A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1866: Efforts in vain, suppression

"Is the latest manuscript out?"


"Bring it here and take a look."

Qin Guan was very busy, and it took a lot of time to review the manuscript. After a while, he leaned back and smiled with squinted eyes: "Today's tabloid will definitely crush Zhang Dun. Send it out, right away!"

It's already late at night, but there are so many rich people in the old party who can't stand it!

So the craftsmen are still waiting without any complaints.

"Hurry up and do the layout!"

"Bring the board over here!"

At the same time, the lights were brightly lit over there at Beimang Newspaper.

"Bring the latest second edition!"

Why print late at night?

Because during the day, I have to catch up on the manuscript and then review it, and the final completion is almost half an hour later.

In the early morning, the carriage came out of the workshop and set off along the street to deliver newspapers.

"Here are the mutton buns!"

Amidst the shouting, the carriage came over. The hawker took out the copper coins and handed them over. The boy on the carriage gave him twenty newspapers.

The hawker took the newspaper and said, "The sales have been good these days. How about giving me two more copies tomorrow?"


The carriage continued to move forward, and when it came back, the newspapers had been distributed.

"I must make Zhang Dun look good today!"

Qin Guan didn't sleep all night, but he was full of energy at this moment.

He is waiting for feedback from the outside.

"We have a case in this issue. This affair case is not known outside. It is called an interesting one. There is a woman in the west of the city who cheats on someone. Every time her officials come, she makes the adulterer hide under the bed. That's how she did it. After more than ten years, she gave birth to several children. None of these children looked like her officials. Later, her officials talked about it after drinking. The woman felt guilty and actually said that she was crooked.

His officials were puzzled, and after a few days they waited there. Sure enough, they found the adulterer entering the house. But when they entered, they didn't see him. The couple started fighting, and they found the adulterer under the bed. It turned out that the woman wanted to For the convenience of the adulterer, he dug day by day and dug a big hole under the bed, where the adulterer squatted and had fun! "

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone laughed.

All the manuscripts in this issue were carefully organized by him and were all targeted, making sure that every page could crush Zhang Dun.

He was happy in his heart, and as he was thinking about it, he actually thought about Guoguo.

That girl!

It is said that Shen An originally intended to betroth Guoguo to him, but after hearing that he liked to be carefree outside, she put the matter aside.


He sighed, and then murmured: "You will regret it one day!"

"Travel less! Travel less!"

Someone shouted outside, and Qin Guan, who was deep in thought, got up and walked out.

Outside was a group of editors, holding the enemy's Beimang newspaper in a daze.

"What's wrong?" Qin Guan walked over.

An editor handed him the newspaper and said, "Look."

"Hot spot? What hot spot?" Qin Guan looked down.

"Immortal Song Shiyao!" When Qin watched this, he found it interesting. He also found it interesting. What would happen to those people?

He felt cold for a moment, but he thought it was just a title, not a headline-grabbing one, so he continued reading.

This article begins with an introduction to Song Shiyao's identity, and then traces the relationship between Southwest China and Jiaozhi.

In the article, Song Shiyao, as the protagonist, fought bravely in the southwest and bravely rushed into Jiaozhi to take revenge...

When he saw this, Qin Guan felt his blood boiling. He couldn't help but raise his head, looking for a drink.

If a warrior's blood boils, he will fight, but what should a scholar do if his blood boils?

In most cases, they go out to drink and play with women, using alcohol and women to release their passion.

Then the article wrote about the serious disasters that Jiaozhi brought to the southwest of the Song Dynasty. One by one, one by one, people can't help but feel angry. Tears well up in my eyes when I am sad.

Then came the Song Dynasty's counterattack. The navy attacked, leaving Jiaozhi helpless. In the end, the army attacked and destroyed the country in one fell swoop.


From the frustration at the front to the exhilaration at the back, Qin Guan couldn't help but want to cheer loudly.

But then his mind suddenly clicked and he was confused.

"Is this their manuscript? Song Shiyao... this is... this is a novel!"

Qin Guan was a little confused, "This is Shen An's handiwork, it must be him!"

