A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 393: The Kingdom in the Middle Needs Watering with Blood

Xuanhua City is the administrative seat of Yongzhou and the most important city, naturally prosperous.

There are wine shops, brothels, hawkers selling food along the street, and even tutuos who tell the time in the morning, just like a small Bianliang.

But prosperity is relative. Compared with Bianliang, this place is probably a rural place.

In rural areas, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. Let alone Xiao Gu, even a magistrate is still a local emperor.

So after seeing Xiao Gu, the diners all stood up and stood with their hands tied.

If he were in Bianliang, the censor would definitely impeach Xiao Gu for being domineering and arrogant.

But this is Yongzhou!

Yongzhou will be dealt with if you are not careful!

Shen An helped the shopkeeper up and said with a smile, "Did you make the braised mutton yourself?"

I go! Did you meet an expert?

The shopkeeper said with excitement: "My lord, this is not a bragging of a villain. After the invention of stir-fried vegetables, the whole Guangnan West Road is the villain's best. It's not a bragging of a villain. Even if I go to Bianliang, I can still cook by cooking." Make a lot of money with your craft..."

Huang Chun and others were laughing, snickering at first, but now they couldn't help it.

The shopkeeper gave them a confused look and said, "You can tell me what dishes you like to eat. It's not bragging. Even if the person who invented stir-fry comes forward, I... you..."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Huang Chun finally couldn't help laughing, and Zeng Gongliang who came behind also laughed.

Lao Zeng came over and everyone saluted. He sat next to Shen An and said, "When it comes to cooking skills in the Song Dynasty, An Bei is said to be the second, and no one dares to admit that he is the first. Why, An Bei doesn't cook in person today?" Get some good food..."

Zeng Gongliang smiled and said: "I have been driven by you all the way, and you have ridiculed me when I walked slowly. Now I only feel that my soul is hanging by a thread, and my life is not long. This is all your fault..."

Shen An smiled and said, "That's all."

He hurried on the road anxiously, but Lao Zeng was old, and he was a civil servant with a delicate and noble body. He had never suffered such a crime, so Shen An only did two things along the way.

Supervised the training of the Mangshan Army, from Bianliang to Yongzhou.

The second thing was to urge Lao Zeng to hurry up.

Lao Zeng now looks haggard, so skinny that his wife may not even recognize him when he comes home. At least half of it is because he was rushed out, so he is qualified to say that he was tricked by Shen An.

There was nothing going on in the southwest for the time being. Shen felt relieved and asked with a smile: "Where is the kitchen?"

The shopkeeper said with a confused look on his face: "It's just in the back, it's just a noble person..."

Why is the cooking skill number one in the Song Dynasty? Please don’t kid me, okay? Which official would be a great chef?

Huang Chun laughed so hard that Yan Baoyu couldn't help but purse his lips and tilt his head.

Zeng Gongliang looked at the shopkeeper with a dark look on his face. He didn't know where this guy got his confidence. He actually thought that his cooking skills were better than Shen An's.

"You...I just heard...you said your cooking skills are better than his?"

You are fooling me!

The shopkeeper touched his head in confusion, and then said with a silly smile: "Young man is a good cook..."

"Okay, you're awesome."

Shen An didn't feel dissatisfied and went to the kitchen and came out a quarter of an hour later.

Zeng Gongliang couldn't hold it any longer and was having a snack. When he saw him come out quickly, he said, "Don't fool me. This meal won't be good. You can stay with me later."

Shen An was anxious, so naturally he didn't want to be restrained. In addition, Zhao Zhen asked him to be optimistic about Shen An and not allow him to go into battle, so Zeng Gongliang was confident.

Shen An smiled and said, "Just eat it. What I make... even a bowl of soup cakes can make people nostalgic."

While they were talking, someone came out with a big basin. It was steaming and filled with soup noodles.

"Try it!"

