A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 449: The water in Peach Blossom Pond is 0 feet deep, which is not as good as Anbei’s treatme

Gambling houses have existed in Bianliang for a long time. They colluded with the inspection department, and some even had the backing of powerful people or wealthy businessmen.

They opened the gambling house in a remote place. If there was any disturbance, the people from the inspection department would come back immediately to report the situation, which would be enough time for them to escape calmly.

The house was rented, so it looked a little dilapidated and hadn't been cleaned up much.

In this dilapidated courtyard, various handicaps are made every day, and countless money is flowing.

Even Zhao Yunbi's staff came, and there were a few men in gorgeous clothes...

So more than a hundred taels of silver is really nothing.

"Which crotch was not closed properly and let this dog out!"

Deng Jie's sneer suddenly turned into rage.

"Shameless villain!"

As soon as he pointed his halberd at Shen An, Chen Luo smiled ferociously and said, "If you don't let go, I will twist your fingers off."

Deng Jie subconsciously put down his hand, and then said angrily: "You can't hide your slander against the king from the world. Your reputation is like the water in the gutter. Sooner or later, you will be infamous."

This is the power of words, and Zhao Zhongzhen's eyes became colder.

You succeeded in leaving a deep impression on the future emperor.

Shen An observed three seconds of silence for this guy, then smiled and said, "How much do you want to bet?"

"Thousand Guan!"

Deng Jie said proudly: "Li Er, can you trust me?"

Second brother Li laughed and said with a smile: "If the county prince's palace says something, it is just a trivial matter."

One of your staff members said that you can't believe it. You are taking the initiative to add to the drama and think too much.

Shen An asked mischievously: "Li Er, can you trust me?"

Brother Li frowned and said, "Dare you ask the guest's name..."

Chen Luo said from the side: "My husband is a Hanlin waiting for imperial edicts, an Imperial College storyteller..."

Brother Li immediately held up his hands and said, "It turns out it's Shen Daizhao. I'm rude. Within 100,000 yuan, Daizhao can only talk."

Bianliang is the only one among the young Hanlins who are waiting for imperial edicts and imperial edicts to write stories.

Damn it!

Deng Jie, you can't believe it, but Shen An said you can get credit on credit within 100,000 yuan. What do you mean?

Everyone looked at Deng Jie and felt that the slap in the face was a bit severe.

However, Shen An is sitting on Xianglu, and the money he earns every year can drive people crazy. One hundred thousand yuan is really nothing.

Deng Jie said embarrassedly: "How much can you bet?"

Shen An glanced at the void and was instantly possessed by the God of Gamblers. He said calmly: "As much as you bet, Shen will be the one... No money? As long as Zhao Yunbi says a word, I will lend it to you."

Deng Jie stamped his foot and said, "Just wait."

He ran away in a flash. Shen An suddenly felt uninterested and said casually: "Who said Zizhan didn't dare to place a bet before?"

Brother Li coughed dryly and said, "The brother below made a mistake."

Shen An said with a smile: "One hundred thousand dollars, do you dare to accept it?"

Brother Li looked solemn and said with a forced smile, "I know what I want to know. If I don't accept the offer, I'm afraid the villain's gambling house will lose its credibility... But if I accept it, the villain doesn't have the qualifications."

"Then ask the person behind you."

It felt so good to spend money, and Shen An complained: "There's no tea either. Go and get some good wine and some braised vegetables."

Is this guy here to gamble or drink and talk nonsense?

The gamblers were all laughing secretly, but when Brother Li handed over his hand and said he was going to ask for instructions, they couldn't laugh anymore.

The bet of 100,000 yuan never appeared in Bianliang.

Today is going to be an eye-opener!

No wonder Brother Li didn't dare to take the fight. Once he loses, the person behind him will cut him into pieces.

It was Deng Jie who came back first later, and he also brought two big men.

"Where is Li Er?"

Deng Jie asked coldly.

"Yo! This is a big bet!"

"Mr. Deng, how much?"

Deng Jie glanced at Shen An and said with a smile: "Not much, just 30,000 guan."


