A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 267 What is suffering?

After Zhao Yunliang and his son went through Bigu, they seemed to have opened up the two channels of Ren and Du, and their minds became brighter.

Let Zhao Zongjiang go down and experience the public sentiment. This is a good move. Not only will it not irritate Zhao Zhen, but it will also win the favor of all parties.

The memorial is not as simple as Zhao Yunrang said, but very complicated.

Zhao Zongjiang pointed out the hardship of people's lives and made several suggestions. One of them was to open warehouses to suppress grain prices every year during lean times.

"He also learned Shen An's original method of suppressing grain prices. He advised the government to send censors to check when the warehouses were opened to release grain. If anyone dared to take the opportunity to collect grain, he would be severely punished. The merchants would be exiled and the officials would be distributed..."

Cruel enough!

Zhao Zhongzhen stood up and said, "Weng Weng, it's not good for dad to know about this matter."

Zhao Zongshi is still recovering. If he is forced to do such trivial things, he might get sick.

Zhao Yunrang said dejectedly: "This matter...that's all, let Zhao Yunliang's family take the upper hand."

He pounded the couch and said unwillingly: "Zhongzhen, you just want to study hard, and we will make his house look good in the future."

Zhao Zongshi is not good, but Zhao Zhongzhen is the most outstanding among the next generation. Let's be patient for now, we won't see horse tooth frost until dawn!

Zhao Zhongzhen bowed and went out, and the old servant advised him: "Alang, Thirteenth Prince is stable. When he was in the palace, the officials and the queen were very kind to him, so we are not in a hurry."

Zhao Yunrang shook his head and said: "I also want to follow the trend, but the Laoba family was very sharp and domineering back then. Now that we have started, even if our family retreats, it will not help!"

The so-called Eight Kings were also powerful figures back then and acted fiercely.

"Even if Zhao Yunliang pretends to be honest, the nature of that family is just like that. Can a dog change to eat shit?"

Zhao Yunrang's eyes became stern and he said: "If you don't make progress in this matter, you will retreat. Once Zhao Zongjiang gets the big position, our family will never even think about Ansheng's life! It can't be done..."

His eyes froze slightly, then he looked outside and said dullly: "The Liao people like condors, and they collect them from tribes further north every year... Condors only survive on cliffs, they are aloof and untrained, and those who capture them have to risk their lives to pieces. Climb away at risk...even if you catch it, you still have to endure training..."

"You can't close the eyes of the condor. Once it closes its eyes, you wake it up... keep enduring... until the condor succumbs."

The old servant's heart trembled and he asked, "Alang, are the officials just trying to make trouble for our two families now?"

Zhao Yunrang sat on the couch and cursed: "Emperors are not human beings. From the moment they ascend the throne, they are no longer human beings! Their brains are beyond what you and I can imagine. Their bones... their bones are filled with ice..." …”

"When I entered the palace... it was like a prison! Everything was cold and cold. If you didn't make a mistake, you would make the wrong mistake... Walking on thin ice, Thirteenth Lang was tortured and sick."

The wind from the fan blew gently, and the old servant suddenly shivered...

"Unless you are reincarnated, there is no such thing as something good for nothing."

On the farm of Shen An's family, a workshop has been built, and bullock carts come and go from time to time.

Shen An led Zhao Zhongzhen and Zhe Ke into the workshop. As soon as they entered, someone exclaimed.

"I've met Mr. Lang."

This is where perfume is made, and the men are bottling it.

It is a very primitive funnel, and the only way to accurately measure it is with a grapevine.

Next comes the final process: checking and capping the plug, plus sealing wax.

"It's very simple."

Zhao Zhongzhen and Zhe Kexing, who said it was very simple, were rushed to operate it for half an hour by Shen An. As a result, they were so busy that they broke several bottles and splashed the scented dew all over the floor.

"Lang Jun, these two are very stupid..."

The manager was a little sad about those Xianglu, so he complained to Shen An.

Shen An stood outside the door, next to the women's underwear workshop.

The steward looked back and said angrily: "They are still laughing!"


Shen An shouted, and Zhao Zhongzhen and Zhe Kexing rushed out as if they had been granted amnesty.

The manager was happy and didn't care about their "stupidity".

After the wheat harvest, the fields were empty but became a paradise for birds.

"There are a lot of wheat grains left in the field, and there are also some miscellaneous edible things, so this is a good opportunity for the birds to replenish their food. After autumn, they can only look at the sky."

Shen An picked up a piece of soil and threw it hard, and immediately a flock of birds took off.

Zhao Zhongzhen asked: "Didn't you say you want to glean wheat?"

