A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 336: That was a man-made disaster

Dark skin, deep wrinkles, a pair of cloudy eyes, and the uneasiness of having nowhere to put his hands and feet.

This was the impression Yang Ming gave to the prime ministers.

Like an old farmer!

Han Qi frowned and asked: "You said that you originally followed Li Zhongdao to inspect the old route of the Yellow River?"

Yang Ming lowered his head and said, "Yes."

Han Qi shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

As for the defensive role of the Yellow River, Han Qi had reservations after having served in the army.

I don't care what you do.

He does not have the idea of ​​​​correcting mistakes once discovered by Ouyang Xiu and Bao Zheng. People like that live too tiring lives.

He was just thinking about when to persuade the officials to bring a clan son into the palace and raise him.

Fu Bi asked: "Have you gone to both directions in the northeast?"

This was what he was most concerned about. What was the condition of the river to the east? Li Zhongdao at that time said it was good and there was not much of a problem.

But the river bank was washed away overnight.

What about the north?

Shen An said that the terrain in the north is low and water flows to lower areas, which is suitable for this terrain, so going north is the right way.

Several prime ministers and assistants were staring at him. Yang Ming raised his head and said in panic: "My lord, all the villains have been there."

Fu Bi sighed: "What's the terrain like in the Northeast?"

Zeng Gongliang turned away and clenched his fists.

Everyone has gone to the office, but everyone has not left yet, just waiting for this information.

Shen An's calm posture in the court today was recalled by them again.

He didn't check it, what a fool!

The hearts of several people relaxed slightly, and a smile appeared on Yang Ming's wrinkled face, and he said: "Back then, the villain followed me to both sides of the Northeast. The method of poking out the well shaft can measure the height of the terrain. The villain traveled to both parts of the Northeast. It's low in the north and high in the east..."

Low in the north, high in the east...

The rest of his words were ignored by the ministers and assistants.

The north is low and the east is high!

"...The little people also murmured at the beginning, saying that going north is going with the trend, and going east is going against the trend..."

"...But the superior officers refused to listen and insisted on going east, and then..."

Then it hit the street.

Yang Ming's eyes showed fear, and his body trembled slightly: "That night...the river embankment collapsed suddenly, and the water sloped down. Those civilians, those officials on the side...countless people didn't even have time to scream, and they were killed. The flood that burst the embankment swept away without leaving a trace..."

Fu Bi's body was shaking.

He forced himself to stand up and said, "Go and ask, just ask the officials if they can see me."

Someone left, and the room was silent.

Fu Bi felt that his heartbeat had almost stopped. His eyes were red and he said, "If there is a lie, go to Qiongzhou."

Qiongzhou is a barbaric place, and going there means being exiled.

A look of panic flashed across Yang Ming's eyes, but the prime ministers and assistants were too distracted to notice.

"The villain dare not lie."

He gradually became more determined: "Back then, it was not just the villain alone, there were many others who followed."

Fu Biqiang smiled and said: "Okay!"

What a fart!

If it is really low in the north and high in the east, how can the Yellow River change its course?

After a while a group of people entered the palace.

Zhao Zhen was very unhappy. He had just returned to the harem and was about to take a break for dinner. But when he was about to sit down, he said that the ministers and ministers would like to see him.

I can't be angry!

Can't be angry!

He suppressed his anger and slowly walked into the hall.

"What's the emergency?"

In just a moment, the official who looked a little weak just now had transformed into a majestic emperor.

Fu Bi left work, and his look made Zhao Zhen's heart skip a beat.

This is bad news.

The news that makes Fu Bi look bleak...could it be that the Liao people invaded in large numbers?

Instantly his stomach began to twitch, and then his body.

"Your Majesty, Yang Ming, a junior official who patrolled the river with Li Zhongdao back then, wants to see you..."

It’s not a Liao invasion!

Zhao Zhen felt relieved, and the cramps in his stomach eased a bit.

"What's the matter?"

Fu Bi said bitterly: "He said that the rivers in the east and north were surveyed back then. Your Majesty..."

He raised his head and remembered the joy of the emperor and his ministers over the diversion of the Yellow River, but what about now?

"Fu Qing, this is..."

Zhao Zhen felt very strange, so he smiled and said, "Are you tired? You can rest for a few days."

He never forced his subjects, and often felt that it was best to let things take their own course.

I am merciful, but you cannot be shameless.

Fu Bi shook his head and said, "He said that the north-facing Yellow River course... is low-lying... the east-facing course... the east-facing course is high."

Zhao Zhen took a quick breath, then closed his eyes and murmured: "What Shen An said is true? But...but there are lies..."

The wrath of an emperor, even a benevolent emperor, cannot tolerate deception.

Then Yang Ming was brought in, trembling all over.

"Say it, if there is a lie, I will see you in the Imperial City."

Chen Zhongheng came out and threatened, and then continued to act like a fool.

Yang Ming said in panic: "Your Majesty, I don't dare. Many people know what happened back then."

"A lot of people know?"

Zhao Zhen couldn't help but laugh, and then asked: "Then why didn't anyone say anything back then?"

Yang Ming said in astonishment: "Your Majesty, who are you telling me?"

"Give it to me..."

Zhao Zhen suddenly woke up and turned his eyes to look at the prime ministers and assistants.

Naturally, the words of the petty officials could not reach his ears, but what about the prime ministers and assistants?

Fu Bi shook his head and said, "I never heard of it back then."

