The miscellaneous studies have been settled in Taixue since they first appeared, and they have not been prominent. They are very low-key.

The only time it shined was the negative pressure experiment, which was transformed by the people of Bianliang and made countless tricks, which were used as tricks for children to play. Some people even use this experiment to pretend to be a ghost and deceive people out of money. Kaifeng Prefecture launched an attack and arrested dozens of people. It is said that they were all driven to the northwest.

Thinking of the ending of the negative pressure experiment, Shen An's heart couldn't help but feel cold.

The two Su Shi brothers were holding back laughter.

"An Bei... this miscellaneous scholar is actually... omnipotent?"

Aren't you doing a great dance, are you?

Su Zhe was kinder and cheered his brother, and then said: "I saw that Zhongzhen and the others really liked learning this, and I think there is something extraordinary about it... Anbei just said that the most important thing for the Song Dynasty to do now is to increase production. I take it for granted that if there were such a question in the royal examination, I would definitely write it down."

This is comfort.

Su Shi even patted his chest and said, "No matter whether there is such a question or not, I can write it in, and I guarantee it will be perfect."

How do you describe this ability?

Great talent!

Only those who have mastered writing and poetry can have this confidence.

Shen Pian accepted the comfort from the two brothers, and then said with a smile: "I am getting some treasures. After your imperial examination is over, I will go to the village to have a look."

Then comes the Royal Examination, which is more difficult than the Six Treatises.

After the exam, the Su Shi brothers felt light all over and came to see Shen An.

"My husband went to Zhuangzi outside the city."

The two brothers went to Zhuangzi outside the city, asking questions all the way, and finally found Shen An in the fields.

At this moment, Shen An was standing at the edge of the field. There was a large vat beside it, and a group of farmers were listening to him.

"...This is concentrated fertilizer, mixed with soil to ensure a bumper wheat harvest in the coming year."

A group of farmers looked troubled, obviously not believing Shen An's words.

This is to not spread the word without seeing the benefit.

Shen An wasn't angry either, and said with a smile, "Come and try it yourself."

An old farmer came over and reached into the jar and took out a handful of the so-called concentrated fertilizer. He sniffed it, nodded slightly and said, "It's interesting."

Of course it’s interesting. I want to use this to increase the income of farmers in the Song Dynasty!

When the old farmer brought the concentrated fertilizer to his mouth and licked it, Shen An couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

There are all kinds of feces, animal offal... there are also insecticides in it, even in trace amounts, but after these things are fermented, Shen An doesn't know what kind of weird bacteria are in them, let alone whether they will be harmful if eaten. People will die.

The old farmer blinked, thought about it for a moment, and said, "I think... it's better without excrement."

At this time, it was very common to use manure to fertilize fields. Old farmers said that it would be better without manure...

Shen An retched and said, "Follow X's instructions. If production is reduced, X will cover everything."

The old farmer's eyes became cunning and he said: "Mr. Lang, do you want to give me money or grain? If you give me money..."

"Whatever you want."

Shen An's eyes widened, and he pointed to the workshop in the distance and said, "Do you see it? Sir, I'm not short of money. I have plenty of money. Don't worry about defaulting on your debt. So be bold and make up for whatever you lose."

"Thank you, sir."

This husband is so... heroic!

There was more joy in the old farmer's eyes, and he shouted: "Everyone works!"

There is not much fertilizer in this tank, even if it is concentrated fertilizer, it can only be applied to a few acres of land.

Su Shi watched the farmers begin to apply fertilizer and asked curiously: "Anbei, what is this?"

"Golden Fat Pill!"

The air was filled with the smell of fertilizer, and Shen An said intoxicatedly: "With the Golden Fertilizer Pill, you don't have to worry about not having enough food. Where there is a lack of food, where the land is thin, where the people are suffering...then use gold Fat Dan..."

Wang Yu felt that this matter was a bit unreliable, so he asked: "Brother Anbei, what is the meaning of this golden fat pill?"

