A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 372 The bet was right, 1 net

From afternoon to evening, Chen Ang kept writing and revising.

He was choosing his words.

As a civil servant, he knew that many times, if a word was used incorrectly, it would be a big mistake if someone wanted to pursue it.

Zhe Jizu was taking risks, and so was he.

But he hoped to leave more escape routes, so he started to compete with words.

"Qianji, are you okay?"

Zhe Jizu came with his mouth full of oil.

"That's it!"

Chen Ang rummaged through the pile of paper and found the first memorial.

"Just use this one!"


Zhe Jizu seemed careless, but he took advantage of the opportunity of holding a pen to read almost the contents of the report.

Then the report was sent out.

"be quick!"

Now that he has decided to bet, Chen Ang is willing to take the risk, "Hurry up and kill anyone who dares to stop you!"

After the report was sent away, Zhe Jizu continued to patrol, and from time to time he sent small groups of scouts out of the city at night to investigate.

One early morning four days after sending off the report, when he saw his scouts being chased by the enemy, Zhe Jizu put down his telescope and shouted excitedly: "Attack! Attack!"

He led his cavalry out in full force. Chen Ang drew his sword on the top of the city, turned around and shouted: "The time has come to serve the country with all your strength. Everyone, cheer up and kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

"Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

A civil servant was screaming to kill the enemy. If this image was spread back to Bianliang, many people would probably find it disdainful.

What do civil servants do?

He is the one who strategizes.

Be polite, be magnanimous, be...

Amidst the screams at the top of the city, Zhe Jizu led the cavalry to repel the enemy troops, and started to retreat with most of the scouts who had lost most of them.

"It's fake! It's fake!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Chen Ang slashed the city brick with his knife, almost breaking the tiger's mouth.

He said proudly: "If there was a large army, the whole army would have attacked long ago. But where are the enemy troops? Where are they? Where are they?"

He is not stupid, and those who can pass the Jinshi exam probably have good IQ, so he can see the flaw at a glance.

The Xixia people claimed that they had no hidden secrets and wanted to personally lead an army of 100,000 to wash Linfu Road with blood to regain the ground for the last defeat, and to retaliate by casting the heads of soldiers and civilians in Fuzhou into the capital.

But there will be only 3,000 people in the vanguard of a hundred thousand army?

Do you think the civil servants don’t understand why you bully someone?

The vanguard of the 100,000-strong army was said to be at least 10,000 or 20,000 people, but this certain person knew it.

Then the scout was brought up and said loudly: "Qian Ju, the villain led his men to discover the enemy camp, with up to three thousand people!"

Chen Ang glanced at Zhe Jizu and suddenly laughed.

This is a right bet!

Someone finally made a meritorious deed!

Zhe Jizu also laughed, and gradually the city was filled with laughter.

The weather is getting cooler and there are gradually more fallen leaves on the ground.

There are gradually fewer pedestrians in Tianshui Lane, but Zuo Zhen's business is getting better and better.

After the harvest, everyone has more money in their hands, and they can buy a few fried quails to satisfy their cravings.

A group of men gathered outside the shop, and someone said jokingly: "Zuo Zhen, why doesn't your man come to work?"

Another also joked: "When are they talking about? It seems to be during the Han Dynasty. There was a beauty who also came out to sell wine. Her man even wore calf-nosed pants and was washing dishes. Your man can do it too!"

The story of Sima Xiangru and Zhuo Wenjun has been passed down through the ages, but in the eyes of ordinary people, it is just a curiosity.

A beautiful woman fell in love with an unlucky talented man, and they fell in love with each other... Then in order to force the old man, the beautiful woman sold wine as a gangster, and finally forced the old man to take them back, and they became prosperous.

This kind of fantasy happened countless times in dreams. Of course, I was that Sima Xiangru.

Zuo Zhen held a pair of big chopsticks and was picking up the quail. After giving the quail to the guests, she opened her almond-shaped eyes and shouted, "My man is making money! He's better than you!"

