A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 212 Subversive Answer

The financial situation of the Song Dynasty was undoubtedly tight, and the root cause was the huge military expenditure.

Three redundancies and three redundancies, the most important thing is military expenditures.

That's not an army, that's vampires.

The vampire who drained Da Song's blood.

Zhao Zhen knew this, but inertia made him hesitate.

He had carried out innovations and was ambitiously preparing to unveil some ancestral methods, but he was overwhelmed by reality and lost Fan Zhongyan.

He knew that the main reason for his failure was that he offended that group of people.

And the representatives of that group of people are in the palace at the moment.

So he looked over habitually.


Han Qi shook his head and said: "This is just a case in point. If there is chaos in Zhongmou, the capital will not be safe. Our ancestors' considerations are naturally correct. We will wait..."

"Prime Minister Han!"

Shen An cupped his hands and said, "What if we can't feed so many troops?"


No one has thought about this issue?

Shen An wanted to knock all these people to the ground with a slap, and then step on them a few times.

"What should I do if I can't make a living?"

Shen An's question was impossible to answer.

If current trends continue, it will be impossible to support the army.

"The only option is to raise taxes at that time, but raising taxes will force the people to rebel. What should we do?"

Zhao Zhen was touched by these words.


The army is not only a gold-eating monster, but also a destabilizing factor.

Once the army is unstable, can the Song Dynasty be stable?

He shook his head.

This matter needs to be carefully considered.

Third Secretary...

Song Qi didn't know the current situation of the Song Dynasty?

Zhao Zhen was a little dissatisfied.

When you join the Third Division, the first thing you need to do is to understand the financial situation of the Song Dynasty for the king's reference.

Now you don't know anything about it, but Shen An, the little waiter, not only knows about military expenditures, but also about annual income.

How did he know?

Zhao Zhen thought of the past and remembered that someone had reported these situations. Shen An must have written them down at that time.

This young man is serious!

If all the officials are so diligent, what do I have to worry about?

Zhao Zhen felt very satisfied, so he nodded and said, "Why don't you give it a try? The local officials should keep a close eye on the surrounding areas... and let Bao Zheng also keep an eye on it later..."

Han Qi came out and said: "The official family, the laws of the ancestors... If someone rebels... it will be too late to regret it!"

This is what our ancestors did. Over the years, we have not seen any rebellion by the victims. This is a result!

Last time you asked Fan Zhongyan to randomly reform the ancestral method, what was the result?

Today you are thinking about it again. Can we not bother with this?

"Yes! Your Majesty, let's recruit them as soldiers!"

Most of the prime ministers and assistants supported handling it according to the old rules. Zhao Zongjiang, who was watching, couldn't help but smile.

Shen An was at a disadvantage, and Zhao Zongshi was at a disadvantage.

Therefore, Xiao Qing has made no achievements in the court, and it seems to be the best choice for now.

If you don't do it, you won't make mistakes. The more you do, the more mistakes you make. This is really a wise saying!

Zhao Zhen was hesitating. His eyes turned and saw Zhao Zongjiang's decent appearance.

Turning around again, he saw the frowning Shen An, which contrasted sharply with the dull Xiao Qing next to him.

Is this young man worried about the Song Dynasty?

At this moment, Zhao Zhen felt that he had seen through Shen An. He sighed and said, "Try it. There are many troops stationed around Zhongmu, so you can give it a try."

Zhongmou is close to the capital, and there are so many troops stationed around it that more than 5,000 people can suppress even if they rebel.

Shen An was thinking about whether Zhao Zhongzhen would give laxatives to important ministers after he became emperor. Hearing this, he said happily: "Your Majesty is wise."

Everyone looked at Zhao Zhen, some were disappointed, some were anxious, but in the end Fu Bi came out and said: "We will send money and food over immediately."

As the Prime Minister, he must learn to take charge instead of going against the officials in everything, otherwise you will not be able to come to power next time.

There are more than 5,000 victims, including young and old, and many women. It shouldn't be a big problem.

As soon as he spoke, both the emperor and the prime minister agreed with the matter, and the matter was considered a done deal.

