A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 522 An unforgettable wedding

Yang Jinian took leave today and was at home, concentrating on preparing for his daughter's marriage.

The surrounding neighbors knew that he was getting married today, and many people were watching the excitement outside.

This is an official's wedding, so it should be very lively.

But the Yang family was a little deserted. Except for some relatives, there was no one else.

"Yang Jinian is an old-fashioned official and doesn't have many friends, so his married daughter is deserted. How pitiful!"

"Where are those colleagues?"

"Colleagues? None of the people from Yushitai are here!"

"I've seen a young lady from the Yang family. She's very pretty. What a pity."


The neighbors were shaking their heads and sighing. Some people said: "Shen An is so rich and has a bright future. Why did he marry a daughter of the Yang family? I'm afraid he will regret it."

"But now he can't regret the marriage, can he?"

"The Yang family is not at fault. He certainly can't regret the marriage, but should he be more indifferent?"

"Yes, when the time comes, I will take it over in a deserted way, and my life will be deserted, too, poor little lady of the Yang family."


The pitiful Yang Zhuoxue in their mouth had just paid homage to his ancestors.

She was sitting inside with her mother, Li, and could see her father pacing outside.

This is reluctance.

She was dressed up today, and her face was so fair that it made Li feel a little dazed.

"Don't blame your father. It's not easy for him to be an official in Yushitai. It's a way of life to refuse to hand over to his colleagues. At least it won't bring trouble to the family."

There were only a few female relatives in the room, and they also chimed in a few words.

One of them had extremely thin lips. She rolled her eyes and said, "Today is Zhuo Xue's big day. How many people will come from the man's side?"

Comparison exists in all times.

Li shook her head and said, "I don't know, as long as he has the intention."

These words cleverly avoided comparison. The woman smiled and said, "I'll go out and take a look."

She went out for a while and sighed when she came back: "There are many neighbors outside who are waiting to see Zhuo Xue get married. It would be embarrassing if there were fewer people."

She didn't say that the Yang family had few people, but her words hinted at Yang Jinian's ineffectiveness.

If your daughter doesn't make a fuss or lively when you marry her, what's the point?

Marrying a daughter at this time is a matter of comparison. Whether it is a generous dowry or a crowded atmosphere, you will not be able to hold your head high in front of neighbors, relatives and friends.

That's why there is a saying that there are too many daughters in the family and they cannot afford to marry.

The pacing figure outside stopped for a moment. When Mrs. Li saw it, she said: "We have to go to the Yamen today. There are things happening everywhere. As many people as we can come. As for my family... the officials said that marrying a daughter means marrying a daughter. It’s not about selling my daughter, as long as Zhuo Xue lives a good life, it doesn’t matter whether it’s lively or deserted.”

She could say whatever she said, but the sadness between her brows could not be hidden from others.

"Then what are you waiting for? Just spend money to invite people to come, and first surround the door of the house, so as not to overwhelm the man's family... It won't look good at that time."

"Zhuoxue, please advise your mother!"

Yang Zhuoxue sat there, with a fair face and black hair...

She slowly raised her head and said, "He won't."

The women were startled, and then they understood the meaning of her words.

"Are you speaking for him before you get married? Hahahaha!"

"Then Shen An is waiting at home now. He will carry you away in a moment. It will be difficult to see your parents again from now on!"

"...It's not too late yet."


Mumbling is probably a habit of women, and Mrs. Li also likes to mutter, but today she was a little distracted and panicked.

She stood up several times and wanted to go out, but finally resisted.


"The bride is here!"

At this time, there were children shouting outside, and Mrs. Li rushed out.

Yang Jinian outside rushed out first, then stopped, put his hands behind his back, and walked out slowly.

Ah Qing's husband Zhao Shun was already standing behind the gate with several relatives, waiting for Yang Jinian's instructions.

"Try to be embarrassed, otherwise..."

A relative said helplessly: "At least it will be more lively."

You, Yang Jinian, are not very popular in Yushitai. You could have cared less about it in the past, but today you have to bend down, right?

Yang Jinian nodded slightly without any hesitation.

My popularity is not good, I am old-fashioned, but today is different.

Today...just make a fuss.

So the relatives shouted outside: "Come write a poem, or you won't be allowed in."

It started to be noisy outside, but it suddenly became quiet after hearing these words.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

A burst of laughter broke out outside.

Li's face turned pale and said: "Official, there must be hundreds of people here, right?"

These proud laughters are very unscrupulous, like the pride after successfully cheating someone.

Yang Jinian didn't know either. He felt that the situation was probably out of control.

Who is out there?

"Xian'e Piaomiao descends to the world..."

"A gentleman never cherishes gold..."


In an instant, more than a dozen poems were read outside, leaving Li and her relatives stunned.

"Do you still want it?"

Someone was shouting outside, and the voice was very cheerful.

The wedding gradually became more festive.

When the relative turned around, Yang Jinian showed a rare smile, "That's all."

"Open the door!"

The door slowly opened, and Li and others all looked at it.

How many people will the Shen family invite?

Are there a hundred people?

"Congratulations, sir!"

