A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 228 A group of stupid donkeys

In many places of the Third Department and the Privy Council, the daily work is accounting, and it is just simple addition and subtraction, which is boring.

Zhao Zhen felt that these two departments needed mental arithmetic the most, so he had the book copied, and then asked the Third Division and the Privy Council to recommend candidates for study.

Song Xiang asked Du Ziling to ask questions indifferently, but most of them had no response.

Shen An is so stupid!

The key is that these people are worried that it will be too difficult to learn. When the time comes, they will not learn their skills, but their position will be taken away by others.

Even if you learn the skills, you will be reduced to a low-level accounting clerk from now on. Do you want to be promoted? Shangguan said: "We can lack anyone, but we cannot lack him!" ’

In a corner of the Privy Council, several clerks were talking.

"...In a word, once you learn it well, you will get tired of asking for it. After you finish your hard work, will you have to be a petty official for the rest of your life?"

"Yes! The art of mental arithmetic is so easy to learn. Once you learn it, you may not be able to move."

"When I think about being a small official who can do calculations for the rest of my life, let alone mental arithmetic, even if it is taught by a great scholar... no one would be happy!"

In the game between secret skills and official position, secret skills lost miserably.

So this matter became embarrassing, but Song Xiang couldn't be appointed an official and make a wish. That was a big taboo.

It would be great if there was a word in the palace that people who learn mental arithmetic would put them to good use in the future.

While watching, Tang Ren appeared.

He took most of the officials in the ceremony room to find Du Ziling.

"We all agree, and we are willing to learn."

At this moment, Du Ziling forgot all those grievances and said happily: "Okay, I really understand the general concept!"

Someone from the Privy Council signed up, but not many from the Third Division, just a few kittens and puppies.

Everyone is worried, worried that after learning it, they will become the accounting puppet of the Third Division.

The villain doesn’t want it!

In the past two days, the most common excuses in the Third Division have been all kinds of weird excuses, and the purpose is to avoid studying.

Wang Anshi remains as steady as a mountain, as if he is unmoved by anything.

As he walked on the road, the officials gave him their hands.

When we got to the toilet, there was someone inside.

This is embarrassing!

Shangguan wants to use the toilet, are you embarrassed to watch? Are you embarrassed to listen? Go away now you.

The clerk wiped his butt and prepared to go out honestly.

As soon as he reached the door, the clerk remembered something and asked, "Judge Wang, I would like to ask you something."

"you say."

Wang Anshi was in a hurry to go to the toilet, so he became more persistent.

So if you want to end the situation or something, it's best to block the leader while he's going to the toilet, and do it one at a time.

"As for mental arithmetic...if I learn it, will I still have a future?"

Wang Anshi said with a straight face: "Yes!"

The clerk said happily: "Thank you so much, Judge Wang."

Wang Anshi said very few words, but he never spoke falsely, so what he said was almost certain.

The clerk rushed to sign up, but Wang Anshi, who was squatting in the pit, remembered the mental arithmetic that his eldest son had been practicing recently.

You can just report the numbers or throw in an account book. Wang Yu doesn't need to do the abacus. He just does the calculations in his head and checks the results again...

All right!

It hasn’t been long since I learned it!

Wang Anshi felt that it was Shen An's unique secret skill, so he was too embarrassed to ask his son for the textbook.

He just asked: "Are you eager to learn?"

Wang Yu's expression was a little depressed at that time, "Eager to learn."

This son liked to show off his intelligence beyond ordinary people, so when he was frustrated, Wang Anshi made sure that ordinary people could easily learn this secret skill.

But why are secret skills so easy to learn?

"The road is as simple as it is easy!"

This was what Shen An used to excuse Zhao Zhen. He really didn't want to teach those people.

And he was also a little selfish, thinking that if Zhao Zhongzhen went, it would be an opportunity for him to accumulate connections.

But Zhao Zhen obviously didn't want to do this. He still held the imperial power very tightly and didn't want to give others a chance to subvert.


"If the official says you won't go, then recommend someone to go."

Chen Zhongheng was very angry at Shen An's performance and felt that he was a disgrace to officials.

The officials value you and want you to teach, but you still resist. How shameful!

But Shen An didn't have this awareness. He pointed at Zhe Kexing who was practicing swordsmanship beside him and said, "He can do it too."

After all, Zhe Kexing was forced by Shen An to learn a lot of things. In terms of mental arithmetic, it was just those key points. He had to teach him a few more times to complete the task.

Chen Zhongheng shook his head again and said: "He is a warrior, you know."

Do you know that asking military men to teach civil servants will cause a backlash?

If he had a knife in his hand at this moment, Chen Zhongheng would want to chop Shen An into pieces.

Shen An had a headache. He thought for a moment and said, "Well... the most powerful person in my family is the coachman."

I have to buy groceries every day on Tuesday, so calculation becomes a big problem.

Shen An incidentally taught him the art of mental arithmetic, and it turned out that this man was actually gifted in this area. His quick calculation ability directly overwhelmed Zhe Kexing and Zhao Zhongzhen, and even Wang Yu was almost defeated by him.

"Your coachman?"

Chen Zhongheng really wants to hit someone!

"This is a state matter."

"This is the truth."

"How about... try it?"

So after a test, Chen Zhongheng, whose jaw dropped, went back to the palace dejectedly to report that when he came back later, he would take Tuesday to teach.

"Teaching? Mr. Lang, I don't dare to go."

Tuesday was frightened, "Those people are literary stars, gentlemen, villains don't dare..."

"Bullshit Wenquxing!"

In front of Chen Zhongheng, Shen An said disdainfully: "They are all people who want to learn mental arithmetic and have requests from us. Go boldly. If anyone dares to bully you, just talk to Chen Douzhi. Old Chen, you will You make the decision for him, right?"

