A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 220: Giving birth, female

Outsiders should be people who have escaped from the secular world and vulgar tastes. This was Shen An's earliest understanding.

But as he grew older, he began to think about the coming and going of people.

People are people, people will not become gods.

This is the conclusion he came to.

Birth, old age, illness and death are things no one can escape.

But now a group of Taoists looked at those dead chickens and ducks, and they really didn't look like outsiders.

It’s like mourning a heir!

She Hui was even more stunned.

"No, this is a prescription from thousands of years ago. Someone took it and ascended to heaven."

She Hui hugged the chicken like her own child and cried loudly. While crying, he said: "The decades of preparation that this poor man has made have been wiped out overnight. What's the point of living this life... This life is like a walking corpse!"

This is like an 'expert' who has studied perpetual motion machines for decades. Suddenly one day someone proves that perpetual motion machines do not exist. He will probably be as heartbroken as She Hui.

Shen An became a little impatient, stood up and said, "These chickens and ducks have also ascended to heaven."

He moved his arm, which was twisted when he was holding down She Hui.

"Let's go back."

He walked out first, and the Taoists silently moved out of the way.

"Brother Tao."

She Qing suddenly caught up with him, and just when Shen An thought he was going to be reluctant, She Qing bowed.

"Thank you, Brother Dao!"

At this moment, there was no trace of slickness, and he was thanking him seriously.

The Taoists looked at this scene and didn't know who was behind it, so they shouted: "Thank you, Taoist brother!"

"Thank you, Brother Dao!"

A group of Taoists saluted solemnly and with great momentum.

But it was a young man whom they thanked.

Some of those Taoists had tears in their eyes, some had pale faces, and some had happy faces...

Those with tears in their eyes probably took the pill, those with pale faces must have taken too much, but fortunately...

I must thank Shen An!

If it weren't for him, given Izumokan's habit of taking elixirs, I'd probably have died early and ascended to heaven.

This was a sincere thank you, so the Taoists sent it all the way out, not wanting to leave Shen An.

Wang Yu looked at this scene thoughtfully, feeling as if he had learned something.

Shen An was stunned, and then returned the favor happily.

It's just that his speech is a bit nondescript, and his words are not quite right.

"Uh-huh... I'll say hello next time if I have anything to do."

After Shen An finished speaking, he realized something was wrong. Everyone knew that something was wrong with the elixir. Next time something happened...what happened?

All the way out of the Taoist temple, the group of sergeants was still there.

At this moment, when they saw that Shen An, who had been shouted at by everyone just now, was sent out respectfully by She Qing and the others, everyone couldn't help but said in surprise: "This is..."

Until Shen An left, the Taoist priests were still looking into the distance.

"This Shen Taizhao...is indeed a true man with integrity!"

Wang Yu forgot about the so-called real person and told the matter after Wang Anshi came to the office.

"Poisoned to death?"

Wang Anshi simply couldn't believe his ears.

Wang Yu nodded and said: "Dad, my child saw with his own eyes that the elixir poisoned the chickens and ducks. She Hui was also a little tired afterward... If he hadn't been forced to vomit it out by Brother An Bei, he might have really ascended to heaven today. ."

Wang Anshi became flustered for a rare moment. He remembered that he went to Izumo Temple to ask Shehui to give some elixirs to his mother.

Looking back at it now, he really wanted to thank She Hui for not giving him the pill.

Thank you for your kindness in not killing me!

"Dad, my second uncle said last time that I should go and seek help from Shehui again, so don't go."

Where would Wang Anshi go? He and Wang Anshi looked at each other and said, "I owe Shen An another favor for this matter."

If it weren't for Shen An, my mother would have really gotten She Hui's elixir and taken it... she would have really... gone to heaven!

Shen An vowed never to pretend to be a ghost again, and whoever wanted to die would die quickly.

"Hey hey hey... be gentle... hiss!"

He was sitting in front of the hall, and Chen Luo was using medicinal wine to wipe his arms. Guo Guo stood by and saw him grinning, and her eyes turned red.

"elder brother……"

The little girl, with her flat mouth, immediately made people lovable.