"Congratulations on the edict!"

As soon as the door opened, a huge noise suddenly erupted outside.

It was like a wave crashing over me.

Li's heartbeat accelerated rapidly, and she forgot to avoid it.

"so many people……"

The women looked outside blankly.

"what is that?"

A few big men just showed their heads on the wall. When they saw the door open, they jumped down laughing.

This is a murderer!

Several women whispered: "Be careful."

At this time, the people outside the gate separated into a lane, and a young man strode in, bowed and said: "My son-in-law has met my father-in-law and my mother-in-law."

Yang Jinian's eyes were full of joy and he said: "You are here..."


Shen An came to welcome the bride in person, which gave the Yang family a lot of face.

Yang Jinian's rigidity still makes him happy.

Not to mention Ms. Li, she said happily: "The good son-in-law is here, so hurry up."

As soon as she turned around, she saw smiles on the faces of the women.

This is respect.

Your son-in-law is very capable and he respects you. That is a benefit. There will be many places for you to rely on in the future.

This is people's little thoughts. Although it is disdainful, this is the reality.

Yang Zhuoxue was sitting in her room in the backyard.

She stared blankly at the interior decoration.

This is the memory of my daughter’s family’s cardamom years.

The gadgets she played with, the sachets hanging on the bed, the bamboo curtains...

Am I getting married?

She was a little flustered, but after thinking of Shen An, her panic turned into confusion.

From today on, I become a member of the Shen family?

"Zhuoxue? Hurry!"

There was joy in Mrs. Li's voice, as if she was getting married today.


Yang Zhuoxue stood up and slowly put on the flower crown. She took one last look into her boudoir and then left the room.

As she walked forward, she lowered her eyes slightly and saw her father and her brother...

Then she saw the man.

"Lift the eaves in."

This was Yang Jinian's voice. He didn't want to see those partings.


"Father-in-law, let her get out of the house."

Shen An wanted to give her a complete experience.

She raised her eyes slightly and glanced at him quickly.

His father and he stood opposite each other, one with a straight face and the other with a smile.

Many years later, I will remember this scene.

She was escorted out, and there was a sound of gasping behind her.

This is my mother's voice.

She is reluctant to give up.

Where is the father?

He must still have a straight face.

She didn't look back.

A married daughter should not look back, as it is unlucky to look back.

Looking back means that you will be kicked out of the house by your husband and return to your natal family.

"Go in slowly."

The eaves are the sedan chairs. Shen An did not use a matchmaker, but opened the curtain himself.

Yang Zhuoxue looked back the moment she entered.

This was a look that made her regret.

She saw her mother, who was being supported and crying.

What did she see?

Yang Jinian's face was full of sadness, his cheeks were trembling, and tears fell from his eyes...

My father shouldn't be like this.

He should always keep a straight face, and as for crying...

That is impossible!

Her eyes were immediately filled with tears.

Shen An's hand loosened and the curtain dropped...

At this moment, Yang Zhuoxue covered her face with her hands, forgetting the warning not to cry or it would ruin her makeup, and started to cry.

"I haven't been drinking. I can't lift it anymore."

"Give me some drink money."

The bearers, trumpeters and others were making noise and would not leave without money.

This is custom.

The matchmaker shouted: "For God's sake, will the Shen family send this money? Someone, give them the money."

There was laughter outside, and everyone was stunned when they saw a carriage coming with sacks all over it.

The two sacks were opened, containing copper coins strung together.

"Raise the eaves!"

The bearer who got the money lifted the sedan very safely.

Students in fluttering green clothes, tough country soldiers, happy vendors...

The huge welcoming team started.

"Those are students from Imperial College. There are hundreds of them. They are all great talents. They actually wanted to write poems earlier... Fortunately, they didn't make things difficult, otherwise today would not be a wedding, but a poetry meeting."

"Not only the students of Taixue, but also the vendors have closed down today. The Shen family is so proud. Today's wedding will be remembered by the people of Bianliang for a hundred years."

"The Yang family is so lucky!"

"It was deserted before, look at this bustling..."

"Hey! What is that?"

A group of rural soldiers suddenly appeared on horseback in front of the wedding procession. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net They held sacks in their hands. They reached in and grabbed them, then threw them around.

The petals slowly float down.

"Oh my god, they even sprinkled flowers, what a big gesture!"

"No one in Bianliang City can do it, right?"

"There are so many flowers, so difficult!"

Several carts nearby were filled with bags of flowers.

Wang Tiande was on the side, with a big belly, and said proudly: "Nothing else, we are not short of money, flowers...whose flowers in this world have more secret fragrance?"

Flowers are constantly being thrown into the air and falling.

The sedan was very stable. Yang Zhuoxue, who had been crying for a long time, couldn't help but open some curtains when he heard the excitement outside.

"So many flowers."

The flowers are flying in the air, so beautiful.

The girl's eyes became brighter and her smile reappeared.

A bright yellow flower floated in. She reached out to catch it, then lowered her head and smelled it.

Pleasant fragrance...

A girl is getting married, scattering flowers... Can I have monthly votes and support for this situation?

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