A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 290: Made a big noise

Zhao Yunliang has been waiting for his old rival to burp, so he is willing to live without food for three days.

Bigu must be sincere, and he will be sincere.

He sat cross-legged on the futon, the most difficult position of double lotus.

The statue of Sanqing is enshrined in front. Three incense sticks create smoke in the incense burner. The smell of sandalwood makes people feel peaceful.

Today is the second day of fasting, and Zhao Yunliang feels that he is in very good condition.

The saliva in his mouth gushes out from time to time. He gargles it and then swallows it in three mouthfuls...

Then he opened his eyes, his gaze calm.

"On the fifth day... no, it's the sixth day, right? Does the Runan County Prince's Mansion offer condolences?"

Someone outside the door whispered: "Your Majesty, I haven't heard of it yet, but..."

"But what?"

Zhao Yunliang snorted coldly, and a feeling of loneliness came to his heart.

"Zhao Yunrang, Zhao Yunrang, our two families have disliked each other for many years. I used to pretend to be crazy and stupid. Now you are neither crazy nor stupid, but you are not going to die soon... I have no opponent, how lonely it is!"

He sighed slightly, and then bowed his head towards the statue: "Blessings are immeasurable, my disciple is lying."

"What's the matter?"

He felt that his emotions had been vented before he asked.

The servant outside the door said: "Prince, Shen An has returned to the capital."

After saying this, the servant looked at Zhao Yunliang and found that he was a little dull, so he said, "He entered the palace directly."

"That little beast!"

Zhao Yunliang gritted his teeth and said: "That's just a little beast who always looks for trouble. Zhao Zhongzhen also learned bad things from following him. Last time..."

The last time Wang Shi challenged the Mangshan Army, their father and son made a three-day bet, thinking that they could cheat Zhao Zongshi and his son, but in the end, their family became the laughing stock of Bianliang City.

Bigu home!

But Zhao Yunrang suddenly stopped eating, which made the father and son extremely excited, thinking that this would be a win back.

If Zhao Yun gives up, the county prince's palace will fall apart immediately, and all kinds of conflicts that are usually hidden will burst out.

By then, not only will they lose an old enemy, but Zhao Zongshi and his son will also be in dire straits.

What a wonderful time this is!

"This is God's will! God's will!"

Zhao Yunliang felt very complacent and felt that he could survive for another three days.

"Prince, that Shen An claims to be the descendant of the Mangshan Hermit! If he takes action..."

The staff came, and so did Zhao Zongjiang. A group of people sat around the statue to discuss matters.

"What kind of medical skills does Shen An have?"

Zhao Yunliang never thought there was anything magical about Shen An, but the staff was different.

"Prince, it is said that the hermit knows everything!"


Zhao Yunliang said dissatisfied: "You can do everything...but how old is Shen An?"

What can a teenage boy learn?

"Talk about his medical skills."

Zhao Yunliang brought the topic back.

Zhao Zongjiang said disdainfully: "No matter how powerful his medical skills are, can he be more powerful than those in the palace?"

One of the staff members praised: "What Mr. Lang said is true. If he had amazing medical skills, the officials would have recruited him to the palace for treatment."

Zhao Zhen always wanted a prince, but he always gave birth to a princess. Moreover, his physical condition is not optimistic. If there is news from a famous doctor, he will definitely not miss it.

Zhao Zongjiang said: "Three days of fasting have been difficult. He has been on the fifth or sixth day. In two days at most, the Runan County Prince's Mansion will hold a mourning ceremony. At that time, it will be difficult for dad to come forward. I will go to express my condolences at that time. You wait. But think about the rhetoric..."

Rhetoric is important. Well-crafted words can win sympathy for a bad guy. Zhao Zongjiang hopes to get a good reputation, so he needs his staff to think about it.

Zhao Yunliang said happily: "You have to hurry up, otherwise the old guy Zhao Yun won't be able to survive for a few days. Afterwards, I..."

"The prince..."

Zhao Yunliang was about to promise some benefits, but was interrupted.

He said angrily: "What's the matter?"

A servant came in outside the door, and he said with a pale face: "Prince, Zhao Yunrang...he is alive."


Zhao Yunliang slapped the case, stood up and said, "What's alive? Who saved it?"

His body shook a little, and the weakness caused by two days of fasting made him a little unsteady.

Zhao Zongjiang stood up, supported him, and shouted: "Speak clearly!"

The servant lowered his head, which meant it was bad news.