Thirty thousand guan?

This is a huge sum of money, and the county prince's palace must have taken out the money.

If they lose, the Beihai County Prince's Palace may have to tighten their belts and live a hard life for several years.

He looked at Shen An and said provocatively: "Su Shi, third class, do you dare?"

Someone on the side exclaimed: "Third class? Since the founding of the Song Dynasty, only Wu Yu has been able to pass the third class. This... must lose."

"It's too cruel. If Shen An takes it, it's thirty thousand dollars! If he loses thirty thousand dollars, he will have to vomit blood no matter how rich he is."

"Of course he won't accept this bet!"


Listening to these discussions, Deng Jie couldn't help but think of what Zhao Yunbi said just now.

——It is more difficult to pass the third class in the Imperial Examination than to pass the first prize. Although Su Shi was talented, the officials would not easily award the third class to others, so he killed the third class. Later, he said that I wanted to go out. Let Shen An be embarrassed.

He stood up for his brother, but in the end he was so frustrated that he didn't dare to make a bet. This person is a fierce person but a soft person at heart! Not worthy of reuse!

Zhao Yunbi was suffering at home, and he wanted to give Shen An a stick when he was idle.

And if you can win, it will be 30,000 yuan, which is a huge sum of money!

At this time, Brother Li came back. He raised his hands to Shen An and said, "My master said, one hundred thousand guan is not a suitable bet. No matter whether you win or lose, it will hurt the harmony. So my master said, 50,000 guan, no matter you win or lose, it will be a bad bet." Think of it as making a friend.”


Shen An didn't expect that a guy who ran a gambling house could be so generous, so he smiled and said: "That's fine, let's make a bet, and Shen will make the bet."

Naturally, it is impossible to bring 50,000 yuan in cash, so a contract is required.

Brother Li smiled and said: "The master of the family said that when the Zhao family has a great cause, fifty thousand guan is just a small thing, there is no need to leave any words..."

Leaving words behind is leaving evidence. Judging from Deng Jie's appearance, he clearly hopes to get the deed signed by Shen An and then use it to impeach someone.

This is releasing kindness!

Shen An smiled and said, "That's fine."

The two parties calmly completed a goodwill release, and Deng Jie shouted: "Li Er, come and take a look. This is the signature of the steward of the county prince's palace."

Deng Jie went over to take a look and asked, "How much do you want?"

Deng Jie gritted his teeth and said, "Thirty thousand strings."

Brother Li nodded and said: "The name of the county prince's palace is worth 30,000 yuan, so I will take it and be the middle man."

Deng Jie looked at Shen An: "Dare you, or don't you dare? I'm waiting for you to say something!"

Shen An said calmly: "Do you dare to take three hundred thousand guan?"

Deng Jie sneered: "Do you have 300,000 yuan?"

Not long after the fragrant dew was sold to foreign merchants on a large scale, Shen An's family property definitely did not exceed 300,000 yuan.

Shen An smiled and Chen Luo said: "As long as my husband goes out and asks for 300,000 yuan, wealthy merchants from Bianliang will flock to them. They don't even want interest, just asking for more fragrant dew to sell... Do you think Who are you?"

Deng Jie's face turned red and he said angrily: "Do you dare to do it with 30,000 guan?"

It was really easy for Shen An to mobilize 300,000 yuan, but Deng Jie didn't dare to accept it.

Even if he thought he was sure to win, he still wouldn't dare.

"Is Prince Beihai really so cowardly?"

Shen An did not forget to taunt Zhao Yunbi, and then said: "Third class? I accepted."

Su Shi's heart was instantly surrounded by warmth.

The difficulty of obtaining the third level of science is probably equivalent to a beggar suddenly winning 100 million.

I’m not talking about luck here, just the difficulty.

So no one is optimistic about Su Shi, but Shen An is willing to bet 80,000 yuan that he will pass the third level. What is this?

This is friendship!

At this moment, Su Shi only thought of one poem, a very simple poem.

——The water in Peach Blossom Pond is a thousand feet deep, and it is not as good as Anbei’s treatment of me.

