Civil servants kill enemies...

Very cool!

Zhuang Laoshi said very melancholy: "Lang Jun, you will be an alien from now on. Those civil servants will hide when they see you..."


Shen An was watching Yao Lian and the others digging tree roots.

The peach tree was burned down by lightning, and the rest was cut down for firewood, and a piece of the core was obtained to make a peach wood sword.

But the tree roots are always there. Some time ago, Rizhuang Laoshi went out to check at night, but he accidentally walked to the edge, tripped over the tree roots, and almost lost his big teeth.

Zhuang Laoshi reached out and touched his big teeth, which were still shaking a little, and said, "I'm wondering... if you kill someone, will those civil servants dislike it?"

He glanced at Shen An and felt that disgust was the wrong word: "No, it should be fear."


Shen An doesn't think so.

The roots of the tree were dug out quickly. Yao Lian looked at it carefully and said regretfully: "Lang Jun, it's cracked."

Shen An originally wanted to make a root carving or something. After hearing this, he went over to take a look and said in disappointment: "Throw it in the kitchen and light the fire."

"Mr. Lang, many businessmen have arrived."

Shen An looked back and said with some persistence: "You just came home to block people, what do you mean?"

"I've seen the imperial edict."

A group of businessmen greeted each other in a different tone, and Shen An nodded slightly, "My home is not spacious enough, so I'm being negligent."

This person is not going to invite people in for tea?

Zhuang Laoshi felt a little embarrassed, but the businessmen were all happy with it.

It was a bit cold outside. A group of businessmen looked at each other, and finally it was the Korean businessmen who came out to speak.

"Awaiting the edict."

This was the businessman who gave the ginseng. He felt that he should have some dignity in front of Shen An, so he spoke up.

"The goods we bought last time...were a little short."


Shen An frowned and said, "It's too little? Is it inconsistent with the contract?"

"No, no, no!"

The Korean businessman felt that this was wrong and quickly explained: "It must be enough. We just want to...can we give more..."

This group of people have been asking frequently recently, and the question is just one: when will Shen Taizhao return.

Shen An calculated the time and there must have been news from Goryeo and Liao.

Is this making a lot of money?

Shen An said calmly: "It is extremely difficult to produce fragrant dew, and the products we give you are more than those of the Song Dynasty. For this reason, Shen has long been regarded as a traitor in the eyes of the merchants and powerful people of the Song Dynasty. It is so annoying!"

"Awaiting the edict..."

There was no way he could answer these words, and he actually used the word traitor, which made Zhuang Laoshi a black eye.

"More, there can't be more."

Shen An felt that these people were too greedy, so he decided to teach them a lesson.

"Those who can buy fragrance must be rich or noble, right?"

The businessmen nodded in unison.

Shen An looked at them with a far-sighted attitude and said calmly: "Can the common people use the things that the powerful use?"

The businessmen were still confused, and Shen An sighed: "When the rich and powerful buy things, they don't look at the price. The more expensive, the better. If you sell it cheap, people won't be interested in buying it..."


The Korean businessman praised: "That's right! The villain sent the fragrant dew to Korea, and the powerful and wealthy people... they didn't ask the price at all, they just bought it."

This compliment is okay, but it just seems like it's trying to steal the limelight.

Shen An glanced at him and said: "As a partner, my warning is... the rich and powerful are fools. Their money is the best. As long as it catches their eyes, there is no most expensive, only the most expensive." More expensive...what does money mean to them?”

The merchants nodded frequently, and a few big food merchants scratched their heads. One of them shouted: "I'm waiting for the order, I want to borrow a pen and paper."

Zhuang Laoshi brought paper and pen, but he couldn't use the brush well and looked particularly awkward.

"...They are so poor!"

The big food merchant was actually recording Shen An's speech.

He looked serious and focused, raised his head from time to time, and then quickly used a brush to write words on the paper that others could not understand.

Someone actually recorded my speech?

In an instant, Shen An felt like he was about to ascend.

"They are so poor that all they have left is money!"

"What they lack is recognition and respect. If you want to win respect, the best way is to spend money, spend money generously, and spend money without caring. Why? Because most people are short of money. So they spend hard, Then you can gain a sense of superiority in front of ordinary people..."

"Look! You poor guys, look at how I spend my money!"

Shen An gradually entered the mood. He waved his arms and said, "So sell it boldly. Don't worry about the source of the goods. What you should worry about is how to sell a bottle of perfume with a purchase price of 25 guan for 200 yuan." Fifty strings, this is what you need to think about."

After he finished speaking, he habitually thought that there should be applause here, but the businessmen did not give him face.

They were all deep in thought, and a few of the more enlightened ones were already beaming with joy.

"Waiting for the imperial edict, the villain regrets it now."

A businessman from the Liao Kingdom said angrily: "The villain only sold thirty-five guan... Now after listening to what Tai Zhao said, the villain feels that I have to add ten more guan if I don't say anything."

"That's right, I was worried that those people thought it was too expensive. Hey! If I had listened to the teachings of Dai Zhao earlier, I wouldn't have made so much less money... Now I want to increase the price but I can't..."

"Why not?"

Shen An knew that there were people here who had been bribed by the Imperial City Division, so he had the patience to teach them.

In his opinion, sooner or later these businessmen will become traitors to various countries and become the spies of the Imperial City Division.

In this case, let's make some money with you.

