The palace in late autumn was very boring, but Zhao Zhen was watching the night with interest.

"The autumn night is cool, but the lights are definitely bright outside..."

Zhao Zhen looked at the sky in the distance with his hands behind his hands.

The sky was brightened by lights, and it looked like the sunset.

"It must be very lively outside."

Zhao Zhen envied the liveliness and wished he could just walk among the crowd, look at the bustling scene, and enjoy whatever delicious food he saw.

But you can’t!

There is nothing wrong with leaving the palace in the white dragon fish suit, but it must be purposeful.

For example, if a certain minister is seriously ill or wants to reward a certain minister, he can leave the palace.

The last time he sneaked into the Shen family, Sima Guang recorded it and later admonished him.

Very annoying!

Zhao Zhen sighed, "The emperor is not free. I am thinking that Thirteenth Prince refuses to enter the palace. I am afraid that he is afraid of this place. He is cold and inhumane. How is he... now?"

Chen Zhongheng followed and said, "Guan family, now Zhao Zongshi sits at home every day, reading and writing. They say he looks more friendly."

This is a secret report from the Imperial City Division.

"Does this mean that there was no peace in the Prince's Mansion?"

Zhao Zhen sighed, "That's right. When he entered the palace as a candidate, and later left the palace and returned home, his family must have been disappointed. So this person! He can only go up but not down, otherwise the people around him, including relatives, will be angry at you. , that’s probably how his head disease came about.”

Chen Zhongheng said, "Probably, Shen An showed him later that he was able to suppress it with the suona. But if he gets sick, the suona will be useless."

It is unheard of for Suona to treat diseases. Zhao Zhen nodded and said, "That man Shen An said he had good medical skills, but I have never seen him prescribe any medicine. But if he said he had no medical skills, he could make Thirteenth Lang live calmly." It's... strange, that Mangshan hermit is a strange person."

Chen Zhongheng was slandering Shen An in his heart, but he was worried that he would be burdened by him, so he tentatively said, "Guan, then Liu Zhan went too far..."

Zhao Zhen smiled and said, "It's a bit too much, but don't worry about the verbal dispute. I just want to polish that kid and round off his edges and corners, so that he can be of great use."

He put his hands behind his hands and walked forward, took a look at the starry sky, and felt happy.

"Look at those prime ministers, even Han Qi is quite dignified. He does things step by step and is not hasty or impatient. This is the prime minister's method. Then Shen An is very careful in his work, and most of his methods are extreme, and he will take action at every turn. This way have to sharpen it, and it will be useful to your descendants once you have sharpened it."

Chen Zhongheng thought of Shen An's character and couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "Guan family, that boy is just stubborn. Think about it, who dares to make trouble with the Prime Minister? He dares. When this person gets into trouble, it's not about who is stronger, but who is more powerful." It depends on the truth... If something makes sense, then no matter who is in front of you, you will not give in..."

Officials, this is obviously a fool!

If he messes with Liu Zhan, please don't make me angry.

There was no one else here, so Chen Zhongheng dared to say this. After finishing speaking, Zhao Zhen in front suddenly stopped.

"Slow down!"

There was a waiter in front who was drinking lowly, but someone came.

"The official is Zhang Douzhi."

Zhang has been here for eight years. Zhao Zhen said with a smile, "But is there any news about the Xixia envoy?"

Weiming Yuzheng fell into disgrace just after arriving in Bianliang. But this man was very tenacious, and then went to see the Liao envoy.

I don’t know how they talked, but Wei Mingyu was smiling when he came out. The conversation probably had a good effect.

The Imperial City Secretary tried his best to eavesdrop on this conversation, but the Liao people were heavily guarded and failed.

Zhang was so angry that he whipped the official responsible for the operation in the Imperial City Department. It is said that two horsewhips were broken.

Zhao Zhen was also anxious. He needed to know the attitude of the Liao people.

Is this news?

"Zhang Ba8en is good."

Zhao Zhen rarely praised his spy leader.

Zhang Baibian approached and said coldly, "Guan family, Shen An just beat Liu Zhan."


Zhao Zhen wanted to beat someone up instantly!

He said angrily, "Didn't I say that his merits are not enough to beat Liu Zhan... No, you shouldn't do it. That boy... is so angry with me, so angry with me... why?"

Zhang Baibian said coldly as before, "For some reason, Liu Zhan appeared on the street covered in feces and urine. Shen An was eating cold food and was a little surprised when he saw him. For some reason, Liu Zhan... actually turned towards him Shen An went... Shen An didn't dare to contact him, so he knocked him down with a bamboo pole..."

Covered in feces and urine, Shen An knocked him down with a bamboo pole...

This is very informative.

Zhao Zhen was startled, and then imagined Liu Zhan covered in feces and urine, and his throat surged up and down.

"what happened?"

He felt that no matter how crazy Liu Zhan was, he would never trouble Shen An for no reason.

The key is that Liu Zhan cannot defeat Shen An.

"Shen An went to the brothel tonight to look for someone, but he probably didn't find her, so he ate on the street, accompanied by Huang Chun and others. Liu Zhan had dinner with someone in Fanlou tonight, but I didn't know afterwards..."

Liu Zhan was not the target of the Imperial City Division's surveillance. Knowing that he had dinner at Fanlou was considered a very conscientious one.

Zhao Zhen looked at the night sky with his hands behind his hands, and said coldly, "The brothel...the toilet...I'm afraid Liu Zhan is not clean. Shen An went to catch him, and Liu Zhan escaped into the toilet...they are not good things."

"The officials are wise."

Chen Zhongheng praised from the bottom of his heart, but felt a little guilty.

