A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 235 A creepy experiment

The three students tried it one by one. From the beginning when they picked up the crystal cup with trepidation, to the end they were completely shocked.

Xu Bin was originally here to fool around, but at this moment he asked with a solemn expression: "Storytelling, may I ask why this is?"

"Students ask for advice."

The three of them bowed down and asked for advice.

what is this?

This is the arrogance in the front and the respect in the back.

Shen An said lightly: "This is knowledge. It contains what is needed to burn a candle, what will become in the cup after that thing is burned, and then why that change can cause water from outside to rush in."

"Sit back."

Shen An began to lecture.

"We can find that when the candle is covered with a lid, it goes out, so why?"

The three students shook their heads in confusion. They knew about this phenomenon in life, but they didn't know the reason.

Shen An smiled and said: "That's because candles need air to burn. What is air? It's something we can reach, something we breathe..."

The three students were already stunned.

This is definitely a lesson that subverts their cognition.

Yang Zheng and Xu Bin were in a daze, but Su Yan was stupid and was recording.

Shen An glanced at him and felt that it was true that the stupid bird flew first.

"After the crystal cup covers the candle, it is buried in the water, and then the air cannot get in until it is burned out and the candle goes out."

Shen An said, lighting the candle, then covering it, and the candle went out when he opened it.

"Then there will be negative pressure in the cup... negative pressure... I have to explain these things to you slowly."

"There is a difference between the inside of the cup and the outside after negative pressure. Because ink is used to seal the edge of the water cup, the water is sucked in directly."

Shen An slowly explained the principle of this experiment and even explained the concept of negative pressure. However, the three of them looked confused and clearly did not understand air.

"You can't see the air, but if you cover your mouth and nose with something, you will know what air is."

There is no better way to verify than this.


As he continued to explain, Su Yan blocked her mouth and nose with her sleeves, and then whined.

This is...sincere.

Shen An motioned for him to take it off, and then asked: "How does it feel?"

"Bored, panicked."

"Frustrated? That's right. You can't breathe after cutting off the air."

The three of them still had some doubts. Shen An smiled and said, "You can test it yourself when you go home."

Xu Bin said: "Storytelling, I don't have a crystal cup at home."

Shen An sighed: "You have to learn to be tolerant. There is no crystal cup, but if the cup absorbs the water, there will be less water outside. Can't you see it?"

Xu Bin's face turned red and he stood up to plead guilty.

Half an hour into the class, Shen An said with a smile, "That's it for today. Come back tomorrow."

The next step was Confucianism, and I had to write articles and so on, so I didn't give Shen An any extra time.

He carried the bag and walked out of the classroom. The three students stood there blankly, showing no sign of respecting their teachers.

To the left of the Imperial College is the Imperial Academy. When Shen An came out, he saw Guo Qian.

In the huge Imperial College, there are only three students in class now, and there are more officials than students.

Guo Qian cupped his hands and said, "How are you waiting for the imperial edict?"

He didn't use superiors and subordinates to greet each other, he just showed respect.

Shen An smiled and said, "Just wait and see."

Guo Qian said in shock: "Those students didn't send you off?"

The first class, the new professor, you didn’t send him out?

What about manners?

What about the courtesy of our Imperial College?

Guo Qian was furious and prepared to deal with the three people.

Shen An stopped him with a smile and said, "This class talks about some simple things. I'm afraid they will be in a daze for a while, so don't worry about it."

He cupped his hands and walked away, swinging his backpack around his waist.

"Simple? How can you be in a daze?"

Guo Qian walked to the edge of the classroom suspiciously, and quietly stuck out half of his head to look inside.

The three students were sitting in their respective seats in a daze.

In the past, after class, these students would run outside for fear of leaving one more particle in the classroom. Today, this is a bit evil!

"Hey! I'm afraid it's a lie."

Xu Bin sighed quietly, and Guo Qian quietly retreated after hearing this.

Finally, three students were left to study miscellaneous studies, but looking at this... they didn't trust Shen An and miscellaneous studies!

But this matter cannot be dealt with bluntly...

Shen An is young and doesn't want to lose face, so I'll stop him for a while.

When he went back, he found a few professors and asked them not to mention anything related to Shen An and miscellaneous studies in class later.

"real or fake?"

Xu Bin felt that this was like a dream, a dream that made people feel dizzy.

Yang Zheng felt that this matter might be a bit unreliable: "I'm afraid there is a ghost in his plate or candle."

Xu Bin nodded and said: "Yes, otherwise how could such a miracle appear in the world."

The two found the reason, so they laughed and talked about Shen An.

Su Yan, who was beside him, packed up his things and left.

"Su Yan, where are you going?"

"I'm going to take leave and go home and try."

Xu Bin thought for a while and packed his things.

Later, the three of them found Chen Ben and asked for leave.


Chen Ben was furious, thinking that most of the students had taken leave, so the three of you were the face left by the Imperial College to Shen An, so you actually had to take leave?

As soon as you leave, there won't be a single student in the Imperial College. What's going on!

Xu Bin lowered his head and said, "Shen's storytelling class scared the students."

Yang Zheng also said: "Shen's story-telling class is scary, and the students are now in a state of disbelief."

These three people really looked like there was something wrong and they were out of their minds.

Chen Ben's anger dissipated and he waved his hand: "Go ahead."

The three of them said goodbye. Chen Ben went to find Guo Qian and said with a wry smile: "Jiejiu, what did Shen An teach? It actually scared the students. I'm worried that what he taught was something... taboo!" "

Guo Qian stroked his beard and pondered for a while: "This matter...this matter will not happen. I will talk to him when the time comes. After all, he is also a smart man, and he will definitely not violate taboos."