Zeng Gongliang was not disappointed, because he was not greedy, but wanted to mend the rift with Shen An.

Last time, the two of them had a secret fight over the loss of goods, and he suffered a loss and was a little annoyed at the time.

But along the way, as he slowly thought about it and thought about Shen An, he felt that he shouldn't make enemies.

So he deliberately got closer to Shen An along the way. At this point, there was almost no conflict.

So delicious food was not his original intention, but after taking a bite of the soup cake, he couldn't help but praise: "It's delicious! Rich!"

The chewy hand-made noodles and the delicious mutton soup base, the key is...

"Why is it so delicious?"

Zeng Gongliang was so hungry that he didn't care about the image of his prime minister. He ate and drank a lot. Finally, he burped and smiled with his belly full: "I am very hungry, but I feel full after eating."

Xiao Gu, who was standing next to him, secretly laughed in his heart. Zeng Gongliang had just eaten two large bowls of soup cakes, which even a young man with an average appetite might not be able to compare with.

"It's just the heat."

Shen An made soy pot noodles, absorbing all the deliciousness of the mutton into the noodles, without letting Zeng Gongliang swallow his tongue, even if his skills were not good enough.

The shopkeeper was dumbfounded. After Shen An asked his subordinates to divide the bowl of noodles, he couldn't help but reach in and pick up the remaining noodle.



The shopkeeper had never tasted such delicious soup cakes. When Shen An stood up to leave with Zeng Gongliang, he boldly asked, "May I ask your noble surname?"

Shen An smiled but didn't answer.

After the group of people left the wine shop, a clerk said: "This is Shen An, Shen Dizhao..."

The shopkeeper was overjoyed when he heard this. He turned around and rushed into the back. When he came out later, he was holding a tablet.

He chased all the way out...

"Shen is waiting for the imperial edict... waiting for the imperial edict..."

Shen An and Zeng Gongliang were talking in a low voice. When they heard the sound, they turned around and saw the shopkeeper running towards them like flying.

"What's the matter?"

Shen An didn't let anyone stop him, and the shopkeeper was able to approach.

"Dai Zhao, I have eyes but no paper. I didn't even know that you were here... I learned how to cook last year, and my life in Yongzhou is better now. These are all the great kindness of Tai Zhao!" "

Brother actually helped him achieve re-employment?

And even richer.

Shen An felt secretly happy, but said calmly: "It's just a small matter, I will do your business from now on."

"Yes, the villain will definitely have a good time doing things."

The shopkeeper wanted to kowtow with tears in his eyes, but Shen An asked someone to stop him.

"Thank you very much, Daizhao. I worship Daizhao's tablet at home every day, and burn three sticks of incense every day..."

Damn it!

Shen An watched him take out the tablet, and couldn't help but react with embarrassment.

I'm still alive! You actually set up a memorial tablet?

Another fear sent shivers down his spine: Will chefs all over the world regard me as their ancestor in the future? Then every family worships...

"Anbei's merits are immeasurable and enviable!"

But Zeng Gongliang and others were envious of this, thinking that it was an official reputation.

In later generations, umbrellas were given to all people, but now they are used as offerings, with a few sticks of incense in the morning and evening, and prayers sincerely...

Then as more people worship you, you will become a god.

Shen An was extremely tangled in his heart, but he couldn't refuse this kind offer.

The results of the interrogation came out the next day.

"The Jiaozhi people gave them benefits and said that if they could capture Xiping Prefecture, they would let them govern it..."

Zeng Gongliang thought it was a bit strange, so he asked: "Do the people of Jiaozhi only do good things?"

How can such a good thing come from working so hard to build a place and then giving it away for free? Someone is going.

Wang Lun said with some disdain: "It is said that Jiaozhi wants to conquer Yongzhou, Qinzhou and other places, so naturally it will not take the small Xiping Prefecture seriously."

Xiao Gu smiled and said, "You still want to capture Yongzhou and Qinzhou?"

