A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 442: Really fragrant, theft

"Langjun knows how to train troops!"

The village soldiers answered neatly, and Shen An felt proud and said: "Let's go back and practice hard. There will be more and more of us in the future. When the time comes, we will rush to the north and take back Youyan's hometown!"

Zhong E couldn't help but sneered, thinking that you were talking shamelessly about rushing to the north, but when Emperor Taizong led a group of arrogant soldiers who were invincible in the Central Plains, he led the Northern Expedition, and in the end it was not a complete defeat. Ω ΔRead the book GeWwW. ΩkanΩshuge. co

There are only about a hundred people under your command, and there are not as many guards as the rich and powerful. The slogan of taking back Youyan's hometown is just a joke.

"Let's practice, let's have enough food and wine tonight!"

Shen An turned around and saw Zhong E. He cupped his hands and said, "Do you want to give me some advice, Deputy Zhong?"

What an idiot!

This man really doesn’t want to take revenge overnight!

Zhong E's face moved slightly and he said: "Those fierce soldiers are almost invincible in the northwest. I am very curious about how your country soldiers can defeat them."

"Just watch."

This area was a training ground. Under Huang Chun's urging, the rural soldiers began to get into position and then rushed out one by one.

I'll run until you're out of breath first.

These country soldiers ran as if they were playing, but this did not make Zhong E feel novel.

Later, there are obstacles of various difficulties, but this is of little use to the soldiers rushing into the battle.

"Is that all?"

Zhong E's provocation method didn't work, and Shen An ignored him.

Later, the country soldiers all put on armor and started fighting one by one.

After just watching for a while, Zhong E felt a chill running down his spine, and the contempt he had felt just now disappeared.

The movements of those rural soldiers seemed very simple, but their moves went straight to the point.

Then there was weapon training, but it was just a wooden sword.

"Quick enough!"

Zhonge just gave this evaluation. It seems very simple, but it is filled with fear.

Only those who have experienced battle formations know that all tricks are deceptive. The battle in battle formations is about who is faster.

With sharp fists and kicks, and even sharper swordsmanship, such a country soldier can still dominate even if he is placed in the most powerful place in the northwest.

When he saw a country soldier slash his opponent's armor with lightning speed, and his opponent screamed, Zhong E sighed: "Is this a country soldier?"

Holding a wooden sword and making the opponent hide behind the armor scream... Is this a country soldier?

You are fooling me!

According to later generations, these are all soldiers-king-like beings. How dare you call them country soldiers?

If these were rural soldiers, then the so-called forbidden army would probably become helpless common people.

Shen An said in surprise: "These are the rural soldiers who my father trained in Xiongzhou."

Shen Bian! I am making a name for you. May you rest in peace.

There was more fear in Zhong'e's eyes, "Are you a civil servant?"

Will civilian officials train the army?

If they don't know how to knit, they will just hide in the room, and then strategize to win the battle thousands of miles away. They are called famous generals by Niubi.

But Zhonge was a warrior and looked down upon those so-called famous generals. Even the famous general Han Qi was just a joke in his eyes.

Will civil servants rush into battle to kill the enemy?

They can only compete with each other with long swords, and when the enemy comes, they will be frightened and wet their pants.

Shen An nodded seriously and said: "Shen started out as a civil servant, or was he selected by His Majesty himself. Shen taught many students in Taixue, and his last exam in Taixue shocked the world, so do you think Shen is a civil servant?"

Zhong E is speechless.

This man's humanistic ability is famous all over the world, and his martial arts makes his enemies fear him and call him the devil.

Why would such a person... be friends with the Zhe family?


That boy is so lucky to be able to make friends with such young talents.

Zhong E suddenly thought of a good way, that is, marriage.

I remember that there are several girls of the same age in the family. If the marriage is successful, wouldn't it become a family?

He thought it was a good idea, and when he was about to test it out, a group of people came from a distance.

"Dai Zhao... The villain said that the sun is shining brightly today, and it turns out that it was Tai Zhao who came here."

"I have seen Taizhao. I dare to ask Taizhao, maybe he can put more goods this time? I have sold all my home in Gaoli, and also sold my women. If I can't bring more goods back this time, I'm afraid... I can only hang myself in Bianliang."

"Waiting for the order, the villain has borrowed a lot of loan sharks. If he can't get the goods...those will kill people."


A group of businessmen surrounded Shen An, talking about their sufferings. Some even knelt on the ground and cried: "Wai Zhao, if we don't give more goods this time, the villain's wife will run away with someone else." ”

Damn it!

Seeing the man's face covered with snot and saliva from crying, Zhong'e was so distraught that he couldn't help but sigh: "This business is so difficult!"

It is indeed difficult, so difficult that you will be cuckolded.

Shen An frowned and said, "I'm afraid there will be one more businessman this time..."

The businessmen became angry when they heard this, "Who is it?"

Who dares to compete with us?

The grief-stricken businessman just now had a fierce look on his face, and his eyes were wandering around, as if he was about to be cuckolded.

Businessmen pursue profit and can abandon everything for this purpose.

Shen An smiled: "He is from Jiaozhi."

"A land of barbarians! Do they also know how to appreciate the refreshing fragrance? I'm afraid they are a waste of natural resources."

The North Korean businessman said harshly: "And they are just at war with the Song Dynasty. Such a cunning country should be excluded..."


With the sound of coughing, Li Bai came.

"I've seen the imperial edict."

