After the wheat is harvested, it must be crushed and separated.

This is a fertilizer experiment, and Zhao Zhongzhen and his people are staying at the site.

"The wheat harvested from these acres of land must not be mixed up."

He was worried that someone was up to something, and even had people watching him all night long.

"Don't worry, young man. Anyone who dares to cause trouble will be killed."

Zhuang Laoshi said confidently: "The villain asked the old farmer, at least one more fight!"


Zhao Zhongzhen didn't know this concept, so he coughed dryly.

Yang Mo said: "One stone has ten buckets."

If Shen An were here, he would definitely say that he was indifferent to all kinds of things.

"About 10%?"

Zhao Zhongzhen said happily: "Are you sure?"

Zhuang Laozheng said proudly: "The villain invited a few old farmers from outside to take a look. It couldn't be more correct."

He had forgotten the envious and jealous looks of the old farmers, and he had not seen the secretiveness of the farmers in Shenjiazhuang when outsiders came to visit.

Zhao Zhongzhen was so happy that he ordered people to keep an eye on this place and wait for the wheat to be harvested and then weighed in the sun for a few days.

Food is the most important thing for the people. In the Song Dynasty, people often rebelled because they did not have enough to eat. If the world could generally increase income by 10%...

How much credit is that?

Zhao Zhongzhen was looking forward to it, while outside Jinglong Gate, Liu Zhan, who had just regained his consciousness, was lamenting.

"... That guy Shen An is so domineering, the officials will be disgusted with him sooner or later. When the time comes, there will be too many people to fight for the lost dog, and we can bury him with just a hand..."

He yawned, and the shadow of the city wall covered him, which was very cool.

The servant next to me said: "Mr. Lang, please sit down for a while."

This is a stool he found from a sergeant. It is made of solid wood and looks relatively clean.

Liu Zhan glanced at the stool, retched, and said disgustedly: "I won't sit on someone else who has sat on it."

The servant smiled bitterly and returned the stool.

"You don't even sit on the stool. Bachelor Liu is too incorruptible."

Several sergeants praised Liu Zhan, and the servant smiled bitterly.

Since regaining his consciousness, Liu Zhan has become increasingly weird.

For example, he will retching when he sees unclean things, and he will not be willing to touch things that others have used.

These problems are nothing, but recently he is not even willing to sleep with women. He must take a shower three times before he can sleep with a woman in the same bed.

Being clean is a good thing, but Liu Zhan's love of cleanliness has reached its peak.

Liu Zhan just stood there, not even willing to lean against the wall.

He squinted at the blue sky and said, "It feels so good to feel refreshed all over!"

"Get out of the way, there are cavalry coming!"

Someone suddenly shouted in front of him. Liu Zhan looked up and saw a group of cavalry appearing at the cross bridge on the left.

This group of cavalry was dusty, but there was some excitement in their tired expressions.

When he saw the person in the head, Liu Zhan felt a sudden boiling in his chest, as if he was fried in oil.

"Shen An..."

Shen An is back.

He really wanted to go home and see his sister and wife, but this time he couldn't.

You can forgive yourself if you don't see the emperor once, but twice is too much.

He is not an excessive person. He considers himself a pure and good gentleman, so he will naturally not give others any excuses.

When he arrived outside the imperial city, the sergeant guarding the city solemnly said: "I have seen the imperial edict."

Shen An was a little tired, but still in good spirits. He smiled and said, "Why are you so polite?"

"Go and report it quickly, and say that Shen is waiting for an edict to see you."

Someone went in, Shen An moved his legs, and the sergeant quickly got a stool out.


After Shen An sat down, he grinned and said, "I've been driving for thousands of miles, hurrying and slowing, and finally I'm back when the wheat is drying."

The sergeant carried a cattail leaf fan to fan him. Shen An said in shock: "Is something wrong?"

If you show your courtesy for nothing, you are either committing adultery or stealing!

The sergeant said in surprise: "I heard that Taizhao defeated the Liao army with one against five in Xiongzhou. My brothers admired him very much, but they didn't have the chance to talk to Taizhao... They all wanted to know about that battle."

Shen An didn't expect that he would become the idol of many people, and he felt a little proud.

Later, he gave these people a rough description of the processed chase and siege, and did not mention the role of gunpowder in it at all.

"Ouch! Isn't this Shen An Shen waiting for an edict?"

Chen Zhongheng came full of enthusiasm and was in a great mood.

The two of them greeted each other and then went inside.

"Is this... ready?"

Seeing that he was walking steadily, Shen An said happily: "Did X's method work?"

Chen Zhongheng said tangledly: "The official family has been eating lightly recently..."

"You didn't turn on the stove?"

As a useful person around Zhao Zhen, Chen Zhongheng's salary is quite good, and it is not a problem to open a small stove or something.

"Hey! It's hard to explain in words."

Chen Zhongheng whispered: "The official family has recently..."

He didn't say anything, but Shen An knew it.

"One night, you have to wait until the official falls asleep before you can take a nap, and you have to keep an eye on those people, otherwise no one will answer the official's night call..."

Zhao Zhen started to fulfill his male instinct again?

Shen An felt that there was nothing wrong with him, but he felt sorry for Chen Zhongheng, who couldn't even keep his hobby of eating spicy food and drinking a little wine at night.

But his hemorrhoids seem to be getting better.

"That's a good thing."

This is a pun.

The official's body is in good shape, and so is yours.

Chen Zhongheng said: "This is a good thing."

His words were also pun-intended.

Zhao Zhen is in good health, and your contribution is also good.

There are gradually more people in front. The two stopped talking.

The sunshine in the morning was very good, and people in the sun were a little oily and sweaty.

