A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 270: 3 Days of Farewell

From the end of the Tang Dynasty to the founding of the Song Dynasty, people in the Central Plains stayed home and farmed, whether in chaos or in times of peace.

We work hard to farm and grow food for everyone to eat.

But as the population increased, there were more and more places to spend money. Eventually, everyone found that there was not enough food and not enough money.

What to do?

A group of people thought of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure, and reform came into being.

Various means have been thought of, but no one has thought about exposing it to the outside world...

Aren’t we supposed to farm?

The outside world is very dangerous, so we should stay home and farm.

No one thought to look for a way out!

Zhao Zhen was looking at Zhao Zhongzhen.

Zhao Zhongzhen’s answer to the first question is ‘Man can conquer nature. ’

People can find more wealth from nature.

Later, when faced with Fu Bi's somewhat reluctant rebuttal, he responded directly by saying, "Expand outwards."

This is an answer that has never been answered before.

This young man is so sharp that it makes people dazzle.

The crown princes and emperors of the Song Dynasty had never been so sharp, so Fu Bi felt a little flustered.

So he looked at Shen An.

He hoped that this was Shen An's attitude and that Zhao Zhongzhen was just parroting what he said.

But Shen An was just smiling, with a look of surprise.

Obviously this answer is Zhao Zhongzhen's own choice.

That's what's shocking.

Zhao Zhen was horrified. He didn't know whether this answer was good or bad, but he knew that it represented enterprising spirit.

He is the King of Shou Cheng, and he knows this.

One generation is successful, but what about the next generation?

The Han Dynasty was humiliated by the Xiongnu in the early Han Dynasty. Several generations of kings suffered hardships, and finally it was Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty who took revenge.

This is the deed that most inspires an emperor, but literati often attribute Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's martial arts to militarism.

Fu Bi felt that Zhao Zhongzhen's idea was dangerous. He was about to refute it, but Zhao Zhen said: "Let's drop this matter."

Officials intercepted the subsequent debate. What is their attitude?

Zhao Zhongzhen bowed and left. He walked out of the hall with his head held high, followed by the silent emperor and ministers.

They feel like they've failed.

They noticed the twilight energy in themselves and were a little at a loss.

Shen An was retained by Zhao Zhen.

He knew what it meant.

These monarchs and ministers were confused by Zhao Zhongzhen's words.

In a place where everyone follows the rules and refuses to go beyond the limits of things, suddenly a young man who refuses to follow the rules comes and is stunned.

Historically, after Zhao Zhongzhen entered the palace, he once wore armor to see Queen Mother Cao. At that time, he thought about using swords and guns to win dignity and new land for the Song Dynasty.

Compared to Shoucheng Zhao Zhen, this young man was the hero of the Song Dynasty! ! !

Zhao Zhen sat on it, his expression changing.

How do you evaluate Zhao Zhongzhen’s words?

The prime ministers are also waiting for answers.

Zhao Zhen suddenly asked: "There is a certain amount of wealth in the world, what do you think?"

He was doubting that all this was taught by Shen An.

Fu Bi glanced at Shen An unabashedly, his eyes cold.

He felt that Shen An and Zhao Zhongzhen were playing tricks.

Facing the questions from the emperor and his ministers, Shen An said: "Your Majesty, if I had asked you before, I would have said that wealth has never been restricted."

Fu Bi frowned and said, "Here you go."

Zhao Zhongzhen was taught by Shen An, and Fu Bi wanted to know Shen An's views on wealth.

Shen An said calmly: "The ancestors had no idea of ​​wealth. Bartering was their way of life. How much wealth was there at that time?"

"Today, it seems that the fields have been cultivated, but what about water conservancy? What about cultivating improved seeds, and improving fertilization?"

Fu Bi coughed dryly, his old face turned slightly red, and said, "These won't add much."

You coal!

Shen An really wanted to scream angrily!

But he prefers to use words to attack his opponents.

You want to quibble?


He smiled and said: "Fu Xiang, to put it simply, you must know Xianglu, right?"

Fu Bi's heart trembled, and he finally knew where the uneasiness in his heart came from.

Shen An said calmly: "How much are the raw materials of fragrant dew worth?"

He stretched out a finger and said very relaxedly: "It's not high. But several things that are not worth much money were put together, and after the test that I painstakingly spent more than half a year, how much did I get in exchange for it?"

"Those people started planting flowers on wasteland where food could not be grown, harvested them when the season came, dried them and sold them to fragrant dew workshops. Where did this wealth come from?"

