A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 518: Stab them in the heart

"...The Liao envoy said goodbye. He was frustrated. I estimate that he will definitely be dealt with after he returns. Your Majesty, is this the first envoy that Shen An has killed?"

Han Qi's question was very rude, "I am worried about something..."

Zhao Zhen didn't think he was dissatisfied and said: "What's the matter?"

The Liao envoy was ready to leave. This news made Zhao Zhen feel very good.

Han Qi looked at the ministers and said with a straight face: "Do you dare to send envoys again after worrying about the Liao people?"

Everyone was startled and then laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The laughter was hearty, and both Zaifu and Zhao Zhen had wrinkles on their faces.

Even the chamberlains couldn't help laughing.

yes! In the hands of Shen An, a Liao envoy turned into a madman; another Liao envoy was severely beaten by his arithmetic; and this envoy was even worse, thinking that he could win and make meritorious deeds, but in the end he had to apologize...

This Shen An is really the messenger’s nemesis!

Chen Zhongheng smiled, thinking of that idiot Ren Shouzhong.

Do you regret having a grudge against Shen An?

Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "If this were not the case, how could I agree with those young men joining the Mangshan Army?"

Han Qi was startled and then found out about this.

"May I ask, Your Majesty, how many people are there?"

His vigilant attitude sparked not dissatisfaction but satisfaction.

The prime ministers must always be vigilant. For example, Han Qi took the prime ministers and assistants to sleep in the palace to guard the emperor. This is a kind of vigilance.

Zhao Zhen said: "More than two hundred people."


Han Qi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If there are more than 500 people, I will definitely find trouble for Shen An."

There were many troops stationed in Bianliang, and most of the elite soldiers of the Song Dynasty's Forbidden Army were around Bianliang. Rebellion is impossible, but the habitual wariness of warriors is politically correct.

Zeng Gongliang asked with an ambiguous attitude: "Your Majesty, Shen An's contribution..."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The king and his ministers laughed again, and the atmosphere was extremely joyful.

The guy's credit was lost again by himself.

It has been many years since the founding of the Song Dynasty. Such interesting ministers are rare, no, unheard of.

So everyone should cherish it!

Even Ouyang Xiu smiled, which showed that everyone was relaxed.

"Your Majesty, Shen An has sent me a memorial."

Zhao Zhen smiled and said: "Are you here to ask for credit? I know it, I know it... Young people always can't sit still, and they can't hold it in anymore when they see that I'm not moving."

He nodded and said: "Chen Zhongheng is thinking about it, and all the ministers should also listen to it. It will make him feel embarrassed later."

Chen Zhongheng took the memorial, looked at it with a smile, and then began to read...

"...The Mangshan Army encountered Han people in Youzhou this time. When asked if they would like to return, they seemed to avoid snakes and scorpions..."

Zhao Zhen's expression suddenly turned cold, and the ministers also stopped smiling.

People in the border areas of the Song Dynasty often fled to the Liao border. This was a shame!

They actually thought it was better to be Liao people, which made the monarchs and ministers of the Song Dynasty feel extremely embarrassed.

Shen An unexpectedly received such a memorial at this time. What does this mean?

Are you here to disgust us?

Han Qi couldn't help but think about the worst.

"...The tax burden of the Song Dynasty has far exceeded that of the Liao Kingdom. The greed of officials in the Song Dynasty has far exceeded that of the Liao Kingdom... Your Majesty, the foundation of the Song Dynasty is rotting, and the reform of taxation and officialdom cannot be delayed!"

The exciting atmosphere suddenly changed and turned gloomy.

It was like a man who discovered a beautiful girl. He followed her for a long time. Finally, she turned around, but it was the older, cute girl who immediately vomited.

Zhao Zhen frowned and said, "Let's let this matter go."

Ouyang Xiu heard the dejection in the officials' words, so he went out and said: "Your Majesty, the taxation is so heavy..."

Han Qi retorted before he could finish his words: "With so much expenses, tax reduction? How can we support so many troops and officials, and...those expenses?"

The annual military expenditure and salary, plus the clan, and various sacrifices...