Zhao Zongjiang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said solemnly: "Your Majesty, this matter... Shen Taizhao strongly advocated... This young man has a lot of potential!"

This statement made people startled, and then everyone reacted.

This matter was strongly advocated by Shen An and had nothing to do with the official family. If it fails then, don't put the blame on the officials.

Everyone took a look at Zhao Zongjiang and felt that he was very stable and took the overall situation into consideration.


Everyone nodded, and Shen An said: "I believe that as long as the people can have enough food and clothing, no one will rebel. They would rather live and work in peace and contentment in their hometowns than be soldiers!"

"how do you know?"

Zhao Zongjiang asked suddenly, and then seemed to feel that he had said too much, so he nodded apologetically and stepped back.

But his question was discovered, and everyone is interested in knowing the answer.

"Of course I know!"

Shen An didn't want to explain to this person, but Zhao Zhen said: "Shen An has experienced hardship, so he knows some of the following ideas."

Zhao Zongjiang nodded awkwardly, and then Zhao Zhen ordered: "Let Bao Zheng go. Shen An and Xiao Qing will also go."

Lao Bao's moral integrity is not bad, and he has a bad temper. Zhao Zhen feels that if he goes, he will definitely be able to suppress a bunch of officials.

It was normal for officials to be dishonest, and he knew this very well.

But he also knows the truth that if the water is clear, there will be no fish.

And letting Shen An and Xiao Qing go together is to serve as representatives of the two spare tires, indirectly helping them understand the government affairs.

As for letting them directly participate in government affairs, this is absolutely impossible.

When the prime ministers and assistants left the hall, everyone was a little uneasy.

Traditional habits have been subverted, and everyone always feels something is wrong.

Shen An in front looked energetic, even a little shy.

Zhao Zongjiang returned home all the way and couldn't help laughing when he saw Zhao Yuanliang.

"Why are you laughing? But something good happened to you?"

Zhao Yunliang asked very comfortably.

Lao Ba’s family can now be regarded as a backup, what a great thing!

Zhao Zongjiang smiled and said: "There are disaster victims in Zhongmou. Both the court and the Central Government said that the strong victims should be organized into Xiang troops, but Shen An took a unique approach and proposed to use work instead of relief and dispose of them on the spot."

Zhao Yunliang's eyes lit up and he said: "Why did our ancestors organize the victims into Xiang troops? Isn't it because we were afraid that they would rebel? Shen An was subverting the laws of his ancestors. The ministers seemed to agree at the moment, but once someone in Zhongmu rebelled , He Shen An will not be able to escape his guilt!"

Zhao Zongjiang smiled and said: "In the past, those victims of disasters often committed crimes while waiting for treatment, and this time will be no exception. So, dad, I'm afraid Shen An will be doomed this time."

Zhao Yunliang nodded and said: "Yes! As long as there are people who coax you together, the law will not punish everyone!"

"He's eager."

Zhao Zongshi seemed to be recovering well. He frowned and said, "Shen An is anxious. There will be chaos after a famine. This is an iron rule. Why is he anxious?"

Zhao Yunrang also had a headache and said: "This young man..."

Only Zhao Zhongzhen said with certainty: "This kind of thing is the cancer of the Song Dynasty. If we don't try to deal with it, it will become a big problem in the future."

Zhao Yunrang glared at him and said: "The ancestors' methods are so far-sighted, you know nothing!"

Zhao Zhongzhen thought about the cost of resistance, and finally decided to resist for the sake of reason.

"Weng Weng, times have changed!"

Don't cling to old rules, they are rotten.

"What did you say?"

"My grandson said... Oh, why are you hitting someone again?"

"Stop! How dare you run!"

Bao Zheng rushed all the way to Zhongmou. When he saw the victims in ragged clothes and sallow faces, he couldn't help but get angry.

“Why don’t localities provide disaster relief?”

The local official said sarcastically: "I dare not release grain without permission."


Lao Bao said resolutely: "Open a position!"

Madan! The people are starving to death and you haven't opened the warehouse yet, no wonder you want to rebel.

This is the resentment coming from Shen An.

The victims couldn't help but rejoice after hearing the news. Someone shouted: "Thank you Bao Qingtian!"

