A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 301: Otherwise one of us will die too

All the ministers were suppressing laughter, but they were holding back a cough.

After everyone's emotions calmed down, Zhao Yunbi also regained his kind aura.

Shen An said: "Someone killed someone for the Song Dynasty. This is official business, doing things for the public... The king of Beihai County can ask all the princes if they are so excited that they can't sleep when they deal with political affairs every day. Every day I came here early...if His Majesty hadn't allowed it, I would have slept in the political hall..."

This praise praised the hard work of the prime ministers and assistants, but it was a bit exaggerated.

When the conversation changed, Shen An said in surprise: "Isn't the King of Beihai County? Hey! But someone was wrong. He actually forgot that the King of Beihai has nothing to do... I made a mistake, I made a mistake."

He stood up and apologized, but the words had already been spoken, and the apology was of no use.

Zhao Yunbi's kindness was still there, but his face turned blue.

"A little cold?"

Shen An asked, and Zhao Yunbi was filled with hatred, but he could only force a smile and said: "It's extremely warm."

It was very warm inside the palace, so his livid complexion was particularly eye-catching.

Later they dispersed.

After Zhao Yunbi returned home, his staff came to join in the fun and said some auspicious words.

"...It is said that the health of the officials is not that good. Prince, you have prestige in the clan. In those days, Taizu and Taizong also had brothers. This position! I think it is still yours!"


Zhao Yunbi slapped the table, startling the staff.

"Then Shen An is bullying people too much!"

Zhao Yunbi was not embarrassed to tell the specific situation of his defeat today, but his staff noticed his words and advised him: "Don't worry, Prince, after the holiday, the Mangshan Army will go to the south. By then, he will be completely embarrassed. Still missing some help..."

When Zhao Yunbi heard this, his face became slightly brighter and he said: "Without the Mangshan Army, will he dare to go into battle to kill the enemy next time? I'm afraid he won't dare, hahahaha!"

Hongxiu Tower is a high-end entertainment venue in Bianliang City. After the news about the Mangshan Army's smashing and smashing that day spread, many people said they would teach these thieves a lesson.

This is like a certain detachment in later generations...

Everyone was looking at Shen An, waiting for his reaction.

But Shen An is celebrating the New Year very honestly.

I took my sister to play at Daxiangguo Temple, and when I came back, I cooked delicious food at home...

Shen An is very busy.

The Mangshan Army was a little panicked.

"Brother Chun, Lang Jun didn't tell us what should we do?"

A group of energetic soldiers and gangsters stopped making trouble and then became frightened.

Huang Chun shook his head. He knew Shen An was under pressure, so he refused to ask further questions.

"How's the investigation going at Hongxiu Tower?"

He looked up and saw no one spoke, so he said angrily: "Be serious about your work!"

Someone among the soldiers said: "Brother Chun, but you were not... and you were lazy before."

This is to prepare to say no or no!

Huang Chun said sternly: "I'm just trying to coax you, because I'm afraid you'll get scared in the Liao territory. Now we are in the Song Dynasty, where the husband is kind and has meat to eat every day. Where can we find such a day? If you don't work hard, Who can I deserve?"

The village soldiers were all snickering. Everyone was eating from the same pot, and no one knew who was who!

"Brother Chun!"

Yan Baoyu appeared like a ghost.

He nodded towards Huang Chun.

"Everyone has gone back. No drinking allowed today!"

Huang Chun fooled around for a while, and then went to the city with Yan Baoyu.

When the two arrived at Shen's house, Guoguo was playing outside.

"I've seen the little lady."

The two of them held their hands solemnly, and Guoguo also looked serious.

Later, when he met Shen An, Yan Baoyu reported: "Mr. Lang, earlier the servants of the Yang Li family were talking to people from the Beihai County Prince's Palace outside, and our people happened to be keeping an eye on him."


Shen An cursed: "That old yin man! He is indeed a yin man!"

He thought of Zhao Yunrang's evaluation of Zhao Yunbi, which was really to the point!

If there is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure, it is people like Zhao Yunrang.

It's just that the old guy has a bad temper and is careless in doing things, so he doesn't get the respect of everyone.

Huang Chun asked cautiously: "Lang Jun, do we still have a grudge against him?"

"No... no, there is."

Shen An said angrily: "The old Yin man also tricked me this time. I didn't understand the reason at the time, but now I understand."

Zhao Yunbi suddenly revealed something during the banquet, and secretly insinuated that Shen An was a murderer and a warrior.

At that time, Shen An was a little confused, because if it was just to seize the legitimate son, then Zhao Yunliang's family was also his opponent, so why didn't they take action?

Now I think Zhao Yunbi did it on purpose.

If the emotions of the monarch and his ministers were provoked by him at that time, it is impossible to say that the impression of Shen An would suddenly change.

A murderer and a martial artist... aren't these natural civil servant enemies?

If Shen An becomes the enemy of the civil servants, Zhao Yunbi will not only be able to take revenge, but also make Zhao Zongshi lose points.

"You are indeed very sinister!"

Shen An gritted his teeth and Huang Chun asked, "Lang Jun, did that old thief give you a stumbling block?"


Shen An regretted a little. He regretted that his reaction was too 'mild'.

If he had known that Zhao Yunbi was causing trouble behind his back, he would have dared to prevent Zhao Yunbi from coming to the stage at the banquet.