Chen Ben sighed: "I am afraid that no one will come to his class tomorrow."

Guo Qian thought so, and the two of them could only smile bitterly at each other.

All the students in the Imperial College ran away, and when the news came, the emperor and his ministers were discussing matters.


Zeng Gongliang has always been mature, but now he couldn't help laughing.

Han Qi laughed out loud.

Fu Bi's cheek twitched, and when he saw that the official was holding back his laughter, he said, "Your Majesty, Shen An is young, so you must save some face for him."

Zhao Zhen nodded and said with a smile: "I don't care. If there are no students to attend the class, with his temper, he will probably come back on his own and never go to the Imperial College again."

The king and his ministers laughed for a while, and then dispersed.

Chen Zhongheng stayed at the back. He stood in front of the hall, squinted at the front, and murmured: "If Shen An can't even teach the students of the Imperial College, how can Zhao Zhongzhen and Zhe Kexing convince him? Wang Yu is so arrogant. A person who highly respects Shen An..."

He sighed, "I'm afraid I don't know who is the fool!"

Xu Bin prepared the materials when he returned home, and then started experimenting in his room.

Because the cup was opaque, he covered the candle and stared at the water in the plate.

"It's time to put it out!"

He didn't dare to blink, his eyes were so sore.


The water in the dish suddenly moved.

Xu Bin watched nervously, even lying on the table, wishing he could put his eyeballs into the cup to see if he had sucked in water.

The cup was like a big mouth, and it suddenly started sucking.

Xu Bin's breathing suddenly became rapid. He stared at the plate intently, and sweat gradually appeared on his forehead.


The water on the plate is moving!

Xu Bin stared blankly until the water calmed down.

He felt like all the hairs on his body were standing on end, and then slowly turned around to look.

No ghost!

He did it a few more times, and it was the same every time...

He sniffed and shouted in a crying voice: "Mom!"

His mother ran in and asked anxiously: "What's going on? What's going on?"

Xu Bin smiled and said, "Mom, I met a very powerful professor."

His mother breathed a sigh of relief and said: "The Imperial College has been in decline for a long time. Now that good professors have come, you must study hard."

Xu Bin looked at the extinguished candle, nodded and said, "Yes."

Early the next morning, Xu Bin set out with his schoolbag on his back.

The Imperial College is now too scattered and unmanageable, so they can go home as they please and live quite a leisurely life.

As for the imperial examination, how can the current Imperial College expect any imperial examination.

It turned out that Taixue was at its peak, but during the examination in the second year of Jiayou's reign, Taixue students headed by Liu Ji encountered Ouyang Xiu.

Old Ouyang looked down on the so-called Taixue style, so most of the candidates for Taixue fell over.

Imperial College was in ruins.

Liu Ji was a little annoyed at the time. Before returning to his hometown, he said: "Keep the number one scholar for my brother!"

This was treated as a face-saving joke and no one took it seriously.

But this year it was really a big joke. Liu Ji knew that he had offended Ouyang Xiu, so he changed his name to Liu Hui, completely changed his writing style to the type that Ouyang Xiu liked, and then took the exam this year.

Ouyang Xiu was the examiner for the palace examination this year, and he was very impressed when he got Liu Hui's test paper.

What a great talent!

In the official family, this Liu Hui should be the number one scholar!

Zhao Zhen also nodded in approval, and then Liu Hui (Liu Ji) really became the top pick.

But even so, the Imperial College and Imperial College collapsed irreversibly and became a place that no one paid attention to.

Xu Bin entered the classroom and Yang Zheng was already there.

"How about it?"

he asked.

Yang Zheng raised his head, with a look of horror in his eyes: "Terrible! Horrible! This is the knowledge of gods, you should learn it!"

Xu Bin nodded and said: "Yes, you must study hard!"

"When you were in class yesterday, what did that person say? You were so frightened that you reported illness and went home after class."

The school is also a small society, and there are also classes that should be there.

The tall Liang Que is not only good at studying, but also a good fighter, so he is currently the boss in the Imperial Academy.

He stood in front and said triumphantly: "I told you to leave but you didn't. You deserve it. By the way, are you leaving today?"

Shen An has a class today.

"Don't leave!"

When Su Yan came, he expressed his views angrily and then returned to his seat.

Liang Que cursed: "Idiot! Who asked you!"

Su Yan ignored him, and Xu Bin and Yang Zheng both shook their heads.


Liang Que said in surprise: "Are you... crazy?"

Yang Zheng rolled his eyes and said, "The storyteller doesn't allow us to leave. He said that if we leave, our family will be in trouble if we turn around."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Liang Que laughed and read a book www.uukanshu. net said proudly: "This is your disaster, you deserve it!"

Later, after a class ended, Xu Bin and the other three went out, and he whispered: "You shouldn't say that."

Yang Zheng said proudly: "Let them be proud, and we will benefit. Then everyone will think that storytelling is not a good class..."

This guy is just petty and doesn't want others to share the benefits Shen An brings.

When Shen An came, there were still the same three students. The others were squatting in other places, preferring to brag and bask in the sun rather than come to listen to his class.

Shen An didn't ask. He stood on top and said, "From today on, I will teach you to understand the world again."

"In every class from now on, we will teach half arithmetic and half other classes. You must take notes."

Shen An took out the textbook he compiled and started teaching.

"You should be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide these things, so let's talk about equations..."

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