Chen Zhongheng smiled bitterly and nodded, thinking that the officials didn't know what the reason was, but they actually agreed to let him teach on Tuesday.

Tuesday was still a little timid, so Shen An encouraged him, "Wang Yu is a yamen official, but he can barely compare to you. What are you afraid of? Go boldly. When teaching, just act like a group of pigs are sitting below you."

This is a good way to relieve tension, but comparing those officials to pigs made Chen Zhongheng couldn't help but said angrily: "That's too much!"

Shen An said with a straight face: "That's right, they shouldn't be pigs, then just think of them as donkeys!"

What a bunch of donkeys!

So I went there on Tuesday with trepidation.

"The coachman of Shen An's family is going to teach?"

The official circles in the capital were in an uproar.

Later, most of the officials who originally signed up withdrew because they felt that they could not afford to lose this person.

"You're crazy."

Bao Zheng seems to be a little melancholy recently, looking at the temperament of some poets.

Shen An shook his head and said: "The master is the teacher."

"But those are officials."

It is insulting to ask the coachman to teach the officials.

What does official mean?

Why do you agree?

Bao Zheng guessed a little. The officials probably thought that this mental arithmetic technique was a good thing, so they first used this method to eliminate a group of people who were not determined.

The second person was somewhat beyond Shen An's expectations, it turned out to be Sima Guang.

"You are a young man who is acting recklessly, Professor Coachman..."

"There has never been such a precedent in the Song Dynasty. You are still young. You must be diligent, look forward, and..."


Shen An was driven crazy by his thoughts.

Sima Guang finally left. He also finished a day of teaching on Tuesday and returned home with a glowing face.

"The villain...The villain will be a member of the Shen family in this life, and a ghost of the Shen family in death."

Tuesday had never thought about giving lessons to officials. Being able to drive carriages for officials was regarded as a sign of ancestral merit.

But today, while he was tremblingly giving a lecture above, the officials below were actually listening to the lecture very quietly and seriously, and even taking notes...

What a dreamy day!

Tuesday felt that this was a good day given to him by Shen An, so he couldn't wait to show his loyalty when he came back.

"Come here, Commander-in-Chief, and kowtow to Mr. Lang."

On Tuesday, his excitement was palpable. He pulled his son, Governor Zhou, and the father and son knelt down together.

Shen An picked up Governor Zhou with one hand and said, "Do your job well, and we'll talk about the future... later."

From then on, Tuesday reached the pinnacle of his life, giving lessons to officials every day.

Ten days later, the merits will be complete... no, it will be completed.

Tuesday no longer flinched, and he said openly: "Mr. Lang said, the rest is up to you to get familiar with each other, and just settle more accounts."

It was just a quick calculation of addition and subtraction. It took ten days to complete the course. Shen An felt it was too slow.

"Thanks for the teaching."

Tang Ren said this very naturally. During these ten days, he was the one who maintained the classroom discipline. For this reason, some people said behind his back that he was Shen An's lackey.

"Thank you."

More than a dozen officials cupped their hands to express their gratitude, and Tuesday seemed to be drunk as he drifted home all the way.

After returning home, I had a drink on Tuesday and became very drunk. Then I said that I would become a professor in the future, but Mrs. Chen complained.

After waking up in the morning, Tuesday recalled what he had said last night and felt uncomfortable.

"Get up quickly and go buy groceries!"

Aunt Chen came back from Guoguo. Seeing that he was still in bed, she scolded: "You still want to be a professor? Mr. Lang is only satisfied with teaching you some things. If you want to teach officials, then who should Mr. Lang teach?" ?”


Tuesday felt proud, which was bad.

So he got up, washed up, put on his car and went shopping for groceries.

As soon as those familiar hawking sounds reached his ears, Tuesday knew that he still liked this kind of life.

He thought it was a dream, but the more than ten officials actually learned their skills.

In the Privy Council, Tang Ren took the account book and recorded it while reading it. It didn't take long for the account book to be completed.

Opposite him was a smiling clerk, but the smile looked a little fake.

You look and calculate at the same time, and you think your fingers are abacus!

"It's an extra five guan and thirty-five cents. Please give it back!"

The junior official said in astonishment: "Mr. Tang, this is the account book of our Honglu Temple. I am only showing it to you for a passing glance..."

You are still in trouble and want to take charge of Honglu Temple?

And you are such a childish person. You just looked at it and said it was more than five dollars too much. Are you trying to show off to us?

He is not from the ceremonial room, so he is naturally not afraid of Tang Ren.

"Fight back!"

If Tang Ren doesn't pass, the account book won't be recorded, and the expenses won't be reimbursed.

The clerk was angry and went directly to his Shangguan to talk to Du Ziling.

"I agree, your Tang boss just took a look at the account books and said that Honglu Temple had embezzled five thousand dollars and thirty-five dollars... Is that a lot?"

The officials of Honglu Temple were very angry. Most of this anger came from the fact that Shen An had taken away many errands. Instead, they were reduced to a place to receive foreign envoys, no different from an inn.

The cost of receiving foreign envoys is not small, but the Song Dynasty was very generous in this regard, so just check the accounts and that's it.

It turned out that Honglu Temple's accounts were not inspected by the ceremonial room. This was also done by Shen An, who said that cross-examination could prevent corruption and fraud.

This anger has been simmering for a long time, and today's account book incident finally exploded it.

Du Ziling didn't want to wipe Tang Ren's ass, so he said, "Have you found out?"

The official of Honglu Temple said angrily: "He just took one look at it, and then said that he had been corrupted to a certain extent, and he still obeyed the decree. Isn't this nonsense?"

This is the ID of the old leader of the warehouse. I spent a hundred yuan to modify it just to make a fool of myself...it's inhumane!

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