Everyone looked at each other, and then they didn't know who laughed first, and laughter instantly filled the hall.

Shen An didn't laugh.

Zeng Gongliang saw him looking at the map and asked, "Isn't it inappropriate?"

Shen An raised his head and said, "I feel... you have underestimated the people of Cochin."

The laughter gradually stopped and everyone gathered around the map. Shen An pointed at Xiping Prefecture and said: "Assassinating the pacifier is a big deal. If you dare to plan it, there will be a follow-up... Jiaozhi is preparing for a large-scale invasion... "

"No way..."

"Jiaozhi is not that brave."

"It would be okay if the palace attacked Xipingzhou secretly. They did it last time, but they were expelled by Song Shiyao's men...this time the army gathered in Yongzhou. They are not stupid and should not take action."

"Does Li Rizun dare to be an enemy of the Song Dynasty?"


In the midst of doubts, Shen An said: "A certain person firmly believes in the ambition, greed and cruelty of the Cochin people."

Those Cochin people are the most cruel species in the world. Once they get the opportunity, they will not hesitate to kill.

"Did they know about the Shenwei Crossbow?"

Only Wang Lun could answer Shen An's question: "Yes, there were people snooping in various camps a few days ago, and some even sneaked in and were discovered..."

"Have you caught it?"

This was Zeng Gongliang's question. Wang Lun shook his head and said: "I caught him, but the spy is very decisive. Once he is surrounded while running, he will kill himself with a knife without hesitation."

"That's a dead man."

There was fear in Xiao Gu's eyes, and he said: "A certain person has seen corpses. There is no fear in his eyes, but relief..."

This is fear, fear of an opponent who is not afraid of death.

"That's poor!"

Shen An said contemptuously: "People in Jiaozhi are poor, and they can work hard if they are given more money, that's all."


Shen An said: "What is needed most now is to send out scouts..."

There was a sound of rapid footsteps, and then a sergeant rushed in regardless of the rules.

His face turned pale and he shouted: "Xiping Prefecture is rebelling..."


Xiao Gu turned pale and asked: "Who rebelled?"

The sergeant gasped: "Everyone... has rebelled. At this moment, Xiping Prefecture is no longer owned by the Song Dynasty..."

Xiao Gu looked at Zeng Gongliang and said, "Prime Minister Zeng, this has happened."

what to do?

Zeng Gongliang stood up and walked around, with a worried look on his eyebrows: "Assassination on the front foot, rebellion on the back foot... No matter whether the assassination is successful or not, they are ready to plot rebellion... This is premeditated..."

He was hesitating, but Shen An lost his patience.

"Prime Minister Zeng, this is bait!"

Shen An analyzed: "Xiping Prefecture is Jisu Prefecture, what's the benefit of turning against it?"

The Song Dynasty didn't care about the affairs of Xiping Prefecture at all. What was the difference between rebelling and not rebelling?

"The Cochin people are taking action!"

Zeng Gongliang glanced at Shen An, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net and said appreciatively: "The official asked you to come here because you know the military..."

Everyone was stunned, and Shen An said: "It's just a Jingguan in Fuzhou. This time the people from Jiaozhi are here, just in time to try a certain demon king."

He held the handle of the knife and felt the coldness of the meteorite sword.

Zeng Gongliang straightened up and looked at Xiao Gu.

Xiao Gu nodded and said, "Xiping Prefecture is just the beginning."

The officials sent Zeng Gongliang to decide what would happen next.

Zeng Gongliang looked at Shen An again.

Shen An said coldly: "Those people in Jiaozhi should know that the Song Dynasty never lacks iron and blood. If you don't kill it, you will have a lot of heads, and you don't need the enemy's blood to dye the long sword red... How to build a kingdom in the middle? Who will admit that you are The Kingdom of the Middle..."

The first update is here. I just came back from the hospital. Please vote for me!

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