A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 413 You are so poisonous

The Shen family was partying from top to bottom.

Zhuang Laoshi stood at the door of his house, looking around majestically. The neighbors looked at him inexplicably, and some said something praising Shen An for his military exploits.

"Should there be a reward?" the neighbor asked with some curiosity.

Zhuang Laoshi said calmly: "Kai Guozi."

His left foot was trembling slowly, and the sound was almost unbearable.


The neighbors were all envious and said congratulations, but the jealousy in their eyes disappeared.

When Shen An's achievements are far away from the category of ordinary people, the jealousy will dissipate, because Shen An's back is already out of reach, and the jealousy cannot catch up.

Zhuang said honestly and reservedly: "For serving the country, any reward is only secondary. My husband doesn't care about it."

I don't care, I'm just drinking at home.

The neighbors couldn't help but sigh, thinking that if it were them, they would definitely go crazy.

It is indeed Shen An!

An unusual young man.

No, he is a young man now.

The seventeen-year-old young man was actually the founder of the country.

Of course, the children of top dignitaries and relatives of the emperor can also do it, but those people just rely on the kindness of their ancestors.

Zhuang Laoshi had enough of blustering. When he returned home to look for Shen An, he saw Shen An drinking.

Zhao Zhongzhen, Zhe Kexing, Wang Yu, plus Su Shi.

Five people were raising glasses and drinking wine from Yongzhou.

"What a drink!"

Su Shi was probably thinking up poems while shaking his head.

Wang Yu's complexion changed slightly, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

He and Su Shi seemed to have different auras, and they would target each other whenever they met.

So he changed the topic and asked: "Brother Anbei, after Jiaozhi suffered such a blow, do you dare to do it again?"

Su Shi's poetic nature was interrupted, but he was not dissatisfied. He smiled and said: "We lost 20,000 elite soldiers in the battle of Jiaozhi. Then Li Rizun will definitely take revenge. He should send reinforcements now... If someone is in the court, he will definitely go to the admonishment official's house now..."

This guy has never been exposed to government affairs yet, so he just talks nonsense.

Wang Yu said contemptuously: "The country of Jiaozhi is poor, and 20,000 elite soldiers are lost. The country will definitely be shocked. There are all kinds of overt and covert fights. Li Rizun should be very worried now. How can he have the time to take revenge..."

Su Shi glanced at him and felt that his wisdom was invincible, but because of Wang Yu's young age, he was not as knowledgeable as him: "It is more appropriate to use revenge to fight back those disputes..."

Wang Yu immediately began to refute...

The two started to quarrel, but Shen An ignored it and continued drinking with Zhe Kexing.

There isn’t much of this fine wine left.

Look, Zhe Kexing raised his head and picked up a bowl, then picked up the wine jar with one hand and poured the wine.

This guy is Jiuhai!

Shen An was helpless. When he saw Zhao Zhongzhen quietly stealing a bowl of wine and drinking it, he couldn't help but slap him in anger.

"Just a little!"

Zhao Zhongzhen felt that he had grown up, but in Shen An's eyes, he was still a minor and how could he drink.

"Your brain is still developing. Drinking too much will damage your brain. You don't want to become an idiot in the future, do you?"

Zhao Zhongzhen shook his head violently. He definitely didn't want to become an idiot.

But he felt it was unfair, so he pointed at Zhe Katsuyuki and asked, "What about Zundao? Why can he drink so much?"

Zhe Kexing put down the bowl, then stretched out his hand to wipe the wine from his chin, and said calmly: "A certain person is gifted. He can't get drunk even after drinking."

Zhao Zhongzhen was speechless, and when he looked at Shen An again, he was a little angry: "A certain person is already fourteen years old."

Shen An snatched the bowl from his hand and said disdainfully: "A certain person almost didn't drink alcohol before he was sixteen years old. That's poison, do you understand? It will corrode your stomach wall and brain."