This guy didn't even think about it. At the banquet, Zhao Yun asked the old gangster to fire first. Zhao Yunbi lost his face after the bombardment.

Then he himself ridiculed Zhao Yunbi as a spoiled rich man who only knew how to sit back and wait for death.

If it were someone with a bad temper, I would have to fight him tooth and nail today.

That's why people like double standards, and Shen An has double standards now.

Yan Baoyu said: "Lang Jun, Yang Li is the big manager. As long as we find him, we can nail the evidence that Zhao Yunbi is the person behind Hongxiu Tower."

Huang Chun's eyes lit up and he said happily: "Lang Jun, I will definitely make him disgraced by then!"

Think about it, you are a dignified prince, and your official family has given you a lot of honors and salary, so your life should be easy.

But you actually opened a brothel, and even got Japanese women in it.

Tsk tsk!

This is a man with an old heart! Plus make some dirty money.

Shen An thought so too, but then he shook his head and said, "I guess I can't find it."

Huang Chun was startled, but then he realized what he was doing.

"Lang Jun, does he still dare to kill people and silence them?"

Huang Chun didn't understand the mentality of the powerful, and this was Bianliang, so he felt that Yang Li should be hidden.

"Go back and find out more about the situation in the county prince's palace..."

Shen An said ferociously: "If you dare to stumble me and don't return it, then am I still the one who hates evil as much as I hate you?"

Huang Chun agreed, and then resigned with Yan Baoyu.

"Mr. Lang is worrying too much, Baoyu. When you go back, take people to find Yang Li. If you find Mr. Lang, you will be less in trouble..."


Yan Baoyu stopped suddenly, and Huang Chun subconsciously looked at the door.

"...Tell your husband, someone is impeaching him, saying that Yang Li from Hongxiu Tower was beaten by local soldiers that day, and he has died from his injuries..."

Huang Chun stood there dumbfounded. The man who spoke looked at him warily, and Zhuang honestly said, "It's okay, he's from my family."

The man nodded slightly and whispered: "Hurry up and don't let others incite you."

The man glanced at Huang Chun and Yan Baoyu again, then lowered his head and walked out of the door.

Zhuang Laoshi shook his head, asked Yao Lian to close the door, and then came over and said, "Since you two heard it, let's go to see Mr. Lang together."

He felt that the country soldiers were a curse, and that warriors would always be discriminated against, and it would be useless to be too friendly with them.

But I can't stand Shen An's attention!

"Lang Jun, Yang Li, the chief steward of Hongxiu Tower, died. Some people impeached him, saying that he was beaten that day and was seriously injured and died."

"This is a false accusation!"

Shen An said calmly: "You go back, remember, check immediately, check Zhao Yunbi's situation, check everything in detail."

Huang Chun knelt down and said, "Mr. Lang, it was the villain who caused the trouble. The villain is willing to go out and take the blame."

He had just returned to the capital and was given a reward, so he was restless.

As a result, one mistake will lead to eternal regret.

The key is that no one touched those women!

"The crime of fart!"

Shen An touched his chin and said: "This old Yin man is killing two birds with one stone! One is to silence him, the other is to frame him... Interesting and interesting!"

This is really interesting.

Shen An's anger gradually dissipated, and when he saw Huang Chun's wretched face, he asked, "But do you have an idea?"

Huang Chun said: "Lang Jun, the villain is thinking... how about one of us die too?"

I fight!

Shen An couldn't help but kicked him away.

"I am not Cao Cao! I will not use my brother's life as a bargaining chip!"

Huang Chun was not angry even after being kicked, so he smiled and said: "Mr. Lang, who is Cao Cao?"

The death he said was faked, and then he got someone to fake it.


Shen An covered his head and said, "You're uneducated! It's hard to study anymore."


Huang Chun couldn't help but look earth-colored, and Yan Baoyu wasn't much better.

As soon as he thought of it, he did it. Shen An asked Zhuang to find his husband honestly and then sent him to the village.

After kicking away the two sad-looking guys, Shen An started his happy life during the New Year again.

Everyone is looking at Shen An. The censor is not resting during the long holiday. There are many impeachment memorials, but they have all been withheld. If it is not a big matter, don't disturb the officials.

"They're all the same, and I don't want to think that the officials might be able to read them all."

Two officers guarding the imperial city met at the top of the city and chatted.

"But after all, you beat someone to death! You can't run away now."

"The Mangshan Army has made great military achievements in Fuzhou, so it should be counteracted, right?"

"Cancel it! Think about the virtue of those civil servants. If they seize this opportunity, will they let the Mangshan Army retreat? They are charitable people, but are civil servants charitable people? He is not at all!"

"It's hard for military people! The civil servants don't regard us as human beings at all. We should still be looked after by Shen An, otherwise we would have been captured years ago."

"Shen An? Shen An may not be able to protect himself now."

"What's the meaning?"

"Someone impeached him for allowing the Mangshan Army to cause trouble..."

"This...are you planning to get at him?"

"That's right!"


The outside world's impeachment quickly changed its tone, UU Reading www. uukanshu.net began to target Shen An.

As the situation continued during the long holiday, everyone felt that Shen An should be panicking.

"Shen An took his sister to go shopping."

"Shen An is looking for delicious food on the street, and his stomach will go away."

Shen An's behavior was considered to be pretending to be calm. As the holiday comes to an end, countless people are waiting for this lawsuit...

The fourth update is here. Good night, all book friends!

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