A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 507: Charitable person who buys and sells by force

"Shen An..."

The landlord took a step back almost subconsciously, his face turning pale.

"Are you afraid of Shen?"

Shen An asked with a smile: "Why? Shen asked himself that he hates evil and never bullies the weak. Why should you be afraid?"

The landlord took another step back and forced a smile: "The villain feels happy when he sees the imperial edict. This is... this is ecstatic!"

Shen An glanced at him and said with a smile: "This is best. Also, who owns this yard?"

The landlord laughed dryly and said, "It belongs to a villain."

Shen An stared at him and asked calmly: "I want to buy it, are there any questions?"

The landlord said subconsciously: "Okay."

Shen An's eyes were full of evil, and he didn't dare to object at all.

Shen An asked: "How much?"

This house is located outside Zhuque Gate and on the bank of Cai River. Its value is not low.

This house is the ancestral property of a certain powerful person. It has never been appraised, and the landlord is just an agent. How can he quote the price?

He stammered for a long time and couldn't make a quotation. Shen An looked at him with pitiful eyes and said, "Seeing that you are in trouble, how about I make the decision for you? This house is by the Cai River. It gets cold in winter. It gets hot in the summer, and there may be mosquitoes in the summer..."

Shen An pulled Chen Ang's son and touched the top of his head: "What a cute child. Thinking that such a cute child will be bitten by mosquitoes makes Shen's heart feel like a knife."

"This house is worthless!"

Shen An said firmly: "Outsiders can give at most three hundred guan, but Shen is particular about people, and he is most charitable. That...Chen Luo."

"Mr. Lang."

Shen An ordered: "Let them prepare five hundred coins. I have done a good deed today, sir. I will definitely be protected by gods and Buddhas when I look back..."

Chen Luo agreed, and then went home to find Zhuang Laoshi to prepare money.

"Five hundred strings?"

The landlord's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "Tai Zhao... The yard next door was sold last year. At that time, it sold for more than a thousand guan."

This yard is so big, and it's right on the edge of the inner city, with the Cai River just out the door. You can go fishing if you want, and you can kill the fish and eat it on the spot.

Fish dumplings are what later generations called sashimi, and everyone from emperors to common people in the Song Dynasty liked to eat them. As for the sashimi of later generations, they are all left over from playing here.

Get something to prepare the sauce, which must include vinegar and mustard. Use white raw, thin and transparent sashimi to dip into the sauce, and then put it in your mouth...

It tastes delicious all of a sudden...

There's nothing more to say, it's all drool.

Su Shi was a glutton, a huge fan of fish breasts, and would not stop eating until he got angry.

A big house by the Cai River, and close to Zhuque Gate. In future generations, it would be within the third ring road of Beijing. How much is the house price?

Five hundred strings? For five hundred dollars you can only buy a toilet!

The landlord thought this was extortion, and he hissed: "I'm waiting for an edict, but I can't explain it..."

Five hundred coins... Who will make up for this huge price difference?

He's going crazy.

Shen An said: "Go back and ask, and tell those people by the way, to suppress the meritorious ministers, be careful that the coffin boards of your ancestors cannot be suppressed!"

The ancestors of the rich and powerful went through life and death for the Song Dynasty, but their descendants were doing the opposite.

The landlord rushed out, and Chen Ang's family looked at this scene dumbfounded, somewhat at a loss.

Shen An said with a smile: "You can live here from now on until you don't want to."

He knew that Chen Ang needed to digest some emotions at the moment, so he left the yard and waited for news outside.

Chen Ang's wife's eyes were red and swollen, and she asked blankly: "Officer, this is..."

She is a woman, so she doesn't know what's going on outside.

Chen Ang only felt that his chest was full of congestion. He sniffed and said, "It's Shen An, the boy who went to Fuzhou."

"It's him?"

Chen Ang's wife glanced outside and murmured: "Guanren, at first you said that he was an impulsive young man, but now... Guanren, our family has met a noble man."

There will be countless ups and downs in life, most of which you can only bear and solve alone.

But everyone hopes that someone will help them when they encounter difficulties.

This is a dream, but most dreams do not come true.

But today the dream appeared in broad daylight.

Chen Ang's wife grabbed his arm and said excitedly: "Officer, what did he say before? Deputy Privy Councilor? Officer, that's a good position!"


Chen Ang lowered his head and tears fell to the ground. Along with the tears came the pressure of this period of time.

"It's a good position."

He walked out slowly, and when he saw Shen An standing with his hands behind his back, he bowed and said: "Waiting for the imperial edict... Xiaguan felt like he was in hell during this period, with nowhere to talk and no one to reach out... Only waiting for the imperial edict, Xianguan Previously, I thought that what Tai Zhao said was a cliche, but in the blink of an eye, Tai Zhao pulled Xiaguan out of hell...Xiaoguan is very grateful. From now on, Xiaguan will only wait for Zhao to follow his lead..."

He expressed his intention to surrender very seriously, without any reluctance or hesitation.

Shen An turned around, patted his shoulder happily and said, "It's just a trivial matter. You have made meritorious deeds in Fuzhou, and meritorious ministers are suppressed by others, but I can't stand it. When I see injustice on the road, I yell, because I have a bad voice. It’s just a hand extended, it’s not worth anything.”

He said it lightly, but he was filled with joy in his heart.

People like Chen Ang are not ordinary civil servants. He has experienced in Fuzhou, has a clear understanding of the security of the Song Dynasty, and has no such discrimination against warriors.