An editor said painfully: "Since the Stone Chronicles, novels have become popular among the people. With the Stone Chronicles, Shen An made the Queen Mother of the Western Thieves and the Queen of the Liao people fall in love. We are not like him when we play this opponent!"

The old party can say that the old party is not afraid of anyone with poems and articles, but novels... Shen An's "Stone Chronicles" has become popular in the world, attracting two Western thieves and the most noble woman of Liao Kingdom to be fascinated by it.

"This article is like a novel. It starts from the origin of Jiaozhi, step by step, mixed with detailed descriptions, making people feel happy, angry, sad, and happy. It is like a novel, but it is not a novel."

"These are real people!"

An editor looked up to the sky and sighed: "Did Mr. Shen, who is far away overseas, still leave such means to deal with us?"

Qin Guan looked bleak. He felt that he was more talented than anyone else. Except for Su Shi, no one in Bianliang City could compare with him. However, Shen An people had been at sea for a year, and Zhang Dun could still crush Hui Ying Bao with his methods. , how could this make him not feel ashamed?

"Originally, tabloids were something that no one paid attention to. But after Shen Guogong did it, it turned out to be a favorite pastime of people in Bianliang. What do you think he thinks? He actually knows that everyone likes those market stories. With relish.

Did you know that prime ministers and ministers now read tabloids every day? "

"I know, they said they would buy one every day on the way to the Yamen, and they would watch it while swaying on horseback. The servants next to them held lanterns. They could still watch it for a while when they arrived in front of the imperial city. Finally, they were on duty After reading it in the room, several ministers discussed yesterday's market stories and started to do things easily."

This kind of thing is common in later generations. The so-called cup of tea, a pack of cigarettes, and reading a newspaper for a long time were once a good life that many people dreamed of.

But now it has penetrated into every corner of the Song Dynasty.

"do not talk."

Qin Guan was silent, and everyone gradually became quiet.

"Go and ask." Qin Guan now hoped that he would not lose too badly. "Go and ask how our tabloid is selling today."

An editor was there, and when Qin Guan returned to the check-in room, his mind was filled with the scene where he met the girl at the Poetry Club.

The slight frown and the natural smile, even though they were separated by a veil, moved his heart.

But Shen An looked down on him, saying that he often went out and wandered around, which was extremely unbearable.

But isn't it normal for scholar-officials to go to brothels and play with women? Let's not talk about other things, let's talk about Ouyang Xiu, the leader of the literary world, he is a representative figure of romance. Until now, he is still a model of pear blossoms weighing down begonias, and has attracted applause from the literary world.

That Shen An was a master of miscellaneous studies and a famous general of the Song Dynasty, but he was extremely pedantic!

Thinking of this, Qin Guan smiled bitterly.

He is the richest man in the Song Dynasty, so he is naturally qualified to be picky. He didn't even win the Jinshi, so what are you talking about?

He immediately opened the manuscript and looked at it slowly.

Reviewing a manuscript is a very troublesome task. Not only do you have to check whether it is suitable, you also have to find the flaws and then modify them.

“Travel less!”

After an unknown amount of time, a voice came from outside.

Qin Guan smiled and said: "To be so cautious, I am not a tiger, and I don't eat people."

The door was pushed open, and the editor who came in to check the sales of the tabloid said with a wooden face: "It's not good to travel less."

Qin Guan just felt like his heart was sinking, "Why? Our tabloid in this issue is so wonderful, even if it can't compare with Beimang Newspaper, it still has merits!"

"I bought more than yesterday, but..." the editor shook his head, "Those vendors said that it is already a big deal for ordinary people to buy one tabloid every day, so they naturally want to buy the best ones. There are many who can buy two tabloids. Rich people, what we sell today is better than yesterday, it’s those rich people who buy it.”


Qin Guan slammed the table and trembled all over, "Those... what's the use of those rich people buying it? This tabloid is just for the common people to read, but it's useless for them to read it!"

He covered his face with his hands, his frustration making him burst into tears.

Rich people naturally have channels to obtain information. The key is that most rich people have already taken sides. Those who should support the New Deal and those who should support the old party have mostly already taken sides. Unless there are policy changes, this line will hardly change.