Zhao Zhen has been in a bad mood in recent days and has been a bit taciturn.

The people in the palace knew why, so no one bothered him.

The sonless emperor was very melancholy.

Chen Zhongheng was extremely anxious, but he couldn't make Zhao Zhen happy.

Zhang Bian won't care about this, he is still here.

"The official family, Shen An and the Prince of Beihai are gambling."

Zhao Zhen was reading a book and he asked casually: "What are you betting on?"

The ban on gambling only bans the common people, not the powerful.

Zhang Baibian said: "Bet on whether Su Shi can pass the third grade of the Imperial Examination."


Zhao Zhen looked up, rarely interested: "Shen An and Su Shi have a good relationship. How much does the so-called brother... cost?"

"Fifty thousand guan with the gambling house, 30,000 guan with the Beihai County Prince."


Even though he was an emperor, Zhao Zhen was still shocked by this large bet that he had never heard of before.

Eighty thousand guan...

"No matter how loyal he is, 80,000 yuan is a lot. He probably didn't agree, right?" There was a smile in Zhao Zhen's eyes, a little mischievous.

What if I revise the imperial examination results privately?

"He agreed without hesitation." Zhang Ba8 said: "According to the spies of the Imperial City Department, Shen An directly said three hundred thousand yuan..."

"Three hundred thousand strings!"

Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "Zhao Yunbi doesn't have that much money, so the owner of the gambling house doesn't dare to bet that big, otherwise I will have a hard time wondering who he is, and his life will not be easy by then!"

Zhang Baba said with a straight face: "As long as the official gives an order, I will immediately lead people to destroy the gambling house and find the man."

The Imperial City Division definitely has this strength.

Zhao Zhen shook his head and said, "That's all. The ban on gambling is just to worry about the people being addicted to it. As for the rich and powerful, they deserve to win or lose."

Chen Zhongheng looked at the uppers of his shoes and couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Zhao Yunbi thought that his little tricks could be hidden from the officials, so he jumped up and down happily, but in the eyes of the officials, he was just a clown.

Zhang resigned in eight years. After he left, Zhao Zhen said, "Go and ask and see the result."

Chen Zhongheng passed away as if he was flying. Autumn is coming, and he has been suffering from constipation recently, so the hemorrhoids are very uncomfortable. He often urinates blood in the toilet bowl when he pulls.

I vowed never to eat the delicacies made by Shen An again.

He thought of those spicy delicacies and his mouth watered.

Later he came back with Sima Guang.

Sima Guang went in with the test paper with his name sealed in his hand, and reported: "Guan family, in this imperial examination, one person will enter the third class and one person will enter the fourth class. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net "

"Third class?"

Zhao Zhen couldn't help being surprised, and then took the test paper.

The test paper was very thick. He looked at it slowly...

"good article!"

Zhao Zhen couldn't help but shout "Hello", and the fourth person stopped looking and said, "Open it."

Chen Zhongheng opened the seal with his own hands and presented it.

Zhao Zhen took one look and said with a smile: "The fourth class is actually Su Che. It shows that the Su family and his son are both great talents!"

Sima Guang nodded in praise: "The fourth-level article is outstanding, but it's just a little extreme."

Zhao Zhen looked at the name in the third class again.

Sima Guang said: "Since our ancestors, Wu Yu is the only one who has passed the third class examination. This time, I have read the third class examination paper and feel that it is so exquisite that I will not give it to the third class... I have no shame to go." Seeing that person...an official, dare I ask who that person is?"

This is the second third-level exam since the founding of the Song Dynasty. This is a way to become famous all over the world.

There was something unclear in Zhao Zhen's eyes, and he said: "That boy Shen An... you are so lucky, Zhao Yunbi... don't come to me to cry..."

He raised his head and said: "Wu Yucai will be gone for a few years. I lamented that there are no such great talents in the Song Dynasty. Now there is a third-class and a fourth-class talent. It shows that God has mercy on the Song Dynasty. I have gained two prime ministers for my descendants. ,Ha ha ha ha!"

The third update is here, good night.

:. :

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