He was instigated by his men. The men went to get the fragrance, and when they came back they were intoxicated, saying that the fragrance could only be found in heaven, and they would definitely make a lot of money if they took it back.

"This is Li Bai, the envoy of Jiaozhi."

Li Bai just cupped his hands casually, looking a little arrogant.

Jiaozhi is located in a remote place, surrounded by the Song Dynasty and Champa City. If the Liao Kingdom and Xixia want to deal with them, they must either go by sea or kill the Song Dynasty first.

So he is confident.

If you have the ability, just defeat Da Song.

Then we will play together in the old forest.

"Inspect the goods for him!"

Following Shen An's instructions, someone brought a bottle of fragrant dew and put some on Li Bai's pulse.

A strong aroma came, gradually became lighter, and then became elegant...

What a good thing!

If you take it back home, those noble ladies will go crazy.

Li Bai felt it calmly, and was about to say that it was just ordinary, but he found that the eyes of the businessmen around him were wrong.

Why does he look so much like a wild wolf?

He said calmly: "Wai Zhao, the price must be lower!"

Bargaining was his instinct, and he felt that this thing shouldn't be worth that much.

"keep it."

Shen An put his hands behind his back and went elsewhere, not planning to talk to Li Bai anymore.

Li Bai was dumbfounded, thinking that this is not the way you do business!

If you are not satisfied, just speak up!

While he was wondering whether Shen An was showing off, those businessmen had already pounced on him, their eyes flashing with something familiar to him.

He knew some big businessmen in Cochin, and those big businessmen had this look every time they wanted to take advantage.

Damn it!

I was wrong!

This stuff is so popular that it can kill people!

"Waiting for an edict, someone is wrong!"

Li Bai rushed over like lightning and grabbed Shen An's clothes.


Yan Baoyu slapped his hand off. Li Bai ignored this and said with a smile, "I'm waiting for the order. If you want something, I will definitely get it."

Shen An said calmly: "Fragrant dew will be reduced by 20% for him."

Those businessmen's eyes shone brightly and they cheered: "The edict is wise!"

Li Bai felt regretful. At this moment, he had forgotten his duty as a messenger and was only thinking about making money.

Why was I so reserved just now!

20%, looking at the appearance of such a businessman, this is obviously a huge profit!

He looked at his hand that was starting to swell, ignoring the pain, and thinking about how to get more goods.

This is the beginning.

In the distance, people from the Imperial City Division were smiling. They felt that this was a big fish worth slowly baiting.

Then there were breast cups and other things, which dazzled him even more. Thinking about the women at home wearing this...

No more talking, hurry up and get ready and go back early.

Shen An was in a good mood after successfully completing a deal. After returning home, he summoned his brothers to hold a banquet to celebrate.

He gradually began to drink now, but he drank less.

Zhe Kexing is a wine barrel, Su Shi is an alcoholic, Wang Yu's face becomes paler the more he drinks, Zhao Zhongzhen drinks secretly...

In the end, everyone was drunk, and they were carried in and their bodies were stretched out.

After breakfast the next day, Shen An was about to get close to his father-in-law when Huang Chun appeared quietly behind him.

"Lang Jun, someone sneaked into the workshop in the early morning and was captured by the brothers."

Shen An was shocked, but didn't show it.

When the group arrived at Zhuangzi outside the city, Shen An saw the two intruders who were covered in bruises.

The two men looked up at Shen An feebly, then lowered their heads and said nothing.

"What's the origin?"

Shen An waved his hand and rejected the chair brought by Huang Chun. Yan Baoyu said: "Lang Jun, these two people said they are from Zhujiazhuang. They were ordered to find out the formula of fragrant dew last night and want to imitate it."

From the time Xianglu was brought out by Shen An to now, the coveting eyes have never stopped. However, the workshop used to be in the city, so those people were wary of it.

Now that the workshop has been moved to Zhuangzi outside the city, Shen An has been waiting for this day to arrive.

He took the wooden stick, lifted a man's chin, and asked, "Who is behind Zhujiazhuang?"

The man shook his head and said, "I don't know. It's just that the steward Yang Yong ordered the villain to come and inquire."


Shen An hit the man's face with a stick. When the face swelled rapidly, he said angrily: "Sneaking into the workshop to spy? This is a raid!"

The man was screaming, but when he heard this, he couldn't help shouting in panic: "Please forgive me, I really came here to inquire, I don't dare to make a surprise attack, I don't dare!"

Inquiring means sneaking in, while raiding has the tendency to kill people, so the handling is naturally different.

Shen An stood up and said, "Where is Zhujiazhuang?"

"It's less than ten miles northwest of the city."

Huang Chun couldn't hold it any longer, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net suggested; "Lang Jun, please report to the official?"

His eyes were rolling, and he looked like he wanted to do it himself.

But what would Shen An choose?

"Reply a damn official!"

Shen An said with bright eyes: "These two sneaked in in the middle of the night. They must be waiting for news over there. If they go late, they won't even be able to catch a hair. If fifty brothers follow, we will raid immediately!"

Half an hour later, Zhujiazhuang was right in front of him.

There is no life in the ground now, so Zhuangzi looks lifeless.

"lead the way!"

The two men were gagged and their hands were tied with a rope, and one end of the rope was held in the hands of the soldiers, like herding sheep.

Everyone entered Zhuangzi, and when they saw the most neat and tidy courtyard, Shen An no longer needed them to lead the way. He said with a ferocious smile: "Come in! Those who resist with weapons will have their legs broken!"

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