"Prince, Shen An went to the Prince's Mansion earlier..."

"That little beast! That little beast..."

Zhao Yunliang's body began to tremble, and he cursed tremblingly: "I knew he was here to harm us. That little beast, tell me, what happened next?"

There are many cases where patients are saved, but there are even more who become disabled afterwards.

Zhao Yunrang's illness is not simple. If you can't eat, even if you are rescued, you will probably have to lie on the bed and wait to die.

The servant said: "It is said that after Shen An went in for a while, Zhao Yunrang woke up and later said he was hungry..."

One of the staff members was so shocked that he couldn't help blurting out: "This is a miracle doctor!"

Holy mud horse!

Zhao Yunliang glanced at this man, then shook his body, leaned on Zhao Zongjiang, and said sadly and angrily: "That little beast... makes me angry!"


There was a burst of exclamation in the Prince Huayuan's mansion, and then someone rushed out of the mansion and came back with the doctor later.

Zhao Yunrang's condition improved and he was recovering quickly.

"The official said he can curse people."

Zhang eight years ago is still eerie.

"You can curse people? That means you're good."

Zhao Zhen was a little envious of the old guy's vitality. He tried to jump, but he could only lift his feet off the ground, and then he fell.

He panted slightly, feeling that this body was like a leaky barrel, heavy and dilapidated.

At this time, the two imperial doctors came back to resume their duties.

"Thank you for waiting."

Zhao Zhen's words made them feel a little embarrassed. An imperial doctor said: "Your Majesty, I am incompetent. It was Shen Taizhao who rescued the prince."

"Your Majesty, Shen Daizhao's medical skills are amazing! All the doctors in the city are helpless about the county prince's condition. He went in for only a quarter of an hour. Not only did the county prince wake up, he also had a huge appetite... It's incredible!"

“His diagnosis and treatment is performed quietly and without medication, which is breathtaking.”

"Your Majesty, I would like to study under Shen Daizhao as my teacher and start studying medicine again."

Two old imperial doctors praised Shen An's medical skills as magical skills, but Zhao Zhen looked strange.

Zhao Yunrang was obviously trying to get the best of him, and felt that he would be jealous of him, so he simply went on a hunger strike, preparing to starve himself to death in exchange for Zhao Zongshi's ascendancy.

This has nothing to do with medical skills. You...you have been fooled by that kid!

"His Majesty……"

The two imperial doctors refused to give up. They would rather worship Shen An as their teacher and learn such mysterious medical skills.

This is a typical example of counting money for your opponent after being cheated!

Zhao Zhen said helplessly: "This matter... it's not medical skill, you can just go on your own."

The only time Shen An's so-called medical skills came into play was because of Zhao Zongshi's problem.

There is no need for medication, no need for careful examination, just a look and a few questions, and 'Miracle Doctor' Shen can prescribe the medicine.

And the prescription is very magical, it is actually Suona.

Zhao Zhen thinks that the boy's so-called identity as the successor of Mangshan's miracle doctor is worthy of discussion.

After driving away the two imperial doctors who were crippled by Shen An, Zhao Zhen said melancholy: "In the Runan County Prince's Mansion... Shen An still has the reputation of being a miracle doctor?"

Zhang Ba Ba nodded and said, "Yes, everyone in the mansion thinks that Shen An is an expert."

Zhao Zhen sighed: "Zhao Yun gives in, of course Shen An is not allowed to tell the cause of the disease. That's all, this kind of thing is just dark under the lamp..."

Why did Zhao Yunrang's body suddenly stop thinking about eating?

I drank a lot on the first day. It is said that I ate half a catty of mutton in one meal, but I didn't even eat a grain of rice the next day.

You are trying to fool a ghost!

That is to say, others don't dare to doubt and question, otherwise the old guy's true identity would have been exposed long ago.

He dropped this thing, but had a headache about the other thing.

"Shen An has made military achievements during this trip, and he is not young at all. How can he be rewarded?"

Zhao Zhen was a little clueless, so he went to the harem to talk to Queen Cao.


Queen Cao really doesn't understand this. However, it was rare for Zhao Zhen to come to ask for advice, and her little sister-in-law mood bubbled up again, pink.

Her thick eyebrows were slightly frowned, and even when she was thinking about a problem, she was still full of vigor.

"In an official's family, one should be granted a title based on martial arts skills, but Shen An is not qualified for that, right?"

Zhao Zhen slapped his thigh and said happily: "She is indeed a good wife, this is a good idea!"

