Shen An doesn't like Wang Tiande, but business is never determined by personal preferences.

So he just gave a warning and asked, "How much do you think this perfume is worth?"

Wang Tiande was still savoring the smell of fragrant dew. Hearing this, he glanced at Shen An and said, "This matter..."

He hesitated to say it. Shen An knew what he was worried about, so he said: "You work, I will come up with a prescription and one of the things..."

He was looking at Wang Tiande, wanting to see if this man was greedy or if he knew what was right.

Wang Tiande sniffed, and then looked at a stain on his shoes.

This must have been the result of being splashed with vegetable soup while eating stir-fry yesterday.

He was in a daze.

"You need to buy dried flowers, a shop, and manpower. I will leave the method of extracting flower dew to you and let you do it. I don't care about these."

The cost of these things should not be low, but compared to the huge profits, they are not high.

He slowly looked at Shen An and held out three fingers with a serious expression.

He was a little nervous, thinking that it would be cut in half.

Shen An looked at him expressionlessly. Just when Wang Tiande wanted to change his mind, Shen An said: "I know your business is not big and you are not a cunning person. This is an opportunity for you..."

Wang Tiande was a little nervous. He had some doubts at the beginning, and now he was worried that Shen An would leave him alone. It only took a few words.

But he didn't realize it at all.

Shen An rubbed the tea cup and said with a smile: "In this case, this opportunity is given to you."

Once the shares of both parties in the business are divided, pricing is just a trivial matter.

After sending away the grateful Wang Tiande, Zhuang Laoshi, who had been waiting by the side, went back to summon the newly hired people.

Aunt Chen was very kind, and Shen An allowed her family of three to live in the house, which made her extremely grateful, so she worked very diligently.

The housing prices in the inner city of Bianliang can make people collapse, so this is a benefit that is almost as good as a salary increase.

But Zeng Ermei was a little lifeless, probably because she felt that she was too ugly and had no hope in life.

Yao Lian, on the other hand, has a playful and smiling face. He only eats enough for one person, but the whole family is not hungry, so he is a little careless.

"Lang Jun... is very powerful."

Zhuang Laoshi stared at the three people and said: "It seems that there are only two people in the Shen family, husband and wife, and husband is still young, but his future is certainly unlimited. We must work diligently and don't get kicked out. We will regret it later. Out of reach."

Aunt Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, housekeeper, I will definitely work hard."

Zhuang Laoshi nodded and said: "Mr. Lang regards the young lady as his heart. You have to be careful and don't let the young lady suffer any injustice."

Mrs. Chen agreed, and Yao Lian said: "Mr. Lang is very mature in his work. Sometimes when he looks at me, he feels a little weak."

Zhuang Laoshi warned: "Don't be dishonest all day long, otherwise I will make you look good here before Lang Jun takes action."

The Shen family is simple and saves trouble. It is not easy to find such a master.

So Yao Lian also responded solemnly.

Finally, there was Zeng Ermei. Zhuang Laoshi was more kind, "Lang Jun said that you are responsible for doing things. I will teach you how to make stir-fries one day. If you are good at cooking, you will naturally have your destiny in the future."

Zeng Ermei was delighted when she heard this. Because she was ugly, not only could she not get married, but her family also disliked her. She was almost hopeless, so she fell in love with cooking.

That’s cooking!

Zhuang Laoshi finally said: "It was Lang Jun who created stir-fried vegetables. Even the merchants with background in Fan Lou can only buy sons. This shows that Lang Jun is very skilled. You have to be loyal."

Shen An stood in the front hall and watched this scene, feeling like it was the beginning.

His life has just begun, and there is still a long road ahead.

How do I go on?

He thought of Bao Zheng.

This was the only civil servant who showed him any kindness.

Shen Bian, what earth-shattering thing did you do back then that caused a pair of children to be forced to migrate from Xiongzhou to Bianliang?

So far, Shen An only knows that Shen Bian had a good impression of Wu Ren back then.

No, I shouldn’t say I have a favorable opinion, but I don’t agree with the practice of suppressing warriors.

So Shen An didn't say he didn't have the ability to take the exam, even if he had the ability, he wouldn't dare to take it.

Shen Bian’s son?

Those people could kill him during the imperial examination.

What a fucked up life this is!

Shen An really felt a little sore.

But then he got involved in making alcohol and couldn't extricate himself.

Distill, re-distill...

He smelled of alcohol every day and felt dizzy.

Guoguo and Huahua sat together and watched Shen An build the newly built kitchen, neither of them had any thoughts about the past.

The day before yesterday, Guoguo endured the smell of alcohol and was hugged by her brother for a while. Then she fainted and slept for a long time before waking up.

Huahua was not happy to go there because she felt that the smell on Shen An's body was too stinky.

Shen An burped, and it smelled like alcohol.

He shook his head and said: "The warehouse will be full in two days, and we will stop work then."

Two days later, Shen An felt that he was completely drunk.

He slept until three o'clock in the morning, and then called Yao Lian, but this guy didn't know how to drive.

"Other people's nursing homes are all good at one thing, but you can't. So what do I need you for?"

Yao Lian cursed and swore that he would learn to drive a car, so Shen An let him go, then asked him to hire a car, loaded several jars of alcohol into it, and went all the way to Wang Tiande's place.

Shen An and Wang Tiande got involved.

After an internal fight in Fanlou, both sides suffered losses. However, the ten merchants had the magical cooking skills at hand, and their business was booming.

Most people are dissatisfied, so when they receive money every day and receive money, these people inevitably focus on Shen An, the source of all this.

Wang Tiande was probably a low-level businessman, UU Reading, but Shen An went out of his way to find him. What was he going to do?

These businessmen didn't believe that Shen An stopped Wang Tiande at will that day.

This was premeditated.

But why can't we make a premeditated plan with my family?

When Wang Tiande rented a shop, this sentiment gradually fermented.

So they jointly posted a post.

"take me Out to eat?"

Shen An felt a little surprised.

This is the back of the store, where Shen An is supervising Wang Tiande's people as they prepare the perfume.

Wang Tiande was a little worried that Shen An would be deceived by those wealthy businessmen, "Mr. Shen, I'm afraid there is some inside story about this matter... They must be trying to find out."

"I know."

Shen An watched them prepare a jar of perfume and explained: "This is all the dried flowers from last year. We must be careful to sell them and wait until this year's flower season to buy more."

Wang Tiande understood and said: "I know about this. When the time comes, I will say that I am from Lingnan. It is a long way. What is my name? It is best to be poetic..."

Shen An understood.

There will never be a shortage of literary youth in any era, and noble ladies and women from wealthy families are the literary youth among the literary youth.


Because men want to make money, but they only need to spend money.

The days of buying and selling will also be boring.

Once people are bored, they will look for a sense of existence for themselves.

Being sad about spring and autumn is the thing that makes you feel your existence the most.

oh! Spring is here, everything revives, and the wildebeests on the grassland begin to look for their mates...

ah! Summer is here, the sun is scorching, and the red apricots on the wall begin to peek out...

Shen An immediately thought of a name.

"Let's call it Dark Fragrance."

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