A group of men were laughing and joking, this was their pastime.

When you entertain others, you are also entertaining yourself.

Finally dealing with this group of arrogant men, Zuo Zhen took a sip, then sat down, took a few sips of the already cold tea, and said happily: "Today's business is better, but that young man Why didn't you come?"

Wang Yu was standing outside the wine shop diagonally opposite, his eyes scanning Zuo Zhen's face from time to time.

He didn't know what he was thinking.

After that inexplicable heartbeat at the beginning, he felt that he was stupid and a fool.

He didn't take that exciting feeling seriously, so he continued his life.

When he arrives here before he knows it, he'll buy fried quail.

At first he would give food to others without caring, but later he would not know why and would not even give the fruit to others.

He is not stingy, and he loves Guoguo. Not to mention fried quail, he will not hesitate even if Guoguo asks for his jade pendant.

But he didn't know what he was thinking, so he didn't give it.

Fortunately, Shen An said that Guoguo should eat less fried meat, and this allowed him to pass the test.

What am I thinking?

Wang Yu averted his eyes, deliberately not looking at Zuo Zhen.

"My guest, would you like to drink?"

When the shopkeeper saw him standing outside the door for so long without coming in, he thought he was short of money and said, "The shop has several kinds of drinks, some with low prices."

Are you looking down on me?

If it were the past, Wang Yu would have sneered, taken out the money, and asked someone to go to the wine shop opposite to get drinks and deliver them to his home.

Even if he slaps him in the face, he won't do it in such a direct way.

This is a scholar. Shen An said that there are nine turns in the intestines, and a colonoscopy will definitely lead to bad luck.

He didn't know what a colonoscopy was, but he knew he was in trouble.

He said in a strange way: "Bring me the strongest wine."

"Young man...he has a good capacity for drinking!"

The shopkeeper praised him against his will, and then brought the so-called strongest wine.

After three bowls, Wang Yu gave the money and said calmly: "This wine is not strong at all!"

The shopkeeper said with a smile: "I'm afraid your guest is too drunk. The wine in this shop is the strongest."

Wang Zhuo's face became paler. He smiled and said, "Summer insects cannot talk about ice."

Zhe Kexing often drank high-alcohol wine on the sly, and Wang Yu also tried it. The spicy taste made his tongue hurt.

He walked out of the wine shop, feeling full of courage, and walked over.

"You came."

When Zuo Zhen saw him coming, she stood up and said with a smile: "I'll fry a quail for you."

Wang Yu nodded, and Zuo Zhen put a quail into the oil pan. Seeing that his face was pale and he could still smell the smell of alcohol, she said, "Young people who drink less alcohol are not good for their health."


Wang Yu hummed, then quickly looked up at her.

Zuo Zhen wrapped a handkerchief around her head today because she was afraid that the fumes would make her hair full of smell.

A few strands of black hair hung down from her ears, and her face seemed to be as thick as gel. Her eyes are big, but not obtrusive. The nose was small and the corners of the mouth were smiling. She was not stunningly beautiful, but she had an indescribable smell that made Wang Yu startled and then looked away.

"The Xixia people are calling, and now they are recruiting people to transport grain and grass. It's so hard!"

"Then we have to send reinforcements."

"The reinforcements have already left, in a hurry."

"It is said that the officials have often summoned the prime ministers and ministers to discuss matters recently. Sometimes they also call people into the palace to discuss matters late at night, just to suppress the Xixia army."

"Messengers often come from Hedong Road, and they are more urgent each time, urging reinforcements."

The people who spoke were two clerks. They came over while talking, but they were also buying quails.

"The people on Hedong Road are all cowards."

Wang Yu was so drunk that he couldn't help but say something.

Shen An analyzed the mentality of the officials on Guohe East Road and concluded that they were timid and did not dare to take responsibility.

The two clerks glanced at him, then sneered: "A young man dares to talk nonsense. He really thinks he is a genius."

