression was too calm.

There were more than ten people standing with bows and arrows, but the Song general continued to move forward calmly.

"He doesn't allow food merchants to trade, that mad dog!"

The Lord of Dashi was roaring, "Because of him, Dashi is getting poorer and poorer. He is a devil, his heart is black, he is good at killing people, and he also likes to pile up corpses for fun..."

"No, no, no, that's not called appreciating things." The learned man gained the respect of the king and was now following him, becoming a follower.

"What is that?" The king is now very interested in everything about the Song Dynasty.

"That's called Jingguan." The learned man said: "This is something that existed thousands of years ago. At that time, the Central Kingdom was still very chaotic. After fighting each other, they would pile up the corpses of their enemies as a deterrent. As tall as a hill.”

"Terrible!" Everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

"Later, they used these in foreign conquests. After they killed the ministers, they piled the corpses into hills and then erected monuments to commemorate them."

"I always thought they were an elegant country, but I didn't expect them to be so fierce." The king's eyes were filled with relief.

Mere elegance is seeking death. The world is a jungle, and you must use martial arts to maintain your elegance.

"They are very elegant, and they have created an extremely splendid civilization. Lord, their capital is known as the center of the world, and the most prosperous place in the world is there. Their poems are intoxicating, and their articles are catchy... Even The common people who cut firewood can recite poems."

"They were holding poems in one hand, but now they are holding a long knife in the other hand..." The king looked at the three people approaching and suddenly said: "I want to meet them and have a chat."

"The king is in danger!"

"No, Duke Yan, how about such an official position?" The king just waved his hand and moved away.

"That person...the big eater knows."

Instantly, his malicious eyes were fixed on the Lord of Dashi.

At this moment, the Song people stopped their pursuit, and the cannibal needed to make a choice, otherwise the Seljuks would be able to kill him now.

The Lord of Dashi Kingdom was very nervous, "That man...that man is known as an invincible general in the Song Dynasty."

"Yes, this can explain the Song people's great victory today." The king completely understood, "The crown prince came to conquer in person. This is an experience. He must be protected by the most powerful commander. This Duke of Yan That’s it. So, I’ll go see him.”

"Protect the king well." Someone brought armor and the king shook his head: "Since he is an invincible general, he will naturally not use such means to murder me."

Under the protection of an interpreter and a guard, the king set out.

"Is this the Seljuk ruler?"

Shen An looked at the slowly approaching king, narrowed his eyes and said, "It's a pity that Song Dynasty has no such plan at the moment, otherwise someone will definitely keep him here."

Li Baojiu next to him touched the long bow and said, "Lang Jun, as long as you speak, I guarantee that he will not be able to escape."

"That's all." Shen An felt a little regretful.

The lord of the country stepped forward and Shen An held his hand, "Shen An, the Duke of Yan State in the Great Song Dynasty, has met the lord of the country."

The king nodded, "What's the purpose of Song Dynasty's coming here?"

"Punishment!" Shen An glanced at the Lord of Dashi Kingdom and waved to him to come too.

This was a game and a big pit, and he had to kick the big eater into it.

The Lord of Dashi Kingdom was relieved, "He is not afraid of the large number of us, which shows that he will not harm anyone."

So he also came with two followers.

"This is a punishment." Shen An said sternly: "Last time, a merchant ship from the Song Dynasty came here, bringing goods and friendship from the Song Dynasty. After the transaction, the cannibal attacked the dock at night. Fortunately, it was discovered, otherwise it would come now. The Song army arriving here will be one hundred thousand."

A hundred thousand troops would naturally come to destroy the country. Before this battle, Shen An's words would have been ignored and even despised by the Seljuk ruler. But the 30,000 Song army defeated the coalition forces in one battle, letting him know that if he wanted to, the Song Dynasty's 100,000 army could really destroy the country.

"Really?" The king looked at the king of Dashi.

"Song people..." The leader of the Dashi Kingdom wanted to say that the devil in front of him was treacherous and cut off the trading qualifications of the Dashi merchants, so the Dashi people would take risks.

But there is no point in saying this.

Trade qualifications... used to be in the hands of the Great Cannibal. Now the situation has changed. The Song Dynasty wants to trade on its own. Is there any problem? Moreover, the qualification for transit trade is still in the hands of the big cannibal. Isn't it enough?

"Greed is the source of disaster." Shen An said calmly: "The goods of the Song Dynasty only go to the seaside, and the rest is still a matter for the food merchants. Isn't the huge profit enough? You used to take care of all this. They have made a lot of money, but now the Song Dynasty just wants to sell its own goods, is that okay?"

He stared at the Lord of Dashi, "If that doesn't work, then..."

He raised his hand.


The array behind made a huge sound, which was shocking.

The Lord of Food knows this, but greed is always the enemy of mankind. "We should be able to trade..."

"Then...can we also go to the West for trade?" Shen An asked coldly.

"No, no, no!" the Lord of Dashi said slyly: "The west is far away, and there are swamps all along the way..."

This liar!

The king watched coldly as the king of Dashi was cheating, but he was not prepared to remind him.

"But why do you think it's not the case?" Shen An asked casually: "Is the illegitimate son okay? Is the penitent still in office?"


The learned man who came with him exclaimed, "You actually know this?"