At this time, Su Shi lost the debate with Wang Yu and asked: "Anbei, tell me, Jiaozhi will come to take revenge."


Shen An suddenly wanted to smoke a cigarette, and then assumed the posture of a philosopher thinking.

"To analyze a country's actions, the first thing to look at is the government. Li Rizun was a heroic young man, and after he ascended the throne, he also went on conquests, so he had a strong control over the government..."

This analysis made Wang Yu nodded frequently, and then gave Su Shi a provocative look.

Shen An smiled and said: "This kind of people are tough, but the loss of 20,000 elite soldiers will hurt him, and... the Song Dynasty defeated him with more than 20,000 with more than 10,000, this is what scares Li Rizun. "

Su Shi lost, but he praised: "Elite soldiers versus elite soldiers, the Jiaozhi people were defeated. Well, it's heart-wrenching... I have something..."

He stood up and walked around in circles, looking confident.

Wang Yu's face was full of black lines. He won the argument, but Su Shi was immediately ready to counterattack him with poetry.

Poetry... I can't beat this Su Shi!

I don’t know how this person’s mind works. Poems are like worthless things, not in strands, but in streams, gushing out like a mountain spring.

"write down."

Shen An asked someone to bring a pen and paper and asked Su Shi to write down the lyrics he had just written.

Su Shi asked: "What is it used for?"

He didn't think his poems and words were valuable, so he was very puzzled.

Shen An said with a serious face: "I have been in the southwest for so long, Guoguo's handwriting has become more and more outrageous. Use your calligraphy to make a copybook for her."

These words were very sincere, and the image of a brother with a headache and a naughty sister came to life.

Su Shi was very touched. His elder brother died when he was two years old, so he had never experienced the feeling of having an elder brother.

So he cheered up and wrote three copies in a row. If he said it was not enough, he would just say it.

"Enough is enough."

Shen An said with a sigh on his face: "I am an eldest brother like a father, but I have worked hard for him."

Su Shi said nonchalantly: "It's just a few words. I write a lot every day."

You know shit!

What you wrote is not valuable, what is valuable is the original poems.

Think about it, thirty years later, Su Shi's original works were already very valuable. His friends even corresponded with Su Shi just to eat mutton, and each time they sold his replies. Eat and drink.

What about another hundred years?

What about two hundred years?

What about a thousand years?

Damn it!


Shen An put these words away, and then looked at the people in the room, with golden light shining in his eyes.

The value of the characters of Zhe Kexing and Wang Yu is much different.

Zhao Zhongzhen...

This is a top boss!

The emperor's royal pen has a future.

I'm getting rich!

Su Shi is preparing for the exam. In August, he will go to Mi Pavilion to take the exam, but he still dares to come to support Shen An, which shows his confidence.

"To distill."

Su Shi was drunk in the end, but he kept thinking about distilling the water he drank.

"Don't distill it, it will cause problems over time."

Drinking pure water for a long time is not a good thing.

"Then...what should I drink? I'm afraid of painful urination."

People who have never had urinary tract stones don't know how painful it is, but Shen An feels the same way.

"Filter it."

After the dissuasion failed, Shen An had no choice but to give up the idea.

After returning to Beijing, Shen An did not go out, as if he was resting.

But this time he returned with great honor and was no longer alone. Zhao Yunrang took the lead in sending the invitation.

"Brother An Bei, Weng Weng also invited a lot of clan members, thinking..."

"Want to launch it solemnly?"

Zhao Zhongzhen nodded, feeling ashamed.

Lao Zhao invited members of the clan to the banquet to introduce Shen An solemnly.

You idiots have seen it clearly. From now on, this kid will be protected by me. If anyone dares to sneer, I will kill him.

This kills two birds with one stone, and incidentally leaves a mark on Shen An.

This is a member of my old Zhao family, no one can think of poaching.

That's why Zhao Zhongzhen felt ashamed and felt that his grandfather's decision without asking Shen An was too much.


Shen An said generously: "Brothers, why are you talking about this?"