Shen An immediately held back the pain and said with a smile, "Brother is coaxing you to play, it doesn't hurt."

Guoguo was still sad, so Shen An held her with one hand and sat on his lap, asking her what she had eaten for lunch and whether she had a good nap...

After applying the medicinal wine, Shen An felt that his arm felt much better, so he praised Chen Luo.

"My father is also a warrior. There used to be some strange things in the house, such as mice, snakes and scorpions. My father dried them in the sun. Some of them were dried meat, and some were soaked in wine..."

Shen An's throat surged.

Chen Luo felt nothing, and continued: "Lang Jun, I have inherited my father's medical skills, and I am very sure about injuries..."

Shen An coughed dryly and said, "This... next time."

Zhao Zhongzhen came and after entering the study room with Shen An, he asked for hot tea and drank three cups in a row before he recovered.

Seeing that his face turned pale, Shen An asked, "Is something wrong?"

Zhao Zhongzhen nodded, shook his head, and said: "Song Xiang just submitted a memorial, saying that he controls the Privy Council, and Song Qi controls the three departments. The two brothers combined are too powerful... He begged Your Majesty to put his younger brother Song Qi down. Go to the prefectures and counties.”

I go!


Shen An has seen all kinds of methods, and he has seen a lot of stabbings, but he has never seen this before when the amiable elder brother stabs his own brother.

Then he witnessed a brotherly split.

After Song Qi learned of his brother's actions, he silently submitted a memorial.

Please delegate yourself!

The day Song Qi left, there was drizzle in the sky.

There were only two people who sent him off, and they were not officials. As for Song Xiang, not even a shadow was seen.

Shen An happened to be going out of the city to inspect the workshop, and met the three of them.

He held his hand from a distance, and Song Qi thought he was here to see him off, so he said movedly: "No one who has friendship with someone dares to come, but Shen An and someone have only met once, but...some people say that Shen An is cunning, and someone You will definitely not believe it after today!”

Shen An felt that Song Qi was a little pitiful, and Song Xiang had said last time that he was not welcome in the Privy Council, so adhering to the purpose of making his opponent unhappy, he would be happy, he asked someone to bring some bacon and sausages, and quickly caught up with Song Qi , just a little care.

Song Qi was at his most depressed at the moment. After getting these things, he couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Shen An... Yi Boyun God!"

The righteous Shen An was inspecting the already built workshop, and a group of women were listening to his speech.

"...Unless the man can support the family, a woman shouldn't wait at home all day long to serve the man. She should go out and find something to do for herself. If she earns money and food every day, she can also have more snacks for the children at home..."

These women range in age, from their teens to their thirties.

They looked at Shen Taizhao curiously and felt that what he said was really good.

"...Women must strengthen themselves and take this step boldly. After you can make more money than your own men, you will be able to stand up at home. Who will serve whom when the time comes... There is no telling. Got it!"

He spoke so righteously that a woman asked: "Taizhao, can we earn as much money as men?"

When someone started, the women started to boo.

Three women equals a thousand. There are probably tens of thousands of them here.

Shen An glared and said, "We calculate money here based on the amount of work done. The more work you do, the more money you get. No one can bully others."

When the women heard this, they felt excited, and someone immediately asked: "Waiting for the imperial edict, what should I do if someone deducts it?"

"Go to Yulin Lane and talk to me. If I'm partial, then I'm not a man!"


Shen An looked at these women with joy and felt that she had started the women's movement in the Song Dynasty.

I am the pioneer of the women’s movement!

Later generations will have to write a special book.

"Tai Zhao, but you... are still a young girl... you can't be considered a man!"

A woman was muttering, Shen An's ears were hard to hear, and there was a dark look on her face.

He didn't want to argue with women, so he said, "Whoever has any questions should hurry up! Otherwise, I'll leave."

A group of women gathered around you. You asked, "When will the money be distributed every month?" and she asked, "Can my cousin come too?"

When Shen An squeezed out of the group of women in embarrassment, Yang Mo, who was waiting outside, couldn't help but laugh.

"These women are... amazing!"

Shen An gave the steward a few more words, and then left Zhuangzi with Yang Mo.

