A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 21 Children who lack love

"There's a fight!"

Just when Zhao Zhongzhen felt that he was only four or five years younger than Shen An, but still far behind, he heard a commotion outside.

Fan Tower is not one building, but several...

When Zhao Zhongzhen walked out of the door, he saw dozens of people struggling with each other in front of him, and the scene was tragic.

Nosebleeds flew out, and the sound of broken bones was crisp.

"Hit! Hit hard!"

A merchant showed up with a belly that looked like she was five or six months pregnant.

He pointed to the opposite side and shouted: "We are all merchants in Fanlou. We all agreed a few days ago to deal with that Shen An together. But you actually colluded with him in private, what the hell! This is selling us out!" Ah! What do you think?"

Many merchants came around, most of them were watching. A few merchants with probably powerful backgrounds shouted: "Hand it over, hand over the cooking recipe and let us learn together, or we will kill you."

"Fuck me! Kill me if you can!"

All the merchants who had obtained the prescription came out, followed by angry-looking clerks. Their hands were full of weapons, but no one dared to take a knife.

The two sides are gradually approaching...

"If you're injured, your wages will still be paid, and all the money for recuperation will be covered. Let's fight!"


People on both sides shouted and then rushed forward.

This scale of fighting was probably the first time in Bianliang City.

Shen An stood by with Guo Guo in his arms, staring at this scene dumbfounded, and murmured: "I just want them to restrain each other, why did they start fighting?"

"Okay, this move of Black Tiger's heart-breaking move is beautiful."


Guoguo also cheered, and then Shen An pulled her over. In front of her were only a group of people watching the fun from behind.

Shen An had never seen such a grand scene in his previous life, and he couldn't help but be mesmerized by it.

"This move is... what the hell is it actually a milk-grabbing dragon claw?"

"This move... oh... the monkey steals the peach, it's so cool!"

"That's a good sneak attack, damn!"

Shen Ancai praised the sneak attacker's action, and then the sneak attacker was chased.

Zhao Zhongzhen was running with excitement on his face. When he saw Shen An standing in front of him, he shouted: "You don't have to worry about it!"

This kid deserves a beating!

Shen An slapped him over, Zhao Zhongzhen held his head and cried out that it hurt, then walked around to the other side, followed closely by the pursuers behind him.

When this guy saw Shen An holding a girl and giving Zhao Zhong an injection, he thought they were all in the same group, so he shouted: "Stop him!"

Shen An held Guoguo and moved away. Zhao Zhongzhen was disappointed when he saw it. But just as the pursuer passed by Shen An, he felt his left foot being stepped on, and then he flew out.


This time, the fall was smooth. Shen An and Zhao Zhongzhen's faces were wrinkled into chrysanthemums, and they couldn't bear to see it.

"Get out of here!"

Shen An felt that this child would become a scum of the clan sooner or later, but the two of them had a certain fate, so they would give him a warning if they could.

He forgot about it after it happened, but the large-scale fight in Fanlou became more and more intense. In the end, even the inspection department failed. Bao Zheng applied and transferred a team of forbidden troops to suppress it.

But this matter became a big deal, and those merchants with people behind them naturally refused to give up. They only said that the ten restaurants that had the secret cooking skills were trying to kill them all.

The forces behind them were naturally competing. It is said that the impeachment memorial made Zhao Zhen in the palace furious, and then the censors began to get angry.

"Many people were impeached and then submitted letters to plead guilty. I, Wengweng, said that you are very... cunning... very powerful, just like a fisherman..."

Zhao Zhongzhen came over early in the morning and muttered about the serious consequences of yesterday's fight in Fan Lou.

Shen An was not interested in this, but was a little curious about why Wang Jian on the opposite side didn't come out.

That guy claims to be Zhao Zhongzhen’s teacher, how cute is that?

Shen An is cooking porridge.

He stirred the sticky rice porridge with chopsticks and said casually: "I'm just a seller, what does the follow-up have to do with me? By the way, if you don't stay home all day, your father won't take care of you?"

Zhao Zhongzhen's complexion darkened again, and he sighed deeply, thinking that this child probably lacked love.

"elder brother……"

Guoguo came back panting from running in the yard.

Shen An hurriedly knelt down, waited for his sister to throw herself into his arms, and then took a towel to wipe her face.

"No girl in Bianliang can compare to my sister's spirit."

Guo Guo glanced at Zhao Zhongzhen and said, "Brother, how pitiful."

Zhao Zhongzhen immediately felt his face burning.

I was actually pitied by a girl?

Shen An glanced at him, then cracked three eggs in, stirred them together and said, "Go get a bowl."

Zhao Zhongzhen said oh and then entered the back room.

The room is very narrow, and everything for eating is placed on the table.

After Zhao Zhongzhen took it out, Shen An took a look and said, "Why are there only two bowls?"

Zhao Zhongzhen said oh again, then went in to get a pair of bowls and chopsticks.

Shen An didn't seem to notice his red eyes, so he put lard and salt into the porridge, and finally a handful of chopped green onions.

“Simple ones are the most delicious, and the more complicated they are, the more boring they are.”

The porridge is very fragrant. The aroma of rice, lard, and the pure taste of chopped green onion...with the addition of salt and eggs, it blends all of these together, creating a supremely delicious dish.

Guoguo thought Zhao Zhongzhen was strange, and children didn't like other people coming to eat at home, so she would glare at him from time to time.

Zhao Zhongzhen felt that he was a typical example of fine clothing and good food, but after taking a sip of porridge, he realized why Shen An could change the color of Bianliang City's food industry. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

"elder brother……"

Zhao Zhongzhen thought the porridge was delicious, so he ate too much without realizing it.

Guoguo felt that her things had been taken away, so she went to Shen An to act coquettishly.

Shen An was frying crispy pork with a luxurious layer of sugar on the outside.

"elder brother!"

Guoguo hugged his legs and raised her head to act coquettishly.

Shen An casually picked up a piece of cooled meat and stuffed it into her mouth.

Guoguo took a bite, and then her eyes widened with joy.

"Taste it!"

Shen An handed a needle to Zhao Zhong.


Zhao Zhongzhen felt that Shen An was like a magician who could surprise people at any time.

Shen An pointed to the small stove and said: "This is the skill of us Central Plains people. No matter where we go, as long as we have fire and a pair of hands, we can make our lives enjoyable."

"You are sitting on glory and wealth today, but you did not earn it by yourself. Once you repeat it a little bit, the gods will fall into the mortal world, so you should learn to respect this world."

Zhao Zhongzhen said dissatisfied: "My family is a clan, how can I fall into the mortal world?"

"It's so stupid!"

Shen An raised his head slightly, as if he was remembering something.

"It's just because there are more clan members like you that the Song Dynasty is getting worse and worse."

Then Zhao Ji is not a member of the clan...

That scammer!

Shen An thought of Jingkang's shame in the future and slapped Zhao Zhongzhen again.

Zhao Zhongzhen covered the back of his head and said angrily: "Why did you hit me again?"

Shen An touched the top of his head again, just like touching Huahua.

"It went smoothly."

Zhao Zhongzhen was furious, and Guoguo stumbled over and shouted: "Brother, there is someone..."

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