A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 348: I have a green dragon on my left and a white tiger on my right...

Shen An went out, like a bad boy, followed by several guards from home, all he had to bring was Huahua, otherwise he would definitely be a street tiger.

Not far after walking out, there is a brothel on the left front. The women are just about to get up and are lazily in a daze upstairs.

After seeing the villainous Shen An, a woman shouted: "Brother An, come and play."

Shen An looked up and said, "Keep yourself clean!"

The woman pouted and said, "You are already sixteen, and you haven't slept with a woman yet. Come on, I'll teach you, and I'll make sure you become a hero in bed."

These women are so bold that a young man would definitely be red-faced and eager to try.

But Shen An has already read thousands of stories, and is also a bit of a germaphobe, so naturally he doesn't want to hang out with these women.

Walk all the way and there is a crossroads ahead.

Shen An glanced at Dongertiao Tianshui Lane on the right, but didn't find it.

He turned to the left.

In the nearby ginger shop, merchants were cursing loudly, saying that ginger sellers were evil-hearted, and then continued to haggle.

Shen An was standing in the middle of the intersection. People were passing by him, but he was staring at the opposite side.

Outside a wine shop, a group of big men were sitting on the floor, drinking from large bowls.

The so-called three bowls of wine are probably just a slightly stronger drink. Ordinary wine is very light, and it feels like drinking water.

So in summer, some people like to get a few bowls of wine to quench their thirst, just like drinking beer in later generations.

Those big men were talking loudly, and people going in and out of the wine shop were careful to avoid that area.

Huang Chunfu said: "Lang Jun, the brothers are opposite them."

Shen An's eyes turned to the right. Over there was the secretary's territory, and a group of big men were sitting on the ground drinking.

Those big men drank very boldly, almost one bowl at a time.

The only one who is restrained is Yan Baoyu.

"Lang Jun, let's find an excuse at least. Later, the villain will ask Baoyu and the others to tease those people, and then do it when they get angry. This way we still have an excuse, and the higher ups can't blame us."

Huang Chun thought very carefully, so he couldn't help but smile proudly.

"Behave in a grand manner, do you understand?"

Shen An should go forward first.


Huang Chun felt that he had done nothing wrong!

Shen An pointed at Yan Baoyu who was looking over.

"come over!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The big men of the Mangshan Army smashed their bowls, then stood up and came over.

Shen An said with a stern look: "No need to make any excuses, just do it!"

Huang Chun felt a surge of blood and shouted: "My husband has an order, fight!"

The group of big men also woke up, smashed their bowls, and stood up under the heartbroken gaze of the restaurant owner.

Shen An stretched out his hand. When Huang Chun was still puzzled, Chen Luo handed over a wooden stick.

Shen An took the wooden stick, and the big man opposite also picked up his own weapon, which was also a wooden stick.

"It's a matter of like-mindedness... no, it's an understanding of the heart!"

As long as the wooden stick is not hit on the head, the chance of death is low. It can be called a necessary magic weapon in fights and a good companion for home and travel.

Shen An smiled ferociously, and the big men from the Mangshan Army gathered around him.

He rushed forward alone, with a group of big men beside him and behind him.

Someone recognized him and shouted: "Mr. Shen is here to drink tea..."

The man was the owner of the teahouse, and his greetings were fixed, so someone on the side said: "Are you stupid? Mr. Shen is going to beat someone up. Drink tea and drink human blood!"

"What are those for? How dare you fight with Shen An here."

"At first glance, he looks like a warrior in the army."

Those big men were warriors, and their leader was Xu Jin, and those big men were all under his command.

A master of dragon-controlling bows and arrows!

There are many guards in the palace, no matter what their names are, most of them are close guards or ceremonial guards. Those who are said to be "unparalleled in martial arts" are not allowed to enter.

It would be far-fetched to say that Xu Ning, the golden gunner in Water Margin, is the teacher of the imperial golden gun class.

There are dozens of people in a class, and even if there is a teacher, he is just an officer. Moreover, the golden gun class is divided into left and right, all of which are sergeants who are good at using spears.

As for Lin Chong, the instructor of the 800,000-strong Forbidden Army, that is even more of a joke.

No matter how brilliant a master is, it is impossible for him to get this title.

If there were really 800,000 Forbidden Army instructors, he would be a big shot in the emperor's pocket. Once the incident happened, the emperor would definitely intervene.

Moreover, the Forbidden Army is divided into various armies. Each army has its own instructor. Want to cross-border and become a three-dimensional star?

That won't work.

The so-called Yulong has straight bows and arrows, but he only has more than forty people under his command, which is not worth mentioning in the army.

Therefore, superb martial arts are particularly advocated.

Every time someone is selected, they are carefully selected. Not only do they need to select tall, powerful-looking men, but they also need to test their martial arts skills.

Therefore, all Banzhi always boasted that their martial arts skills were the best among all the troops in the capital, and they were proud of themselves.

There are more than fifty people on Shen An's side, ten more than them.

But in Xu Jin's eyes, this was not a problem. He shouted: "Today, let the capital see the martial arts of my Imperial Banzhi. Brothers, take action!"

The big men shouted loudly and then rushed over in unison.

It was almost noon, and everyone was hungry. Some came to look for snacks to fill their stomachs, and rich people came out to have lunch, so there were many people.

Bianliang people are very courageous and dare to watch all the excitement.

Crowds gathered at both ends of the long street, and someone shouted: "That's a hero with a straight bow and arrow!"

"That can be said to be a superb martial arts skill! Shen An is going to suffer a loss."

