A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 583 The ancestors and clans are here

"The Xixia envoy is uneasy. He threatened Chen Ang yesterday, saying that if he didn't open up the matter, he would go to war with Xixia."

Han Qi's face was ashen, and his eyes were full of coldness.

This is the political hall, and Shen An was also called to consult for details.

"Shen An, tell me, is this a scare or something?"

"Not to scare."

Shen An analyzed: "Li Liangzuo is having a hard time, and he wants to establish his authority."

Han Qi nodded and said: "I understand!"

He stood up and asked: "If a war breaks out, what are the chances of the Song Dynasty winning?"

This guy actually became the main war faction?

Shen An felt that this attitude changed too quickly.

"How many divine crossbows are there?"

Shen An suddenly realized that it was the divine weapon, the Divine Power Crossbow, that greatly increased Han Qi's confidence!

After getting a satisfactory answer, Han Qi said: "Go and call the Xixia envoy."

Note that he did not say invite, but call.

Lao Han, what does this mean?

Shen An picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and said: "The envoy has no right to decide the war and peace, he is just testing."

Han Qi nodded and said, "I know."

Later, the Xixia envoy came. As soon as they met, he said: "So that you will know that Mr. and Mrs. are preparing to go back."

This is pressure!

In the past, Han Qi would have smoothed things over.

But today he was sitting there, his eyes cold as he said, "What does Li Liangzuo want to do?"

The Xixia envoy said angrily: "That is our Majesty, Prime Minister Han, please show some respect."

"Watch the monkey and wear the crown!"

Han Qi said disdainfully: "It's just a good relationship between the two parties. Now Li Liangzuo sends you here to blackmail him? I know what he is doing. He wants to blackmail the Song Dynasty to make those enemies afraid... Ridiculous boy!"

He changed his title and called Li Liangzuo boy.

The Xixia envoy said: "Today's humiliation, I will definitely report it back to Your Majesty."

He looked very excited, and Han Qi sneered: "You have been jumping up and down in Bianliang these days, making threats. Do you think I will give you face? Get out!"

I go!

Han Qi stood up suddenly and pointed his halberd at the door. His taut beard and hair reminded Shen An of Zhang Fei.

Of course, this Zhang Fei is very fat.

It's been a long time since I've seen Han Qi go berserk, but I didn't expect him to be so powerful.

The Xixia envoy was confused for a moment, then walked to the door and said: "In that case, let's meet in arms!"

Han Qi slammed the table and shouted: "Let Li Liangzuo come here soon. If I'm afraid, I'll crash to death here!"

Damn it!

Shen An was shocked.

Is this Han Qi?

How come he looks like Fan Zhongyan?

Even the Xixia envoy was shocked, apparently feeling that this was not Han Qi's temperament.


Han Qi was in high spirits, and later went to the Privy Council, and finally to the Front Office, urging everyone to get busy.

"Half a month!"

At the Xiaochao meeting, Han Qi said coldly: "Just give them half a month and then see."

Zhao Zhen nodded slightly, obviously having communicated with Han Qi in advance.

Han Qi said coldly: "The art of war often tells the unexpected and attacks the unprepared. This is my attempt to attack the unprepared. Let's see who is better at training the troops between the two families!"

Well, Han Qi and Zhao Zhen teamed up to create problems for Zhe Kexing and Zhong E.


Shen An knew that the Song Dynasty had a complicated attitude towards its generals. On the one hand, the generals could continue to help the Song Dynasty protect its borders; on the other hand, the Song Dynasty, which had emerged from the chaos, was afraid of the feudal towns.

Today's generals are actually half a feudal town, so they need to be contained.

Shen An had no objection, and Zhao Zhen said happily: "Shen An understands the general situation and takes the overall situation into consideration."

Han Qi frowned and said, "Yes."

Does he know the general outline?

Ouyang Xiu said: "Your Majesty, since the Xixia people have moved, the imperial army in the capital must be prepared. Once there is news, reinforcements should be sent immediately."

Zhao Zhen nodded and said: "That's why I asked them to train troops and go to Xinfu Prefecture by the way, so that Zhejizu's ancestors would be ready to help. Once the military order is given, they must immediately send reinforcements."

The Imperial City Secretary immediately became busy. Before the Xixia envoy left, there were many spies around him. As long as he went out, he could not even think of having any privacy.

Li Zhang felt that this situation of approaching mountain rain was very meaningless. When Zhang Sheng came to discuss matters with him, he said: "Even if the Xixia people come to attack, they can't shake Bianliang. Why bother with all the grass and trees."

Zhang Sheng glanced at him and said, "This is for the people of Liao."

"What's the meaning?"

"The Liao people were watching the joke and were about to bite the Song Dynasty, so the imperial guards in the capital moved into action, just to tell the Liao people not to open their mouths..."

This is politics.

"The military always serves politics. When the capital was moved this time, the people were a little panicked, but the Liao people were afraid."

Once the Song Dynasty went out in full force, the scale would probably frighten the Liao people.

"Hundreds of thousands of forbidden troops moved together. Unless the Liao people were prepared for a decisive battle with the Song Dynasty, they would not act rashly."

Shen An felt that Zhao Zhen's decision was good, and it bought the Song Dynasty time before the showdown with the Xixia people.

Zhe Kexing was looking at the map, "The Xixia people will not go to Fuzhou this time, but to Shaanxi Road."

Shaanxi Road is wider on the other side, and the Yellow River is on the back of Fuzhou, so there is little use in fighting it down.