Chen Zhongheng wiped his face and whispered as he led Shen An in: "The official family is in a good mood."

This is valuable news.

Shen An was startled and immediately felt unnatural.

Chen Zhongheng actually told him this kind of news...

This is taboo.

In terms of friendship, Shen An didn't think that his friendship with Chen Zhongheng was good enough for him to commit taboos.


That’s all.

Shen An went in to salute, and Zhao Zhen's voice came from above, feeling a little happy.

"It's been a long journey, thank you."

"It's not hard for me. I think of His Majesty spending the night in the palace, eating beef and mutton every day in Xiongzhou, and I feel that I can't even eat..."

Has this guy's flattery skills declined?

Not only did the prime ministers and ministers think so, but even Zhao Zhen was a little embarrassed by his flattery.

Can we stop bragging so embarrassingly!

"...Thinking of Your Majesty's hard work, I wished I could catch those thieves right away, so I went out at night. After encountering the enemy, the soldiers had Your Majesty in mind and fought bravely to kill the enemy..."

After some chattering, Shen An finally talked about the Qianqiang: "Your Majesty, the Qianqiang is in shambles all over the place, and the Liao people... are also in shambles."

Then Shen An heard relaxed breathing, the loudest of which was Han Qi's.

This man looked fatter and fatter, and he was getting richer and richer.

But with this body type comes three heights.

Wish you good luck.

Shen An used a blessing to settle the grudge he had given him the prescription.

"The Liao people are also terrible?"

Zhao Zhen was a little confused. In his mind, the Liao people were probably a powerful and irresistible opponent.

And a powerful opponent shouldn't be so corrupt!

"Yes, the market is terrible over there."

Han Qi said awkwardly: "The Song Dynasty has smuggled many war horses from there over the years..."

This is really embarrassing!

This is a trivial matter and naturally the emperor will not know about it.

So Zhao Zhen felt a little sad.

But he also felt a little relieved.

It turns out that the Liao people are not much better off either!

Bad thoughts are not only found in ordinary people, but also in the prime ministers and emperors.

The atmosphere gradually became lively, and Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "It's really hard for you, so go ahead, but... bring more people with you when you travel in the future."

This time Shen An gave the officials of Nanjing Road a slap in the face, and many people were going to suffer miserably from him.

Yelu Hongji would be furious, and then clean up the Nanjing Road officials from top to bottom.

Shen An, the officials of Nanjing Road will regard you as their number one enemy.

Shen An said calmly: "I'm not afraid of this."

Han Qi also disagreed with this: "Your Majesty, there is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days."

"Then be more careful."

Zhao Zhen sighed: "I'm afraid Yelu Hongji will be angry. Will he send a spy to come and cause trouble for you?"

Shen An didn't think so, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid Yelu Hongji will be unavailable."

"Why? He wanders around." Zhao Zhen said with obvious envy: "He can hunt everywhere and do whatever he wants. He is so carefree!"

There are many carefree people, and their leisurely lives make life look pale.

Shen An said: "Because he has something to do."


Zhao Zhen looked at Shen An, covered his forehead and said, "Did you do something else... scolded Yelu Hongji? Or said bad things about him."

Shen An innocently said: "It's nothing, I am an honest person."

If you are an honest person, the whole court will be full of fools.

Han Qi is sneering.

Zeng Gongliang turned his head, feeling that Shen An was a little shameless.

Ouyang Xiu said seriously: "You are very honest."

Shen An was praised and said proudly: "I stayed in Xiongzhou for two more days, and the Liao people really sent someone to assassinate me. Afterwards, Rao Chun said that he was the top spy of the Liao people..."

Zhao Zhen became anxious when he heard this and said, "Is it dangerous? I just said that I would bring more people with me, why didn't you listen?"

"I have already prepared."

Shen An felt that Zhao Zhen underestimated his IQ.

"I stayed for a few more days just to lure out some people. As a result, several secret spies came. In the end, only one escaped."

"One person actually escaped?"

Han Qi was a little disappointed, but Zhao Zhen didn't care. He just nodded and said, "It's okay."

Shen An said a little embarrassedly: "I did it on purpose."

Everyone couldn't help but be startled, Shen An said: "At that time, those assassins were buried under the ruins, and I was sure of victory. Just like Rao Chun, the previous killing of the Liao army was sent by the emperor's uncle. This time the assassins attacked, Fortunately, the emperor's people informed him in time..."

The monarch and his ministers looked at each other, feeling a chill rising up their spines.

This man actually dug a big hole for Yelu Zhongyuan...

Han Qi said hastily: "Last time rumors about Yelu Jun spread to the Liao Kingdom, Yelu Hongji and the emperor's uncle were wary of each other, but things are getting better this year. I don't know why. Yelu Hongji actually trusted that person again. Uncle Emperor..."

But Shen An actually came again...

Yelu Zhongyuan has been unlucky for eight lifetimes, but he met you, a cheater!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhao Zhen suddenly laughed. UU reading

Zeng Gongliang also laughed, and gradually everyone laughed.

"Well done! Well done!"

Zhao Zhen couldn't stop laughing and gasping, and then said: "I was thinking that Yelu Zhongyuan would definitely complain when he got the news, but Yeluhong basically didn't want to pass the throne to him. After getting the news, he would definitely think it was true..."

"Dog eat dog!"

Ouyang Xiu rubbed his painful stomach and gave a vivid metaphor.

"Yeah, dog eat dog!"

Zhao Zhen smiled and said: "If the two sides can fight among themselves, I will count it on you."

Shen An bowed to thank him, thinking that they would definitely fight, so don't default on your debt.

Thanks to book friend "Justin_yu" for rewarding two alliance leaders. Welcome, old leader of the warehouse.

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