These are bottomless pits that cannot be filled no matter what.

Han Qi sighed: "I also want to cut taxes, and so does your Majesty, but..."

He shook his head and walked out of the hall first.

The sunshine was good, Ouyang Xiu sniffed, and then sneezed.

"How much of those expenses can be reduced..."

"shut up!"

Sun Pian didn't speak much, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Han Qi stopped him.

He blinked and murmured: "What's so bad about it..."

This man is already very old!

In order not to be accused of bullying the old man, Han Qi suppressed his anger and said: "The army will rebel if they don't have money and food. Officials will miss their jobs if they don't have salaries. The clan... they will isolate the official family. As for other expenses... that is the face of the Song Dynasty."

Sacrifice to heaven and earth is indeed a matter of honor, but Song Dynasty's face is so valuable that the third division wants to roar.

Since the beginning of spring, the Third Division has been busy, and Bao Zheng has never had time to take care of Shen An's marriage.

Today someone told him the content of Shen An's memorial, and Bao Zheng fell silent.

This was a letter sent by Ouyang Xiu. Even though he didn't name it, Bao Zheng knew it immediately.

"Is there nothing Ouyang can do?"

Bao Zheng sneered and said: "It's such a big waste, but everyone from the officials to the prime minister turns a blind eye, it's hateful!"

He picked up the pen and wrote a few words vigorously, then got up and went out.

"I won't be coming today."

The one who can express his absence from work so confidently and refreshingly is probably Bao Zheng.

When he arrived at Yulin Alley, he saw people crowding around Shen's house, so he shouted: "Get out of the way!"

Everyone turned around and saw that the old man was coming. They all avoided him, and then laughed and said good things.

"It's rare for Mr. Bao to go out today..."

"Bao Gong, I just want to see you and wait for an edict. If I can't do it, the housekeeper will do it."

"The villain was obsessed with things a while ago, and I just ask for forgiveness..."


Some time ago, these businessmen thought that the Liao people would get the fragrant dew formula, so they went to buy it. Now that the Liao envoy has been defeated, your country will probably be in trouble.

The unlucky merchants of the Liao Dynasty were very happy, but Shen An's cutting off the supply made them crazy.

This is revenge!

But they had no room for resistance and could only come and beg for mercy.

Bao Zheng knocked on the door and opened it. Hearing that Xiaozhong was about to get angry, but seeing that he was wearing official uniform, he asked, "Who are you?"

"Ever killed anyone?"

There was a coldness all over his body, and Bao Zheng asked subconsciously.

"Mr. Bao..."

Guoguo's joyful voice came, and Lao Bao's face instantly turned into a chrysanthemum smile. He pushed Wen Xiaozhong aside and went in. He smiled at Guoguo who was running over and said, "The weather is so nice today, why doesn't your brother take you out to play?"

Huahua rushed over, and Guoguo grabbed her neck and couldn't let go, so she whimpered.

Guo Guo pouted and said, "Brother is in the study, saying that the watch is going to be discontinued and a eunuch will be appointed."

"What? It's inexplicable!"

When Lao Bao arrived outside the study, he saw Zhao Zhongzhen and Wang Xu standing quietly behind Shen An. Zhe Kexing pretended not to care, but he tiptoed to take a look from time to time.

They were all watching Shen An write.

"Bao Gong."

Next to it was an old manuscript. Bao Zheng thought it was an article and couldn't help but feel happy, feeling that Shen An finally knew how to make progress.

"Writing articles is a good thing..."

He casually took out a piece of paper and looked at it, and he happened to see a lot of girls in front of him...

"Who would have known that this daughter-in-law has a natural talent for being curious? Once a man touches her, she will..."

Shen An was confused when he heard this. He said innocently: "Mr. Bao, this is a paragraph, it is just a paragraph!"

Bao Zheng's eyes flashed fiercely, and the blood vessels on his neck protruded.

Damn it!

Something bad happened!

With a swish, Shen An ran away, and Bao Zheng's roar came from behind: "Obscene words and slanderous words are unpalatable to the eyes, unpalatable to the eyes!"

