A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 388: Your Majesty, he drank too much and even you scolded him

Five businessmen were brought into the palace, led by Yang San.

Yang San is in his thirties. He has been doing business since he was in his twenties. He has been to the north, but the businessmen there were a little xenophobic and did not give him a chance.

"...Then the villain went to the south...but the south was rich and the villain's capital was not enough. Then the villain went to the southwest, starting from Guangnan West Road...it was easier to make money."

"I went to Cochin because the people there have never seen the world and can earn more..."

Fu Bi's heart moved slightly, and he asked pleasantly: "Jiaozhi...how are you doing, sir?"

Zhao Zhen watched with squinted eyes, but refused to put pressure on Yang San, for fear that he would be too afraid to speak.

Yang San's greatest achievement in his life was to travel all over the country, support his wife and children, and increase his knowledge. He was naturally different from ordinary people.

But now that he has entered the palace, he, who claims to have seen the world, is still trembling.

"My lord, I have never met the King of Jiaozhi, but they say he is very powerful, and his ministers... officials... are just like those of the Song Dynasty..."

Jiaozhi was originally the territory of the Central Plains, and almost all culture and politics were passed on.

"What's your character like? It's how the officials you meet are like."

Yang San said without thinking: "Greedy, shameless..."

Fu Bi felt a thump in his heart, and then comforted himself: There were also greedy and shameless officials in the Song Dynasty, which was not a sign.

"Those officials were so greedy that they even had to pluck a few feathers to sell a quail. When the little people were doing business there, they were harassed many times. If we didn't comply, they threatened to make us lose our lives and money. They would kill us directly in the evening and throw us away. Bury it in the ground...or throw it into the water and feed it to the giant musk dragon..."

"The barbarian land is indeed cruel."

Han Qi said disdainfully: "Is this the end of your skills?"

This kind of thing happened a lot in the Song Dynasty. Han Qi said nonchalantly: "I saw many greedy officials like this back then...it's nothing..."

When the surrounding area became quiet, Han Qi realized that his big mouth had said the wrong thing.

You compare the official administration of the Song Dynasty to that of Jiaozhi. Is it embarrassing or not?

Zhao Zhen's face turned dark, and Han Qi quickly bowed to apologize.

Zhao Zhen was extremely dissatisfied, thinking that since you saw it back then, how could you deal with it?

It would be dereliction of duty not to deal with it.

But he immediately remembered how big the Song Dynasty was. Han Qi only saw one place, what about other places?

The melancholy emperor asked casually: "Are the people of Cochin warlike?"

"He is warlike, brave and ruthless. As long as he is willing to give benefits, he is willing to sacrifice his life to obey."

Zhao Zhen's expression changed, and Fu Bi had already begun to ask: "Do you know where this is?"

"Treasure Hall."

Yang San was panicked and didn't know why the officials and the husband's attitude had become so fierce.

Treasure palace?

This was ridiculous, but no one laughed.

"Since you know this is inside the main hall, are you lying?"

"The villain dare not."

Yang San looked very panicked, so what he said was probably true.

The expressions of both the monarch and his ministers became solemn.

If the people are warlike, they will not have to worry about soldiers, and they will be good soldiers.

Only now did Fu Bi feel why the officials in Guangxi were so nervous.

A very brutal Jiaozhi really put great pressure on them.

Shen An said that it is a country of villains, and its ambitions are endless...

Zhao Zhen leaned forward slightly and asked, "Can the kings and ministers of Jiaozhi... and the surrounding places be harmonious?"

This is about diplomacy.

Diplomatic matters are easy to inquire about. As long as you go to the other side's capital, have a few drinks with the idle men, and keep them safe, you can find out anything.

Shen An's words were still ringing in his ears, but Zhao Zhen felt that Jiaozhi was too small, and he didn't dare to have ambitions towards the huge Song Dynasty. At most, he would just plunder at the border...

Yang San said: "The king of Jiaozhi is said to be a British master. When he was the prince, he often led his troops on expeditions... and surrounding areas... he often went on expeditions, and he suffered a lot from the occupation of the city..."

Fu Bi's face turned pale and he asked: "Do you beat me often...or do you beat me occasionally?"

Fighting occasionally is not warlike, fighting often...

Yang San didn't know why he looked pale, so he laughed and said, "Fighting! After the prince ascended the throne, he often fought and grabbed space everywhere!"

Fu Bi's body shook...

"Rich Prime Minister!"

Zeng Gongliang hurriedly supported him. Fu Bi touched his forehead and said, "Nothing happened, I'm fine... It's just that Shen An has something to say. I feel extremely ashamed and ashamed at this moment!"

Zeng Gongliang murmured: "He said that Jiaozhi is a country of villains, greedy and ambitious, but we thought it was lies... He even ridiculed him for saying that he only talks but does not do anything, but refuses to investigate before doing it... …It’s so embarrassing!”

Zhao Zhen was also embarrassed, "That boy before this... By the way, do you know Shen An?"

Seeing that the emperor and his ministers were all sad, Yang San felt a little panicked for some reason. When he heard the emperor's inquiry, he bowed and said: "But a young man... Shen An is an acquaintance of him. He invited the villain to drink several times earlier. It's just that He doesn't drink well and will curse when he drinks too much..."

He thought of the young man and smiled: "He scolded many people for being blind and pretending to be ignorant... He also said that those people were self-righteous and would be slapped in the face sooner or later..."

Zhao Zhen's face turned red immediately, and Fu Bi and others were even more unbearable.