"Microorganisms ferment, then decompose those things and release heat energy... If you don't believe it, if you touch it, it's definitely still hot. This is miscellaneous science."

He glanced at the two Su Shi brothers, thinking about their surprise when there was a good harvest next year...

Brother will let you know what knowledge is!

Everyone shook their heads, thinking that it was either feces or internal organs. It was disgustingly dirty.

"Come and touch me."

Su Shi was not afraid of this. He rolled up his sleeves carelessly, then reached in and looked down. He raised his head and said, "It's hot."

"It's just hot."

Su Shi raised his hand, and there were several thick earthworms hanging on his hand, which looked particularly eye-catching.

"what is that?"

Su Shi turned his head and took a look, and was so frightened that he jumped up.


He waved his hands wildly and threw the earthworm away, but it flew towards Shen An and the others.

Zhao Zhongzhen squatted down cleverly, Shen An teleported behind Zhe Kexing, Zhe Kexing waved indifferently, and an earthworm was intercepted...

Wang Yu's reaction was a little slow, and when he was about to avoid it, the earthworm was already here.

He stood there blankly, and the earthworm landed on his shoulder.

This earthworm was full of energy and jumped into his chest...



It was extremely hot in Bianliang in early autumn. The cicadas screamed desperately, and pedestrians hid under the eaves while walking.

Recently, Zhao Zhen's tone has become a little looser, saying that he can take the clan's children into the palace if necessary, which caused a burst of cheers from the outside world.

The Emperor of the Song Dynasty needed an heir, and no one would feel at ease without an heir.

Shen An was looking at the palace. He didn't know what the problem was with Zhao Zhen's body, and he couldn't solve it for him.

Because Zhao Zhen started taking pills again.

"This is your own fault!"

Shen An walked slowly along Yu Street and suddenly stopped.

There were three people in front of them, and they were acquaintances.

Zhao Yunbi, Zhao Yunliang, Zhao Zongjiang.

The three of them wanted to enter the restaurant, but Zhao Zongjiang spotted Shen An and whispered, and the three of them looked over at the same time.

Zhao Yunbi's face darkened, and he smiled and said, "Are you looking for a way out for Thirteenth Lang?"

These words were somewhat harsh, implying that Zhao Zongzhen was now in a state of panic.

Shen An smiled and said: "The prince is... raising the stakes again?"


The guy who came out to greet me couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

The last time there was a fire in the Beihai County Prince's Mansion, Zhao Yunbi was so excited that he called me a few times and lifted it up again. Then Shen An asked people to spread the news, and was made a joke by the people of Bianliang.

Today, Shen An's old story was brought up again, which immediately angered Zhao Yunbi.

He walked over and whispered: "If Thirteenth Lang doesn't succeed... you will be in trouble. I will wait to see your fate..."

If Zhao Zongshi fails to get promoted, the whole family will be suppressed, and Shen An, as a member of the group, will probably be thrown into an official position in some ungrateful place, and will never come back.

This is the battle for inheritance.

Shen An said with a smile: "I'm afraid that the prince wants to push the Huayuan prince and his family out, so that he can sow discord from behind. When the time comes, he will jump to the front desk... for example, get the emperor's younger brother or something. …”

"You are so slanderous!"

Zhao Yunbi's eyes became stern and he shouted: "How dare you slander me? I will naturally ask the officials to make the decision."

Shen An said disdainfully: "Go ahead, but if you don't, you will be my grandson!"

He walked away, and Zhao Yunliang and his son, who listened for a while, had expressionless faces.

Zhao Yunbi smiled and said: "No one can match this kid's ability to sow discord. Let's not be fooled, otherwise he will get proud again."

Zhao Yunliang nodded in agreement, and Zhao Zongjiang smiled and said: "Who would appreciate his little tricks? Don't worry about him."

After entering the private room of the restaurant, Zhao Yunbi showed his ferocious expression: "If it can be done, well..."

He raised his hand and waved it, a sharp look flashed in his eyes.