Just mark it, Shen An couldn't wait to do it. Moreover, this move also made Zhao Zhongzhen feel ashamed. This is the benefit!

Shen An thought for a while, and finally took a jar of Yongzhou wine as a gift and brought Guoguo as a guest.

Upon arriving at the county prince's palace, Gao Taotao sent someone to pick up Guoguo, but the person who came was Zhao Zhongzhen's sister.

Zhao Qianyu held Guoguo, looked up at Shen An, and asked curiously: "Mr. Shen, they say you are a demon king who likes to kill people. You have to eat...eat..."


Shen An was a little happy to be talked about by the little girl.

Zhao Qianyu nodded and asked, "Can I eat it?"

Who the hell spread this rumor?

I don’t eat human flesh!

Shen An said seriously: "That's a rumor. A certain person eats the same food as you."

"Oh! Then I'll be relieved."

The little girl was blessed and then led Guoguo to the backyard.

Shen An ordered: "Go back and investigate to see who is spreading the rumors."

Chen Luo behind him responded.

Shen An was led in, and when he arrived outside the banquet hall, he saw more than ten people talking, all of whom were quite young. There were some young people nearby, gathering in twos and threes.

"Shen An is here."


It suddenly became quiet outside, and all eyes glanced over.

Shen An saw Zhao Yunbi, saw Zhao Yunliang...

These are Zhao Yunrang's brothers.

Everyone around them is the next generation. Zhao Zongjiang is here, and Zhao Zongshi is also here, which is very rare.

Zhao Yunliang became more and more like an immortal, and he said calmly: "Today Yun Rang is hosting a banquet for you, and I asked me and others to come. Do you know why?"

This old guy is not a good bird.

Naturally, Shen An didn't pay attention to such a powerful killing weapon. He said casually: "It is said that the king of the county has got some good beef. I guess he has the delicious food and does not forget his brothers. He is indeed a role model in the clan!"


Beef is a taboo for ordinary people, but people in the clan can eat it anytime they want. So mentioning beef on this occasion is like asking how many wallets a virgin has for one night at the banquet of the top rich in future generations.

Shame on you!

Food and beauty have always been standard features for the top rich.

Zhao Yunliang originally thought that Shen An would be grateful and show some gratitude with tears in his eyes, and then he would say something like "Zhao Yunrang is trying to win over Shen An, and his plans are not small."

The relationship between Shen An and Zhao Yunrang's family couldn't be better. Naturally, these words are of little use and are just disgusting.

But when Zhao Zhen decides who will be his successor, this factor will be amplified.

In the official family, Zhao Yunrang has long been ambitious.

These negative impressions gather into a river bit by bit, which can gradually reverse the situation.

But Shen An didn't act according to common sense at all, and his words turned them all into gluttons and ricers.

yes! Is this guy actually mocking us? !

They say that our clan members are just idlers, doing nothing but living a good life.

Zhao Yunliang rolled his eyes and said: "I am watching the Song Dynasty. If the officials speak, I will be strong and brave and fight for the officials..."

These words resonated, and the clan members expressed their opinions one after another, saying that Zhao Zhen was right in front of them.

But even if they are not in front of you, UU Reading www.uuknshu.net Everyone’s comments today will be sent to Zhao Zhen’s case later.

This is what the Imperial City Division is all about.

Shen An looked around. The servants looked very honest, but no one knew who was the spy of the Imperial City Division.

He sighed, causing everyone to look over, and then said: "Of course we are the ones who are wearing strong armor and strong swords. How can Prince Huayuan still break into the palace with a long sword?"

Damn it!

Everyone immediately took a few steps back, leaving Zhao Yunliang, who was messy in the wind, at the front.

Breaking into the palace with a long sword...Are you planning to rebel?

Zhao Yunliang just wanted to show his loyalty, but he didn't expect that Shen An would distract him and think of rebellion.

You are so poisonous!

The third update is here, good night.

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