Yang San was still talking: "He was generous and asked about Jiaozhi every time. Then he said that there would be a battle sooner or later, so that the villain would not go there in the future... and what else... he would scare the people of Jiaozhi in the future. We have submitted. When the time comes, the army will suppress us, and then we will be allowed to do business... But I am afraid that I can't do it. It would be too comfortable, so I am afraid that I can't..."

He felt that he couldn't, but Bao Zheng remembered Shen An's past words and deeds, and said: "Your Majesty, Shen An once said... The army of the Song Dynasty should not only protect the country and defend the country, but also open up borders for the country. Support merchants and let merchants from the Song Dynasty spread all over the world. Wherever there are people, there should be merchants from the Song Dynasty."

Use the army to clear the way for merchants...

What does it mean?

Yang San continued: "He said that Jiaozhi and Champa are both good places for farming, but it's not easy to go there now, but slowly, sooner or later, they will be able to occupy them, and then the southwest of the Song Dynasty will no longer have to worry about food shortages... The villain had just returned from Cochin at that time and was somewhat unfamiliar with Bianliang, so Shen An also interceded for the villain with the people from the Inspection Department, and at least saved the villain's goods."

"The southwest of the Song Dynasty!"

The southwest of the Song Dynasty was almost semi-barbaric. Once the population increased, food could not be self-sufficient, and it often needed to be supplemented by the Jiangnan area.

Zhao Zhen glanced at the prime ministers and said with a wry smile: "We are thinking about the threat of Jiaozhi here, and the young man has actually thought of using Jiaozhi's food to supplement the southwest..."

This kind of long-term vision is amazing and then embarrassing.

Fu Bi's face turned red, as if he had just pounded a furnace of iron.

Zhao Zhen said: "This matter... will be discussed tomorrow, tomorrow..."

He was a little stunned and felt embarrassed.

As someone close to him, Chen Zhongheng naturally knew what to say. He said with a straight face: "Your Majesty, Shen An has been very lazy at home recently and refuses to go out of the city to train the Mangshan Army..."

"Too lazy."

Ouyang Xiu also knew the official's thoughts and said seriously: "Young man must not be lazy. You should ask him to come tomorrow."

Zhao Zhen nodded, and Chen Zhongheng would naturally make arrangements.

"Shen An..."

Empress Yang San realized it and said: "That young man can actually go to court? The villain didn't know it at the time, and even scolded the officials with him. Your Majesty, the villain is guilty."

He knelt down and kowtowed, filled with fear.

Listening to the kowtow, Zhao Zhen said: "Not guilty."

A chamberlain came over and pulled Yang San up. Zhao Zhen thought it was funny when he thought that Shen An and Yang San drank too much together, and then yelled at those corrupt officials, and maybe even the prime ministers.

Of course he wouldn't know how to scold me. That young man knows how to behave!

Besides, I treat him very well, and even if I think about it, he won’t scold me.

But he still slipped up: "Has he ever scolded me?"


Yang San knelt down, his face turned pale and his whole body was shaking.

It was scary.

At the same time, it indirectly proves that Shen An did speak ill of Zhao Zhen.

Zhao Zhen's face was full of black lines. Fu Bi and others were embarrassed and found it funny when they saw it.

Yang San didn't dare to hide it and said: "Shen An said that today's officials are kind, but human nature is a bitch. The better you treat him, the more he will bite his nose..."

The embarrassed Fu Bi and others instantly became angry.

Does this mean I'm waiting for Zaifu?

Bao Zheng felt that Shen An would go to the house and uncover the tiles if he didn't fight for three days.

Zhao Zhen covered his forehead and was speechless.

But when he thought about it carefully, he found that it was really the case.

When I first came to the throne, did the prime ministers dare to treat me like this?

Bao Zheng is just trying to persuade me. How can he use his saliva to wash my face?

And Han Qi, who is domineering and arrogant, actually forced me...

Aren't these the consequences of kindness?

He sat up straight in an instant.

But after seeing the serious expressions on Fu Bi and others' faces, he sighed secretly and gave up that plan.

What if I regain my sternness?

The ministers and people in the world have long been accustomed to the benevolent emperor. If there is a sudden change, the government may be in chaos.

"Everyone, please go your own way."

He suddenly couldn't help but laugh.

The ministers looked over curiously, and seeing his relaxed smile, they also relaxed a little.

After Shen An exposed the tacit understanding between monarch and ministers, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net everyone was worried that Zhao Zhen would change his ways.

At this moment, worries were put aside and everyone was ready to go out.

"You actually hate him for not fighting? Hahaha!"

Zhao Zhen finally told the reason why he was laughing.

He actually felt that Zhao Zhen was not tough enough, and his complaints were rather resentful.

Zhao Zhen was a little angry at first, but gradually he calmed down when he remembered Shen An complaining while holding a wine bowl, and then couldn't help but laugh.

"He's not a good drinker, come on."

"His Majesty."

"Send some hangover soup to help him sober up."

Chen Zhongheng bowed in agreement and then went in person.

The ministers complained, feeling that the emperor was too weak and should be dealt with. But Zhao Zhen just asked someone to give him hangover soup and laughed about it.

Such an emperor is indeed kind and heartwarming.

The prime ministers and assistants all turned around and then bowed.

"Your Majesty has mercy."

Zhao Zhen smiled slightly and said, "Please go ahead, gentlemen."

He gradually came to the realization that kindness comes from his bones and there is no need to change anything. This is who Zhao Zhen is...

Thanks to the leader of the book friend "Ye Luantian" for the reward. This is the second one. Jazz remembers it clearly. Thank you.

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