"Thank you Bao Qingtian!"

These cheers made Bao Zheng a little...a little happy, but this was immediately broken by Shen An.

"This is a sacred metaphor for officials."

Bao Zheng immediately broke into a cold sweat.

Important ministers habitually ignore the emperor and then flaunt themselves. This is a habit, and Lao Bao is not immune to it.

But Mr. Bao, aren't you too arrogant to blame the emperor's achievements on yourself?

"Long live the official family!"

The local officials were very discerning and took the lead in shouting slogans, and the atmosphere gradually turned around.

Xiao Qing was observing Shen An and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing when he saw him walking among the victims to greet him.

You are not an important minister now, so this gesture is of no use!

Many people had gathered at Shen An's side, and the voices gradually became louder, which attracted Bao Zheng and others to rush over.

Xiao Qing also leaned over, wanting to hear what Shen An said.

"... After the officials heard the news, they were very worried. Not only did Bao Zhongcheng come here immediately, but they were worried that everyone would be cold and hungry."

Shen An said, taking the child from a woman's hand, coaxing it skillfully for a few times, and then said: "This child is still strong."

The woman cried and said, "I will give him everything in the house to eat. Sir... just bear with it."

Shen An sighed, then looked at the victims and asked, "If I could rebuild your homes, would you be willing to be soldiers or stay in your hometown?"

Bao Zheng was shocked and hurriedly took a few steps closer, wanting to listen carefully to the voices of the people.

Xiao Qing was even more unbearable. Not only did he get closer, but he also weighed his feet, hoping to hear the objection immediately, and then Shen An would become a big joke.

The entourage was composed of many people, including people from all walks of life, and there was naturally no shortage of people from the Imperial City Department.

At this moment, everyone held their breath, waiting for the people's answers.

An old man came out and said: "I heard that every time there is a famine, the strong and strong will be recruited into the Xiang army. From then on, they will have no worries about food and clothing. This is a good thing..."

Xiao Qing felt his heart suddenly heat up, and the ecstasy couldn't help but surge up, making his face flush and his body trembling.

What's this?

This is ironclad evidence that the local resettlement plan that Shen An insists on is wrong.

Once the news comes back, Shen An, no matter how much the officials appreciate you, countless people will be excited because you have destroyed the laws of the ancestors. This kind of power can make you become a street rat.

The people accompanying each had different expressions, but many of them were relaxed.

The ancestral method is good!

Everyone just follows the instructions and it's over. You Shen'an is troublesome, but everyone has to come down to take charge of disaster relief and reconstruction. This is all trouble!

Shen An remained calm and even encouraged the old man with a smile.

I have been hanging on silk for many years in my previous life, so don’t I know the mentality of the people at the bottom?

The old man hesitated for a moment, and finally expressed his thoughts: "No matter how broken or poor the home is, it is still my home! This mountain, water, and land are all familiar to me, and I will never admit my mistakes in my dreams." If you make the wrong move, you will want to be buried here if you die..."

He raised his head, with ravines on his face, and said sincerely: "Noble sir, if the noble man can see the official family, please help the villain to beg the official family. As long as the villain can have enough food, the villain... the villain and others are willing to stay. hometown……"

Bao Zheng felt as if his heart had been hit by a heavy hammer, and his breathing suddenly became tight.

Xiao Qing clenched his fists immediately, and then looked at those people blankly.

Those common people.

"That's right! No matter how nice it is outside, it's not as good as my hometown. As long as the official family can keep the villain satisfied, this will be a prosperous time."

Bao Zheng's eyes suddenly became hot, and tears couldn't help but fall down.

Are the people's demands so low?

As long as you can satisfy your hunger, this is a prosperous age.

A small official accompanying him couldn't help but asked: "Are you going to cause trouble..."

A woman said: "What are you talking about, sir? As long as there is something to eat, who will make trouble? We will ignore anyone who dares to make trouble!"

"That's right, whoever makes trouble is ruining our good life. We can't kill him!"

Xiao Qing stumbled back a few steps and murmured: "Is this what the people think? How...why is it different from what they said?"

A group of carnivores were instantly shattered by a group of disaster victims, and the scene was filled with silence.

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