A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 3 Gathering a crowd to rebel

"elder brother!"


Shen An was making breakfast outside, and rushed into the house when he heard the sound, and then couldn't help laughing.

The room is not big, and after setting up a bed, there is only room for a table and two stools.

Guoguo stood beside the bed, struggling to move the stool, and slowly climbed up.

She leaned on the table and got the cloth, then turned around and saw her smiling brother.

"Brother, tie your hair and make it look beautiful."


Shen An took her out and took the time to tie her hair while cooking.

When the smell of fish porridge made the tenants next door sniff, Shen An also gave Guoguo two small hair extensions.

Shen An leaned back slightly, and then praised exaggeratedly: "Why is my Guoguo so beautiful!"

Guo Guo raised her head and said, "Beautiful!"

The two brothers and sisters had breakfast, and Shen An took Guoguo for a long walk around the city.

As night fell, Shen An's stall also opened.

The pot stickers gradually turned golden in the pot, and Guoguo sat back and watched the bustle.

The vendors are shouting and all kinds of food are gathered together, making people feel like they have entered a world of gluttony.

There were many people, and Shen An even saw an official eating together with his entourage.

“Potstickers are ready!”

Shen An opened the lid, and the steam immediately began to steam, and the diners who had been waiting for a long time began to fight for it.

"I want it all!"


"Come on five!"

Shen An was very busy, and the vendor making soup cakes next to him was extremely jealous. Shen An caught a glimpse of it and said, "Jinshuiloutai, if there are more people here, your business will be better."

The vendor smiled dryly, but refused to believe it.

After his business gradually improved, Shen An breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them.

His pot sticker business was so good that he seemed to be the top one for a while.

Good business is certainly a good thing, but Bianliang is still a strange place for him and his sister.

Don’t get carried away!

Shen An made more than ten pots of pot stickers, then shook the bag again to signal that the night was over.

The diners grumbled as usual and prepared to disperse.

"Since we are doing business, how can we do this?"

Three rogues squeezed through the crowd, and the leader said with a smile: "This food is good, but Bianliang is too big. How can you do it by yourself? How do you make this thing? Tell me, Someone pays money to learn!”

This was Shen An's first time facing the evil forces in Bianliang City. He looked at the three people in a daze.

It's early spring now, and the weather is still cold, but these three rogues have opened their minds, as if they have a small stove in their body.

"You're in great shape."

Shen An admired sincerely.

A gust of wind blew by, and one of the rogues turned blue and couldn't help but sneeze.

This sneeze made the rogues lose most of their energy at once.

In front of everyone, the rogue leader said viciously: "I'll give you three days, otherwise you won't have a foothold in Bianliang City."

Shen An said with a panic look on his face: "Why don't we learn it now."

The rogue leader waved his hand without looking back: "I keep my word!"

With a sigh, the diners dispersed one after another.

The vendor selling soup cakes nearby didn't know whether it was sympathy or gloating, but he squeezed out a little worry and said: "There are many rogues in Bianliang City. They are the most ruthless. They like to follow other people's homes and threaten them every day."

He glanced at the obedient Guoguo behind him and said, "Be careful!"

"Thank you."

Shen An still closed the stall, still carrying the stall with one end, and carrying his sister home with the other.

After returning home, she boiled water to wash her face and feet. Guoguo yawned all the way, but before going to sleep, she still remembered to say: "Brother, they are so fierce."

Shen An covered her with a quilt, "That's just to deceive people. In a few days they won't be cruel anymore."

He got into bed and covered himself with a quilt, sighing contentedly.

"elder brother!"

After breakfast the next day, Shen An said he was going shopping with Guoguo.

Guoguo couldn't wait to wear thick clothes and stood by the door shouting.


Shen An hurriedly came out, and then the two brothers and sisters left Yulin Lane.

Shen An feels that the most popular restaurants and brothels in Bianliang are restaurants and brothels.

Restaurants are for eating, brothels are for lust.

Full and warm thoughts***!

But the consumption in restaurants is very high, so it is the same in any era, roadside stalls are king.

What you have in the restaurant, I have in the roadside stalls, and they are much cheaper.

This is how to survive.

Shen An carried her sister on her back and looked all the way over, and saw countless small vendors.

Finally he stood in front of a stall owned by a young man.

On an irregularly shaped iron plate, several crooked 'pot stickers' were burnt black.

Shen An held his sister and sighed: "What a waste!"

The young man said frustratedly: "I don't know how that person did it."

"Want to learn?"

"Yes I do!"

"I'm Shen An, and I'm the one who made the pot stickers."

In the afternoon, Kaifeng Mansion received news that a group of people had gathered on the edge of the imperial city, shouting impassionedly from time to time, and looked like they were going to rebel.

Bao Zheng is currently in charge of Kaifeng Mansion. After receiving the report, he was so anxious that he had no time to find any inspections, so he rushed to the scene with his government officials.

When he arrived at the imperial city behind Fan Tower, Bao Zheng saw fifty or sixty people in front of him raising their arms and shouting, so he shouted: "Take it!"

The government officials rushed in like wolves and tigers, punching and kicking.

"A bunch of traitors, kneel down!"

The crowd knelt down one after another. Bao Zheng frowned and looked around, only to see a young man in the middle in a daze.

A stove was standing there, and the pot stickers in the iron pot were exuding their fragrance.

What does this mean?

Shen An quickly grabbed his sister, ready to run away at any time.

"What are you doing gathering here?"

Bao Zheng asked in a deep voice.

Shen An pointed to the iron pot and said, "The little people are here to teach them how to make pot stickers."

Bao Zheng walked over and took a closer look, and then asked, "Why are you shouting?"

Shen An innocently said: "They are afraid that they won't be able to learn. Xiaomin is just encouraging them."

Bao Zheng turned around to look at the kneeling men, and then said with an ugly expression: "Go back!"

After taking a few steps, Bao Zheng couldn't help but look back.

The group of men had gathered together again, raising their arms and shouting together.

"It's noon on the day of hoeing, and the sweat is dripping from the soil..."

When Bao Zheng heard this, he couldn't help stroking his beard and smiling. He felt that the young man actually knew how to teach this, which showed that he had some background. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

"...I learned how to make pot stickers, and I make it five times a day!"

Bao Zheng's complexion suddenly turned into pig liver.

"Today there will be radish and cabbage, and tomorrow there will be a car and a BMW..."

"Sleep on the floor today, be a rich man tomorrow!"

Bao Zheng saw a man raising his arms and shouting, and then he choked up and started to cry loudly.

"My wife... when she saw that I was poor, she abandoned our father and son..."

Everyone looked at him sympathetically, but they didn't know how to comfort him.

Shen An walked up to him, put his hands on his shoulders, then looked at the people around him, raised his eyebrows and said, "What are you afraid of? If you don't accompany me when the sun goes down, who are you when you come back?"

The wailing man stopped crying and said with determination: "Yes, if you don't accompany me when the sun goes down, who are you when I come back! When I get rich, even if that woman kneels in front of me, I won't Forgive her!"

Shen An said happily: "Why should a good man have no wife..."

He thought of the official just now, and when he looked over again, he saw a group of government officials from Kaifeng Mansion surrounding the official and quickly ran away, as if there was a ghost chasing him behind him.

"Five cents a day. We don't charge you money in the first month. Whatever you make is yours. But if you don't make any money in the first month, it means you don't work hard enough and you are not suitable for this industry. I will teach you for nothing." . But you still have to work in the second month, and you will be charged five cents a day. We need to write this in the contract, which means that you can all try it for free for one month. If you don’t do it, I won’t charge you a penny!”

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