He looked at Fu Bi and asked: "Fu Xiang, according to your statement, the original wasteland cannot produce wealth. But after planting flowers, I buy dried flowers here, which is money. Then the dried flowers are turned into flower dew, which directly earns money from the outer vassal." Money...who said wealth is fixed?"

Wealth comes from people's minds and abilities!

Later generations said that the oil was going to run out, and a feeling of despair began to spread.

As a result, alternative energy sources are becoming more and more prosperous, and combustible ice and shale oil and gas have even been discovered. As for higher-level new energy sources, they are also being continuously developed.

Fu Bi's face trembled. He wanted to argue, but found that he couldn't find a reason.

"For example, if a piece of land is not in good condition, we will tidy it up and improve water conservancy, so the yield per mu will increase greatly. What is this?"

Shen An said categorically: "This is people producing wealth! Only people can determine the amount of wealth, not something fixed."

The emperor and his ministers were speechless, because when they said that wealth has a certain amount, no one gave an example, but made a general explanation.

But Shen An was polite and kept using examples to prove his point.

Shen An said sadly: "Your Majesty, we can't sit back and wait for death! There are so many ways to increase wealth, why not use them?"

If it were anyone else, he would definitely get into trouble with Shen An, whether it was sophistry or sophistry, he would never give up.

But Fu Bi held up his hand and said, "I'll think about this slowly, but I can't answer it today."

At this time, a chamberlain came in and brought a memorial.

"Your Majesty, Zhao Zhongzhen from the Prince's Palace said he forgot the memorial."

Young man!

Shen An couldn't help but want to laugh.

This is because I felt that I had won a great victory, so I was upset when I left, and ended up forgetting the memorial.

If it were in the past, Zhao Zhen would definitely suppress it and look at it later when he has time.

But now he took it and looked at the memorial carefully.

After reading it, he raised his head and said, not sure whether he was pleased or sad: "Zhao Zhongzhen suggested developing water conservancy."

Many people have mentioned this suggestion, so the prime ministers and ministers don’t think it’s anything strange.

Zhao Zhen sighed, "He suggested not to conscript the peasants, but to hire them and let the farmers who are idle to build canals to earn money. After the water conservancy is repaired, the output of the fields will be more in the coming year, and the farmers will have money in their hands." . If you have money, you will definitely have to spend it. When the time comes, businessmen, craftsmen... many people will benefit, and even the government will pay more taxes... Such things will happen even if the government loses money."

This is a good way to attract people to invest in infrastructure.

This group of country monarchs and ministers were once again shocked by this idea that transcended the times.

Can money still be used like this?

Can water conservancy be repaired like this?

There are so many benefits to giving people wages?

They are habitual thrifters and only want to save every penny, and then enjoy the so-called peace with peace of mind.

It's like a pool of stagnant water!

No, it’s feces!

Now a big stone has been thrown into this pool of dung water.


The smelly excrement water was blown up, and both the king and his ministers felt wet and smelly.

Zhao Zhen murmured: "I want to think about it slowly."

Fu Bi felt that he had to think about it slowly, but he praised: "The young man has a grand vision. Your Majesty, there is a successor to the clan!"

These words sounded a bit like taking sides, and Fu Bi regretted it after saying it.

But Zhao Zhen nodded and said: "He has made great progress in the past year..."

He couldn't help but look at Shen An.

The changes in Zhao Zhongzhen were all brought about by Shen An, which is worthy of praise.

"You're fine."

The fewer words Zhao Zhen uses to praise someone, the more cautious he is.

Shen An was filled with joy and said, "Your Majesty is so complimentary. I just gave some advice, and he figured out the rest by himself."

Zhao Zhen nodded slightly, feeling that he finally knew how to be humble.

But Shen An immediately let him down.

Han Qi was looking at Shen An with a faint look in his eyes.

Shen An didn't know what he meant by this, but he always felt that it would be comfortable to provoke him, so he raised his eyebrows at Han Qi.

What a fussy look on his face!

Zhao Zhen's eyelids twitched and he said: "I don't know what to reward you. I'd better give you money for the fragrant dew in the palace in the future."

This is shameless...

Shen An regretted using Xianglu as an example just now.

Zhao Zhen smiled, clearly saying that the cost of your fragrance is so low! Then are you too dark-hearted?

Fu Bi also looked at it with a smile and said: "The Anbei family has great achievements. It is simply the reincarnation of Tao Zhugong, which makes us envious!"

The prime ministers and assistants all nodded.