Then he gave chase.

Wang Yu didn't try to persuade him, but he skillfully took out a bottle of wine from a cabinet. After turning around, Zhao Zhongzhen happened to find a bag of dried fruits in another cabinet.

Pour the wine, peel the dried fruits...

Wang Yu took a sip of wine and said sadly: "Did your father allow you to drink?"

Zhao Zhongzhen shook his head and said frustratedly: "My father won't tell me, but my mother won't allow it."

"My mother didn't allow it either. She said that someone's health was not good and he couldn't drink now. It's just that my father sometimes gave him wine, and my mother said a few words."

The two of them drank wine slowly, and Zhao Zhongzhen suddenly asked: "Why do you think Mr. Bao came here?"

Wang Yu looked like he was asking for help with his wisdom in hand, and said sternly: "Brother Anbei's memorial today was too intense. Bao Gong must have come here for this reason."

The Shen family was in a state of panic, and Shen An, who had been patted all over his head, came back dejected.

Lao Bao followed angrily, and Wang Yu quietly placed the first chapter in his hand.

"What's this?"

A good song resonated with Bao Zheng, and he couldn't help but look down. ,

Mr. Bao...

I don't know how long it took, but when Bao Zheng heard Guoguo's call, he looked up and saw Shen An and three others sitting opposite and dozing off.

"Mr. Bao...it's time to eat."

Guoguo is the most enthusiastic about eating in the Shen family, and she likes having guests over the most.

After dinner, Bao Zheng and Shen An took a walk in the yard.

"Your memorial is normal, but the official family has just woken up. When they are happy, your memorial is a disappointment. But the wealth of the Song Dynasty is a headache!"

It was very troublesome for Bao Zheng to be the third envoy. He rubbed his temples and said: "But you mentioned that the people on the border went to the Liao people. This is to poke fun at the officials and ministers. No wonder they are angry. Moreover, most of the benefits of redundant officials and extravagant expenses have gone to the officials and clans, so how can they admit it?"

"It's too much."

There will be unfairness in any era. A good era will reduce this unfairness or make the cake bigger so that more people can benefit from it.

This is the prosperous age!

But the Song Dynasty is now in crisis and prosperous times...

Hold the shit!

Shen An frowned and said: "Mr. Bao, this family of officials and officials and dignitaries are in a group, and all the benefits are given to them, but where do the benefits come from?"

He was a little angry, "Those who show kindness to hundreds of officials are afraid that they will not be enough; those who take wealth from all the people will not leave any surplus. This is fishing from the lake, and the purpose is only to support officials and dignitaries. If there is no change, the Song Dynasty will be over. !”

Bao Zheng looked at the night sky with his hands behind his hands and read a book www.uukanshu. nett "The redundant officials and excessive expenses all started during the reign of the late emperor. He spent a lot of money on three times of conferring Zen, and even more on the suburban sacrifices... to return favors to the officials' children... Hey! This is the Song Dynasty. I only know it after I served as an envoy for three times. If the rot inside remains unchanged... I'm afraid I won't be able to see the future of the Song Dynasty."

He turned back to look at Shen An and said with piercing eyes: "But these can't be removed at once. What is lacking in the Song Dynasty at present? Money and food! What can you do?"

From the backyard came the laughter of Guoguo and the screams of flowers, accompanied by the sparse stars in the night sky, which made people want to immerse themselves in the moment and not want to think.



Bao Zheng said: "I have seen it in the Third Division. I remember that the annual income of the Third Division in the Song Dynasty is about 600,000 yuan, which is very impressive. You are talking about trade, where does the trade come from?"

The first three divisions refer to the institutions of the DPRK and China, and the latter three divisions refer to the three foreign trade shipping divisions of Guangzhou, Hangzhou, and Mingzhou, collectively referred to as the three divisions.

These three ports open to the outside world can earn huge profits for the Song Dynasty every year, filling the precarious finances.

Shen An smiled and said: "Mr. Bao, there are many kinds of trade, but the current one in the Song Dynasty is not good."

The third update is here. During the double monthly pass period, Jazz is asking for votes!

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