Shen An's eyes moved along Linfu Road to Shaanxi Road and said, "Li Liangzuo should take action..."

The wind from the northwest is getting stronger and stronger. People with fair skin should wear a veil when traveling to avoid cracking on the face.

But men don’t need this.

The wind in the northwest is fierce, and the people in the northwest are equally tough.

A group of big birds flew together in the sky, and their chirping sounded particularly lonely against the cloudless background.

While Bianliang is still enjoying the coolness of autumn, the morning and evening in the northwest are already freezing to death.

The grass on the ground is still a little green, but before long, only withered yellow will remain on this grassland.

The horse's hooves stepped on the green grass, and very little grass juice splashed out.

"not found!"

This is a group of Song Dynasty scouts.

"Dismount and eat!"

The King of Ten Generals dismounted, sat down on the ground tiredly, opened his bag, took out a piece of dry biscuit and gnawed on it.

If you eat too much dry biscuits, it will be the same as eating dirt, dry and dry.

"Yesterday someone said they saw Xixia people, but I don't know if they were scouts."

"Probably not."

Wang Chong ate the dry biscuits and felt acid reflux in his stomach.

He took a sip of water, patted his belly, stood up and said, "Get ready..."

In an instant, his eyes widened, his pupils narrowed, and his mouth opened...


Dust was flying in the distance, and countless cavalry were looming in the dust.

Probably after discovering this group of Song Army scouts, a group of cavalry rushed out at an accelerated pace.

"Oh my god, there must be 20,000 cavalry here... mount your horse and run away!"

As soon as he and his men mounted their horses, someone shouted in despair: "The two sides are coming..."

Zhang Chong looked around and saw enemy cavalry quietly outflanking him from both sides.

This is a common method used by Xixia people.

When you find the enemy in the front, the enemies on both sides are not far away from you.

"Run, run separately!"

Zhang Chong screamed with all his strength, galloped left and right, and whipped his horses with a whip.

"Ten generals..."

Zhang Chong followed and fled, but the enemy cavalry on the left and right were very experienced and kept accelerating to outflank him.

This is to prepare to annihilate them all in one fell swoop.

"Run! Run quickly!"

Zhang Chong beat his horse and ran wildly, but the enemy cavalry began to close the net.

The enemy army was about to encircle them, and the Song army's scouts were beating their horses desperately. Just before the encirclement, five of their horses ran out.

Arrows were flying, three of the five knights fell, and the remaining two fled for their lives.

Zhang Chong shouted: "Run quickly and tell Zhizhou...the Xixia army is coming..."

The two riders ran away quickly, with a group of Xixia people chasing behind them. The two sides went one after the other and soon disappeared from sight.

Zhang Chong gathered together with the remaining scouts and drew their swords to warn them.

The Xixia people looked at them indifferently, and someone asked: "How many people are there in Qinzhou?"

Zhang Chong shook his head and whispered: "The Xixia people are cruel and are not allowed to surrender to the enemy..."

The scouts around him responded, and some were choking.

A large group of cavalry arrived with a bang, and a group of armored cavalry came over guarding a young man.

The circle parted a little, and the young men were herded in.

"Ask questions."

The young man just glanced at them, then took out the map and looked at it, talking to several generals around him from time to time.

"How many troops are there in Qinzhou? Are you on guard?"

This is the last question.

Zhang Chong's body was trembling, but his hand holding the knife was firm.

He raised his head and smiled, suddenly spat, and said contemptuously: "Li Liangzuo, how is your cousin-in-law?"

The interpreter followed the translation, and instantly Li Liangzuo's face turned green. He raised his head, frowned at the Song troops, and said, "If we can get to Qinzhou, our troops left in Weizhou can attack Fengxiang from a flank." Mansion…”

The generals beside him said a few words, and everyone nodded frequently. It was obvious that Li Liangzuo's plan was approved.

"in this way……"

Li Liangzuo looked ahead and said, "Let the warriors speed up and see if they can attack Qinzhou City by surprise."

The horn sounded and cheers came.

The large cavalry began to speed up.

Li Liangzuo glanced at Zhang Chong, his eyes indifferent, like a well-fed wolf looking at its dying prey.

"let's go!"

The cavalry escorted him away, and the encirclement disbanded, leaving Zhang Chong and others in shock.

"Are they going to let us go?"

A scout was surprised when the Xixia man in front suddenly drew his sword and accelerated.

Zhang Chong said desperately: "This is going to bring us to blood..."

More than a thousand enemy cavalry swarmed over...

Zhang Chong raised his knife, sniffed, and shouted with all his strength: "Forefathers on high, Zhang Chong has never knelt down to the barbarians..."

He looked back at his subordinates and said calmly: "Since you are going to die, let's die in a nice way and follow someone..."

Five Song soldiers formed a minimal front arrow array and rushed over.

"Kill the enemy..."

Zhang Chong slashed with all his strength. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

People often burst out of their potential after despair. At this moment, Zhang Chong was almost indomitable and unstoppable.

He raised the knife, his eyes full of bloodshot eyes, and shouted: "Thief, have you met Grandpa Zhang today?"

A general frowned at him and raised his hand.

"Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

Zhang Chong charged again, but the enemy in front suddenly got out of the way.

Several long bows were already pointed at him. The sharp archers looked indifferently and then let go...

The war horses came with a roar, and Zhang Chong, who fell to the ground, stared blankly at the sky.

He had an arrow in his throat, an arrow in his chest...

The first update is in the second half of the year. Dear book friends, if you have monthly tickets, please vote.

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