Yang Ming was a little timid. If he continued to speak, he was worried that he would be dead if he turned back.

But Shen An's words last night echoed in his mind.

——Your son has learned to be responsible. Someone is responsible for your safety. Who dares to touch you? The officials who oppose the diversion of the Yellow River are your strongest backing!

He closed his eyes and said almost like a roar: "Say it! Back then, the villains all said it, but no one from the superior officials listened. If you say it again, you will be kicked out... It's not just the villains who are saying it, many people are saying it. We shouldn’t have changed the route, but no one listened, no one listened, Your Majesty!”

He slowly knelt on the ground, tears fell from his face, and he lowered his head and said: "That day, the little man was also at the river embankment, cheering and celebrating over there, laughing all night long... Those civilians all got a piece of meat, and they were all smiling. ...Everyone was laughing that night, and then..."

"The sound came with a roar, like a demon tearing open the ground, and then roaring... The ground shook. The villain drank some wine, then raised his head, and then saw the flood rushing over like a hill. …”

He shuddered, "The little man stayed where he was, watching the peasants, cattle and horses in front of him were all swept in by the flood. The screams were everywhere, and then disappeared in an instant... There was a vast ocean in front of him..."

"The officials were crying and howling. Some people were scared to death, and then ran away on hands and feet..."

"...After daybreak, the villain followed me down to take a look. There were corpses all the way...all the way..."



Fu Bi shouted sharply, and then looked at Zhao Zhen who roared afterwards.

Yang Ming woke up from his memories, looked up, and couldn't help but be shocked.

Zhao Zhen's face was pale, his lips were moving, but he could not speak.

That was a catastrophe!

No, it was a man-made disaster!

Zhao Zhen stood up slowly and said: "Today I and the ministers are still discussing...still thinking about changing the course...to change the course of the Yellow River."

His voice was extremely weak, and Fu Bi said in despair: "Yes, I... I... I am guilty of what happened back then."

"Everyone is guilty!"

Zhao Zhen said almost coldly: "I am guilty, you are guilty, who are the innocent ones? The common people!"

Fu Bi slowly took off his crown and knelt down.

The Lord humiliates the minister and dies...

For a time, the hall was full of people kneeling down, and Yang Ming was a little confused.

What do you mean?

"Yellow River!"

Zhao Zhen showed pain on his face and said: "What did Shen An say... flow rate? Call him, I want to hear it."

He sat down tiredly and said, "Everyone, please get up."

Shen An came later and burped after coming in. It looked like he had eaten too much.

"I just had dinner with the students at Taixue."

Shen An felt that these monarchs and ministers were all crazy, so he could not imitate them, so he took a few Taixue steamed buns with him to eat on the road.

What are you calling me for?

He was at a loss, but felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere.

He glanced at Yang Ming beside him, but Yang Ming didn't dare to flirt with him at the moment and could only stand blankly.

Zhao Zhen looked at him and remembered what happened before.

In order to prevent the Yellow River from changing its course, this young man took risks today to fight against the emperor and the prime minister...

What kind of courage and anger does a person have to have to dare to fall out with those people at the top of the Song Dynasty!

"...the matter of the Liuta River..."

Why did he take the risk to stop this?

——I dare not forget to worry about my country despite my humble position!

Zhao Zhen couldn't help but nodded and said: "I don't dare to forget about the country because of my humble position. Okay, okay!"

This is a brave young man, but he has Da Song in his heart and is willing to pay the price for it.

At this moment, Zhao Zhen was moved, but the ministers felt aggrieved.

In the afternoon, Shen An refuted Fu Bi's words by saying that he was humble and dared not forget about the country. At this moment, Zhao Zhen agreed, which was a slap in the face.

But Fu Bi could no longer refute.

Zhao Zhen asked: "Is the old road too narrow to pass?"

"No. It's not just narrow, it's more that the river bed is raised."

This is the simplest question, but Shen An needs the mobilization of all parties to make this group of monarchs and ministers face the Liuta River tragedy that year.

Shen An said: "I have seen trenches being dug outside the city. There are many people. I think it will be completed in a few days. I feel that facts speak louder than words."


This is still a map cannon.

You are always eloquent, but few of you tell the truth.

Ouyang Xiu shouted everywhere but no one paid attention. Bao Zheng roared in front of the emperor. You turned a blind eye and then became angry from shame.

How about now?

I'm not going to talk about big principles. Come on, let's speak with facts.

"Ergu River is not necessarily the same."

Who the hell is still insisting on this?

Shen An turned around and saw Fu Bi's stubborn face.

Is this old man crazy?

Shen An said angrily: "Ergu River... I dare to ask the rich prime minister, do you know why the Ergu River is silted up?"

Fu Bi shook his head, "It can be dredged."

Shen An shook his head and said: "Dredging can never keep up with siltation. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nnet "

Dredging wool, will it be dredged in later generations?

But every year, I still watch the floods come down in waves with fear.

This is not the small ditch at the door of our house, but the mother river, don’t fool us!

Shen An said coldly: "Terrain...the price of water flowing to higher places is that the sand has nowhere to wash away. In the end, it accumulates all the way until the Yellow River becomes a hanging river. Then we can only pray..."

What to pray for?

Shen An said piously: "Pray that the dam will not collapse..."

Zhao Zhen said: "Go and investigate! Everyone who participated in the diversion of the Liuta River back then should investigate and find out!"

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