On Shen An's left is Zhe Kexing, on his right is Yan Baoyu, and behind him is Huang Chun.

At this moment, he felt so heroic that he couldn't help but sigh: "I have a green dragon on the left, a white tiger on the right, and an old cow behind me...the gods are blocking the killing gods...brothers."

"Mr. Lang!"

Everyone agreed with a roar, and their morale immediately rose.


A typing exit, the two sides also joined the enemy.

Xu Jin recognized Shen An, but he hit Zhe Kexing on the side with a stick.

He didn't think Shen An was a threat, so he planned to take down Katsuyuki Zhe, who had the best martial arts skills first.

Moreover, this is a group fight, but a group fight is not a group fight. According to the rules of private fights between squads, it should be one-on-one.

Moreover, he knew that the Mangshan Army had more than 100 people, but Shen An only brought more than 50 people. It was obvious that he agreed with this unspoken rule, so he felt free to challenge Katsuyuki in a one-on-one battle.

Zhe Kexing blocked with his stick, and Xu Jin froze. He was about to retract his stick and attack again, but a stick came from the side and hit him in the forehead with a bang.


Xu Jin's hand loosened and the stick fell to the ground.

His eyes gradually became dull, and his body staggered and fell back.

"As promised...you...sneak attack..."


Xu Jin was knocked down by a move. Shen An looked around and saw that the sergeants of the Mangshan Army were in groups of two or three, while those with straight bows and arrows were fighting individually.

Therefore, the battle situation tilted unilaterally to Shen An's side.

Shen An felt that he hadn't had enough of the beating yet, so he stepped forward with a stick.

Protected by Zhe Kexing and Yan Baoyu, Shen An fought all the way and was truly invincible.

When he turned around again, he fell to the ground behind him.

Amid the miserable howl, Shen An struck the wooden stick and sighed: "Then Xu Jin is called the master of the imperial court?"

Zhe Kexing nodded and said, "Yes, Xu Jin's martial arts skills are among the best in the palace."

It should rank at least twenty or thirty.

Shen An looked up to the sky and laughed, and after a while he said: "The so-called master is no match for me in front of someone. Masters are so lonely. What can I do? What can I do!"

Zhe Kexing blushed and wanted to say that the rule of fighting was one-on-one.

But Shen An's interest was high, and if he said so, he would pour cold water on it, and there would be so much homework that he would be miserable.

One is to stay up late to do homework, and the other is to act against one's conscience. Zhe Kexing chooses to act against one's conscience without hesitation, allowing Shen An, who feels good about himself, to continue to fantasize about being a master.

Zhao Zhen was in a very good mood.

If you are in good spirits, you naturally like to talk.

The prime ministers and assistants were also in a good mood and talked a lot.

So this morning, the monarch and his ministers were all chattering and talking nonsense for a long time.

After the discussion was completed, Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "The kitchen prepared a lot of good dishes today, please go."

People feel refreshed when happy events happen, and there are two best ways to reward yourself: delicious food and beautiful people.

Zhao Zhen prefers the first one, so he can’t wait.

Fu Bi was also very happy. He said: "I was drinking alone at home last night. The moonlight was beautiful. I took a drink when I saw the moonlight. Soon I was alone and drunk. The country is beautiful. I only hope that this moment will last forever..."


Zhao Zhen smiled and said: "The moonlight was very beautiful last night, and I watched it for a long time."

He also drank too much, and then he was with the queen... very passionately.

At this age, I always restrain my emotions when doing things like that, but last night I was a little more wild.

But it feels good!

Zhao Zhen smiled slightly, and Fu Bi said: "When I woke up, the first thing I thought of was Shen An. He was out of the city for half a month and kept silent. When he came back, he made the Liao people look at him... The Liao envoys had already stopped. It can be seen that Your Majesty, how should I reward Shen An for his merits?"

It’s not okay to not reward merit!

Zeng Gongliang also said: "Your Majesty, you will be rewarded for your merits. This is the key to the ancestors' control of their ministers."

Zhao Zhen's smile faded a little, and he said helplessly: "How to be promoted? Is our Song Dynasty going to have a prime minister who is more than 20 years old?"


The ministers were speechless.

Zaifu, who is in his twenties, what kind of situation will that be like?

He still has forty or fifty years of political career, and if he slowly accumulates it, what is that?

Powerful minister!

Han Qi said: "We must preserve the principles of monarch and minister."

It is also the emperor's dereliction of duty to put his ministers in danger.

For example, in the late Han Dynasty, when you finished singing and I came on stage, there was a lot of chaos. The key issue was the imbalance of power.

Therefore, when the Song Dynasty was founded, Boss Zhao saw many past shortcomings and formulated a national policy of checks and balances.

Under the checks and balances of all parties, the emperor is as stable as a mountain.

Once the emperor is stable, the country is stable.

An uneasy aura was flowing, and Fu Bi felt a little regretful. UU reading www.uukanhuu. net

His intentions were good, but he forgot about checks and balances.

How many young people are there in high positions? Even if there are, how many of them will end well?

Zhao Zhen clearly wanted to pretend to be ignorant so that everyone would be better off.

But Fu Bi accidentally picked it out and then became embarrassed.

Fu Bi felt that he had made a big mistake because he was still hungover.

He was tangled in his heart, but he couldn't take back what he just said.

Zhao Zhen was still smiling, but the smile was shallow.

He muttered: "So... Your Majesty, you can think about what kind of reward you should give him."

Along with the reward comes suspicion, which makes the king and his ministers uneasy.

First update, please vote for me.

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