A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 331: Lower Imperial City Division

Dredge the Ergu River first, then slow down for a few years to accumulate some money and food, and then go and divert the Yellow River.

This was the wishful thinking of the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty.

The core part of this abacus is fear!

Fear of the Liao people and the north.

The Liao people came from the north, from the border to Bianliang, and the Song Dynasty had no danger to defend.

No one doubts this view, and it has become a nightmare for the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty.

Zhao Zhen's face turned red and he said, "Back off!"

Bao Zheng roared in front of the emperor and even chased his colleagues. If it were another emperor, he would probably tell him to get out.

But Zhao Zhen just asked him to step back.

The emperor’s grace is so great!

Bao Zheng's eyes slowly turned around and stared at Zhao Zhen.

"Your Majesty, how many civilians were used to block Shanghu and divert the Yellow River to Liuta River?"

Hundreds of thousands!

"How much food was used?"


Bao Zheng's voice echoed in the hall.

Zhao Zhen's face gradually became colder, and so did the expressions of the prime ministers and assistants.

This is a scar.

Normally no one would dare to mention it, but Bao Zheng did.

His waist was straight, his voice was loud, and his eyes were bright.

"But what's the result?"

"That day when the embankment burst, countless civilians who were still on the embankment were drowned immediately. All the supplies were washed away by the flood..."

Bao Zheng said angrily: "Hebei Road! Hebei Road!"

He panted and slowly turned his eyes to look at the prime ministers.

"Hebei Road turned into Zeguo overnight. Those fields... those people... were all gone! Hebei Road turned into ruins. Isn't it enough?"

He stared at Fu Bi and asked, "Isn't that enough?"

Fu Bi was embarrassed.

Last time, he was in favor of diverting the Yellow River to flow eastward.

"I seem to hear the wailing at this moment!"

Bao Zheng waved his arms and said: "The flood broke through the precautions and poured down... Hebei Road was hit hard again... When the Liao people went south, who would stop them? Who!?"

Zhao Zhen was annoyed and turned around to go back.

Then he was grabbed.

Bao Zheng grabbed the emperor's sleeve, and Chen Zhongheng said angrily: "Discourteous!"

Zhao Zhen's mind was buzzing, and he remembered that year.

"Officials, don't forget the envoys of Hui Hui..."

"I know, don't worry!"

Concubine Zhang back then!

That pretty woman!

Government is painful, and all the prime ministers and ministers are old foxes. You must be cautious when dealing with them every day...

Life like this is so difficult. He is said to be an emperor, but in reality he is just a steward.

The housekeeper of the Song Dynasty.

This housekeeper still has to be subject to various restrictions and constraints.

Only with Concubine Zhang could he feel some comfort.

That is his harbor. Every time he is exhausted physically and mentally, this is the only harbor where he can stop and rest.

Therefore, he cherished this harbor and was willing to do favoritism to promote her uncle Zhang Yaozuo.

That time Bao Zheng also pulled his sleeves, and then sprayed his face with spit.

He is not a nice guy.


He just couldn't bear to let down his woman, so he didn't even wipe his saliva and went back with the disgusting feeling.

——Look, you knew you wanted to announce the emblem, but you didn’t know that Bao Zheng was the censor. Look, he sprayed saliva on my face.

I'm so pitiful!

She went!

"...It is very difficult to inherit the Song Dynasty. Does your Majesty want to be the king of subjugation?"

"...Zaifu, Zaifu, regulates yin and yang, assists the king, but you wait..."

Drool gathered on Zhao Zhen's face.

That woman is gone!

My noble concubine, my Queen Wencheng.

She's gone!

Zhao Zhen's face turned cold and he shouted: "Take Bao Zheng!"

Bao Zheng was stunned. Two guards rushed in from outside the door and took him away without hesitation.

Fu Bi was surprised.

The prime ministers and assistants were all surprised.

Why did the officials suddenly become violent?

Zhao Zhen fluttered his sleeves and turned around, "Go to the Imperial City Division!"

Is this angry?

Bao Zheng looked at him blankly and shouted: "Then kill me!"

This old man still dares to be stubborn?

Even Fu Bi was praising his courage.

Where is the Imperial City Division?

That is a place that never sees the light of day. It is not associated with rebellion or heinous crimes. You can't get in even if you want to.

But Bao Zheng went in today.

Isn't this bad?

Fu Bi bowed and said, "Your Majesty, Bao Zheng was just angry for a moment. Please forgive me."

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

The ministers and ministers all begged for mercy, but Zhao Zhen was just indifferent.

Bao Zheng is finished!

Word spread quickly.

In front of a large house in the south of the city, Shen An stood there, with Zhe Kexing and Chen Luo behind him, as well as Huang Chun and Yan Baoyu.

He couldn't mobilize a large number of rural soldiers to do this, otherwise it would be a taboo.

"Who are you looking for?"

The door opened, revealing an impatient face.

This impatient face saw that Shen An and the others didn't recognize each other, so he yawned and said, "Borrowing money? My Alang said that if he has money, he would rather keep a dog to look after the house than borrow money..."

The sound of horse hooves approached quickly, and then Yao Lian's voice came.

"Lang Jun, Mr. Bao has just been taken to the Imperial City Department!"

This was the last straw that made Shen An completely determined.

He smiled slightly and asked, "Is it correct?"