Zhao Yunliang shook his head and said: "Although I hate him to the core, the ancestral rules are here, and he has made many meritorious deeds, so he cannot be killed. At most, he will be thrown into an official position somewhere and will not be allowed to enter the capital for the rest of his life."

This is the current mode of struggle, which does not involve life and death.

Zhao Yunbi sighed: "This is pedantic! When a man is alive, he should be happy with his grudges. Zong Jiang, don't you think so?"

Zhao Zongjiang hesitated for a moment, but then said: "We will discuss this matter later."

There was a look of disdain in Zhao Yunbi's eyes, but it flashed away, and then he smiled and said: "That's all, let's wait until the matter is completed."

Both families are the prince's palace. In order to avoid suspicion, they can't go to the palace for frequent gatherings, so they discuss things outside...

They were discussing things in low voices. After Shen An returned home, she called Huang Chun...

"Brother Chun, are there any people who are capable of spreading rumors?"

"Yes, a lot."

Huang Chun said proudly: "There were many in the Mangshan Army... those boys in those days peeked at women bathing and fought with others... they often got into trouble. In order not to be punished by their parents, most of them lied like drinking water."

They are all really talented!

Shen An felt that the Mangshan Army was more like a scum concentration camp.

"Ask someone to send a message, and say that Zhao Yunbi is ambitious and wants to push Zhao Yunliang and his son forward and beat him up, while he shrinks back and becomes a fisherman..."

Huang Chun nodded in agreement, and soon there were more rumors in Bianliang City.

"Do you know? The King of Beihai that Zhao Yunbi."

"I know! Isn't he the one who said he wouldn't lift it last time..."

"Yes, that's him."

"What's wrong with this man? Could it be that he was lifted?"

"Jiu? This man is shady. He is now coaxing Huayuan County Prince and his son. The father and son are also stupid, and they were actually coaxed by him to make a fuss... But the officials don't like people who make a fuss, saying they are villains. "

"What? Wouldn't that harm Prince Huayuan?"

"Isn't that right? That man...some people say he is a sinister person!"


Rumors spread for a while outside. Someone got the news and quickly reported it to Zhao Yunbi and Zhao Yunliang.

"Prince, there is talk from outside..."

"say what?"

Zhao Yunbi drank a lot of wine with Zhao Yunliang and his son today, and they were a little bit ready to move, thinking about which woman would be lucky to have him today.

"Say you... say you don't lift..."


Zhao Yunbi was furious and shouted: "Hold him and beat him!"

The visitor panicked and shouted: "Your Majesty, please spare your life. This is what those people outside said. I am just passing it on, I don't dare to add or subtract..."

Zhao Yunbi stood up and cursed: "Hurry up and say it."

The visitor said eagerly: "You said you had some mental disorder because of your inaction. No, it was a twisted mind... Then you wanted to encourage Huayuan County Prince and his son to disrupt Zhao Zongshi's way to the palace, and wanted them to both lose. In the end you... …You will benefit from it.”

The visitor took a peek at Zhao Yunbi and saw that his face was all red and his body was swaying.

"Beast! Beast..."

Zhao Yunbi went to Zhao Yunliang and his son angrily, but was rejected.

Menzi said expressionlessly: "My county prince said that recently, my heart has been so hot that I shouldn't have done it. So I have to fast for three days and not see any outsiders. If the prince has anything to do, please leave a message and I will tell my prince later." .”

Are your hearts burning?

You are someone who wants to compete for the throne, UU Reading How dare you say that you have no ordinary heart?

Zhao Yunliang was frightened by the rumors, so he pretended to be nice.

But what about me?

Zhao Yunbi looked at the idle men on the left and right, and then cursed in a low voice: "I came to the wrong place."

He smiled and said: "I found a good book and wanted to discuss it. Now that I've gone without food, that's all."

As he spoke, he reached out and touched his sleeve, and actually pulled out a book.

He turned around and left with a smile. His posture and expression were flawless, but the hand hidden in his sleeve had already deformed the end of the book.

First update, please vote for me.

Today, Thursday, I went to the hospital for a follow-up visit. The effect this week is not good, I don’t feel very good.

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