Zeng Gongliang praised: "When Anbei brought his sister to Bianliang, he was empty-handed. In just over a year, he has already made a huge impact on his net worth. I'm afraid even Tao Zhugong can't compare!"

Tao Zhugong is Fan Li. It is said that after he helped Gou Jian to revenge, he took Xi Shi on a boat trip in the lake and sea, traveling in the mountains, so he was very free.

Wen Neng helped the emperor establish the country, Shang Neng made wealth that no one else could dream of in a lifetime, and even abducted the most beautiful beauty at that time...

This is the winner in life!

They were indeed envious of Shen An's ability to make money. If it weren't for his status, they would have gone to ask for advice.

Nowadays, the cost of Shen An's self-exploding fragrance is low, so this extortion will be in vain!

Shen An said this himself, so it can be regarded as self-inflicted.

Shen An stretched out a finger and then looked determined.

Zhao Zhen nodded and said, "That's fine."

The price of drinks has increased by 10% again.

However, Shen An enjoyed it as much as wine.

Zhao Zhen didn't need this little money, so he was a little depressed.

Seeing that Zhao Zhongzhen brought out by Shen An was so sharp and far-sighted, he felt a sense of crisis.

The old emperor, the young and promising royal family member...

The contrast is so great!

So Shen An had to spend money to give him a psychological balance.

"Come here, give Zhao Zhongzhen a fine horse!"

Zhao Zhen would not take Shen An's things for nothing, so he immediately gave him a bonus.

The prime ministers and assistants were a little surprised, but Xiao Qing looked ugly.

The Song Dynasty was short of horses, so Zhao Zhen sent horses to Zhao Zhongzhen. This taste is worth savoring.

My thousand-mile horse?

If this was the attitude, Zhao Yunliang and his son would have to vomit blood.

Zhao Zhongzhen arrived at the Prince's Mansion all the way, and Gao Taotao had been waiting for him.

"My son, I see you are tanned, wrinkled, and thin..."

Gao Tao repeatedly asked people to prepare bath water and food, and asked people to invite the doctor.

"Why go to a place like that? It's better to study at home. That Shen An is also true. Your Wengweng said we just need to stay stable, but he wants to take you to the countryside..."

Gao Taotao was muttering, but Zhao Zhongzhen quickly came out of the shower, and then quickly ate a bowl of soup cake, and Zhao Yun asked the people over there to come.

"The prince asked me to go there."

Zhao Zhongzhen drank the noodle soup in one gulp, then got up and ran away.

"Slow down, slow down!"

Gao Taotao picked up the skirt and chased out, but could only watch his son's back disappear outside the gate in a flash.

She complained: "This child used to eat slowly, and when did he drink noodle soup... It has only been three days, and it has become like this, why bother!"

"You do not understand."

Gao Taotao turned around and saw Zhao Zongshi standing under the eaves, looking neither happy nor sad, a bit like...

An eminent monk?

She shuddered and said with a smile: "Guardian, please tell me."

She walked over and naturally pulled Zhao Zongshi's sleeve, just like the closeness they had just after their wedding.

They were both taken into the palace and raised when they were young. They kept each other warm in that place where they could eat people, and there was always some pity for each other.

There were no servants in the yard, so Zhao Zongshi held her little hand with his backhand, looked down at her, and said: "Children will always grow up, UU Readingwww.uukanshu.net He wants to see the outside world... The two of us They are all birds that were once trapped in the palace and can only see the sky above their heads. Should Zhong Zhen be like this too?"

Thinking of the years in the palace, Zhao Zongshi's face turned red, but it was not excitement, but disgust.

Gao Taotao held his hand tightly and said softly: "I know, I'm just worried about Zhong Zhen. Then Shen An left him outside the city for three days. How can he know the public sentiment? Zhao Zongjiang has already won the lottery. , It would be okay if we don’t move here, at least we can say that we don’t bother to compare this. But Zhong Zhen is gone! If we can’t get the approval of the officials and prime ministers, then..."

Zhao Zongshi's expression changed slightly and his hand suddenly loosened. Gao Taotao hurriedly squeezed his hand and said, "Okay, I shouldn't be such a philistine... But Shen An is a bit childish..."

She helped Zhao Zongshi go inside, and said as she walked: "To understand the sentiments of the people, you should take your staff with you. After inspection, all parties will make a summary. Then when you come back, everyone will discuss it together and prepare a safe memorial... But he actually let Zhong Zhen enter the palace. ...I don’t know what happened...but I didn’t dare to ask, for fear of making you angry..."

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