Shen An nodded, "Of course, I know more. For example... those uneasy forces are watching you. If they launch an attack and the Song Dynasty takes advantage of the situation, what will happen to you?"

It won't be long before the Western army comes over, and then the long war begins.

The learned man exclaimed: "Yes, your wisdom is surprising." He said to the king: "Your Majesty, this is a wise man."

You idiot! He even praised his opponent!

The king wanted to slap him, but could only nod.

The Lord of Dashi's face turned pale, "How do you know this?"

Da Song actually knew the situation in the west, so it would be impossible for Da Song to deceive them.

"Tell me, can the cannibalistic greed stop?" Shen An asked coldly.

Cutting off the trade routes of the Great Eaters to the East was not only to make money, but also to confuse the outside world and prevent them from knowing the development of the Song Dynasty.

When the New Deal continues to be implemented, the Song Dynasty will usher in the most vigorous period of development, and the Miscellaneous Society will provide countless impetus.

These new inventions will drive the Song Dynasty to become the most powerful force in the world, invincible.

Now, he thought it would be better to leave the Seljuks and the Ogres to trouble with the Westerners.

The Lord of Dashi nodded subconsciously, "Yes, as long as the Song Dynasty does not get involved in Western trade, then we will admit defeat."

As a result, world trade was divided into two parts. One part was controlled by the Song Dynasty, which transported the best goods in the world to Dashi, and was then transported to Western trade by the people of Dashi.

This is fair, but thinking about the great fortune that Dashi merchants made in the Song Dynasty, the owner of Dashi Kingdom couldn't help but feel heartbroken.

The king of the country had been observing Shen An. Seeing that he had solved the conflict with the cannibals with just a few words, he asked, "So what does the Song Dynasty think of Seljuk?"

At this moment, he must admit that Da Song is an unbeatable opponent, at least for now.

But he will never admit defeat. As long as he can become stronger, it is not a problem to challenge the Song Dynasty.

Before that, he had to strengthen Seljuk through conquest.

The rise of every emerging power is mostly accompanied by endless wars, and Seljuk is no exception.

"The Great Eater knew that there was a lot of unowned land from the Song Dynasty, and there was no one on it. It would take at least a hundred years for the Song Dynasty to occupy those lands and govern those places. Therefore, to give up the hostility towards the Song Dynasty, this pair of Good for you."

Seeing the king's smile, Shen An said calmly: "There are powerful enemies in the north of the Song Dynasty. The scale of our battle has reached hundreds of thousands, and the men and horses can't see the edge at a glance. I only want to tell the king this, If possible, I would like to bring an army of 100,000 next time... to sweep through the world."

A sea breeze happened to blow over, and the king squinted his eyes slightly and tilted his head back.

"Sweeping through the world?" He wanted to say that Seljuk had invincible warriors, but they were defeated by the 30,000 Song army, and they didn't even have a temper.

"Yes!" Shen An smiled and said: "I would rather pile up the enemy's corpses into a mountain and let the enemy's commander kneel in front of me and cry bitterly. If possible, I can do all this easily."


The learned man translated it, and the accompanying guards were furious. As soon as they drew their swords, Li Baojiu had already aimed his bow and arrow at the king.

"Put down your knife!" the interpreter shouted.

The atmosphere was tense.

Shen An frowned and said, "Are we going to start a war?"

The king smiled and said: "I can guerrilla on the flanks until you are exhausted, and then you can start enjoying the victory meal."

After this period of reflection, he had already thought of a way to defeat the Song army.

The Song army had fewer soldiers, so they could encircle them and then continuously harass them on the flanks, making the Song army restless. This kind of harassment does not take long, and then after finding the gap, a general attack will be launched, and the Song army can be destroyed in one battle.

And all of this is based on the fact that the Song Dynasty has few soldiers. UU Reading www.uuknshu.net Their firearms and crossbows are very powerful, but they are too few and are not enough to block attacks from all directions.

"Then why don't you give it a try?" Shen An smiled and said: "I very much welcome your attempt, but if you start this time, the Song Dynasty will not stop and will chase you to the end of the world."

The king felt that Shen An's momentum would be weaker, but he just raised his hand.

"go ahead!"

The huge array began to move.

Shen An sneered and said: "Go back, let's fight as a whole army. I want to see your so-called flanking guerrilla. If it fails, I will personally cut off your head and place it on the top of the Jingguan."

"Song Army's warship!"

"What are they doing?"

The Song Army's warships docked, and the cranes began to transport artillery ashore.

"Without firearms, we can still crush the large water force."

Following Shen An's words, the big water warriors who had been peeping from the side appeared.


Chang Jianren, who had already boarded the ship, personally led the navy to attack, but the gunboat stayed behind to lift the artillery ashore.

War or something?

The king's face changed. He had never faced such a tough opponent in his life. He barely gave in, no, he pressed forward step by step.

Shen An did not give him a chance to buffer. When he saw more and more artillery coming ashore, the leader said in a deep voice: "Maybe we can sit down and have a good talk."

He is afraid!

Shen An shook his head slightly. He really wanted to fight the Seljuks again, but the king was obviously afraid.

With the addition of those artillery pieces, the Song army's flanks will be impregnable.

No matter which side you come from, the Song Army will use artillery to teach you a lesson.

Good night.

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