Shen An glanced at him and said sarcastically: "Do you know how difficult it is to pick up wheat grains after they fall into the ground? But it's a good thing that you have such thoughts, which shows that your heart is not cold yet. Go ahead, you two go to the ground. Gather wheat grains out there, a hundred grains for each person, and come up when you’re done.”

He didn't say why not eat minced meat, he was just taking care of Zhao Zhongzhen's face.

"A hundred pills... not much!"

The two teenagers went down with relaxed smiles on their faces, while Shen An was pacing beside them.

An old man came over with his hands behind his back, crossed his arms and saluted.

"I've met Mr. Lang."

"Say whatever you want."

Shen An hasn't been around the village much, so everyone is still a bit unfamiliar with him.

The old man pointed to Zhao Zhong and the two of them in the field and asked, "Do you want wheat grains, sir?"

Shen An nodded and shook his head, "Just let them pick some up and take them home to feed the chickens."

The old man sighed: "Mr. Lang, all the chickens at home are left in the fields during this period..."

There was something to eat in the fields at this time, and the people were not stupid. They all drove their chickens here to look for food.

Shen An didn't expect this, so he said seriously: "It's just a sharpening."

"Grind it!"

The old man muttered and resigned. From what he meant...this was clearly not training, but torture.

Zhao Zhongzhen bent down to look for wheat grains. It had been half an hour since he went to the ground, and he had only found more than thirty grains.

He straightened up and stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead. Seeing Zhe Kexing in front of him searching seriously, he said, "Zundao, it's hard to find!"

Zhe Kexing didn't answer. He kept walking and soon started to change places.

He was an expert archer, and his eyesight was naturally much better than that of Zhao Zhongzhen, so after two rounds, he went up with the grains of wheat in his hands.

"One hundred pills!"

Shen An nodded and asked: "You are considered a yamen in Fuzhou City. Farming is impossible. How do you feel today?"

Zhe Kexing smiled bitterly and said: "It's a toss-up. I used to see farmers working in the fields, and I always thought it wasn't hard. After trying it today, I realized I was wrong."

He was relieved, but it took Zhao Zhongzhen more than half an hour to complete the task. When he came up, he couldn't straighten his waist.

He supported Yang Mo and grinned: "Brother Anbei, I only know the suffering of farmers now!"

He thought this was suffering, but Shen An said calmly: "This is just to relax the muscles and bones. Real farmers go to the fields in the morning and sometimes have to be busy until evening. This is called working at sunrise and returning at sunset." You're only here for more than an hour, what does that mean?"

"So hard?"

Zhao Zhongzhen sighed: "If this is the case, someone is ignorant of the sufferings of the people, which is shameful!"

This was a good attitude, but Shen An did not approve of it. Instead, he continued: "This is not considered suffering."

"Not counting?"

Zhao Zhongzhen stared, feeling that such a life could not be more miserable.

Shen An took them to the banker's house.

Five huts, this is where a family of four lives.

The owner's name is Li Er, his wife is Wang, and their two and a half-year-old children are named Li Dagou and Li Sangou.

"I've met Mr. Lang."

Li Er rubbed his hands, his face turned red, and he didn't even dare to raise his head.

Wang was more generous and asked Li Dagou and Li Sangou to move the stools.

Several people were sitting outside, and Shen An asked: "After this year's wheat harvest, how long will the family's grain reserves last?"

Li Er lowered his head and said: "Lang Jun, please be more careful... at least you can hold on."

His hands were rough, and Wang's were not delicate either.

"Mr. Lang, what I'm most afraid of is February and March..."

Wang raised his head and said: "The gods are sad in February and March! At least we have the Cai River here, so watering is convenient. Moreover, after Lang Jun took over Zhuangzi, those officials did not dare to come again..."

Zhao Zhongzhen asked in confusion: "What does it mean that the gods are sad in February and March? The officials are here...what are they here for?"

Shen An explained: "The gods are sad in February and March because the grain in the fields has not yet been harvested at that time. All the young leaves on the trees have been robbed. Wild vegetables are also in hot demand, and the food stored at home is gone... Then It’s the hardest time, if you can’t survive it, the whole family will have to be a beggar.”

He waved to Li Laosan, but Li Laosan was sniffling and did not dare to come over. The older Mr. Li stood beside him and smiled naively.

"As for the officials, what do you think they are here for?"

Shen An brought him to receive public education, so he directly tore open the scars from the prosperous times: "They are all here to take advantage."

Zhao Zhongzhen's eyes gradually darkened and he asked: "Is this much?"

Mrs. Wang called Li Laosan over, stretched out her thumb and wiped it under his nose, then wiped her thumb on the sole of his shoe, and the mucus was wiped away.