Empress Cao was a little confused, "The official family, the young man being knighted... I'm afraid there will be unrest outside, right?"

Aren't you afraid that those civil servants will spit on your face?

Back then, you were scolded in the face by Bao Zheng in order to promote Zhang Yaozuo to a higher rank, and you are still here now?

Zhao Zhen glanced at her and said: "You have time to ask me about the title of nobility in the Song Dynasty. There are many levels!"

Queen Cao waited for him to leave and then asked someone to question him.

"Saint, the title of the Song Dynasty is divided into twelve levels, the founding male, the founding son, the founding uncle... the king. However, the highest number of ministers can be the duke."

"When a minister reaches his official position, the title will be automatically given to him... Wen Yanbo has gone down, but there is still Duke Lu hanging around!"

Empress Cao nodded slightly and said, "The officials... are cunning!"

Zhao Zhen later summoned the prime ministers and ministers to discuss matters.

"A knighthood? Your Majesty, Shen An is still young!"

Everyone else was silent, but Song Xiang was objecting.

"I have decided on this matter."

It was rare for Zhao Zhen to make an arbitrary decision once in a while, and most of the ministers and ministers obeyed, but Song Xiang objected endlessly.

"...Your Majesty, if a young man gets a knighthood, Shen Anke will be proud of it. If a young man is proud...it's not a good thing!"

He said sincerely: "Besides, that young man Shen An always makes meritorious deeds. Are we going to make him a king in the future?"

That man was very evil. In just two years, he had managed to get into the Imperial Academy and the Imperial Academy.

The officials felt that the young man was not mature enough, so they sent him to Fuzhou to learn martial arts.

But this learning...he actually learned great skills.

"Zhe Jizu said that if Shen An hadn't been involved in that battle, both sides would have suffered losses, so the credit is not small."

Song Xiang was very melancholy, and then he couldn't help but glance at Han Qi.

Shen An took more than a hundred people to Fuzhou, and then beat the Xixia people to shit, but you, Han Qi, took tens of thousands of people, but they were beaten with a black nose and a swollen face...

Han Qi was also very depressed and said, "Zhe Jizu didn't explain clearly in his memorial how he accomplished his merits."

The news of the great victory in Fuzhou is still under seal.

The reason is that there are some ambiguities in it.

For example, how could Shen An lead the Mangshan Army to attack the enemy from the flank and succeed.

You have more than a hundred people going to attack the Xixia people... Are you kidding me?

At this time Zhang Ba Ba came in.

"Your Majesty, your military achievements are correct."

"How did you achieve meritorious service?"

Zhao Zhen was also curious, but he was more worried that Shen An and Zhe Jizu would work together to deceive him and lie about their military exploits.

Zhang Baba said: "They said they made a big noise and frightened the Xixia people, and then they took advantage of the situation to cover up and kill them."

The Imperial City Division has its own channels to obtain real news, but it still cannot obtain more detailed battle reports.

"That's it!"

Zhao Zhen's brows became more excited and he said: "Report the victory in the capital!"

Fu Bi frowned and said, "Your Majesty, this matter... I'm afraid it will make the Xixia people angry."

The current military goal of the Song Dynasty is defense, so any move to anger the opponent is not an option.

Zhao Zhen stood with his hands behind his hands, feeling that the depressed energy was gradually dissipating.

He said calmly: "Xixia is rebellious, and now they are determined to be evil and come to the Song Dynasty to provoke these barbarians. I wish I could lead an army to destroy them myself, but..."

The Lord humiliates the minister and dies!

"I am guilty."

The prime ministers and ministers all asked for forgiveness, which is extremely rare.

Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "You are not guilty. It's just that I was happy after confirming the good news. Thinking of the sufferings of those years, I... I won't feel at ease if I don't say this!"

"report a success!"

The order was passed out, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.net instantly the shouts of people and horses echoed inside and outside the palace.

"Who will go to report victory on the street?"

"Go villain!"

"Go somewhere!"

Countless people are vying for this honor.

The seemingly peaceful environment gave warriors no chance to rush their blood, and victory was an opportunity.

The only regret is that it is someone else's military exploits and has nothing to do with myself.

"Line up, I'll wait to go to the Royal Street!"

A group of cavalry lined up silently. The leading officer nodded slightly to the superior officer standing beside him, and then urged the horse out.

"Good news..."

The first update. Today is still the fourth update without discount. I am concentrating on typing at the moment...

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