The businessman said: "The price has been set. If the price is increased arbitrarily, the powerful people will not comply."

It's one thing to spend money willingly, but it's another thing to be deceived.

So it’s okay to trick the rich and powerful into spending money, but you have to make people feel that the money is well spent.


Shen An sighed and said: "You have to learn and use it! You can't say whether to increase the price, so let's leave it at that. It's not troublesome!"


"When you are waiting for an edict, don't coax the villain. The villain...hey! The villain is doing his own evil!"

The businessman was slapping his head, his intestines probably turning green with regret.

Shen An said calmly: "The workshop will launch new products next, upgraded versions of perfume and women's underwear. Are you... interested?"

A group of businessmen all said happily: "Yes, yes!"

"May I ask what kind of new goods are you waiting for? It's easy for a villain to prepare money and supplies."

"The bottle of newly installed perfume is from a high-quality kiln. The bottle alone is worth a lot of money. Everyone, how much can I buy for a bottle of this perfume?"

Everyone looked at each other, and one of them asked tentatively: "Forty strings?"

"You are not courageous enough, you are too cowardly." Shen An said disdainfully: "Forty Guan asked them to buy old bottles of perfume, new ones... that is not perfume, but a symbol of status, do you understand? "

Shen An said passionately: "When you are rich, do you want to show your face? Do you want to be stared at with envy and jealousy? Do you want to?"


No one thinks about it, no one envies you when you have money and power, no one is jealous, it is as uncomfortable as walking in brocade at night.

"If you want to be happy, if you want to be proud, if you want to be happy, if you want to be proud of the spring breeze, your horse's hooves will be fast..."

Shen An was frothing at the mouth and said: "They also think about it, but how can they show their noble status? Buy it! Buy the limited edition fragrance dew, which is only so much in a year. If you come too late, it will be gone. Please come next year." morning……"

"Don't be afraid of a temporary downturn in business. Life is a torment. If you get fat first, you won't be fat. If you get fat later, you will be overwhelmed by the bed..."

"Be enthusiastic, live and do business with enthusiasm every day, and let your guests feel your enthusiasm...use your enthusiasm to impress them."

"The sweat and tears you shed today will be rewarded a thousand times tomorrow... There are never losers in business, there are just quitters..."

"Today you walked into the Shen family, you have entered the shortcut to success. Believe me, follow me... Money and beautiful women are not a problem. The only problem you have to worry about is... your own waist is not enough... So I suggest you to First set a small goal for yourself, for example...let's earn a hundred or eighty thousand time you come, I hope you all change your words, ah! Remember your identity, be reserved, and be majestic. …”

A group of businessmen were fascinated by what they heard and borrowed paper and pen to record it.

Shen An only felt that he had transformed into a business mentor, guiding the country...

If these businessmen produce a few super rich people in the future... then Shen An thinks...

It’s better for me to make a fortune directly!

He felt that it would be more satisfying to make a fortune, so he was about to end the class, but when he looked up, he saw Chen Zhongheng.

Chen Zhongheng was stunned.


Shen An waved with a smile: "Lao Chen is here! Come here quickly, I will introduce some friends to you... We are all brothers from all over the world, and we have come together to achieve a common goal..."

Chen Zhongheng has been around for a while. He listened to Shen An's lecture to the businessmen and felt his blood boiling.

Although we don’t have anything to do, we still have a goal in life!

You want to play harp, don't walk at night in brocade clothes.

We can also play tricks, and we can also make people envious, jealous, and hateful...

Chen Zhongheng had been a little confused recently, but after listening to a class, he felt that he had found the direction of his life again.

He raised his head slightly, exuding a sense of majesty.

"Shen An!"

Your sister!

We are all old friends and if you still do this, I will deal with you.

Shen An walked over with a smile, and when he saw Chen Zhongheng holding out an imperial edict, his heart skipped a beat.

Lao Zhao, what does this mean?

Are you going to ransack your home?

Chen Zhongheng said with a straight face: "Shen An, please accept the order."

After all the arrogance, Chen Zhongheng recited loudly...

"...Rewarding based on merit is the right of the emperor..."

Fortunately, fortunately, it turned out to be a reward.

Shen felt at ease.

But the group of businessmen were embarrassed and were invited to stand outside the door.

They didn't say goodbye to Shen An, so it was hard to leave. But the guards who escorted Chen Zhongheng out of the palace to deliver the order stared at them with unkind eyes.

It doesn’t matter if you leave, it doesn’t matter if you don’t leave.

"...Hanlin awaits an edict from Shen An, who is brave and resourceful..."



A group of businessmen heard this outside the door and were stunned.

Shen An is a civil servant!

How to describe him as brave?

However, Zhuang LaoShi and his subordinates stood with their hands tied at the side, but UU Reading was ecstatic in their hearts.

No matter how brave you are, just give me benefits!

"...In the first battle in Fuzhou, we defeated the enemy's conspiracy. We took the lead and never looked back..."

"... Enter the founding father of Guixin County and live in a town of 300 households..."


Zhuang Laoshi was so excited that he couldn't help crying.

Lang Jun is almost sixteen years old, and he can be awarded a knighthood based on his military achievements. This is the future of the old Shen family...

What a light!

The servants' eyes were all bright, they felt energetic, and they felt that the future was promising.

With such a master, what else do you have to worry about? !

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