"Song Qi said that you are very righteous. Now many people know it. Some people laughed in shock and said that Song Qi was probably a little delirious."

When Shen An heard this, he said angrily: "Am I not one?"

The corners of Yang Mo's mouth twitched and he said against his will: "Of course you are."

Shen An sighed: "Those people are jealous, envious, jealous and hateful!"

Oh my God!

It seems that Song Jiang only has this reputation.

"Righteous spirit?"

Zhao Yunrang felt that he had seen a ghost in the daytime.

Zhao Zongshi sat next to him and made tea for him. Hearing this, he smiled and said: "Dad, Shen An is actually quite good. Everyone has this cunning young man. For example, Zhong Zhen, who made his sister cry in anger yesterday, is still here He was laughing, and the child got so angry that he beat him up."

Zhao Yunrang shook his head and said: "That young man...some people say that he is compassionate. It seems that they are said by outsiders."

Zhao Zongshi smiled and was about to speak when a servant came in from outside.

"Prince, there is news from the palace that something happened..."

Zhao Yunrang narrowed his eyes slightly and asked, "What is it?"

Zhao Zongshi seemed to be making tea, but his hands were shaking.



The tea cup fell to the ground, and Zhao Zongshi hurriedly cleaned it up.


Zhao Yunrang waved his servants out, and then said: "You don't need to panic, this matter... I'm afraid it's settled."

Zhao Zongshi picked up the tea cup and said with a forced smile: "Dad, the official family can still have children!"

Zhao Yunrang sighed: "Thirteenth Prince, there will be no more princes in the official family, he has no life!"

At this moment, Zhao Yunrang's eyes were sharp, and there was no trace of his old age.

"Do you understand? This is life!"

At this time, someone outside reported: "Prince, someone sent a gift and said he was here to visit."

"Let him go!"

Zhao Yunrang said coldly: "When the official family is sad, they come to give gifts at this time. This is to harm someone! Remember that person's name and deal with him in the future."

Seeing Zhao Zongshi's ugly face, he said: "Since we fight over this matter, losing will bring harm to our children and grandchildren, so you have to think about it carefully and think about it for your women and children."

Zhao Zongshi agreed, and Zhao Yunrang stood up and said: "Thirteenth Master, from now on, our family will be troubled!"

Shen An also received the news. He entered the study and saw no one.

In the study room, a map was placed on the table. This was a map Shen An drew based on his memory. It was imprecise and the proportions were ridiculous, but it roughly depicted the situation between the Three Kingdoms.


There was a knock on the door outside.


"Mr. Lang, we have a guest..."

"Da Song..."

Shen An gradually became immersed in the entanglement of the Three Kingdoms, and there was gradually more smoke in his mind.

The horses neighed, arrows streaked across the sky, and the warriors screamed...


Rows of Song infantry were in formation. They held long spears and looked desperately at the cavalry on the opposite side that was gradually speeding up.

The spears were broken, the infantry were knocked away by the horses, hacked by the sabers... the enemy cavalry rushed in.

"Long axe!"

The silent array moved forward again, slashing down the long axes one after another.

Blood filled the air...

He raised his head and murmured: "The country is bigger than the family... Your Majesty, please forgive me for being powerless."

Zhao Zhen was kind to him, but he was not a miracle doctor and did not have a secret recipe for having children.

Both concubines gave birth to princesses as recorded in history, Zhao Zhen...

"This is life!"

He looked at the map, punched the north, and said ferociously: "This is my life!"

His destiny should be in the north. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

Shen Bian disappears in the north, and his son will lead an army to break through the Great Wall and march into the grassland...

His destiny was to untie the knot in the Song Dynasty, the knot that made the Song Dynasty derided as the "weak Song Dynasty" by future generations.

"Mr. Lang, there are some guests here."

"not see!"

Shen An knew that these were testers.

There will be no shortage of Zhao Yunrang, and there will be no shortage of Zhao Yunliang.

Qin lost its deer, and the whole world chased it away.

Starting today, the Song Dynasty will enter a new era.

He raised his head and felt that his eyes were bright...

The third update has been sent, please support me.

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