When the sky was dim, Wei Ming even took a nap. When he opened his eyes again, he saw a dog.

The dog walked over slowly, crotching once, stretching and yawning.

Huahua walked under the tree and looked at Wei Ming with interest.

Wei Ming smiled at it, very gently.

You can't hide from a dog, or even avoid looking at it.

You have to be tougher than them.

But Wei Ming could only show his kind side at the moment, hoping that the dog wouldn't be too arrogant.

Huahua jumped up suddenly, Wei Ming's heart tightened, and he shouted: "Help..."

This is not because he is timid, but because the ending of being bitten by a dog is tragic.

As long as the dog sees blood, he will be excited and continue to bite.

The dog's paw scratched on the top of his head and pulled out a few hairs.

Huahua fell to the ground, then tilted her head to look at Wei Ming, and jumped up again.


After several attempts, Wei Ming realized that the dog was playing tricks on him.

He no longer avoided, but shouted: "Someone comes!"

Chen Luo came out of the darkness. When Wei Ming saw him carrying a stick, he quickly explained: "A certain person is from the Imperial City Division..."

He was later taken to the front yard.

Shen An had just finished breakfast and said after seeing him: "Dig a hole and bury it."

Wei Ming saw his calm expression and thought of the Jingguan he had done in Fuzhou. He panicked for a moment and said hurriedly: "The villain is here under orders."


Shen An was looking at a list.

Wei Ming felt that he was really unlucky, so he smiled bitterly and said: "The villain is here to try the Shen family's trap... Let's be honest, you should also know about the Imperial City Department's supervision of Bianliang. The villain is here just to see it. See what the Shen family means..."

"Nothing interesting."

Shen An put the list away, then stood up and said, "The Shen family handed over the thief who sneaked in to you last time. Zhang didn't do anything for eight years?"

The identity of the person caught last time was very clear. He was a member of a powerful person.

The reason for sneaking into Shen's house is also very simple, just to intimidate.

Wei Ming shook his head and said: "The Imperial City Division cannot take action privately, that would be a taboo."

"You don't want to get involved, right?"

Shen An said: "Zhang Baibian looks fierce, but he is still conservative at heart. Also, you didn't come home all night, and no one came to check?"

Wei Ming said helplessly: "I was arrested without incident in Bianliang City. The Imperial City Division cannot afford to lose this person."

"It's all wrong!"

Chang Chao has more people here today.

Zhao Yunliang came and was talking to his brother Zhao Yunchu.

"Why do you come here every day? Look at those clans. They only come here a few times a year. You are stupid. They come here every day, rain or shine..."

Zhao Yunchu is a wonderful flower in the clan!

This morning meeting is just a decoration, and I put it back when the time comes every day.

In other words, coming here is a waste of life, and by the way, you have to go to bed early and get up early every day.

Zhao Yunchu said piously: "Namo Amitabha... I think this is the best."

Zhao Yunchu was not greedy for money or famous, but he liked to recite Buddhist scriptures.

Zhao Yunliang was speechless, patted him on the shoulder and said, "That's fine."

If you don't be greedy for money, don't have a good reputation, and recite Buddhist scriptures, you will naturally not be contaminated by cause and effect, and you can live peacefully.

Zhao Yunchu looked up, and there was no color in his eyes. They were so innocent that one could think of them as children.

"The second brother hangs out in Vanity Fair, from fear to hope, ups and downs... You have to be normal."

Zhao Yunliang was originally worried that his father, Zhao Yuanyan, had been too unrestrained in the past and was afraid of being liquidated by Zhao Zhen, so he pretended to be crazy.

Zhao Zhen had some intentions, but when he thought that without Zhao Yuanyan, the news about his biological mother would be kept secret, he couldn't do it.

So the descendants of the Eight Kings escaped.

Later, Zhao Zhen suddenly gave Zhao Zongjiang the opportunity to be a spare tire, and the Laoba family completely turned around.

Naturally, such an opportunity cannot be missed, Zhao Yunliang said with a smile; "If it can be done, in the future you..."

If Zhao Zongjiang can successfully ascend to the throne, as his uncle, you will naturally rise to the top.

Zhao Yunchu shook his head and said: "Second brother, the most important thing in life is to let nature take its course. Just like water, water benefits everything without fighting... So it is wrong to change the course of the Yellow River. Fortunately, Shen An dissuaded him, otherwise a greater disaster would be around the corner."

Zhao Yunliang had black lines on his face and said, "You... you are our family's enemy."

Why do you say nice things to your opponent?

Zhao Yunchu smiled and said: "The so-called enemies and friends... will change their appearance in an instant. Second brother, everything in the world has spirituality, don't force it, just let nature take its course..."

"well said!"

A loud shout came, and Zhao Yunliang knew who it was without turning around.

Zhao Yunrang looked at Zhao Yunchu and said with admiration: "This family is not very good, but a sensible person like you is born. This is God's will. God thinks that the Eighth Family should not be destroyed..."

Zhao Yunliang sneered and said: "I don't know if my family will be destroyed, but your family is not far away. Then Shen An collected bribes, and now the memorials arrived in front of the emperor like snow flakes. He fell, and your family can't get better either!"

