A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 538 Yin Yin’s teachings

"Officials should be careful in the future. Great joy and great sorrow will lead to poor health."

The imperial physician gave the order, but he had no control over whether it was followed or not.

Zhao Zhen felt a little tight in his chest. He drank a bowl of medicine and asked, "How much is it?"

Chen Zhongheng glanced at him and said cautiously: "The official family, the one on the side is one stone per stone, and the three acres of land is one stone, three buckets and five liters... Don't..."

Stop getting excited!

If you are good or bad, the queen and the ministers will definitely take someone to bury you.

"so many?"

Zhao Zhen's breathing became rapid again, and Chen Zhongheng begged: "Guan family, don't...don't..."

"I can't die!"

Zhao Zhen took a few breaths and said, "If he died because of this matter, what would be written in the history books?"

Shame on you!

He stood up slowly and said: "It has been said in all dynasties that food is the most important thing for the people. If the people can eat enough, then the world will be peaceful. The Song Dynasty got good rice seeds and finally lived a peaceful life, but now the population is multiplying. It’s said to be difficult everywhere... It’s difficult for everyone, but what can the government do?”

He walked out slowly, and a gust of wind blew with hot air. He couldn't help but frown slightly, feeling very uncomfortable.

"There is only so much land, and all the high-quality seeds have been used. The annual output is fixed, so what can we do?"

He lamented: "There have been riots everywhere in the past few years. Those who rebelled and those who couldn't survive became refugees... The Xiangjun Xiangjun was set up for this, but that kid got in the way."

Recruiting disaster victims as soldiers is an ancestral method, but Shen An messed it up last time.

Chen Zhongheng felt that this was a bit biased, so he said boldly: "Officials, those disaster victims have to eat food even if they go to the army!"

"Yes! After they join the army, they don't have to produce, they still have to consume food and grass...it's right to settle in place. That young man is good."

Chen Zhongheng smiled and said: "He used to despise me, and he looked very proud of me."

Zhao Zhen smiled and said: "It is common for young people to be proud. If the city is so deep that joy and anger cannot be expressed, then it is wrong. Be happy when you should be happy, and be angry when you should be angry. These are young people."

Only then did Chen Zhongheng realize that Shen An's excessive behavior was normal in Zhao Zhen's eyes.

Are those who were brutally beaten by him unjust?

There is also Liu Zhan. It is said that he now likes to retching and vomits when he sees anything, which is worse than that of pregnant women.

"If the fields in the Song Dynasty can increase their income, it will only take five years for the world to become peaceful again."

The popularization of fertilizers takes time, but more importantly, this Song Dynasty has made people see the positive and bright side.

"Let Shen An come and leave the palace."

The weather is getting hot, and the work enthusiasm of the prime ministers has also been affected.

Han Qi was taking a nap. Because he was fat, his back looked very broad, and he had the feeling of a sturdy back.

Zeng Gongliang was in a state of wandering.

Ouyang Xiu put his feet on the table, and his snoring could be heard even outside.

An official came to look for the ministers to do something. Hearing the snoring inside, he sighed: "Who can I ask to handle this?"

"Very urgent?"

someone behind asked.

"Yeah! I need money, I'm in a hurry."

The official held the document and wanted to push the door open, but in the end he held back.

"show me."

There was a smile in the voice behind him.

"Who are you? You think..."

The official was unhappy and turned around to talk about the guy who was making fun of him.

But when he turned around, he saw Zhao Zhen in plain clothes and Shen An beside him.

Man, you are so lucky!

Shen An smiled and said: "Show it to the officials. If you can pass, the officials will approve it immediately."

The official subconsciously handed over the document, and Zhao Zhen actually took it.

"There are too many imperial troops and Xiang troops in Shaanxi, more than 200,000 people... We don't have enough money and food? How much? Thirteen thousand guan, this money must be given."

Zhao Zhen handed over the document. The official was very excited, but he didn't know how to express his feelings, so he shouted: "Thank you, official!"


There was the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, and then Ouyang Xiu was heard shouting in pain: "Who is outside? Someone, help me, oh, my butt hurts..."

Zhao Zhen opened the door. Inside, Han Qi and Zeng Gongliang had just gone to help Ouyang Xiu, and they couldn't help but be surprised when they saw him coming.

Dozing off during work hours is not a good idea.

Zhao Zhen said: "There are fields with a good harvest outside the city. Your lords, please come with me to have a look."

The group of people left the city and headed straight to Shenjiazhuang. When they entered, they saw a group of people gathered around the fields.

"Dismount and walk over."

Zhao Zhen led them there with great interest. When he got closer, he saw that it was Zhao Zhongzhen asking the old farmer in the field.

He held a piece of soil in his hand and asked, "I compared this soil with the soil on the side. They are all the same. How do you say this soil is fat?"

The old farmer also held soil in his hand. He smelled the soil, then squeezed it, and said with a smile: "As long as you smell the smell and squeeze it, you will know whether the soil is thin or fat. Look, the soil returned to moisture last night." It's wet, it's all wet down there. The return of moisture is good soil."

“Returning tide is good soil.”

Zhao Zhongzhen took note of it, and the old farmer continued: "The other one is to pinch. The loose soil is good soil, and the dark soil is good soil... That soil is not breathable, and you can't grow anything! As for smelling, that's People who have been farming for many years know the smell of the soil, and the more fragrant it smells, the better the soil is."

He said proudly: "This soil has a fragrance. The soil smells good."