Therefore, when rich people read newspapers, it is just for entertainment and to obtain information.

But the common people are different. When they read your newspaper, they will be affected by your views, and then they will take sides.

Have you ever seen people in Bianliang bragging about the New Deal when they go out?

Those old men squatted in front of their homes, talking proudly about the pros and cons of the New Deal.

And the channel through which they learned about the New Deal was through tabloids and storytellers.

Hui Ying Bao had been preparing for a long time, preparing for a counterattack, but then he was slapped down by Zhang Dun, without any temper at all.

This suffocating feeling makes one want to vomit blood.

"Your Majesty, the imperial censor Su Shi read the tabloids when he impeached the prime minister and went to the Yamen, and the same goes for other Yamen..."

The court meeting went well, the monarch and his ministers were in harmony, and Su Shi's impeachment came just like that.

Zhao Shu was startled and said with a straight face: "Is this possible?"

He is an emperor, and it is certainly inappropriate for his ministers to read tabloids during working hours.

"Your Majesty, this matter is false!" Han Qi naturally shouted that he was wronged.

Zhao Shu coughed dryly and said, "Be careful."


Han Qi said angrily: "Su Shi has been hanging out with a group of literati recently and got very drunk. I will definitely deal with him when he comes back."

Zhao Shu had a headache.

This song is about retaliating against the whistleblower in front of me. It can be called a model of a sycophant and a powerful minister!

"Let's break up." Zhao Shu waved his hand angrily.

He staggered towards the back of his home, with Chen Zhongheng following him, "Guan family, I have bought the Beimang Newspaper. Why don't you read it after reading the memorial?"

"What's the news today?" Zhao Shu felt itchy.

"There is a secret story about the black sumo wrestler from Daishoukokuji Temple. It is said that an important official admired her and wanted to take her into his home as a concubine. However, the black girl was too proud and self-respecting to..."


All the way to his own territory, Zhao Shu sat down relaxedly and said, "Bring me the newspaper. I'll take a look at it before doing anything."

In the political hall, as soon as the prime ministers and ministers came in, they all held the newspapers and read them in tacit understanding.

"This black girl is indeed rich and cannot be promiscuous. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net That Zeng Xiang... let's go and support him later?" Han Qi felt that more women like this should be supported. As for what you mean by naked body Female sumo wrestlers, I am not that kind of person.

These words remind people of later generations' "someone will criticize."

"Okay." Zeng Gongliang was obviously moved.

"Hey! Why does today's Huiying Newspaper look similar to Beimang Newspaper?" Naturally, the prime ministers and ministers had enough money to buy newspapers, so the family bought two copies. Bao Zheng was reading Huiying Daily, and the more he read, the more familiar it became.

"This is plagiarism!" Fu Bi also saw it and said disdainfully: "When Anbei came up with Beimang Newspaper, they followed Huiying Newspaper. Anbei asked people to go to the market to collect news, and they followed. Even the movable type Follow it and these people won’t lose their face!”

“This Huiying Newspaper just copied the style of Beimang Newspaper, it’s shameless!”

Lao Bao got angry and asked someone to come in and ask, "Can this Huiying Bao be sold for a lot?"

"Bao Xiang, not much." The clerk said with a smile: "The villain bought tabloids on the way here. The hawkers said that today's Huiying newspaper was good, but Beimang newspaper was even better. It published a report on Southwest and Jiaozhi. The article is well written!”

"Oh! Let me take a look."

Bao Zheng's face was a little red.

The prime ministers and assistants all coughed uncomfortably.

They are all prime ministers and old men, but when everyone reads the newspaper, they still read the gossip section first. This is a bit embarrassing!

Everyone turned to the first page, and the more they read, the happier they became.

"Well written!" Han Qi praised: "Writing like this will let the people know why the Song Dynasty wanted to attack Jiaozhi, and they will naturally share the same hatred with the enemy. Good!"

"What is this? Documentary? Xiren, this is probably something new created by Shen An. You can ask Zhang Dun to write more later. I like to read this."

Asking for a monthly ticket.

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