The so-called loss of both sides and prosperity of both sides refers to the relationship between Shen An and the Runan County Prince's Mansion.

If he is unlucky, the Runan County Prince's Palace will not be much better.

Zhao Yunrang said coldly: "Let's see it later."

The court meeting has begun, and a group of people continue to waste time in the sky.

But in Zhao Zhen's place, the ministers and ministers didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

Several large wooden boxes were placed in the hall. The wooden boxes had been opened, and they were full of memorials.

Zhao Zhen looked at the prime ministers and said, "There are many who impeached Shen An for accepting bribes."

Finally someone came to deal with that guy!

Zhao Zhen heard a breath of relief.

"Your Majesty, check it out."

Fu Bi felt that there was no need to take this matter seriously. Zhao Zhen nodded, thinking to Shen An, please don’t let me down!

Shen An is not short of money, so he shouldn't accept bribes. He's so popular!

Zhao Zhen has been emperor for a long time and has met countless officials and seen countless cases.

Officials with huge fortunes will still reach out for a few dollars. There are many examples of this.

Finally, he summed up his experience: corruption has nothing to do with family property, but only to do with people's greed.

He was thinking about Shen An.

He seems very innocent, but he never admits defeat or suffers losses.

That kind of people……

"I've been calling Zhang for eight years."

Want to use the Imperial City Division?

Han Qi frowned, thinking that it would be best to let Shen An defend himself.

It's okay to let him embarrass himself! Then deal with it how you want to deal with it. In full view of the public, no one can show favoritism!

However, Shen An has a good relationship with the Runan County Prince. If the situation is dealt with severely, the possibility of having a spare tire will inevitably be damaged.

So it’s better to make it public!

It has to be said that Han Qi did guess some of Zhao Zhen's intentions.

The powerful people have no choice but to impeach, they have to make it public, but I can investigate in private!

For example, if you accept a bribe of 100,000 guan, I said a bribe of 10,000 guan, if those powerful people dare to beep, I will dare to seize their past problems and bring them to the line.

These are the emperor's resources. He can use these resources to exchange interests and thereby balance the government.

Fu Bi turned sideways and rubbed his eyes as if he felt uncomfortable.

He took this opportunity to glance at Han Qi, his eyes full of warning.

--be honest!

Recently, some changes in official positions are being planned in the DPRK. If the emperor is angered, we will be in trouble by then.

The emperor can decide who is promoted and who is transferred, but most of them are negotiated between the monarch and his ministers.

This is something he is willing to discuss with his ministers.

If you don't want to, then I'm sorry. I don't like this person, but I think that person is good.

I don't think the person you agreed with can do it, so what?

Are we all going to break up and start a fight?

This is the authority of the emperor!

If this authority is gone, then he is a virtual king, a puppet.

Throughout history, it is almost difficult for emperors who lose the power to appoint officials to make a difference. Once two or three generations of emperors fail to cheer up, the country can basically be declared doomed.

Han Qi accepted Fu Bi's warning, but he was thinking of other ideas.

"Your Majesty, Zhang has been here for eight years."

Zhang Baibian's erratic walking posture made people a little scared, but the prime ministers and ministers were not among them.

"Has the Imperial City Department heard about Shen An's bribery?"

Zhao Zhen hoped not.

Zhang Baba frowned and said: "At that time, those powerful people wanted to send their children to study at the Imperial College. Shen An agreed, so they all gave away things."


It's a bit embarrassing to go to Taixue University to get a quota by joining the school!

But the right does not expire and becomes invalid. Many of our nephews are also appointed as officials. Isn't this a benefit?

If you get benefits, you should shut up, otherwise you will be criticized.

These thoughts flashed through the minds of the prime ministers, and then a wave of passion surged up.

Was he actually caught by the Imperial City Division?

Shen An, are you throwing yourself into a trap?

Han Qi felt very happy and felt so happy.

When he saw Zhao Zhen's serious face, he felt guilty.

The old man was happy, but the official family was depressed.

this is not good!

Officials are good officials, UU reads www. uukanshu.net deserves everyone's support. If he is so angry that his body is broken, the next person will not be so easy to talk to.

In fact, neither Zhao Zongjiang nor Zhao Zongshi could catch the eyes of the prime ministers and assistants. It's just a taller one among the short ones, that's all.

Han Qi said: "Your Majesty, Shen An is young, Bianliang is a place of wealth, and he comes from places like Xiongzhou. After opening his eyes, he became greedy..."

This is the greed of bumpkins after entering the city...

He said sternly, "Everyone has greed. I have always wanted to be promoted. I thought that after being promoted, I would get a bigger salary and my family's life would be easier... But I know what's appropriate, but because Shen An is young and has no elders to take care of him, Therefore, it is inevitable that you will make mistakes, so please... take a gentle punishment."

Han Qi and Shen An had conflicts many times. Han Qi suffered many losses, so it stands to reason that he should hate Shen An deeply.

Shouldn't you be adding insult to injury at this time?

Fu Bi and the others couldn't help but look at him in disbelief.

Zhao Zhen also couldn't believe it. He frowned slightly, feeling that Han Qi might be up to something.

Han Qi was a little annoyed under these looks, and said lightly: "Who is not young?"

First update, please vote for me.

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