Wang Yu said coldly: "You just wait, sooner or later Fuzhou will report. Then all this worry will be unfounded. The so-called reinforcements will have to come back halfway, and it will be a waste of money and food."

The two clerks laughed, but with disdain.

"You've had too much to drink, aren't you? People like you can talk about military and national affairs? Let's study for a few more years and wait until we pass the exam."

"Rhetoric, today's young people are becoming more and more senseless. I think back then we..."

When Zuo Zhen saw that Wang Yu was angry, she smiled and said, "Two guests, do you want quail?"

She would not offend her guest for Wang Yu, so she just gave Wang Yu a comforting look.

Wang Yu felt that he had been left out. He frowned slightly, and then said stiffly: "So and so is gone."

Zuo Zhen said: "You haven't gotten your quail yet!"

Wang Yu felt that his entanglements were a bit ridiculous. In Zuo Zhen's eyes, they were not worth the money he could earn from selling a fried quail.

He paid the money, and after the quail was ready, he hugged it with oil paper and left, refusing to look at her again.

When he walked outside Shen An's house, that face appeared in his mind again...

"This is just a daydream, it's not worth taking seriously!"

He comforted himself and then entered Shen's house.

"This is not normal!"

Shen An looked at the map in the study and said confidently: "With the army out there, the money and food consumed every day is a scary amount. The Xixia people are poor, so they should fight quickly and occupy Linfu Road as the foundation." , Seize supplies, money, food, and people to subsidize the cost of the expedition, otherwise you will go out in vain, and you will be scolded to death if you don't hide your power when you turn around."

Zhe Kexing said: "That is fake, but why are they doing this?"

"I guess it's just a perfunctory thing to build momentum... but it's impossible to build momentum without hiding something,"

Shen An glanced at Wang Yu who was standing by the door, frowned and said, "What's going on? He's out of his mind."

Wang Yu smiled and said: "It's okay."

Shen An smelled the smell of alcohol, but didn't care.

"If it is to create momentum, it means that the internal battle in Xixia has become fierce. The winner will be decided in as soon as half a year or as slowly as a year."

Shen An hit the Xixia place on the map hard and said, "It must be so!"

Zhe Kexing said: "But the DPRK is preparing to send reinforcements recently."

Shen An said: "This matter must be stopped, otherwise we will be ridiculed by the Xixia and Liao people afterwards."

Wang Yu burped and said: "Brother Anbei, I'm afraid this matter can't be stopped. After all, the Song army is weak, so as long as the Xixia and Liao people move, the Song Dynasty will have to deal with it with all its strength. We are all used to this. Who can I can’t stop it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net ”

This is the tragedy of a weak military, just like that rogue country in later generations. They only need to send a small army to squat on the enemy's border, and then build up momentum and say they are ready to take action. The enemy country will immediately be uneasy and respond with all its strength.

Now the people of Xixia and Liao are both hooligans, and Shen An wants to turn the Song Dynasty into an even bigger hooligan, a big hooligan who will make others tremble when he hears it.

He stretched out his hand to hold down the territories of Liao and Xixia, raised his head and said, "My wish is to prevent the Song Dynasty from sending troops, and also to make them afraid!"

If so, what would the Song Dynasty look like?

Zhe Kexing felt a surge of heat in his chest and couldn't help shouting: "Then go into battle to kill the enemy and take the head of the enemy general in the midst of thousands of troops!"

Shen An turned his head to look at Wang Yu and asked, "What about you?"

Wang Yu's mind was filled with that face, and he said casually: "I want to be the most knowledgeable person in the world..."

The most knowledgeable people are the most respected. If Zuo Zhen saw the highly respected me, would she still ignore the emotion in my eyes for the sake of a quail's money?

He didn't know that these emotions were a net, a big net that could trap him who was still ignorant about men and women...

When I got up in the morning, I didn't dare to drink water. I went to the hospital for a follow-up consultation, but the result was that the breath test for Helicobacter was not done. After asking, I was prescribed quadruple therapy for another week. I go back next week and need another week's worth of medicine. Tears ran.

. m.

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