Bao Zheng came, looking a little irritable.


He first smiled at Guoguo, and then said to Shen An: "I just went over to the Liao people, and they denied everything... But they are probably alert and don't dare to act recklessly in the future, but you can't be impulsive here... "

Shen An cupped his hands and said gratefully: "Thank you, Mr. Bao, for speaking up for this boy."

Bao Zheng stared at him and said with a headache: "You are so scheming, I'm worried that you won't give up!"

Shen An said with a pure face: "Don't worry, Mr. Bao, if those Liao people can let me go, I can finally sleep peacefully. How can I dare to trouble them!"

When Bao Zheng thought about it, he felt relieved, and the grievance he had suffered earlier exploded.

The old man's breathing was heavy and he looked very angry.

Shen An felt grateful and asked, "How is the child? Is he okay?"

As soon as he mentioned his old man, Bao Zheng immediately became happy, "Okay, I can eat and drink all day long, and I can also torment people. I was slapped by him yesterday, it was so powerful..."

This old man has really become a slave, with a smile as big as a chrysanthemum on his face, and he can barely dance.

Bao Zheng was in a gloomy mood when he came in, but he was smiling when he went out.

As soon as he got on the horse, he slapped his forehead and said, "I was fooled by that kid again."

He hesitated for a while, and finally felt that Shen An was not that capable, and if he could escape this disaster, it would be a high-end event.

Shen An was very quiet. He even went to buy a milk-producing ewe and its lambs to take home.


The top food ingredient of the Song Dynasty was sheep. From Xiongzhou to Bianliang, Guoguo saw a lot of them, so she was so happy that she wanted to hug them as soon as she saw them.

Shen An was still worried that the ewe would topple the fruit, but the ewe was very docile.

The lamb bleated, and Guoguo immediately fell in love with it and hugged it, extremely happy.

“Who knows how to milk a cow?”

Shen An's question went unanswered, and everyone shook their heads.

Shen An had no choice but to milk the cows himself.

He asked someone to get a wooden basin and put grass and steamed beans in it.

The ewe ate happily, and Shen An struggled to milk it.

The man who sold the sheep said that he had to massage the ewe first. Shen An had no choice but to do it gently...

After a few massages, Shen An started to express milk.

First arrest the boss, and then...then what?

Shen An thought for a moment, and then began to slide up and down...

His movements were very unfamiliar, but he gradually became more proficient, and the goat's milk slowly dripped into the large bowl.

Up and down, up and down...

"Did you see clearly?"

"See clearly."

So the responsibility of milking was transferred to Zeng Ermei.

Yao Lian thought it was interesting, so he volunteered to try it.

Chen Erniang said angrily: "You are a man milking cows, what are you worried about? Are you shameless..."

Shen An was stunned, feeling that these words had swept him in.

But judging from Chen Erniang's intention, she didn't regard him as an adult man at all, but probably a teenager who hadn't started screaming yet.

I'm depreesed!

Guo Guo smelled the goat milk, frowned and said, "It smells so bad, I won't drink it!"

Shen An smelled it and found that he had some problems with his spleen and stomach, and even retched.

But he has a way!

First boil the goat milk, then add some jasmine tea you made. The taste...



Guoguo raised a smile, and Shen An touched the top of her head and said, "Drink once a day from now on, and you will grow taller in no time."

"elder brother!"

Guoguo suddenly put down the spoon, then hugged Shen An's thigh and said pitifully: "Brother, don't fight."

Shen An was stunned for a moment, and then felt warm in his heart.

"Brother, I won't fight. I promise I won't fight."

As expected, she was her biological sister, and she actually noticed the hostility behind Shen An's smile.

But those Liao people almost stabbed me, how can you endure this?

Shen An returned to the study, smiling as if he had just returned from an outing.

Later, he found Zhuang Laoshi and said, "Ask those old people if there have been thunder, lightning and rain in the past few days."

Liao people like the city of Tokyo and think it is full of flowers and delicious food.

But no amount of charm can make people completely forget their hometown.

The Liao embassy was very large, with five rooms built in the main hall alone, and these houses were actually built on two levels of platforms, one with three steps...

The envoy from the Liao Kingdom was very melancholy. Even if he ate roast mutton yesterday, he could not forget the melancholy of his hometown.

He watched the moon all night last night. He didn't understand the moonlight in front of his bed, but he knew that he was homesick.

He walked down the steps, turned around and glanced at the two roaring dragons on the roof, feeling that they were not interesting either.

It is said that in order to add these two dragons to the roof, Daliao threatened to send troops southward, and then the Song people compromised.

What a bunch of cowards!

The Liao envoy felt better, and then took Bandang to Yujie, which was his favorite pastime.

Daxiangguo Temple is not small, and all the temples in the capital respect it.

The outside of Daxiangguo Temple is naturally lively, with vendors and entertainers gathering everywhere.

The stalls sell a variety of things, including entertainers who perform sumo wrestling, sing and dance, and perform tricks...

A man stood there quietly holding a flag, with an extraordinary temperament.

The companion behind him had been in the Song Dynasty for a long time, and he actually knew a few words, so he said: "It seems to be...the god with an iron mouth...what a god, bragging, how can a person's mouth be iron?"

The messenger found it interesting when he saw it. He knew more words, so he said: "It's the iron-mouthed divination, and there's something else... bone-touching..."


This was something I had never seen before, and the envoy walked over immediately.

"How do you... touch the bones?"

The man touched his mustache and said calmly: "Touching the bones is just touching... Eh!"

The man suddenly pointed at the messenger's eyebrows in panic and said, "Heaven's Eye!"

What is the Eye of Heaven? But it sounds very noble and impressive.

The messenger is still curious, UU reads www.uukanshu. net The man had closed his eyes, holding a flag in his left hand, and kept tapping the thumb of his right hand with the tips of the other four fingers. Moreover, his eyebrows were furrowed tightly, as if he had encountered a huge problem.

Seeing his actions, the Liao envoy couldn't help but feel a little nervous, "But is there anything wrong?"

The man shook his head, suddenly opened his eyes, and said with a look of fear on his face: "The heavenly eye is about to open! The heavenly eye is about to open!"

This place is relatively remote and there are no vendors around, so no one notices it.

The messenger touched his eyebrows and said: "What kind of heavenly eye? If there really is a heavenly eye, then he will definitely feel that the people of Song Dynasty are all liars."

The companion was furious and prepared to deal with the man. As soon as he stretched out his hand, the man slowly stretched out his index finger.

His expression was solemn, and the companion actually stopped.

"You don't have to close your eyes, you will feel the presence of the Heavenly Eye inside..."

The man slowly placed his fingers in front of the messenger's eyebrows, almost touching them, but there was some distance between them.

The man's treasure minister solemnly said: "Feel carefully, feel it, is it starting to swell?"

The messenger didn't even dare to blink, he was so panicked that he had no idea.

"Well, it feels so swollen and sour."

"Sour? Just sour."


The warehouse still owes a lot of alliance leaders to add updates. Don’t worry, Dahuang will add updates one by one after they are put on the shelves. The old rule is that once a leader is added, no matter it is the leader of a warehouse or a manly leader, we keep our word and do not cheat!

Someone said there was a splash screen, why didn’t you update it? Okay, I’ll add an update today, not counting the leader’s update.

I’ll add an update and you’ll vote... Guoguo, greeting.

Guoguo yelled: "Gentlemen and sisters, vote!"

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