Zhao Zhongzhen's throat surged, but Wang said calmly: "It's a lot, we are pretty good here, relying on the Cai River, and there is Langjun Town, but the farmers elsewhere are not having a good time, and they have to endure it every year one time."

"Is there anything worse?"

Zhao Zhongzhen was a little shocked, and Li Erhan smiled and said: "Yes, a lot. Some couldn't survive it, so they mashed the wheat that was still filling and ate it. Some sold the land and then went to help others farm..."

Shen An stood up quietly and called Yang Mo.

"Let him live here for three days. He will sleep and work with the Li family every day and eat together. But let him boil the pots and bowls and clean them. The water must also be boiled for drinking."

He is confident that he can change Zhao Zhongzhen and will not repeat the mistakes of history. But hard work is indispensable. As for Zhao Zhongzhen’s suffering...

You want to be emperor and you're not willing to suffer?

Then you just want to be a fool!

Shen An felt that Zhao Zhongzhen deserved this hardship, but he was ready to go back.

"Brother Anbei, where are you going?"

Zhao Zhongzhen subconsciously felt that Shen An would share the joys and sorrows with him and stay here for three days together.

Shen An said with regret: "Guoguo has been crying a lot at home these days. I have to go back and take a look, otherwise..."

Otherwise, I really want to stay!

He didn't say the rest. Zhao Zhongzhen had already figured it out on his own: "Then go back quickly. Someone here can survive."

He thought it was nothing and thought he would get through these three days easily.

Shen An said to him happily: "You have grown up."

Zhao Zhongzhen happily accepted the praise without feeling betrayed by Shen An at all.

This kid is quite honest sometimes!

Not far away, Huang Chun was waiting for Shen An.

Yang Mo caught up and said with a grimace, "I'm afraid the young man can't bear this hardship! The prince doesn't know what he means."

There are not many people in the yamen who can endure hardship these days, let alone these wealthy clan members.

Zhao Zongjiang just went out to 'investigate' for more than ten days, and then went back to summarize the suggestions.

But his inspection was just a visit, not sharing food and accommodation.

"I will go to the county king and tell him that with the Mangshan Army at the village, safety will not be a problem..."

Yang Mo smiled bitterly and said: "The Mangshan army can't even defeat the students of the Imperial College!"

Shen An smiled and said, "You can try it."

Yang Mo said eagerly: "Really?"

Shen An waved Huang Chun over: "This is Yang Mo, the bodyguard beside Xiao Langjun. He wants to see the capabilities of the Mangshan Army. Please arrange it."

Huang Chun said sternly: "This brother is so powerful that we are afraid that no one can beat him... But since the gentleman has given instructions, the villain will let them risk their lives to accompany the gentleman."

Yang Mo's face became more angry, and then it disappeared again.

Huang Chun whistled, and two rural soldiers came over there.

"I've met Mr. Lang."

The two of them seemed lazy, but after Huang Chun told Yang Mo's request, Shen An felt a little happy.

The two men and Yang Mo went to the side to compete, while Shen An and Huang Chun were talking on the other side.

"Don't lose."

Shen An didn't want Yang Mo to score points here.

Huang Chunjiao smiled and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Lang, those two are the best among the rural soldiers. They killed many people in Liao territory. Yang Mo and others have never seen blood..."

In just a few minutes, Yang Mo limped back.

The two country soldiers cupped their hands and said, "Langjun, Yang Langjun is awesome."

Is this a win?

Shen An didn't look at it just now, just to save some face for Yang Mo.

Yang Mo lowered his head and cupped his hands and said, "The villain... lost."

"Are you guys in a wheel fight?"

Shen An asked pretending to be unhappy.

Before the village soldiers could speak, Yang Mo said ashamedly: "No, just one person."

Yang Mo, whose arrogance was knocked down, seemed to be very honest. He pleaded: "Mr. Shen, they must have been negligent before, otherwise they would not have lost to those students. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net I sincerely ask you to stay with them for these three days. Practice together.”

He said it sincerely, but he didn't know that Shen An was cheating, so...

Shen An, who had his lung tube stabbed, coughed dryly and said, "That...Brother Chun!"

"The villain is here."

Huang Chun wanted to pretend to be solemn, but when he raised his eyebrows, it made people want to laugh.

Shen An, who was stabbed in the lungs, said calmly: "We will keep an eye on Zhao Zhongzhen for these three days. He is not allowed to look for food outside, and we are not allowed to give him anything. We must eat and live together."

He was talking about Zhao Zhongzhen, but his eyes were looking towards Yang Mo.

Trick him and make him suffer a lot in these three days.

First update, please vote for me. Three updates today and four updates tomorrow. The following two updates: 16:00 and 19:00.


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