Zhao Zhongzhen said thoughtfully: "In the past, there were people who looked at the earth's Qi. They would check the Qi everywhere in the fields and decide whether the land should be planted or left fallow. But when you put it this way, you will understand. The so-called Qi of the earth, In fact, it just depends on the soil..."

The old farmer said happily: "Yes, just look at the soil. As for the earth's atmosphere, if you come in the morning, the land that has returned to the tide will naturally have fog. What is this if it's not the earth's atmosphere? The soil with strong earth's atmosphere is good soil!"

Zhao Zhongzhen suddenly understood, bowed and said: "I now understand the principle of earth energy. Thank you for your advice."

The old man said with a smile: "The young man is dressed in rich clothes. He has followed him to the village several times, so it is obvious that he is a rich man. But this rich man is willing to follow us to the fields, and he does not shy away from joking. Only then do we dare to say what we have to say. Ah! Do you think so?"

The people on the side said: "Yes. Those officials are like wolves and tigers. We dare not say anything to them, and we are not willing to say it to them."

Zhao Zhen, who was not far away, looked at this scene and couldn't help but sigh: "The common people know who is good to them. Zhao Zhongzhen is young, but he knows the truth of sincerity for sincerity. This makes the old farmers tell the truth and teach the truth." Skill. How many of our officials can do this?"

Everyone was speechless, thinking that officials usually had no access to these common people.

Officials manage the people at a macro level, but in fact it is still the same old routine that has been going on for thousands of years, with local gentry maintaining local order.

Old Ouyang Xiu was too dim to see clearly, but he could hear the conversation just now clearly, "Guan family, that young man is easy-going, not reserved, and willing to deal with the people... This is rare."

"It's rare."

Zhao Zhen was obviously very satisfied: "I heard that he has been here all the time, and got sick during the harvest, and then he recovered and came back again. This is a beginning and an end!"

This is a compliment.

Zhao Yunbi and Zhao Yunliang would probably feel desperate after hearing what they said.

"It's Lang Jun, and Prime Minister Han and the others!"

At this time, someone noticed this place and actually recognized Han Qi and others.

Officials of the Song Dynasty had to ride horses or walk to and from get off work, so their appearance was naturally invisible.

After a few hundred years, sedan chairs, which are currently only used by the old, weak, sick and disabled, will begin to appear. Officials rely on it when traveling, and no one can see me sitting in it.

You can't see me, you can't see me!

While the people can't see them, they can't see the people either.

But Han Qi and others were guarding one person like stars holding the moon in their arms. Who is this person?

"It's an official family."

Someone shouted happily.

"I've met the officials."

Everyone was in a hurry. Some crossed their hands and saluted, some bowed and some raised their hands...

One of the children followed suit, but fell down in panic and began to cry.

"If you cry again, I'll sell you!"

His father was probably threatening him, and many children had experienced this, so no one took him seriously.

"What are you trying to scare him for?"

Zhao Zhen frowned, grabbed the little boy, and said with a smile: "But it hurts after falling? Look, my hand is black, but it's not broken. It's okay, okay."

Whose child has ever been treated so kindly by officials?

Everyone was a little dumbfounded. The child's father was trembling with excitement, and his legs gave out at the sight.

"Stand up straight."

Shen An grabbed him.

It was no accident that Zhao Zhen suddenly became close to this child today. He had a son before, but he was too weak to raise him. As a father, as an old man, when he sees a boy, he will naturally be envious and affectionate.

This is just human nature, and there is no point in over-interpreting it.

When Zhao Zhen saw that the child had stopped crying, he felt a sense of accomplishment.

But he didn't know that the child was too scared to cry.

Look, the emperor is touching the top of your head, and the ministers and ministers are surrounding you. Anyone else would tremble with this kind of treatment.

"how many?"

He was then taken to the drying yard.

"Zhong Zhen is here too."

Zhao Zhongzhen was dragged behind and did not go up. When Zhao Zhen turned around and waved, he was stunned for a moment and then reluctantly went over.

This is the rebellious psychology of teenagers, but the situation is wrong.

"In the official family, when people reach his age, they are stubborn and refuse to listen to what the adults say."

Shen An must explain, otherwise Zhao Zhongzhen might be talked about by Gao Taotao for half a year when he goes back.

Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "I know, back then..."

When Liu E listened to the government behind the curtain, he was pretending to be a quail on the side, not to mention the anger in his heart.

The awkward young man came over, and Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "It's a good thing to see more, but you can't give up studying."

Books must be read, and those who do not read are aliens.


Zhao Zhong responded, and Zhao Zhen said enthusiastically: "When I was studying, I always thought about what the sages were thinking. At that time, the situation was chaotic and wars were endless, but they were never afraid and led people to travel around the world. Writing books and talking about the glory of that time..."

The Warring States Period can be called a period of great ideological explosion, leaving countless treasures to future generations.

"You have to read more and learn more. You can't fully learn the knowledge of the sages in your lifetime, so you have to work hard..."

The earnest teaching in these words made people jealous, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net But Zhao Zhongzhen didn't take it seriously.

The so-called sages' knowledge is very good, but he feels that exploring the world is even better.

This is a rebellious boy.

"be honest."

Shen An warned him in a low voice, and then went to look at the food.

Several old farmers were cursing and swearing, swearing by their ancestors, children and grandchildren.

"...Guan Jia, this land is just filled with gold and fertilizer pills. The other side is the same as next door..."

"Are they all here?"

After opening the bag, Zhao Zhen grabbed a handful of wheat in his hands and even ate one.

Very chewy!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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