Huang Chun said behind him: "Brothers have already seen the account books, but he has dogs at home, so he withdrew because he was afraid of being disturbed."

Half an hour ago, Yan Baoyu personally led people into this house and found evidence.

And Shen An is here to get evidence at this moment.

The man said in astonishment: "Who are you waiting for?"

He felt something was wrong, so he softened his tone.

Shen An's smile gradually turned ferocious, and he asked, "But Guo Qingzhong's family?"

Menzi nodded subconsciously, and Shen An shouted: "Come in and get the account book!"


Yan Baoyu kicked open the door first, and the doorman screamed: "Here comes someone! There is a thief! There is a thief!"


Chen Luo slapped him down, and then a group of people rushed in.

"Woof woof woof!"

A group of dogs heard the sound and came over. Their salivating and ferocious looks could frighten ordinary people.

Yan Baoyu took the lead and rushed over with a wooden stick.



After the two sticks went down, two dogs fell on the ground. The remaining dogs were no longer fierce, with their tails between their legs, whimpering and running around.

After rushing all the way to the backyard, Yan Baoyu rushed into the study first.

"What are you doing? Why are you breaking in?"

A middle-aged man came over with a group of servants. The servants all carried wooden sticks, and some even carried long knives.

Shen An turned around and asked, "But Guo Qingzhong and Guo Yuanwai are in person?"

These days, most people will call any landlord or businessman of some status as a Yuanwai.

There was the sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the study. Guo Qingzhong's eyes flashed fiercely and he said, "It's so-and-so. What are you doing here? Why don't you let people come out?"

"found it!"

Yan Baoyu came out, holding several brochures in his hands.

Guo Qingzhong said ferociously: "It turns out that he is looking for death. Come on, do it!"

As he spoke, he stepped back and shouted: "Don't worry, I won't kill you!"

If you break into a house without permission, you will be beaten to death!

Shen An took the account book, looked through it, and said calmly: "Take Guo Qingzhong!"

Yan Baoyu rushed over first, kicked a man over with a kick, and then punched a man to the ground with his right fist.

A stick came from the opposite side, and his body moved sideways, but there was a sweeping kick from the ground.

What a Yan Baoyu, he jumped up, raised his right leg high, and then slashed it down like a big knife.

The man in front of him was hit on the head by a kick from top to bottom. He didn't even make a sound and just fell straight to the ground.

Yan Baoyu landed on the ground, and the man who had just used his sweeping kick stood up and was slapped down by him.

Ahead is Guo Qingzhong.

His legs were shaking and the flesh on his face was trembling.

He stepped back step by step and said in a trembling voice: "You...who are you? Do I have a grudge against you? Money! Yes, money! I have money, just tell me how much you want..."

Shen An casually looked through the account books and couldn't help but smile when he saw that they were all money transactions with officials.

The cliffs of the Yellow River cannot be interfered with manually. This is the iron law of this era.

After he learned the news at that time, he sent people to find out the news about the Liuta River project that year, preparing to use it as a trump card.

Sure enough, the project back then was rife with corruption.

A group of officials, a group of businessmen...

This feast is very lively.

Shen An smiled very proudly.

You guys are clamoring to change the course of the Yellow River. Some of you are probably out of selfish motives. You are worried that after the Yellow River flows north, the Song Dynasty will lose a natural barrier.

But some people are looking forward to having a hand in this huge project.

At this moment, the group of people are celebrating with their foreheads and hands, feeling proud, right?

Wait, I will surprise you soon.

Yan Baoyu grabbed Guo Qingzhong with his bare hands and brought him in front of Shen An. Guo Qingzhong knelt down without any pressure.

"Noble people, villains... villains are willing to give money, as much as they want!"

He raised his head, sweat streaming down his face, as if he were on a hot pot.

Those account books were gunpowder that could blow him and many officials and businessmen to death.

As soon as this group of people came in, they went straight here, obviously with the purpose of blowing up people.

He thought about killing someone, but his domestic servant was no match.

Yan Baoyu alone can be invincible.

What could be the origin of a young man with such subordinates?

"Money? I don't need it."

Shen An looked through the account book again and then put it in his arms.

This was an action that made Guo Qingzhong despair. He said: "What do you want? The villain has more than fifty wives, concubines, and singers in his home. Whoever the noble man wants... The villain will have them sent right away. I want them all... .”

This is shameless.

Shen An didn't know whether the rumor that Su Shi gave away his concubine was true or false, but he probably didn't think it was true.

These days, people with a bit of money and status in their families like to keep singers in captivity.

What does a singer do?

The host family eats, entertains guests, travels...

It's a woman who eats and plays with her, and also performs singing and dancing.

This kind of woman has no close connection with her master. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net is an employment relationship.

Of course, if the host drinks too much or becomes animalistic, the singer will give in half-heartedly and wait for her luck.

If she is lucky enough to get pregnant, she will become a concubine and the relationship will change from an employment relationship to an iron rice bowl relationship.

Dozens of women, even wives and concubines are given to you...

Are you tempted?

Guo Qingzhong looked at Shen An eagerly.

Shen An smiled and said, "Take it away! Let's enter the palace."

He was going to enter the palace to have a heart-to-heart talk with the rejoicing monarchs and ministers.

Guo Qingzhong panicked and asked, "Who is the noble person?"

"Shen An."


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