After recruiting such an official, you only need to give him a chance in the future, and he will naturally rise to the top.

These are my men and horses!

The landlord ran all the way, turning left and right in the inner city, and finally got into a house.

"Get out of the way!"

He ran all the way to the back house, and several servants couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw him.

Later the landlord was taken to the back, where a horse-faced man was waiting.

The man looked calm. When he saw him running in, he frowned and said, "Why are you panicking? Stand still!"

The landlord quickly stood up and said, "Mr. Xiaoshan, what's wrong, Shen An came to the door."

The man's skin is fair, and although he has a horse face, he has a free and easy expression. He doesn't look ugly, but rather graceful.

"say clearly."

He picked up the tea cup and looked at the pattern formed by the tea powder, and couldn't help but smile.

"Shen An stood up for Chen Ang and said that he found him the position of deputy minister of the Privy Council."

Mr. Xiaoshan hummed and said: "Feng Li did something bad, that idiot... Shen An can seek this position. First, the officials believe that the entire Mangshan army will be wiped out, which is a comfort to him. Second, they want to use him to fight against Negotiating with the Liao envoys kills two birds with one stone. If the emperor can easily use such means, he is not a coward."

The landlord didn't expect him to say this and couldn't help but feel confused.

Mr. Xiaoshan glanced at him and said, "You didn't try to be mean to Chen Ang, did you?"

The landlord said awkwardly: "Villain... villain..."

Mr. Xiaoshan shook his head and said: "This is an act of a villain. Shen An said he hates evil, but in fact he is narrow-minded. Since he knows that you are mean to Chen Ang, he will definitely take revenge... What did he say?"

"You are truly amazing."

The landlord said with admiration: "Shen An wanted to buy the house for five hundred dollars, but the villain said there was too much difference, so he asked the villain to ask, and he also said..."

"What else can you say?"

Mr. Xiaoshan stood up easily, put his hands behind his hands and walked out.

The landlord said: "He said be careful not to cover the coffin boards of our ancestors."

Mr. Xiaoshan laughed and said, "It's too much."

As he walked out, the landlord followed him and asked, "Mr. Xiaoshan, how about I go back and say I won't sell it?"

"Sell it for five hundred guan to vent his anger."

Mr. Xiaoshan mounted his horse, turned his eyes, looked around, and said, "We didn't send anyone to follow you, which shows that Shen An knew what he was doing. But it's useless no matter how arrogant he is at the moment, and when the news comes that the entire Mangshan army has been annihilated, He'll vomit blood. Go ahead and sell it to him."

When Mr. Xiaoshan appeared again, it was in Zhao Yunbi's study.

The Beihai County Prince's Mansion was burned down last time, but this study was spared.

Although spring has begun, the weather is still a bit cold.

"The Yellow River seems to have a lot more water this year. I hope it won't burst its banks."

Zhao Yunbi glanced at Mr. Xiaoshan and continued: "Zhao Zongshi didn't say anything at home, and it was Zhao Zhongzhen who came forward. A young man ran around the official house all day long and didn't care. This Mangshan military meeting will become a handle in the hands of the Liao people. Shen An It’s going to be a mess.”

Mr. Xiaoshan sat under him and said with a smile: "Yes. But this matter was caused by Chen Zhong, and Shen An was the victim, so the officials will not blame him, but will sympathize with him. After all... Renjun !”


Zhao Yunbi said calmly: "A benevolent emperor is not a good emperor. An emperor should be decisive and decisive. When I saw Zhao Zhen in the palace, he was still a child. He looked cowardly, but he turned out to be true when he grew up. It is said outside that big The Song Dynasty was lucky to have him as its emperor, and it only had decades of peace. But who would have thought that the Song Dynasty had lost all ambitions internally and externally in these decades, and had nothing to show for it. This is the benefit of a benevolent king."

When he spoke of the benefits, he was clearly sarcastic.

Mr. Xiaoshan's brows became displeased and he said: "Prince, no matter what, the Song Dynasty has had more decades of recuperation. It is true that these recuperations have also brought many disadvantages, but unless military personnel are re-employed, the Song Dynasty will not be able to recuperate. There’s a way to go.”

"Reuse military personnel?"

Mr. Xiaoshan's name is Zhang Wen, whose courtesy name is Minghuan.

This man is resourceful and resourceful. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net is the think tank that Zhao Yunbi has come to visit many times.

Zhao Yunbi shook his head and said: "That generation was rude and unjust. They were ambitious in the previous dynasty and overthrew many dynasties. The Song Dynasty cannot follow the old path of the previous dynasty. It would be self-destruction."

There was regret in Zhang Wen's eyes and he said: "Then Shen An found Chen Ang and got him the position of deputy minister of the Privy Council... He also said that he would buy the house for 500 yuan."


Zhao Yunbi's face turned red immediately. He smashed the folding fan in his hand and cursed: "The deputy minister of the Privy Council is in charge of the fourth room. Where is Feng Li? Where is Feng Li?"

Zhang Wen didn't like his hysteria, so he shook his head and said, "Feng Li did something bad."

Zhao Yunbi said angrily: "Zhao Zongshi got lucky again. After all the twists and turns, Feng Li was finally sent to the position of Deputy Chengzhi, but... he was ruined by that beast Shen An again..."

He lowered his head, breathing heavily, then gradually calmed down, raised his head and said, "When the news about the Mangshan Army comes, I will see that Shen Anke can still laugh."

Zhang Wen smiled and said: "That's exactly it."

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