If he hadn't told Shen An what Liu Zhan said, how could Shen An have done anything to Liu Zhan?

This matter was caused by a certain person. If the officials find out...

Chen Zhongheng was worried, but Zhao Zhen was a little annoyed.

"Even if Liu Zhan is stupid, he should know where to shower and change clothes before coming out after falling into the toilet. It can be seen that the place is shady and he dare not say anything. Shen An... I will deal with him tomorrow."

The shady place... is the brothel!

Chen Zhongheng's heart trembled, and he quickly recited a few Buddha's names, praying to the Buddha to bless Shen An's integrity and not to sacrifice himself tomorrow.

The next day, Zhao Zhen, who was preparing to deal with the matter, received a piece of news.

"Your Majesty, Liu Zhan fell ill and his family asked for leave on his behalf."

Zhao Zhen initially thought Liu Zhan was embarrassed to come, so he was very angry.

But then the news from the Imperial City Division came.

"Your Majesty, Liu Zhan has a severe fever. The doctor said he ate dirt yesterday... It depends on God's will."


Zhao Zhen's throat surged again, and then he sighed, "This... call the imperial doctor to take a look, hurry up."

Although there is no evidence, Zhao Zhen has concluded that Liu Zhan went to a brothel last night. He wanted to scold him today, but now Liu Zhan didn't know whether he was alive or dead, and his heart softened again.

As for Shen An...

Han Qi came out and said, "Your Majesty, there is a censor who has impeached foreign horsemen for corruption, and people are superfluous. Liu Zhan was originally assigned to deal with this matter..."

Liu Zhan guessed that it would be a good thing if he didn't lift the corpse. Who should he send to do this?

Zhao Zhen was feeling uncomfortable in his heart. Hearing this, he said, "Horse Skinner... Isn't that a place that specializes in skinning and cutting meat? Let Shen An go, let him go!"

Liu Zhan actually fell into a manure pit and was watched by people at night. Finally, he went to fight with Shen An and was knocked down.

How miserable!

Han Qi knew that this matter was not simple, but at this time he just wanted to solve the matter before talking about it. Hearing this, he said, "That's very good."

Shen An went out to skin horses... It was not a good place, so it was a good thing.

After Zhao Zhen finished explaining, he felt a little regretful, feeling that this was similar to a distribution.

"I'm worried about the horse stripping business. Is Shen An going to be able to bear it?"

Horse Skinning Service, as the name suggests, is a place where horses are skinned.

Dead cows, horses, donkeys, etc. were all thrown to the horse skinners, who then skinned them and cramped them. The skin and tendons can be used to make weapons, while the meat and bones can be eaten by the palace officials, and the eagles and dogs that are raised are also supported by horse skinning.

This place can also be understood as a state-run slaughterhouse, except that all the people who come in are dead.

The horse stripping service is divided into the inner and outer ones. The one who had the accident was the outer horse stripping business, in the west of the city.

Zhao Zhen felt a little regretful when he heard these words, but he couldn't go back on his words, so he just hoped that the ministers would mention it, and then he would go downhill.

Han Qi looked at the wat board blankly, which read "Calm down."

These four words were so mysterious that he felt they represented the truth of life. Anyone who had understood this truth would not be simple.

Zeng Gongliang was looking at Han Qi's neck. Old Han was getting whiter and fatter, and there seemed to be a ring of flesh on his neck, which made people want to twist it.

Cute meat ring!

Sun Peng had no reaction at all.

Ouyang Xiu felt that Shen An should learn a lesson, so he looked blankly at the void, as if there could be a gap there for him to get through.

No one answered, Zhao Zhen muttered that people's hearts were not old, and said angrily, "They all dispersed."

Han Qi and others bowed and left. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett After leaving the hall, he curiously asked Zeng Gongliang, "Why don't you beg for mercy?"

Zeng Gongliang shook his head and said, "I'm afraid Liu Zhan is dead."

Ouyang Xiu added, "If Liu Zhan dies, Shen An's going out to skin the horses will be considered as atonement to avoid being punished."

They are not fuel-efficient lamps!

Someone heard this and reported it to Zhao Zhen.

Zhao Zhen was silent after hearing this, then smiled bitterly and said, "I said they have a city, but this calculation is probably better than Shen An's. That's all... that's fine."

Liu Zhan is critically ill!

The imperial doctor in the palace also went there, and with a look of embarrassment asked people to go back to the palace to get medicine.

Later, the cause of the disease was also revealed: eating filthy food, high fever that does not go away... If this continues, he will be finished.

This man fell into a latrine last night, and the filth refers to those things.

Someone who is interested can naturally find out what happened last night, so the rumor that Shen An is the murderer also came out.

——It was Shen An who pushed Liu Zhan into the manure pit and gave him a few mouthfuls...


Naturally, Shen An would not admit it.

"Old Chen, conscience of heaven and earth, what does this matter have to do with so-and-so?"

Shen An said angrily, "He jumped into the manure pit by himself. What does it have to do with someone? The officials are unfair!"

Chen Zhongheng said with a straight face, "Then Liu Zhan is going to die, and you have one less opponent, and you are still fighting without a single blow. Shouldn't you celebrate?"


Shen An was secretly happy, but he felt that Liu Zhan's critical illness had nothing to do with him, and Zhao Zhen was just venting his anger.

"Where is the horse stripping business?"

Shen An didn't know about this famous organization yet, so he asked calmly.

Chen Zhongheng gloated and said, "That place specializes in killing cows and horses. If you go there, you can eat beef, horse, and donkey meat. I guarantee that no one will impeach you."

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